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You are taking this topic awefully personally evanson.

If you had bothered to read the whole thread you would have seen;

"We had no idea a Farang was involved untill we inspected the property and when I asked where he was she said she hadn't heard from him for 6 months.

She "claims" the chanote is in her name but we didn't see it.

If we do decide to go ahead I will get our lawyer to go over it with a fine tooth comb."


"My lawyer advised me today that any assets on the land automatically becomes the property of the land owner providing the property title is legitamate. The contract would stipulate "house&land". Any claims by someone with a bunch of receipts in his hands would need to be with the seller, NOT THE BUYER!

Only when the land is leased is the assets deemed as seperate.

This rubbish about the house is seperate to the land title is just that...rubbish. The seller signs a contract for "house&land"

Can you imagine if this was true?

Every land&house ownership transfer in Thailand would be subject to the previous owner making claims for the "house"!

We will go ahead with the purchase when my lawyer has concluded due diligence."

It so happens the seller produced the chanote today and my lawyer has confirmed that the house and land title is squeaky clean.

Even my lawyer said that if I did not buy it he certainly would!

We are meeting at the land office tomorrow morning to exchange contracts.

The housing market is no different than any other market be it stock, commodities or even fruit and veg. The dynamics are exactly the same.

You win some and you lose some. :D

It seems as though you didn't bother to read my post whereby a neighbour's house was issued fake documents drawn up by a bent lawyer and registered at the Land Registry. Were they 'squeaky clean'?

And what do you mean by your repetition of the phrase 'squeaky clean' anyway? Is it Chanote and in this woman's name? Yes, or no?

And I had to laugh about the line 'Even the lawyer said he would buy it ...' Of course he would, he's a fkcing lawyer LOL! A THAI lawyer at that! Double LOL! Bit disingenuous aren't you (that means thick).

Go ahead! Buy the bloody thing. Hope the sap who paid for it all is on steroids and built like a brick shit house:D

Now go away and stop boring us all with what is glaringly obvious. You're just a teensy bit twoubled by this. Aint'cha. Prat.

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Good news Livinginexile - Nice to hear someone getting a bargain.

I'm only surprised that the board find this so shocking - Almost any Farang Thai relationship which includes the Farang buying a house for the Thai winds up putting the Thai in posession of an asset way way beyond what they could afford for themselves.

With no welfare, often little education or employment prospects and the added burden of family to support no Thai person in their right mind would hang on to a property when the Farang who paid for it has flown the nest.

And while here on TV we frequently get to read the sorry tales of Farangs who have been ripped off, Thai language forums equally as often carry reports of the treatment Thai women receive at the hands of their Farang husbands, b/fs.

If a Thai woman wants to sell her property then she has the right to do so - She might very well have legitimate and very morally defendable reason for doing so, not least to release capital to take care of family responsibilities of the type most foreigners cannot imagine.

People here wringing their hands with ethical and moral angst, a thin veil for their realization that they could become the victim.

If you do not want someone else to sell your property - Don't give it to them. Period.

Thanks for your support Guesthouse, I appreciate it. ;)

I too am suprised at the amount of abuse I recieved in this thread.

The deal was done with the legal owner.

It's non of my business who funded it, I dealt with the legal owner and that's it!

Thanks again


You are taking this topic awefully personally evanson.

If you had bothered to read the whole thread you would have seen;

"We had no idea a Farang was involved untill we inspected the property and when I asked where he was she said she hadn't heard from him for 6 months.

She "claims" the chanote is in her name but we didn't see it.

If we do decide to go ahead I will get our lawyer to go over it with a fine tooth comb."


"My lawyer advised me today that any assets on the land automatically becomes the property of the land owner providing the property title is legitamate. The contract would stipulate "house&land". Any claims by someone with a bunch of receipts in his hands would need to be with the seller, NOT THE BUYER!

Only when the land is leased is the assets deemed as seperate.

This rubbish about the house is seperate to the land title is just that...rubbish. The seller signs a contract for "house&land"

Can you imagine if this was true?

Every land&house ownership transfer in Thailand would be subject to the previous owner making claims for the "house"!

We will go ahead with the purchase when my lawyer has concluded due diligence."

It so happens the seller produced the chanote today and my lawyer has confirmed that the house and land title is squeaky clean.

Even my lawyer said that if I did not buy it he certainly would!

We are meeting at the land office tomorrow morning to exchange contracts.

The housing market is no different than any other market be it stock, commodities or even fruit and veg. The dynamics are exactly the same.

You win some and you lose some. :D

It seems as though you didn't bother to read my post whereby a neighbour's house was issued fake documents drawn up by a bent lawyer and registered at the Land Registry. Were they 'squeaky clean'?

And what do you mean by your repetition of the phrase 'squeaky clean' anyway? Is it Chanote and in this woman's name? Yes, or no?

And I had to laugh about the line 'Even the lawyer said he would buy it ...' Of course he would, he's a fkcing lawyer LOL! A THAI lawyer at that! Double LOL! Bit disingenuous aren't you (that means thick).

Go ahead! Buy the bloody thing. Hope the sap who paid for it all is on steroids and built like a brick shit house:D

Now go away and stop boring us all with what is glaringly obvious. You're just a teensy bit twoubled by this. Aint'cha. Prat.

Ummm. yes and yes :)

I get the distinct feeling this is all about sour grapes :whistling:


You are taking this topic awefully personally evanson.

If you had bothered to read the whole thread you would have seen;

"We had no idea a Farang was involved untill we inspected the property and when I asked where he was she said she hadn't heard from him for 6 months.

She "claims" the chanote is in her name but we didn't see it.

If we do decide to go ahead I will get our lawyer to go over it with a fine tooth comb."


"My lawyer advised me today that any assets on the land automatically becomes the property of the land owner providing the property title is legitamate. The contract would stipulate "house&land". Any claims by someone with a bunch of receipts in his hands would need to be with the seller, NOT THE BUYER!

Only when the land is leased is the assets deemed as seperate.

This rubbish about the house is seperate to the land title is just that...rubbish. The seller signs a contract for "house&land"

Can you imagine if this was true?

Every land&house ownership transfer in Thailand would be subject to the previous owner making claims for the "house"!

We will go ahead with the purchase when my lawyer has concluded due diligence."

It so happens the seller produced the chanote today and my lawyer has confirmed that the house and land title is squeaky clean.

Even my lawyer said that if I did not buy it he certainly would!

We are meeting at the land office tomorrow morning to exchange contracts.

The housing market is no different than any other market be it stock, commodities or even fruit and veg. The dynamics are exactly the same.

You win some and you lose some. :D

It seems as though you didn't bother to read my post whereby a neighbour's house was issued fake documents drawn up by a bent lawyer and registered at the Land Registry. Were they 'squeaky clean'?

And what do you mean by your repetition of the phrase 'squeaky clean' anyway? Is it Chanote and in this woman's name? Yes, or no?

And I had to laugh about the line 'Even the lawyer said he would buy it ...' Of course he would, he's a fkcing lawyer LOL! A THAI lawyer at that! Double LOL! Bit disingenuous aren't you (that means thick).

Go ahead! Buy the bloody thing. Hope the sap who paid for it all is on steroids and built like a brick shit house:D

Now go away and stop boring us all with what is glaringly obvious. You're just a teensy bit twoubled by this. Aint'cha. Prat.

Ummm. yes and yes :)

I get the distinct feeling this is all about sour grapes :whistling:


Did the deal go though in the end?

If so, well done. Everyone needs a bit of luck sometimes.

So, now spill th beans,. how much did you pay? Where it is and how much do you think it could be worth???

Well done again.

I have purchased some land over the last 5 odd years in pattaya and I have also had deals. Also up in Isaarn where I have made a few quid quickly. Not millions of GBP but enough to put a smile omn my face!

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I have purchased some land over the last 5 odd years in pattaya and I have also had deals. Also up in Isaarn where I have made a few quid quickly. Not millions of GBP but enough to put a smile omn my face!

That's amazing, can you explain how you can buy and sell land in Thailand ? I'd like to do this myself.

I was under the impression that foreigners aren't allowed to buy land and the only way to do it would be to get a Thai who you trust to act on your behalf, therein lies the problem.


That's amazing, can you explain how you can buy and sell land in Thailand ? I'd like to do this myself.

I was under the impression that foreigners aren't allowed to buy land and the only way to do it would be to get a Thai who you trust to act on your behalf, therein lies the problem.

Could be that Egg is Thai.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"



But do take note.

Non of these 'I'd....'s have any impact on preventing that which you fear from occuring.

True, but you have to understand that some people are quite prone to violence when annoyed for whatever reason... whether it's justified or not. And, buying a property in Thailand where an absentee boyfriend thinks he has joint ownership is risky. it's like hanging around rough areas in any city in the world and then complaining when something bad happens.

Frankly, I couldn't care less what people choose to do with their own lives. I only look after myself. If I'm asked for advice I will give it. Whether someone follows my advice is up to them. I don't screw other men's wives or girl friends and I don't take advantage of people in a difficult situation. What others choose to do is up to them. In this situation it was the OP that brought up the topic because he obviously was giving a warning to gullible men who get taken in by a conniving woman.

I've said many times that I would never invest anything of any value in something I don't have total control over. it is the reason why I would never get married again. I don't want to buy a house for a woman who suddenly decides she doesn't like me.


To all foreign guy in Thailand please don’t think that you are the untouchable. Most of you do think with the brain between you leg rather the one the in your head. For the past two years I have heard many cry that could be prevented from happening. There are some good law firms that could give you good advice with small investment you could protect yourself from harms. It’s not just foreign men that fall to victim with Thai women. Some foreign cheating another foreign so I suppose it doesn’t really matter who is the predator or a victim. So if you don’t want be to class as a victim then you should seek advice before you do anything in Thailand. The lawyer and the law are there to help you so don’t do shortcut in the cheap or it could turn into very expensive experience indeed. If you are married to a Thai lady make sure you register your married at the right office. Some of you though you have married the women but end up finding out later that you weren’t married at all. So be careful who you put their name in your join account. You may find that she has long gone with all you’re saving. The last case I have was a guy from Manchester to another guy also from Manchester. The son of the Mr. X got married to a girl from Issan being a good father he wanted to buy a piece of land for his son as a wedding gift but as we all know that foreigner cannot own any piece of land in Thailand. The problem arises when we found out that this piece of land hasn’t got a proper title deed yet the price of this land was on sale at 6.5millionbaht. The land was value at 500,000baht in all even with a house on it, it still cost less than 2millionbaht in total. If he hasn’t sought our advice he could fall into a victim to a very friendly face from Manchester.


It's not the buying property in a local's name is the issue (the Indians and the Chinese did the same before they were citizens and their family lines took over the country), it's their choice in locals that is their downfall.



It's not the buying property in a local's name is the issue (the Indians and the Chinese did the same before they were citizens and their family lines took over the country), it's their choice in locals that is their downfall.


Absolutely right Heng ;)


Isn't this supposed to all be a part of the adventure of marrying a younger woman in a developing country? That is how the movie would go right? Certainly nobody is expecting breakfast in bed (unless ricin is sprinkled on the waffles).


Ummm. yes and yes :)

I get the distinct feeling this is all about sour grapes :whistling:


Did the deal go though in the end?

If so, well done. Everyone needs a bit of luck sometimes.

So, now spill th beans,. how much did you pay? Where it is and how much do you think it could be worth???

Well done again.

I have purchased some land over the last 5 odd years in pattaya and I have also had deals. Also up in Isaarn where I have made a few quid quickly. Not millions of GBP but enough to put a smile omn my face!

Now go on, go and give your new friend (only?) a nice big kiss.:wub:

As to the OP 'sour grapes'? I have enough property bought and paid for by myself thanks. Not snatched from under the nose of some poor sap who actually, albeit misguidedly, paid for it all. My conscience is 'squeaky clean'. You haven't one, so you're alright then. Aren't you. Wait, only been gone 'six months'?! Whose thundering footsteps are those coming up your soi anytime soon?:lol:


That's amazing, can you explain how you can buy and sell land in Thailand ? I'd like to do this myself.

I was under the impression that foreigners aren't allowed to buy land and the only way to do it would be to get a Thai who you trust to act on your behalf, therein lies the problem.

Could be that Egg is Thai.

Good point. The OP who's nik suggests he has been living in exile for some equally morally dubious dealing is either having to buy this through a nominee company OR his Thai wife (assuming OP not Thai of course). Words 'Arse' 'come back' and 'to bite you' spring to mind.:)



Did the deal go though in the end?

If so, well done. Everyone needs a bit of luck sometimes.

So, now spill th beans,. how much did you pay? Where it is and how much do you think it could be worth???

Well done again.

I have purchased some land over the last 5 odd years in pattaya and I have also had deals. Also up in Isaarn where I have made a few quid quickly. Not millions of GBP but enough to put a smile omn my face!

He's not telling GH:, so there. P'raps he's not your new fwend after all. dktet.



Did the deal go though in the end?

If so, well done. Everyone needs a bit of luck sometimes.

So, now spill th beans,. how much did you pay? Where it is and how much do you think it could be worth???

Well done again.

I have purchased some land over the last 5 odd years in pattaya and I have also had deals. Also up in Isaarn where I have made a few quid quickly. Not millions of GBP but enough to put a smile omn my face!

He's not telling GH:, so there. P'raps he's not your new fwend after all. dktet.

Go back and check who's post you've quoted - It isn't mine.

Perhaps you could try and pay more attention next time.


Its always heart-warming to hear stories about how somebody has made money out of some deluded farang.

As others have said, somebody was always going to be morally deficient enough to do so - so why not you?


Hard to believe that some people are still bringing morality and ethics into this.

As far as violence, I'd be more concerned with the lady who's selling the property than the buyer. I wouldn't hold a grudge against the buyer.


No different (apart from the sight of someone sobbing uncontrollably sitting in front of their former asset) than buying stock that some random person is taking a loss on. It's the nature of the market, happens every single day.



Hard to believe that some people are still bringing morality and ethics into this.

As far as violence, I'd be more concerned with the lady who's selling the property than the buyer. I wouldn't hold a grudge against the buyer.

Quite right. Who would consider that morality and ethics are desirable traits?


Seems that morality and ethics are lost on Thai's and most farangs that are here.

Might make you a quick buck but it lessens you as a person and the ethics you embrace will bite you on the ass one day. Sooner rather than later I hope.


Well we are in our new house tonight.

What a wonderfull feeling!

The guy next door just told my wife that the wood flooring was bought from Homepro for 3,800 bht sq/m, there is over 95 sq/m installed!

My plans are to park my wife's Dad and brothers here for a few months, just in case some besotted Englishman darkens our doorstep with suitcase in hand. They will take care of any "potential problem" :lol:

I post this thread as a warning to all you guys!

My wife was even approched by another "potential seller" this afternoon.


Well we are in our new house tonight.

What a wonderfull feeling!

The guy next door just told my wife that the wood flooring was bought from Homepro for 3,800 bht sq/m, there is over 95 sq/m installed!

My plans are to park my wife's Dad and brothers here for a few months, just in case some besotted Englishman darkens our doorstep with suitcase in hand. They will take care of any "potential problem" :lol:

I post this thread as a warning to all you guys!

My wife was even approched by another "potential seller" this afternoon.

Gloating over the likely misery of another. Appalling attitude and behavior. Have fun counting your money.

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They will take care of any "potential problem" :lol:

It's not the suitcase you need to worry about. Play with fire and one day you will get burned, especially with all that wood around.


Gloating over the likely misery of another. Appalling attitude and behavior. Have fun counting your money.

Agreed. What goes around comes around... either in this life or the next.

Did I tell you about the blind guy who I stole his money pot from? I netted a windfall of 300 baht. ;):whistling:


You go on with your bad self L-I-E. I didn't realize what that spells till now. Don't worry about your morality or ethics. They're just jealous.

Look at the British Government. What a conglomeration of <deleted>.


Well we are in our new house tonight.

What a wonderfull feeling!

The guy next door just told my wife that the wood flooring was bought from Homepro for 3,800 bht sq/m, there is over 95 sq/m installed!

My plans are to park my wife's Dad and brothers here for a few months, just in case some besotted Englishman darkens our doorstep with suitcase in hand. They will take care of any "potential problem" :lol:

I post this thread as a warning to all you guys!

My wife was even approched by another "potential seller" this afternoon.

Congratulations on the new adobe. Must be some wooden floor tile. With another potential seller already approaching your wife, you may have found a unique business to pursue. In fact once word gets around the ex gf/wives, of a host of people may beat a path to your door. Dad and brothers are encamped to take care of "potential problem", are their families moving in also?, How long will they stay? Sounds like you already have a "potential problem" without any Englishman's contribution. Do keep us abreast of your present venture and any future similar deals, you find/finance.


Well we are in our new house tonight.

What a wonderfull feeling!

The guy next door just told my wife that the wood flooring was bought from Homepro for 3,800 bht sq/m, there is over 95 sq/m installed!

My plans are to park my wife's Dad and brothers here for a few months, just in case some besotted Englishman darkens our doorstep with suitcase in hand. They will take care of any "potential problem" :lol:

I post this thread as a warning to all you guys!

My wife was even approched by another "potential seller" this afternoon.

Congratulations on the new adobe. Must be some wooden floor tile. With another potential seller already approaching your wife, you may have found a unique business to pursue. In fact once word gets around the ex gf/wives, of a host of people may beat a path to your door. Dad and brothers are encamped to take care of "potential problem", are their families moving in also?, How long will they stay? Sounds like you already have a "potential problem" without any Englishman's contribution. Do keep us abreast of your present venture and any future similar deals, you find/finance.

They probably have the hamocks strung up now


I live in thailand for years. Do not spend anymore than you can loose.

You loose everything in thailand anyway. If you are stupid or fortunate enough to have the funds to loose without any problem.

Then so be it. You loose a house.

If you are stupid and invest in thailand and do not have the funds to loose. Then you are just asking for it.

I never invest in someone eles. It is bad business. Leave your investments in a place where you have control.

I live here happily. When my gf gets on a kick about a house and other things i cannot legally have here i tell her to hit the door.

That stoppes her pretty quick. And i am serious about hitting the door. If you the funds here. Women are a dime a dozen. And i don't mean prostitutes either.

I have never been to Pattaya for sex and never paid for it either. Women here are too easy.

Personally I think all farang that loose houses and cry about it are just rediculious. This is a playground for scams on farangs.

If you play the same games they play you win. If you play the game to there rules you loose. The thai government knows this and

know if you come here the majority will invest heavely and in the end you die or loose everything to the thais.

Really simple.


I live in thailand for years. Do not spend anymore than you can loose.

You loose everything in thailand anyway. If you are stupid or fortunate enough to have the funds to loose without any problem.

Then so be it. You loose a house.

If you are stupid and invest in thailand and do not have the funds to loose. Then you are just asking for it.

I never invest in someone eles. It is bad business. Leave your investments in a place where you have control.

I live here happily. When my gf gets on a kick about a house and other things i cannot legally have here i tell her to hit the door.

That stoppes her pretty quick. And i am serious about hitting the door. If you the funds here. Women are a dime a dozen. And i don't mean prostitutes either.

I have never been to Pattaya for sex and never paid for it either. Women here are too easy.

Personally I think all farang that loose houses and cry about it are just rediculious. This is a playground for scams on farangs.

If you play the same games they play you win. If you play the game to there rules you loose. The thai government knows this and

know if you come here the majority will invest heavely and in the end you die or loose everything to the thais.

Really simple.

Hang loose dude.


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