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This is taken from a TNA press release today refering to the shrimp quota impossed by the EU.

"Thailand had hoped that the EU would grant Thai shrimp exporters the GSP in July 2005 as part of its assistance to countries hit by the last December tsunami."

Now forgive me if i'm wrong, but didn't the PM bodly announce he didn't require any outside assistance. Suddenly now with the great need for increased exports due to the miss management of the economy and unexpected negative factors such as the rise in oil price, they're using the Tsunami as an excuse.

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I think the PM was referring to direct financial aid $$$ which he didn't want foreign politics to have so much imput and justification in interfering with local politics on a whole. Trying to avoid the mistakes of 1997, letting IMF capital come in with their 'terms'. Certainly money given for the Tsunami would be charitable, not but there is always hidden strings/intents attached when someone is willing 'assist' with so much money in the name of a government. So I can see the PM's logic in such a statement.

As far as the current situation with shrimp exports, I don't know enough about the politics in whole. It sounds like an indirect way to boost local exports/economy. However, it's more justified in that is specific...not simply these countries giving so much money directly (with possible hidden agendas/strings/intents). It sounds like a fair solution.

As I said, I'm not sure the details of this EURO GPS/ press release deal and it's implications with Thai exports. Can you summarize it for me in blatent terms?


Edited by greenwanderer108
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According to my sources, there is a growing unease in the EU Council with Thailand. A first attempt was made to take Thailand of the the preferential list in favour of more needy African countries. That was last year.

The position of Thailand-EU relationship is under constant review in the Council.

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This government has a poor record with relations to outside countries and organisations. Remember "The UN is not my Father", not the best thing to say when one of your party members is in the running for the Secretary General job.

Also relations with Malaysia have worsened as the government has blamed KL partically for the violence in the south, the problems in the south have little to do with religion as in other problem areas of the muslim world, it has more to do with this governments policy's towards the treatment of Thai muslims, which is very poor, they are treated like second class citizens, much like ourselves.

Regional Autonomy is a possible avenue to explore, maybe a similar route as to which the UK took with Scotland. I'm not saying this is the answer, it may well not be, but it should at least be discussed. Anything that may stop this violence spiraling out of control has to be at least worthy of consideration.

I'm just remembering when Thaksin compared himself to Bush, looking at Bush's approaval ratings now, I wonder if thats something he would like to forget, his approaval rating could easily fall to that level very soon if he isn't careful. :o

Edited by womble
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I'm just remembering when Thaksin compared himself to Bush, looking at Bush's approaval ratings now, I wonder if thats something he would like to forget, his approaval rating could easily fall to that level very soon if he isn't careful. :o

"We're both Texas cowboys" he said. :D

About the shrimp, wasn't there some article a while ago about Thai shrimp containing non-acceptable traces of chemicals?

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Remember when he promised to solve all BKK trafic problems in 6 months

If you listed all the promises he had failed to fulfil, the length on the list would be truly mind boggling, it's true politicians regualary break promises, but in my whole life i've never witnessed so many broken as by Thaksin. Simple reason for this, most politicicans only promise thinghs they think they can achieve, they think before speaking, unfortunatley for them sometimes circumstances change which leads to unfulfiled promises.

Thaksins case is quite different, he makes outrageous promises that are impossible to keep. "Drug Free in 30 Days". Actually drungs is one area he has been quite successful in, steet prices have risen which shows this, but how many people had to die? :o

Also how foolish to think you can eradicate drugs when a country such as the US with huge resorces can't control the spread. Thailand has a porous border, and surounds manufacturing and cultivation countries. No country will ever be totally free of drugs.

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I think the PM was referring to direct financial aid $$$ which he didn't want foreign politics to have so much imput and justification in interfering with local politics on a whole. Trying to avoid the mistakes of 1997, letting IMF capital come in with their 'terms'. Certainly money given for the Tsunami would be charitable, not but there is always hidden strings/intents attached when someone is willing 'assist' with so much money in the name of a government. So I can see the PM's logic in such a statement.

As far as the current situation with shrimp exports, I don't know enough about the politics in whole. It sounds like an indirect way to boost local exports/economy. However, it's more justified in that is specific...not simply these countries giving so much money directly (with possible hidden agendas/strings/intents). It sounds like a fair solution.

As I said, I'm not sure the details of this EURO GPS/ press release deal and it's implications with Thai exports. Can you summarize it for me in blatent terms?


You have it right. :o

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I'm just remembering when Thaksin compared himself to Bush, looking at Bush's approaval ratings now, I wonder if thats something he would like to forget, his approaval rating could easily fall to that level very soon if he isn't careful. :o

"We're both Texas cowboys" he said. :D

About the shrimp, wasn't there some article a while ago about Thai shrimp containing non-acceptable traces of chemicals?

Yes there was PenzMUN, I also stopped my very small prawn farm as the chemicals used were not "life giving' in my book.

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If I remember correclty, from the very beginning Taksin asked for reduced shrimp tariffs instead of direct financial assistance (that and technical help, too).

Shrewd move, except I don't see how it helps tsunami victims, and why people wishing to help them would instead give their money to shrimp producers.

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If I remember correclty, from the very beginning Taksin asked for reduced shrimp tariffs instead of direct financial assistance (that and technical help, too).

Shrewd move, except I don't see how it helps tsunami victims, and why people wishing to help them would instead give their money to shrimp producers.

It has nothing to do with helping Tsunami victims, but more of an indirect way to boost exports---thus economy, which I'm sure a large bulk of these shrimps comes (or atleast came) from the Andaman sea along the affected provinces coast. Lower tarriffs on Thai shrimp is more of an incentive for the local economy...indirectly supporting the product/economy. I think it sounds logical, you either can help fill the vacancy of the suffering hotel/tourism, or support products from this region with your capital.

Taksin has a PHD in business (related) for a reason, and I don't necesarrily agree with everything he does in every issue, however, I'm with him on the stance of not accepting direct capital and the strings attached.

Let's say Thai accepted all this 'free' foreign money to rebuild the infrastructure of the southern economy...Would it be earned and ultimately beneficial? Not necesarily, but indirect ways such as promoting/increasing exports is brilliant and on the right path in my oppinion.

As far as these retaliation measures Thailand is threatening with, I'm not sure. Frankly, I don't understand why Thailand would need to import so much jewlery from EU in the first place. There is plenty of gems, gold, and silver in this region as it is. European cars are only driven by the rich and aren't as logical/economical as Japanese imports...though in my personal oppinions, Tarriffs as high as 500 percent atleast should be imposed on all automobiles with no discrimination of where from...down with the highways, up with the mass transit!!!

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Thaksin has a PHD in Criminal Psycology (spelling?), but is an experienced business man. I believe he refused Tsunami aid because of the check and balances that would come with it, many Tsumani victims are still waiting for compensation, and money has gone missing as well

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