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Red shirts' rights ignored: NHRC

By The Nation


Niran says two thirds of detainees at Remand jail not treated properly

BANGKOK: -- About two-thirds of red-shirt protesters detained under the State of Emergency decree at Bangkok Remand Prison had endured human rights violations, a panel from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has said.

The subcommittee's chairman Dr Niran Pitakwatchara, who is an NHRC commissioner, said yesterday many red shirts had no access to legal help or counselling.

"These people have in fact not yet been charged," he said, "They are just suspects."

There were 60 red shirts detained at Bangkok Remand Prison for allegedly violating the State of Emergency decree. Some 40 of them had suffered human rights violations during detention, according to the Niran panel.

"I talked to a man there and he complained that he had a family to take care of. While in detention, none of his family members knew about his fate until I met him," he said.

Niran said enforcement of the State of Emergency had hurt people's rights. He planned to ask the government to consider lifting the decree because it had other tools and laws to maintain peace.

"If there really are ongoing efforts to create turmoil, the government should provide evidence and arrest wrongdoers. Failure to do so will only make people lose trust in the government."

Niran said the committee planned to inspect prisons in Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, Ubon Ratchathani, Amnat Charoen, Mukdahan, Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai and Kanchan-aburi to see how red shirts held in those towns were.

"We will gather information for the NHRC to consider and take action."

Asked about the alleged rights violations, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said the State of Emergency did not allow officials to do anything they wanted.

"There are limits. For example, officials have to ask the court to approve arrest warrants," he explained.

Abhisit said he also ordered probes into all alleged rights abuses or irregularities relating to the emergency decree.

The Pheu Thai Party held a press conference on Monday during which some red shirts showed up to complain that they were sent to a military camp in Kanchanaburi for detention instead of to home provinces, as promised by the Centre for Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES).

The 9th Infantry Regiment chief Major General Utis Sunthorn yesterday denied reports red shirts had been detained at a military camp in Kanchanaburi.

"We are not a designated facility for the detention of the red shirts," he insisted. His regiment, widely known as Surasee Camp, is located in Kanchanaburi.

Army chief General Anupong Paochinda also confirmed that no red shirts were being detained in Kanchanaburi.


-- The Nation 2010-07-07

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Wonder if hhey are going to ask about the human rights of those who lost their bussiness, jobs and livlihoods because of the red shirts "peaceful" rally or the human rights of those who were injured by grenades or those who were in the TV3 building when it was set on fire, etc etc


to the winner, the spoils

if you can't do the time don't do the crime

there are loads of cliches to cover this topic but really, who gives a shit about their rights?

the reds are anarchists working for a meglomaniac dictator in the making, who tried to bring this country to its knees

som nom na


to the winner, the spoils

if you can't do the time don't do the crime

there are loads of cliches to cover this topic but really, who gives a shit about their rights?

the reds are anarchists working for a meglomaniac dictator in the making, who tried to bring this country to its knees

som nom na

Isn't the point that they are doing the time without having been tried and found guilty of a crime?


This is just a stir up of bull crap. All their trying to do is look for sympathy from the public so they won't look like terrorists even though they know in their heart they caused all the trouble burning businesses, killilng young soldiers for democracy that will never be seen in this nation. Where are the facts and evidence?


They should also look at the human rights of people who were stopped at roads by army and red shirts, the rights to hold a peaceful protest without an ISA and emergency decree initiated before the protest had started. The human rights of people who were attacked by Army bearing weapons of war. And people attacked by snipers and grenades by army, police, red shirts, yellow shirts, Ronin. People who lost their business, jobs, livelihood and who were incovienced by the riots, riots instigated by a puppet govt with double standards. The innocent people killed during the "Thaksin" drug war. The innocent Rohingya people that were killed and suffered, and the innocent Hmong who were killed and still suffer atrocities because of govt decisions.


No doubt soon on the forum we will have people baying for the fast execution of red shirt leaders........

For the sake of the country it's to be hoped that they will not get their way.



From somewhere unknown a quote comes to mind: "All human rights will be restored as soon as we finish killing those who don't deserve them."

Not applicable here of course. But it is a bit rich to moan about lack of respect for your own rights when you obviously have shown little respect for those of others during a failed attempt to restore a regime with a history of abuse of those same rights.

As for the death penalty; why create martyrs when you can let them rot away in oblivion?


to the winner, the spoils

if you can't do the time don't do the crime

there are loads of cliches to cover this topic but really, who gives a shit about their rights?

the reds are anarchists working for a meglomaniac dictator in the making, who tried to bring this country to its knees

som nom na

Isn't the point that they are doing the time without having been tried and found guilty of a crime?

Welcome to Abhisit's Thailand where corruption, media censorship and human rights abuses are the order of the day.


to the winner, the spoils

if you can't do the time don't do the crime

there are loads of cliches to cover this topic but really, who gives a shit about their rights?

the reds are anarchists working for a meglomaniac dictator in the making, who tried to bring this country to its knees

som nom na

Isn't the point that they are doing the time without having been tried and found guilty of a crime?

Welcome to Abhisit's Thailand where corruption, media censorship and human rights abuses are the order of the day.

Welcome to Thailand where corruption, media censorship and human rights abuses are the order of the day.


to the winner, the spoils

if you can't do the time don't do the crime

there are loads of cliches to cover this topic but really, who gives a shit about their rights?

the reds are anarchists working for a meglomaniac dictator in the making, who tried to bring this country to its knees

som nom na

Isn't the point that they are doing the time without having been tried and found guilty of a crime?

Welcome to Abhisit's Thailand where corruption, media censorship and human rights abuses are the order of the day.

Apparently you have never been in Thailand prior to Abhisit being elected PM by the members of parliament.


to the winner, the spoils

if you can't do the time don't do the crime

there are loads of cliches to cover this topic but really, who gives a shit about their rights?

the reds are anarchists working for a meglomaniac dictator in the making, who tried to bring this country to its knees

som nom na

Isn't the point that they are doing the time without having been tried and found guilty of a crime?

Welcome to Abhisit's Thailand where corruption, media censorship and human rights abuses are the order of the day.

Apparently you have never been in Thailand prior to Abhisit being elected PM by the members of parliament.

So if it happened back then, Then let them do it now? Always trying to put the point accross that it is ok because it has been done by a government before them. Its the same when somebody mentiones that the yellows should be locked up for their terrorist occupation of the airport the some fool comes along and says well they should also arrest Thaksins missus first for the land scandal deal, lets try to stick to the point here and not in the past. Its obvious that the current goverment in Thailand is full of corruption, terrible media censorship and disgusting human rights abuses. Lets not reply to this with what previous governments did but try to look at the trouble with todays government.



Red shirts' rights ignored: NHRC

By The Nation


Niran says two thirds of detainees at Remand jail not treated properly

BANGKOK: -- About two-thirds of red-shirt protesters detained under the State of Emergency decree at Bangkok Remand Prison had endured human rights violations, a panel from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has said.

The subcommittee's chairman Dr Niran Pitakwatchara, who is an NHRC commissioner, said yesterday many red shirts had no access to legal help or counselling.

"These people have in fact not yet been charged," he said, "They are just suspects."

There were 60 red shirts detained at Bangkok Remand Prison for allegedly violating the State of Emergency decree. Some 40 of them had suffered human rights violations during detention, according to the Niran panel.

"I talked to a man there and he complained that he had a family to take care of. While in detention, none of his family members knew about his fate until I met him," he said.

Niran said enforcement of the State of Emergency had hurt people's rights. He planned to ask the government to consider lifting the decree because it had other tools and laws to maintain peace.

"If there really are ongoing efforts to create turmoil, the government should provide evidence and arrest wrongdoers. Failure to do so will only make people lose trust in the government."

Niran said the committee planned to inspect prisons in Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, Ubon Ratchathani, Amnat Charoen, Mukdahan, Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai and Kanchan-aburi to see how red shirts held in those towns were.

"We will gather information for the NHRC to consider and take action."

Asked about the alleged rights violations, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said the State of Emergency did not allow officials to do anything they wanted.

"There are limits. For example, officials have to ask the court to approve arrest warrants," he explained.

Abhisit said he also ordered probes into all alleged rights abuses or irregularities relating to the emergency decree.

The Pheu Thai Party held a press conference on Monday during which some red shirts showed up to complain that they were sent to a military camp in Kanchanaburi for detention instead of to home provinces, as promised by the Centre for Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES).

The 9th Infantry Regiment chief Major General Utis Sunthorn yesterday denied reports red shirts had been detained at a military camp in Kanchanaburi.

"We are not a designated facility for the detention of the red shirts," he insisted. His regiment, widely known as Surasee Camp, is located in Kanchanaburi.

Army chief General Anupong Paochinda also confirmed that no red shirts were being detained in Kanchanaburi.


-- The Nation 2010-07-07

Whats the hold up with actually charging these people you would have thought The authorities would have some evidence to charge them by now, and why would they be denied the right to legal council, (Bearing in mind these are only suspects at the moment and have not been charged), can some one please explain?.

Why were not any factual evidence published to justify the on going SOE, all i have read is that unabated violent incidents and dissent as reasoning for the continuing SOE. May be their was some factual evidence for the continuing SOE and may be im missing it, if any one has a link please share.


they should also arrest Thaksins missus first for the land scandal deal, lets try to stick to the point here and not in the past.

They already arrested her for the land scandal case and at trial, she was found not guilty.

She was, however, found guilty of tax evasion in another case involving hundreds of millions of baht that she deprived the people of Thailand of enjoying its benefits had it been paid into the National Treasury.

This conviction and a subsequent 3 year prison term was handed down on July 21, 2008. She was released on bail after her conviction and remains free to this day (along with her brother on the left and her secretary on the right who were also found guilty and given prison sentences). Until such time that she enters prison, this "past" event is very much "current".

btw, the title of the video derives from Thaksin's daughter, Paethongtan, reaction to the verdict being read out for her mother and uncle and occurs at 00:40 of the video.


I wonder if the H.R.C. looked at the murder of an elderly man in Chang Mai due to the fact he was broadcasting anti Red Shirt rhetoric, one of his murderers was prominent figure on the stage during the Red Shirt demonstrations having jumped bail and even now is on the run ?.

Rather like the Sino Thai Kleptomaniac financier of the Red Shirts.

Would Thaksin have even allowed the H.R.C. to even exist let alone comment had he and his band of thugs grabbed power ?

Does anyone really think the last Red Shirt demonstration was all about democracy ?

No it was a concerted effort to return the ultimate fraudster along with his kith and kin and their toadying acolytes to power so as they could continue looting activities and resume their bleeding of Thailand and its people dry.

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I happen to agree with Tigerbalm's earlier post, there is much to be said for showing proof that these people are terrorists and that they have actually been caught doing something illegal. The government and the police do not hesitate to show pictures of drug dealers caught with large amounts of yabba or some other drug and these dealers always have confessed and they always don't show their face, all of us who have been here a while have read in the paper such incidents. They get the murder suspect arrested and show is picture or someone suspected of a crime, that even makes the news paper, but these people in prison are not made known and their crime is not yet filed against them.

Makes one wonder if there is the level of transparency that we come to expect in most democratic countries. Now I know that there are many of you out there will say, the US and Russia and UK do similar acts and I would agree with you. But I'm not addressing those concerns here, just simply put, if these people are true criminals or terrorists, put them on trial, show the evidence, convict, them and make them do the time. If they are not or you cannot prove it them maybe they should be let go.......

Just a crazy thought :)



And to think that most of you came from so-called "civilised" countries.

Amazing Thailand? Amazing farangs.

What's really funny is that any one of those sneering at the very concept of due process and human rights could be picked off the street- tossed in a cell without charges- merely in a case of mistaken identity- then watch them cry for THEIR rights.


They have the right to remain silent...

Always interesting to hear the libertarian perspective on the coercive powers of the state.


to the winner, the spoils

if you can't do the time don't do the crime

there are loads of cliches to cover this topic but really, who gives a shit about their rights?

the reds are anarchists working for a meglomaniac dictator in the making, who tried to bring this country to its knees

som nom na

Isn't the point that they are doing the time without having been tried and found guilty of a crime?

That is exactly the point! They are being detained without trial. It is called internment. This yet another example of Thailand (not just the present Government)abusing human rights, this time it is those of their own citizens. These things do nt go un-noticed, either domestically or internationally. I wonder what the Thai representative on the UN Human Rights Commission has to say about it?

Furthermore, this undermines the already flawed reconcilliation process. Has the Government learned nothing from the history of the troubles in Northern Ireland? Interning suspected members of the IRA and UDF did nothing to resolve that conflict, on the contrary, it prolonged it by breeding resentment. The same will happen here especially as there is a perceived difference in treatment between PAD and UDD.


They have been arrested on terrorist charges and remanded in custody untill such time as they can be brought to court.

Whats so difficult to understand about that?

No different from any other crim.

But there is a difference here as they have been arrested under a S O E which appears to give them more rights than the ordinary crim as they can only be held for a certain time without a court application to extend that time etc.

Wonder which ones havent been allowed to see a lawyer (if thats true) not our aspiring MP he has had all sorts of privilages including being let out to registar as a candidate.

Me I think they are doing very well considering what their "peaceful" demo did to so many of the poor people they claim to represent.

As I said before " where are the rights of all their victims?"


to the winner, the spoils

if you can't do the time don't do the crime

there are loads of cliches to cover this topic but really, who gives a shit about their rights?

the reds are anarchists working for a meglomaniac dictator in the making, who tried to bring this country to its knees

som nom na

Isn't the point that they are doing the time without having been tried and found guilty of a crime?

Welcome to Abhisit's Thailand where corruption, media censorship and human rights abuses are the order of the day.

Welcome to Thailand where corruption, media censorship and human rights abuses are the order of the day.

Same, same Thaksin


Under the laws of the moment of their crimes,

and since they DID and DO understand what the SoE meant, clearly,

they have no one to blame but themselves for their incarceration.

That they are being held out of their home districts is prudent.

The actions were done on Bangkok, not their home districts.

Since all over the web is evidence of their instigation of violent acts against the country,

it is absurd to say 'where is the evidence'. It just hasn't gotten to court yet,

because no doubt the prosecutors want as air tight a case as possible.

Considering their actions that were FULL PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE on a daily basis.

there is 'reasonable reason' to believe they are a continuing threat to public order,

and any court would find that sufficient reason to continue incarceration.

Not to mention that letting them loose allows them to actively plot more insurection.

They have repeatedly proved that they are a clear and present danger to the national interest,

That in of itself is reason to not allow them free run in public.

If the NHRC finds rights deprived based on Non Emergency Law situations,

then that doesn't apply to the present incarceration.

This is nothing more than the Reds Playing the same PR games they played

during the rally: Do anything possible to win back power for their bosses.

Do not hang them, just lock them of for a generation, based on law and their actions.

Draw the line in the sand for the next bunch of potentially treasonous insurgents to learn from.


Under the laws of the moment of their crimes,

and since they DID and DO understand what the SoE meant, clearly,

they have no one to blame but themselves for their incarceration.

That they are being held out of their home districts is prudent.

The actions were done on Bangkok, not their home districts.

Since all over the web is evidence of their instigation of violent acts against the country,

it is absurd to say 'where is the evidence'. It just hasn't gotten to court yet,

because no doubt the prosecutors want as air tight a case as possible.

Considering their actions that were FULL PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE on a daily basis.

there is 'reasonable reason' to believe they are a continuing threat to public order,

and any court would find that sufficient reason to continue incarceration.

Not to mention that letting them loose allows them to actively plot more insurection.

They have repeatedly proved that they are a clear and present danger to the national interest,

That in of itself is reason to not allow them free run in public.

If the NHRC finds rights deprived based on Non Emergency Law situations,

then that doesn't apply to the present incarceration.

This is nothing more than the Reds Playing the same PR games they played

during the rally: Do anything possible to win back power for their bosses.

Do not hang them, just lock them of for a generation, based on law and their actions.

Draw the line in the sand for the next bunch of potentially treasonous insurgents to learn from.

Thailand adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That is a binding international law for all member states of The UN and cannot be declared void in Thailand because Abhisit wants to rule by decree.

They have been arrested on terrorist charges and remanded in custody untill such time as they can be brought to court.

How do you know this when the people who have been arrested have not been told what they are being charged with?

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