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I have a 25 hour flight coming up. What is the best natural way to avoid jetlag? Also, does anyone have any experience with Delta planes first class? I will leave Tampa arrive in Atlanta leave for tokyo and then tokyo to bangkok. Any advice? Lol. Also, it says I arrive there 11 pm...is that rughly 10 am in thailand? Excuse my spelling btw...on phone lol thanks

The second question first. Normally, times on tickets refer to local time. So if your itinerary says your flight arrives at 11pm, that's 11pm Bangkok time.

As for jet lag, it all depends. Everyone is different and you just have to figure out what works for you. For years, I couldn't sleep in/on any moving vehicle. I tried every over the counter sleeping pill there was and nothing allowed me to sleep, just be really tired. As a result I attempted to get as much sleep before my flights as possible expecting to stay awake during the entire flight.

Finally, someone introduced me to Ambien. For the first time I was able to sleep on planes. Those 14 hour transits went by much faster and I arrived in much better shape. So my advice to you is sleep as much on the plane.

When you arrive in Japan, if you have enough of a layover, take a shower. I do this every time and it really helps me unwind after the long flight.

Then when you arrive, get on the local time as soon as possible. No matter how tired you are, force yourself to stay awake until a proper bedtime. It helps if you have something to do.

My wife takes the different approach of sleeping when she is tired and it takes her more than a week to get adjusted to the new timezone, I'm usually good after the first night.

Agreed about staying awake till proper bed time on arrival. Works for me.

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As regards one popular jet-lag option:

... Halcyon was commonly prescribed to Members of Congress for jet lag and sleep disorders. Halcyon was also the substance that was implicated in the incident where former President George Bush vomited at an official dinner hosted by the Japanese Prime Minister.

Actually, he vomitted ON the Japanese PM ... 'Bushu-suru' is now a colloquial for 'vomit' in Japanese... Videos are available if you really care to watch


Google Melatonin. Naturally occuring in your body, yet illegal in Thailand. Get some, use it and there will be many folks, me included that would love to buy the leftovers from you.


Erm...what is jet lag? I have travelled exstensively for many years but still dont know what jet lag is? Maybe it's just in the mind!


Maybe it's just in the mind! that you have travelled exstensively for many years

Hmmm. and how do you figure that one birdman? coz i don't suffer 'jetlag' ?

Ive been to thailand twice in the past 7 months-plus numerous trips to india in the past 10 years...I always manage to sleep very well on long haul flights,maybe that is why i dont suffer jetlag? who knows eh,i feel fine after a long haul flight,just set my watch to local time and im on my way.

If you do some research m8 you'll find that not everyone suffers from jet lag!

Also my mates from australia come here to the UK a few times per year,they also don't report any major 'jetlag' symptoms,they also sleep very well!


Maybe it's just in the mind! that you have travelled exstensively for many years

Hmmm. and how do you figure that one birdman? coz i don't suffer 'jetlag' ?

Ive been to thailand twice in the past 7 months-plus numerous trips to india in the past 10 years...I always manage to sleep very well on long haul flights,maybe that is why i dont suffer jetlag? who knows eh,i feel fine after a long haul flight,just set my watch to local time and im on my way.

If you do some research m8 you'll find that not everyone suffers from jet lag!

Also my mates from australia come here to the UK a few times per year,they also don't report any major 'jetlag' symptoms,they also sleep very well!

Good for you BUT many people do!


Do as you always do regarding eating and drinking.

Only make sure you are very tired the day you arrive, so you get a good night sleep the first night.

If you come early in the day, then keep going with coffee and/or activities rest of the day and evening.

Always worked for me.

Of course, if you have to go strait to a meeting (or other appointment), then I dont know.

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