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There was an article in one of the two English language national newspapers last week (the one we're not allowed to quote from) saying that police nationwide will be launching a crackdown on pharmacies to stop them selling many items. Apparently they already have controls stopping pharmacies from selling things like anti-depressants (is that right, are they difficult to get hold of?), and they will be extending them to include other medicines, though they didn't specify which ones. This could be bad news if it actually happens, as many expats simply pop down to the cheapest pharmacy to get their monthly supply of allopurinol for gout, or atenolol for high blood pressure, or whatever. Cheap as chips, but if you have to get a doctor's prescription every time it will jack the cost up quite a bit.

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since the substances confiscated were obviously illegal, I understand the OP's question where to get this stuff now as rather rhetoric, right?

moderaro is watching you B)

illegal? or no tax revenue gained by their sale? hmmm?

fyi, there was no request in the original post as to a location to purchase "illegal" substances

although tops was famous for juice, the raid included many other items such as virility aids.

Edited by epicsessions
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Probably just Xanax, Viagra and Anabol Steroids that's being cracked down on. Actually I though Anabol Steroids were legal in Thailand, I thought that was why there are so many pumped-up guys around. So that's not the case?

This time of the year when they crack down on all sorts of stuff. At least it's better to do it now than in the high season when it would actually make a difference.


Edited by Phil Conners
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since the substances confiscated were obviously illegal, I understand the OP's question where to get this stuff now as rather rhetoric, right?

moderaro is watching you B)

illegal? or no tax revenue gained by their sale? hmmm?

fyi, there was no request in the original post as to a location to purchase "illegal" substances

although tops was famous for juice, the raid included many other items such as virility aids.

you stated clearly in your OP that "all products not legal in LOS were carted away". Again, the discussion of where to purchase things illegal is not allowed in this forum.

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Probably just Xanax, Viagra and Anabol Steroids that's being cracked down on. Actually I though Anabol Steroids were legal in Thailand, I thought that was why there are so many pumped-up guys around. So that's not the case?

This time of the year when they crack down on all sorts of stuff. At least it's better to do it now than in the high season when it would actually make a difference.


Steroids are as much illegal in Thailand as in the rest of the world,but it is much easier to buy them over the counter then in the western world.

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^ I'm surprised to learn that as I was once offered AS quite openly in Fascino, who normally are pretty strict about what they sell.

I don't know which AS you have in mind but if you are talking about those hormone replacement theraphy's they are legal in most country's,though in the western world you would need a description for it.

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^I was talking about those andriol testocaps,which are an anabolic steroid because they contain testosterone,but legal in most country's.Maybe you could tell us which anabolic steroid was presented to you.

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Probably just Xanax, Viagra and Anabol Steroids that's being cracked down on. Actually I though Anabol Steroids were legal in Thailand, I thought that was why there are so many pumped-up guys around. So that's not the case?

This time of the year when they crack down on all sorts of stuff. At least it's better to do it now than in the high season when it would actually make a difference.


Steroids are as much illegal in Thailand as in the rest of the world,but it is much easier to buy them over the counter then in the western world.

no... all types of steroids are not illegal everywhere.

(I only know about Switzerland)

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Probably just Xanax, Viagra and Anabol Steroids that's being cracked down on. Actually I though Anabol Steroids were legal in Thailand, I thought that was why there are so many pumped-up guys around. So that's not the case?

This time of the year when they crack down on all sorts of stuff. At least it's better to do it now than in the high season when it would actually make a difference.


Steroids are as much illegal in Thailand as in the rest of the world,but it is much easier to buy them over the counter then in the western world.

no... all types of steroids are not illegal everywhere.

(I only know about Switzerland)

I'm not sure but I thought that the legality,or illegality,from certain supplements was declared by the international sports organisations and had nothing to do with individual country's.

Otherwise an athlete from a certain country would be able to take a certain steroid and one from another country would be banned for taking the same substance.

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since the substances confiscated were obviously illegal, I understand the OP's question where to get this stuff now as rather rhetoric, right?

moderaro is watching you B)

illegal? or no tax revenue gained by their sale? hmmm?

fyi, there was no request in the original post as to a location to purchase "illegal" substances

although tops was famous for juice, the raid included many other items such as virility aids.

you stated clearly in your OP that "all products not legal in LOS were carted away". Again, the discussion of where to purchase things illegal is not allowed in this forum.

Fair enough,no discussions re. illegal activities and purchase options. Jeez,and to think that Prostitution is "illegal" in Thailand also...wow !! I take it,it would be foolhardy and ill-advised to ask how much a

copy of Microsoft Office is in Tukcom... Funny,innit,products "not legal in LOS" are sold by the full floorfull in shopping centres as we speak !! These sellers are really intelligent I have to say,because they have obviously

been discreet and the BIB have no idea what is happening....otherwise they would close down the place immediately...naturally of course !!

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since the substances confiscated were obviously illegal, I understand the OP's question where to get this stuff now as rather rhetoric, right?

moderaro is watching you B)

illegal? or no tax revenue gained by their sale? hmmm?

fyi, there was no request in the original post as to a location to purchase "illegal" substances

although tops was famous for juice, the raid included many other items such as virility aids.

you stated clearly in your OP that "all products not legal in LOS were carted away". Again, the discussion of where to purchase things illegal is not allowed in this forum.

Fair enough,no discussions re. illegal activities and purchase options. Jeez,and to think that Prostitution is "illegal" in Thailand also...wow !! I take it,it would be foolhardy and ill-advised to ask how much a

copy of Microsoft Office is in Tukcom... Funny,innit,products "not legal in LOS" are sold by the full floorfull in shopping centres as we speak !! These sellers are really intelligent I have to say,because they have obviously

been discreet and the BIB have no idea what is happening....otherwise they would close down the place immediately...naturally of course !!

I suggest you read the forum rules before arguing your point any further.

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Some pharmacies are licensed to import, export, and sell steroids.


You you give us some addresses of those "licensed" pharmacy's.

I could give you an A4 sheets worth, but I wont! I have been a bodybuilder for countless years and was drawn into the A/S scene many moons ago. Many of you out there would be very surprised to find out that A/S are available legally over the counter in many countries worldwide. I'm British and in the UK A/S are class "C" drugs, this means that you cant sell them but you can posses them for personal use ( within reason of course, one persons idea of personal quantities may be different from one to the other) Of course it is illegal for professional athletes to indulge, as is the case worldwide. I would always declare my A/S on entry to the country, I never had any problems! The US takes it to a different league classing A/S in the same class as Heroin & other hard drugs, a bit of overkill but that's not for me to say! And I'm sure there are other bizarre laws out there . . . . . . .!

As for the legality of A/S here in Thailand . . . . . . . . . . . Very debatable, like many things and left wide open to personal interpretation ! I have never had problems obtaining A/S here in Thailand. I was down the Pharmacy two weeks ago and was more surprised than ever to the extensive selection now available.

Earlier on in this post someone mentions the HRT testosterone treatments available, these my friends are steroids just the same as any other. Andriol the preferred HRT testosterone can be quite a potent A/S when used in high doses. So why would it be legal if the others are not? It is also easy to go to a doctor here in Thailand and get a prescription for any A/S that takes your fancy . . . . . . . . I hope this post was of some use, if not mai pen rai!!

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Probably just Xanax, Viagra and Anabol Steroids that's being cracked down on. Actually I though Anabol Steroids were legal in Thailand, I thought that was why there are so many pumped-up guys around. So that's not the case?

This time of the year when they crack down on all sorts of stuff. At least it's better to do it now than in the high season when it would actually make a difference.


Steroids are as much illegal in Thailand as in the rest of the world,but it is much easier to buy them over the counter then in the western world.

no... all types of steroids are not illegal everywhere.

(I only know about Switzerland)

I'm not sure but I thought that the legality,or illegality,from certain supplements was declared by the international sports organisations and had nothing to do with individual country's.

Otherwise an athlete from a certain country would be able to take a certain steroid and one from another country would be banned for taking the same substance.

Well, let's not confuse a sport organization with a national legislative body.

Legal/illegal is of course to be understood relatively to legislation.

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since the substances confiscated were obviously illegal, I understand the OP's question where to get this stuff now as rather rhetoric, right?

moderaro is watching you B)

illegal? or no tax revenue gained by their sale? hmmm?

fyi, there was no request in the original post as to a location to purchase "illegal" substances

although tops was famous for juice, the raid included many other items such as virility aids.

you stated clearly in your OP that "all products not legal in LOS were carted away". Again, the discussion of where to purchase things illegal is not allowed in this forum.

Fair enough,no discussions re. illegal activities and purchase options. Jeez,and to think that Prostitution is "illegal" in Thailand also...wow !! I take it,it would be foolhardy and ill-advised to ask how much a

copy of Microsoft Office is in Tukcom... Funny,innit,products "not legal in LOS" are sold by the full floorfull in shopping centres as we speak !! These sellers are really intelligent I have to say,because they have obviously

been discreet and the BIB have no idea what is happening....otherwise they would close down the place immediately...naturally of course !!

I suggest you read the forum rules before arguing your point any further.

Nah,I'm okay thanks. Besides,it wasn't an 'arguing" of a point. More a simple statement of some pretty factual things,but approached in a bit of a flippant,satirical way. There is no "point" to "argue" anyway !!

I could give factual,real-time examples of how "illegal" activities are treated and viewed by the authorities.....but it obviously can't be aired here,(whatever about the truth to it). Whilst Thailand is certainly no

North Korea or Zimbabwe,neither does it have anything approaching the freedom of media-expression and critique that is taken for granted in the West........ so l'd better not talk about drugs,the oldest profession,

prajao yoo hua, or a whole host of other things. That I accept. All the best.

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Some pharmacies are licensed to import, export, and sell steroids.

if this is in fact the truth, then it is as i first suspected. tax revenue was not being made ;)

Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth. - Albert Einstein

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