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Troubles With Immigration

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There was a thread a few months ago from someone living on Koh Samui about his troubles getting a visa extension, unless he paid some extra money. I don't know in which forum it was posted and I don't remember his TV member account, so I didn't succeed in finding this lengthy thread. Anyone who does remember ?

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I would like to hear from anyone on KS who has recently applied for the one year extension for retirement, etc. and specifically if they paid the official 1,900B fee and how they were treated.

I just did a couple of weeks ago....

I got the same usual good service, from the same staff.... The curly haired girl asked me for 5000 baht, to which I replied, " I'm not planning of leaving the country", so she said OK, 1900 baht ... No problem & reminded me, that I should go get a permit if I did plan on leaving for a trip.... (It's cheaper that way, at least for one exit visa, if multiple, then better to pay the 5000 baht.)

There is no "night mare" at Samui immigration, others I know & spoken too, have had good service too, since that post first appeared....

Mr Nok, also said he was still in charge, when I asked him.

Someone mentioned to me today, that there is a new Immigration office in Chawang, although from what I gathered it was to deal with illegals & catch those working without work permits etc...

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Thanks, SJ, that's what I was hoping to hear! I will go there in a few weeks and do the same. The Immigration czar from Bangkok was here a month ago and I heard that the staff were admonished for extorting money, but it would be difficult to verify that.

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Just have your passbook & the letter from the Bank and a recent passport photo & a smile!

Avoid going on Mondays or Fridays, as those are their busier days. I went on a Monday & had to return Tuesday....( I had to go to Nanthon anyway) going mid week generally saves going back the next day.

Last year when I went mid week it was done in about 4 hours....

I'd suggest not waiting until the day your visa expires.... go a few days ahead....

The three month reporting is usually done in less than half an hour, they jump you to the head of the queue.

Edited by samuijimmy
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Just have your passbook & the letter from the Bank and a recent passport photo & a smile!

Avoid going on Mondays or Fridays, as those are their busier days. I went on a Monday & had to return Tuesday....( I had to go to Nanthon anyway) going mid week generally saves going back the next day.

Last year when I went mid week it was done in about 4 hours....

I'd suggest not waiting until the day your visa expires.... go a few days ahead....

The three month reporting is usually done in less than half an hour, they jump you to the head of the queue.


Just have a look at the above link & the discussion there.

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I would like to hear from anyone on KS who has recently applied for the one year extension for retirement, etc. and specifically if they paid the official 1,900B fee and how they were treated.

I have a Non Imm. B. I Have a Company and business here, For the last 2 years I have always had my Accountant organise this for me and their charge to me was 12,000 Baht (There is a lot of paperwork involved). This year I decided to do it myself to

1. To get the feel of the process as I had time to do it.

2. Find out the actual costs?

In April, I had already renewed my Work Permit myself and this cost me 3,100 Baht. The correct Gov't fee.

Just over 1 month ago I applied for my 1 year extension, had all the correct paper work and he stamped my Passport with the usual 1 month extension while the application is considered.

(Now I know that the Fee for this is 1900 Baht for the 1 year extension). The Immigration officer then asked me for 7,000 Baht at which I replied "Pang" ,with which he replied that a Solicitor would cost me at least 20,000 Baht with a bit of a laugh. (your not really in a position to argue the point) so I handed over the 7,000 Baht which he did put in the main counter money tray, not in his pocket. (But they work as a team anyway). I asked him for a receipt and he said "come back next time and I will give to you" very busy now.

The months up and I go down there, give him my Passport, and the 1 year extension is stamped, no problems. So the additional 5,100 Baht that I paid is for "favorable consideration". (Still no receipt).

I guess it's easy to get pissed off, but the problems that you would encounter down the track may not be worth it. :hit-the-fan:TIT.

I may consider now reporting this to BKK Immigration and my Embassy to see if they can bring this blatant robbing of Farang by Immigration on Samui to an end? :angry:

I guess if you want to stay on Samui, you have to pay the "Tea Money". :D

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I may consider now reporting this to BKK Immigration and my Embassy to see if they can bring this blatant robbing of Farang by Immigration on Samui to an end? :angry:

I guess if you want to stay on Samui, you have to pay the "Tea Money". :D

Tea money or a tea factory? Of course getting angry is not the solution, but several have suggested the following:

1. Tell them you are not leaving Thailand so no need for re-entry stamps -- just want the simple extension for 1900B

2. Politely ask why the form says 1900B on the bottom

3. Ask for your passport back and leave and go right to the Tourist Police office nearby. I have already spoken to them about it and they told me to go directly to them if it happened again.

This is really bad news as I figured this extortion was over. If everyone just hands over whatever they ask (my friend pays 22K)they will always expect money from us and it will escalate. It would be helpful if you email the following: [email protected]

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I guess if you want to stay on Samui, you have to pay the "Tea Money".

Often wonder why they call it "Tea Money", it's actually extortion, and I would have thought a criminal offence.

I suppose "Tea Money" sounds quite innocent.

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I guess if you want to stay on Samui, you have to pay the "Tea Money".

Often wonder why they call it "Tea Money", it's actually extortion, and I would have thought a criminal offence.

I suppose "Tea Money" sounds quite innocent.

Tea money is when you pay a few hundred baht for exceeding the speed limit or riding a motorcycle w/o a helmet. When you have met all their demands, jumped through the hoops, put a ridiculous amount of money in a Thai bank, etc., and now they want thousands more, this is not tea money but plain extortion. And we are not talking about a few hundred baht, as thousands of passports go through there a day. It is a major amount of money, all illegal. Also, keep in mind that bribing a government officer is illegal everywhere. After pocketing your money he can turn around and arrest you. I personally don't want to act like a drug dealer and pass along to these criminals a bribe. Lt General Wut Liptapallop is the new Immigration Commissioner and he recently reviewed the procedures at KSIO. I am trying to find an email address to his office now and will display it on TV when I do.

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And we are not talking about a few hundred baht, as thousands of passports go through there a day.

Thousands of passports? :blink:

They'd be lucky to see five yearly visa renewals and 100 passports for the day.

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And we are not talking about a few hundred baht, as thousands of passports go through there a day.

Thousands of passports? :blink:

They'd be lucky to see five yearly visa renewals and 100 passports for the day.

You obviously haven't sat in SIO and watched the visa fixers coming through with stacks of passports. This doesn't take into account the ones coming in the back doors and after hours.

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I guess if you want to stay on Samui, you have to pay the "Tea Money".

Often wonder why they call it "Tea Money", it's actually extortion, and I would have thought a criminal offence.

I suppose "Tea Money" sounds quite innocent.

You are totally correct. Apart from it being extortion, we as expats as someone has already pointed out are committing an offense (In the eyes of our Western home Countries) by paying these over inflated fees (Tea money) to Samui Immigration. But until the heirachy clean it up, which is doubtful in the short term., we Farang will remain good pickings here on Samui.

I will pursue this matter once I have moved off the Island and registered in another Province, (My Thai Lawyer friend also advises this, as you will not win while you live here) as to do something while living here will make life difficult., so at the moment not wort h it.

What's the saying...."All good things come to those that plan and wait" their time will come. Cheers :wai:

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And we are not talking about a few hundred baht, as thousands of passports go through there a day.

Thousands of passports? :blink:

They'd be lucky to see five yearly visa renewals and 100 passports for the day.

You obviously haven't sat in SIO and watched the visa fixers coming through with stacks of passports. This doesn't take into account the ones coming in the back doors and after hours.

Very true, the agents, Solicitor, accountants, Visa fixers etc. bring Passports in everyday for 1 year extensions etc. (How many Farang on Samui KPG ETC???... a Lot) They are making heaps of money on the side off us Farang. :rolleyes:

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[You are totally correct. Apart from it being extortion, we as expats as someone has already pointed out are committing an offense (In the eyes of our Western home Countries) by paying these over inflated fees (Tea money) to Samui Immigration. But until the heirachy clean it up, which is doubtful in the short term., we Farang will remain good pickings here on Samui.

I will pursue this matter once I have moved off the Island and registered in another Province, (My Thai Lawyer friend also advises this, as you will not win while you live here) as to do something while living here will make life difficult., so at the moment not wort h it.

What's the saying...."All good things come to those that plan and wait" their time will come. Cheers :wai:

SH: Thanks for your comments -- much appreciated. No farang here wishes to risk their life or visa by complaining to the Thai government. But you can continue to be vicitimized by these animals and scamper away with your tail between your legs or at least protest via email or mail, even anonymously. Many will say that TIT, corruption is endemic, so just pay whatever they want. However, this island is not comprised only of toothless and spineless farangs, as many of us have risked our lives serving in the armed forces and Foreign Service. Once you have faced a professional intent on killing you and survived, a simple coconut monkey is not really a threat. I am in contact with these individuals and they are voicing/writing their concerns. At the very least, face yourself in the mirror and be able to admit that you did something to fight injustice. The Bangkok IO was listed previously and the US Embassy is on 95 Wireless Rd Bangkok, TH 10330.

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SH: Thanks for your comments -- much appreciated. No farang here wishes to risk their life or visa by complaining to the Thai government. But you can continue to be vicitimized by these animals and scamper away with your tail between your legs or at least protest via email or mail, even anonymously. Many will say that TIT, corruption is endemic, so just pay whatever they want. However, this island is not comprised only of toothless and spineless farangs, as many of us have risked our lives serving in the armed forces and Foreign Service. Once you have faced a professional intent on killing you and survived, a simple coconut monkey is not really a threat. I am in contact with these individuals and they are voicing/writing their concerns. At the very least, face yourself in the mirror and be able to admit that you did something to fight injustice. The Bangkok IO was listed previously and the US Embassy is on 95 Wireless Rd Bangkok, TH 10330.

Good for you! It does take couirage to stand up this corruption. best of luck!

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Chalk it down to experiance.........You have no proof, and it really is a bad idea to go after government officials (particulary a whole office full).

Why did you pay it? Could you not have laughed it off, made out you thought he was joking.

You should have asked for reciept.

Sorry but I think he tried his luck (probobally expecting you to refuse), and you didn't stand up to him.

Many times i've had officials ask for a higher figure than what it should be, normally it's said in a jokey/half serious manner. Easy to refuse and make a joke back, but occasionally for the official it'll pay off as a few people may feel intimidated.

If he was really heavy I would have simply taken my passport and come back the next day and asked another officer. (good excuse would be I don't have enough $ to pay 7k, only got 2k on me, oh and need my passport to get $ out of bank and then i'll be back).

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Chalk it down to experiance.........You have no proof, and it really is a bad idea to go after government officials (particulary a whole office full).

Why did you pay it? Could you not have laughed it off, made out you thought he was joking.

You should have asked for reciept.

Sorry but I think he tried his luck (probobally expecting you to refuse), and you didn't stand up to him.

Many times i've had officials ask for a higher figure than what it should be, normally it's said in a jokey/half serious manner. Easy to refuse and make a joke back, but occasionally for the official it'll pay off as a few people may feel intimidated.

If he was really heavy I would have simply taken my passport and come back the next day and asked another officer. (good excuse would be I don't have enough $ to pay 7k, only got 2k on me, oh and need my passport to get $ out of bank and then i'll be back).

You contradict yourself?

"Chalk it down to experience.........You have no proof, and it really is a bad idea to go after government officials (particularly a whole office full)."

"If he was really heavy I would have simply taken my passport and come back the next day and asked another officer."

I guess your way of thinking is that the officer that you see the following day will treat you differently than the first officer :D That's very funny. :whistling: I'm sure he will go easier on you.:giggle:

Please let us know how you get on the next time you apply for a 1 year business extension at  Samui Immigration after you stand up to him and tell him you thought he was joking.

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I talked with several more people this week and received some good tips.

When submitting your TM7 Extension form, put an envelope on top containing the 1,900B. If they still ask for more, tell them you want the simple extension, not the one with reentry stamps. If they still insist on more money, tell them that's all you came with so if that is not enough please return the passport. Then go over to the Tourist Police nearby and file a complaint.

If you have been mistreated by them or conned into paying a bribe, at the very least, copy the link below on your browser and file a complaint. Letters went out to the British and US embassies this week. The more complaints the more they will realize that this is a serious problem.


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