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Phuket Air Captain Has No Work Permit


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Phuket Air pilot told to stop flying

BANGKOK: -- The Labour Ministry ordered Phuket Air yesterday to ground one of its foreign pilots on suspicion he did not have a permit to work in Thailand.

Sombat Niwesrat, director of the Alien Occupational Control Division of the Employment Department, said the airline had 15 days to produce the Indonesian pilot’s work permit or it would face legal action.

Sombat said the Indonesian pilot would not be allowed to fly planes operated by the airline until it had been determined he was legally entitled to work in the Kingdom. He said the department had acted on a tip-off.

“We have checked [airline] documents and found that this pilot has already flown two flights, though it’s highly likely he has not yet applied for a work permit,” Sombat said.

He said the airline, and the pilot, would face legal action if it failed to provide the pilot’s work permit within the deadline.

Sombat said he would call a meeting of airline representatives and aviation agencies to discuss how to better regulate the hiring of foreign pilots.

Somsak Srinual, acting president of Thai Airways International’s labour union, said he had received complaints from Thai pilots that certain airlines had been illegally hiring foreign pilots.

Somsak said these pilots avoided immigration procedures by remaining on the aeroplane in between landing and takeoff. Pilots working illegally often flew short domestic flights for low-cost airlines.

He said the pilots undercut their Thai counterparts by working for lower wages and they generally had less flying experience.

“Such practices could prove dangerous for passengers,” Somsak said. He proposed the government make it a policy to reserve piloting on domestic flights only for Thai professionals.

--The Nation 2005-07-01

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Phuket Air pilot told to stop flying

BANGKOK: -- The Labour Ministry ordered Phuket Air yesterday to ground one of its foreign pilots on suspicion he did not have a permit to work in Thailand.

....Somsak .....proposed the government make it a policy to reserve piloting on domestic flights only for Thai professionals.

--The Nation 2005-07-01

This is important for young Thai pilots. Getting a first job and building experience is best done on domestic routes (short sectors in the daytime, mostly). There is an argument for a mix of nationalities on the international flights, but not on internal flights.

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Phuket Air pilot told to stop flying

BANGKOK: -- The Labour Ministry ordered Phuket Air yesterday to ground one of its foreign pilots on suspicion he did not have a permit to work in Thailand.

....Somsak .....proposed the government make it a policy to reserve piloting on domestic flights only for Thai professionals.

--The Nation 2005-07-01

This is important for young Thai pilots. Getting a first job and building experience is best done on domestic routes (short sectors in the daytime, mostly). There is an argument for a mix of nationalities on the international flights, but not on internal flights.

I agree that a mix of nationalities on international flights is reasonable. The same thing could be said for domestic flights. I remember flying Thai Air BKK-Chiang Mai with an American Flight Attendant on board. Not a big deal as far as I'm concerned.

If the airline company that writes the paychecks is a Thai company, then it seems it would be common sense that ALL employees of that company should be required to hold a work permit regardless of whether the flights are domestic or international.

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why have foreign pilots less flight experience in generell?

if they have the necessary education, than they will start with low experience and improve it. This should be the same for all nationalities.

This sounds a bit nationalistic: foreign pilots are not the same good as Thai pilots.

Anyway Thailand should be happy that someone educated want to work here (in generell not only for pilots).

Phuket Air pilot told to stop flying

BANGKOK: -- The Labour Ministry ordered Phuket Air yesterday to ground one of its foreign pilots on suspicion he did not have a permit to work in Thailand.

Sombat Niwesrat, director of the Alien Occupational Control Division of the Employment Department, said the airline had 15 days to produce the Indonesian pilot’s work permit or it would face legal action.

Sombat said the Indonesian pilot would not be allowed to fly planes operated by the airline until it had been determined he was legally entitled to work in the Kingdom. He said the department had acted on a tip-off.

“We have checked [airline] documents and found that this pilot has already flown two flights, though it’s highly likely he has not yet applied for a work permit,” Sombat said.

He said the airline, and the pilot, would face legal action if it failed to provide the pilot’s work permit within the deadline.

Sombat said he would call a meeting of airline representatives and aviation agencies to discuss how to better regulate the hiring of foreign pilots.

Somsak Srinual, acting president of Thai Airways International’s labour union, said he had received complaints from Thai pilots that certain airlines had been illegally hiring foreign pilots.

Somsak said these pilots avoided immigration procedures by remaining on the aeroplane in between landing and takeoff. Pilots working illegally often flew short domestic flights for low-cost airlines.

He said the pilots undercut their Thai counterparts by working for lower wages and they generally had less flying experience.

“Such practices could prove dangerous for passengers,” Somsak said. He proposed the government make it a policy to reserve piloting on domestic flights only for Thai professionals.

--The Nation 2005-07-01

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Phuket Air pilot told to stop flyingHe said the pilots undercut their Thai counterparts by working for lower wages and they generally had less flying experience.

“Such practices could prove dangerous for passengers,” Somsak said. He proposed the government make it a policy to reserve piloting on domestic flights only for Thai professionals.

--The Nation 2005-07-01

PLEASE!! DON'T make me laugh!!! :o:D:D Thai pilots are the most EGOTISTICAL, NON professional, inexperienced (250 hour wonders!) prima donnas I have ever met inthe aviation industry. They do put on a good air though - but more and more I would avoid flying with a Thai pilot.

This sounds like another Thai witch hunt and the Thai pilots 'union' crying over spilt milk....

However I would not defend Phuket Air or many of the other low cost carriers for their safety records.......but that is generally NOTthe pilots - but the managements policies in other areas.

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I agree that a mix of nationalities on international flights is reasonable. The same thing could be said for domestic flights. I remember flying Thai Air BKK-Chiang Mai with an American Flight Attendant on board. Not a big deal as far as I'm concerned.

If the airline company that writes the paychecks is a Thai company, then it seems it would be common sense that ALL employees of that company should be required to hold a work permit regardless of whether the flights are domestic or international.

This seems like the most reasonable way to deal wit the situation. Where ever the airline you work for is based, is where you would have to get a work permit for (providing you're not a citizen of the country where the airline is based.)

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Is phuket air owned by Thai`s or foriegners

Thai - heard it is an MP who actually owns it - else how could Poo Air possibly get around the Thai DOA for all of their horrendous maintenance practices and conditions of their aircraft. It would criminal in any civilized nation. But ...TiT :o:D

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Do flight attendants from AA, BA,Qantas, Gulf Air, Garuda etc who fly into Bangkok and do leave the airport to stay in Hotels all have a Thai work permit?

Do they need one ?

No they don't - but give the Thai government half a chance and they will find a way to stir the pot if there is baht to be had.

If flight attendants are not required to have work permits what logic requires pilots to have one? Are they not both working in similar circumstances?

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Guest endure
Do flight attendants from AA, BA,Qantas, Gulf Air, Garuda etc who fly into Bangkok and do leave the airport to stay in Hotels all have a Thai work permit?

Do they need one ?

No they don't - but give the Thai government half a chance and they will find a way to stir the pot if there is baht to be had.

If flight attendants are not required to have work permits what logic requires pilots to have one? Are they not both working in similar circumstances?

Fligjt attendants who are aliens and who work for a Thai employer require a work permit. Flight attendant and pilots who work for foreign employers (QANTAS, BA etc.) don't.

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I have a gut feeling that if this had been an airline that Thailand could be proud to have its name on, the airline would have been 'invited' to put its house in order with nothing publicly said.

But Phuket Air have been nothing but bad news.

I wonder if, behind the scenes, there is pressure to 'do something about Phuket Air' and this is a display that they are 'doing all that can be done', 'leaving no available stone unflung', etc etc etc.

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But Phuket Air have been nothing but bad news. 

I wonder if, behind the scenes, there is pressure to 'do something about Phuket Air' and this is a display that they are 'doing all that can be done', 'leaving no available stone unflung', etc etc etc.

:D The Night of the Long Knives? :o:D

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I have a gut feeling that if this had been an airline that Thailand could be proud to have its name on, the airline would have been 'invited' to put its house in order with nothing publicly said.

But Phuket Air have been nothing but bad news. 

I wonder if, behind the scenes, there is pressure to 'do something about Phuket Air' and this is a display that they are 'doing all that can be done', 'leaving no available stone unflung', etc etc etc.

Ahhhh, but alas, if they didn't get the hint to get their house in order when all but one or two of their aircraft were grounded in the recent past (and most of it out of the public) then they deserve what they get. I doubt that there is a Thai company in existence that doesn't try to skirt the law, use influence, and pay its way around and out of anything and everything...TiT - isn't it??? So why should Poo Air be any different? I think this is just some Prima Donna Thai pilots group that is prejudiced and wants the 'foreign' pilots out of Thailand...

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Exactly, it's time the gov't step up their actions to keep foreign pilots out of Thailand.   It's simply not the job of pilot groups to have to police governmental policy. 


Is it Thai Government policy to keep foreign pilots out of Thailand????? :o

Nah, just the one's trying work here without work permits and purple ink stamps.


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Nah, just the one's trying work here without work permits and purple ink stamps.


I don't fault the individual.... it is the hiring company's resposibility to provide the work permit...

This has nothing to do with the Poo Air pilot ... and everything to do with Poo Air and the Thai pilots 'union' and the haphazard Thai Government.

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Just love the English, didn't they learned you more better than that?

"Phuket Air captain catched with no work permit"


if you are going to complain about the grammatical error of using "catched" instead of "caught", you should at least make sure that your own use of the English language is not even worse. It is "Teach" not "learned". It is totally wrong to say "more better", it is just simply "better", when used in this context

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I avoid flying with Thai Airways if there is ANY other carrier available on the same route, even Phuket Air. I have had 2 horrendous experiences with Thai. In 1997 I was on a Thai Airbus frpm BKK to C'Mai. No sooner did we take off then the pilot announced that we were returning to BKK for an emergency landing ! Skimmimg the ricefields at about 600 feet is no thrill. Neither is one engine shutting down as we landed. Imagine my shock as I sat in the left front Business class seat after landing. They brought the ground engineer to the front door on one of those steps with wheels. The pilot came out to talk to him - they looked at me and seeing a farang they assumed I could not speak Thai. Wrong. I am fluent in Thai. They had a heated argument, turns out the cargo door was not shut but that is nothing to what comes next. The pilot abused the engineer and yelled to the effect " you idiot, who flew this plane last night, it has not been refuelled"! We had taken off on vapor. The bottom line is, a REAL pilot would have checked his instruments before taking off - just ask John Denver ! The second incident was similarly nasty. I think someone has it in for Phuket Air - doesn't the PM have an airline flying domestic routes ? Hmmm. I still avoid Thai like the plague. Their service sucks too.

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Just love the English, didn't they learned you more better than that?

"Phuket Air captain catched with no work permit"


if you are going to complain about the grammatical error of using "catched" instead of "caught", you should at least make sure that your own use of the English language is not even worse. It is "Teach" not "learned". It is totally wrong to say "more better", it is just simply "better", when used in this context

That word "catched" sure caught our attention, and seemed to throw as much an

international spanner into the works as the topic itself; international pilots.

I just assumed it was yet another "alteration" (avoiding that 'B' word) to further discolour the Queen's English as has crept in from that big country across the Atlantic where they "haven't spoken English for 200 years". (Quote from "My Fair Lady").

The fact that someone wasnt going to let someone else get away with "catched" and then someone else reprimanding over "learned" and "more better" made it into one big larf. :D:D (Maybe someone didnt get the humour) :o

The challenges surrounding pilot standards and their various nationalities have been around for many years and quotes from pilot's vitriolic verbal radio communications with control in various countries make interesting reading.

Hope it all gets sorted out for life saving and not face saving reasons :D

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I think someone has it in for Phuket Air - doesn't the PM have an airline flying domestic routes ?

When an airline has had such bad publicity as Phuket Air then it is important that the airline is `kept on it`s toes`.

Let`s not forget that it has been banned from operating to the Netherlands (pilot did not have the required medical certificate and the plane he was flying had faults serious enough to ground it.)

It has been banned from operating to the Uk ( plane grounded because it was not airworthy) and I believe at the last count the plane was still at a London airport.

Then there was the fiasco in the U A Emerates where the passengers refused to fly.

There have been various problems in Thailand with planes having to make unscheduled landings due to technical problems.

Out of a fleet of 16 planes in April only 2 were actually in operation.

Phuket Air runs an old fleet of planes and I believe has decided to concentrate more on short haul flights as it it easier to maintain and operate an older fleet nearer to it`s servicing hub which is in indonesia.

What the Thai authorities are doing in my opinion including this latest incident will show to Phuket Air that yes, they are being watched closely and this can only be of benefit to the passengers.......after all can we rely soley on Phuket Air to operate it`s fleet and maintain standards as they should be?....I think not.

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It would be interesting to know exactly how the regulations are written on work permits for airline personnel. Where did the flight originate and where was it destined for?

I've heard of all of P.A.'s problems, but the gov't sure takes its time giving out work permits.

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Just love the English, didn't they learned you more better than that?

"Phuket Air captain catched with no work permit"


if you are going to complain about the grammatical error of using "catched" instead of "caught", you should at least make sure that your own use of the English language is not even worse. It is "Teach" not "learned". It is totally wrong to say "more better", it is just simply "better", when used in this context

d00d... do you think he might have been joking around a little bit?

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