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Is Botox available over the counter here? If not, how do i get hold of some?

Any idea how much it is?


I never heard of anyone buying botox over the counter but who knows??? Are you going to inject it yourself? Good luck in getting it to the right places. THere are many many many clinics (esp in the Siam Center area) who are willing to service your wrinkles :o .

I think the cost depends on how much of the stuff you need. A friend did it for about $400 2 years ago. I think it is cheaper now. Why don't you email Bumrungard hospital or BNH or Yahnee Hospital and ask them your questions. They are quick to respond.


Botox is produced by Clostridium botulinum, this is a spore-forming, obligate anaerobe whose natural habitat is soil, from which it can be isolated without undue difficulty.

Botox or Botulinum toxin is the most poisonous substance known. A single gram of crystalline toxin, evenly dispersed and inhaled, would kill more than 1 million people.

Don't think I would like to try this at home.

Is Botox available over the counter here? If not, how do i get hold of some?

Any idea how much it is?



Being Thailand I would expect that what is called Botox is available. Probably it is fake or laced with something else. Botox is a deadly poison, and only a fool would try to administer it on their own.

Don't even think about it unless you have the ability to test and verify the quality for yourself.


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