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Is it a two way street ?  Can Kiwi's do the same in Thailand ?  That'd mean a waiver of work permits in Thailand.

I am unsure on the reciprocity. It is part of the Thai/NZL CEP. There are company law and immigration provisions(longer non-imm visas) for skilled NZL business people in certain sectors.


Very strange that the Kiwi’s are planning to implement it so soon without any reciprocity from the Thai’s (which is supposed to be the whole point).

Mandy Vanstone signed the Australia-Thailand one last year but there hasn’t been any movement on that one yet. I wrote off to DFAT asking when it would be implemented and got told that as soon as Thailand started issuing WHV’s then so would Australia.


Sounds like an excellent opportunity for qualified Thai citizens.....However, I must admit that whats "Good for the goose is also good for the gander"! If this we're to happen in America I'D BE RAISING HOLY ######! My ass would be gettin a work permit!! Damit.... :o

I think....

  • 4 weeks later...

The NZ$7000 (THB200,000) cash requirement will deter many people, I think, as will the requirement that they can't work for any employer for more than 3 months.

So who will take it up?

A handful of young Hi-So kids supported by dad's money and who want to take a year out before picking New Zealand grapes or working in a ski resort before joining the family business.

As for reciprocity? What would it look like? A similar requirement for the equivalent of a year's average salary for the Kiwi to be able to come to Thailand?

It's all window-dressing. I can't believe intelligent governments spend so much time negotiating something which is so .... frankly ..... meaningless.

The NZ$7000 (THB200,000) cash requirement will deter many people, I think, as will the requirement that they can't work for any employer for more than 3 months.

So who will take it up?

A handful of young Hi-So kids supported by dad's money and who want to take a year out before picking New Zealand grapes or working in a ski resort before joining the family business.

As for reciprocity?   What would it look like?  A similar requirement for the equivalent of a year's average salary for the Kiwi to be able to come to Thailand? 

It's all window-dressing.  I can't believe intelligent governments spend so much time negotiating something which is so .... frankly ..... meaningless.

Well the requirements would tend to suggest that those with slightly more means than your average thai would be the target demographic.

There is no reciprocity yet, as I understand.

As with all working holiday schemes with foriegn countrys, you will always get those that simply holiday and lounge around, but you will also get those who seize the opportunity of the foreign experince.Dont tar all thais with the same brush, even better off ones.I know a few young thais in NZL who have the benefit of a good education and means to travel to NZL, but they are also very hard workers and very career oriented. It is also not as straight forward to legally work in NZL.As a "skilled migrant", you need to get your work permit sponsored by a company who would have to take you on full time and then you would have conditions imposed on you permit to work for that sponsor (until you got residency).

This work/hol scheme provides flexibility for a young, qualified thai to maybe do an internship without the constraints of work permit conditions and the overhead a sponsoring company would have to absorb.

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