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Online Gaming (Ps3)


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currently staying in bkk and looking for appartment/condo.. one of my main criteria is cable internet and this is because i want t play ps3 online (modern warfare2)...

the two isp's that i mostly come across are TOT and BUDDY... with a variaty of packages.... is it available to play online..? i used to live in phuket and altho i could play, the connection was medium and finding games took ages... a friend off mine(phuket) told me that often when he plays with bkk residents they have far better connection...wich isp and wich package is best for ps3 online?what else do i need to know before i make my choise from condo/provider?? i'm not a IT guy just use the dam_n things and maybe someone can give me some advice,,or help me out of my dream of ever playing solid online games from BKK

Edited by AAACEEE
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I use True and have their 8Mbps package. I know True get some stick but I have no complaints at all - I am very happy with their service and I often get speeds beyond that.

I regularly play PS3 online (COD, Uncharted 2) and never have any issues (apart from other people being better than me and generally dying alot).

It's around 1,100 or 1,200 baht a month, I can't remember exactly.

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I use True 5/1mb and have no problems. (MW2/BF:BC2/GTA IV/TF2) The only issue i've had is that there is a device inside the true network that adds 250ms to the pingtime. A few phonecalls later and all was well though.

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