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New Baby


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Congrats to all! :o

I remember being presented with a new born 12 years ago. Seeing those miniscule fingers with tiny little fingernails wrap around one of my own fingers was truely amazing.

I was particularly more amazed because I'd actually ordered a pizza. :D


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Nice one guys. It's good to see what to expect...my first is due in a couple of months time here in Bangkok :-)

Can anyone recommend a good hospital with package? At the mo it looks like we'll go for Phayathai 2, only due to the fact that it's just round the corner from our condo.

Also...any source of "fathering for idiots" or similar guides? I need to learn a whole lot incredibly quickly!

Lastly....the Big Debate about names is still continuing and causing sleepless nights. Is there any source listing baby boys' names on the net? I've checked books but found nothing extensive.

Look forward to joining the Young Fathers' Club soon!

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Nice one guys.  It's good to see what to expect...my first is due in a couple of months time here in Bangkok :-)

Can anyone recommend a good hospital with package?  At the mo it looks like we'll go for Phayathai 2, only due to the fact that it's just round the corner from our condo.

Also...any source of "fathering for idiots" or similar guides?  I need to learn a whole lot incredibly quickly! 

Lastly....the Big Debate about names is still continuing and causing sleepless nights. Is there any source listing baby boys' names on the net?  I've checked books but found nothing extensive.

Look forward to joining the Young Fathers' Club soon!

I’ve got three children – two are in their twenties – the third is 6 years old.

I only feel I am just about getting parenthood approximately correct now, after all these years.

I remember in the beginning the main problem was the feeling of total insecurity as to whether you and your partner are making the correct choices in any given potential crisis situation. You’ll be bombarded with suggestions for this or that book to help you through these phases.

My advice to you is choose a book of a more practical nature – explaining things such as nappy changing, temperature taking, basic sicknesses etc etc..

Avoid all those books suggested of a more psychological type. They are invariably incorrect and often force parents into doing things with their children that, if they only took time and used their common sense instead, would achieve solutions of a much more natural type, far more suitable to their children.

But, there is no substitute – far more important than any book – than what we can learn from the Thais.

Put your child at the centre of your world. Always respect your child’s mother and he/she will always respect you. Never consider anything to be a battle for power or control with your child – if you do, you must always let him/her have right. Behave exactly as you would want your child to behave. Explain everything.

And have fun.

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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It's makin me broody....  that can't be right... 

You need to log off thaivisa, close down the computer, and walk down the local pub and get a Friday night beer right now, and whilst your there getting hammered, contemplate how difficult that act would have been if you had a baby in the house. :o

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It's makin me broody....  that can't be right... 

You need to log off thaivisa, close down the computer, and walk down the local pub and get a Friday night beer right now, and whilst your there getting hammered, contemplate how difficult that act would have been if you had a baby in the house. :D

That's brought me back down to earth... cheers Mads.. :D

In fact I'll take your advice... 20mins left at work, then off for a cheeky one on the way home... :o

totster :D

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Nice one guys. It's good to see what to expect...my first is due in a couple of months time here in Bangkok :-)

Can anyone recommend a good hospital with package? At the mo it looks like we'll go for Phayathai 2, only due to the fact that it's just round the corner from our condo.

Also...any source of "fathering for idiots" or similar guides? I need to learn a whole lot incredibly quickly!

Lastly....the Big Debate about names is still continuing and causing sleepless nights. Is there any source listing baby boys' names on the net? I've checked books but found nothing extensive.

Look forward to joining the Young Fathers' Club soon!

Congrats man!

I had my daughter in Bamrungrad, well my wife did. The doctors there are very good and the package was 40,000 for a cesaerian, which is what they lie to you telling you that you need(due to doctors tee times). However the extras were 70,000, now i know to have not been necessary, which really pisses me off. There is some funny business going on with that hospital. They are run as a business, and it feels like it at times. Stick to a Thai hospital and go to Phaya Thai, they are an excellent hospital and I a couple of mates whose kids were born there.

There are lots of good books for fathers. try that Japanese namedbookshop in the Emporium. "What to expect the first year" is a very good book regarding lots of things relating to babies. Good luck!

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SO tell us when you will be wetting the babies head, hope you have lots of cash to buy drinks for 20,000 members :D :D :o

You mean christening? That won't be happening. His Mum will make the choice of whether to pass on her Buddhist beliefs or not. :D

No.... he means when the father and all his mates go out and get very drunk and smoke big fat cigars.... to "wet the baby's head"..

totster :D

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SO tell us when you will be wetting the babies head, hope you have lots of cash to buy drinks for 20,000 members :D :D :o

You mean christening? That won't be happening. His Mum will make the choice of whether to pass on her Buddhist beliefs or not. :D

No.... he means when the father and all his mates go out and get very drunk and smoke big fat cigars.... to "wet the baby's head"..

totster :D

Excactly :D

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Yep, congrats on the birth of your little tacker. You in for some amazing/and challenging times watching your newborn grow into a little person. My daughter is nearly two, man time flies , but everyday is a blessing , or not so good :D Chuked a huge tantrum in the supermarket today, Thais staring at me...what is with Thai kids...do they never throw a wobbly?

Thais are great with babies, but take advice with a grain of salt. Baby being too cold, this is Thailand, sleeping them belly down on the bed , not having a car seat ect..

congrats and good luck :o

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Yep, congrats on the birth of your little tacker. You in for some amazing/and challenging times watching your newborn grow into a little person. My daughter is nearly two, man time flies , but everyday is a blessing , or not so good :D Chuked a huge tantrum in the supermarket today, Thais staring at me...what is with Thai kids...do they never throw a wobbly?

Thais are great with babies, but take advice with a grain of salt. Baby being too cold, this is Thailand, sleeping them belly down on the bed , not having a car seat ect..


  congrats and good luck  :o

Hehe, yeah getting conflicting advice constantly! We went to the hospital's anti-natal classes a couple of times before the birth and the lady there clearly said, *DON"T sleep the baby on it's side* and *DON"T eat chocolate if you are breast feeding" What happens? The moment the baby is born they sleep him on his side and feed Mum MILO and say chocolate is OK. One midwife looks at some nipple cream I bought and says *YEP ok for suckling baby* and another *NO, no good for suckling baby* all in the space of 20 minutes. Why don't these midwives get the facts straight?

As for baby-seat, being Australia, with all the rules and regs here, the hospital actually come out to your car and check if it's fitted correctly. If not, baby won't go home that day ! :D

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Please welcome to the world, baby Blake! 5 weeks premature, he popped out in 10 minutes yesterday morning at 7.10.


Congratulations Minbari. My wife and I are expecting our first child in December. I'm very excited about. I'm 48, maybe left it a little late, but what the ###### I will have more time now to take care of the child. That is something I would not have been able to do when I was in my 20's and 30's.

Good luck for you families future.

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Please welcome to the world, baby Blake! 5 weeks premature, he popped out in 10 minutes yesterday morning at 7.10.


Congratulations Minbari. My wife and I are expecting our first child in December. I'm very excited about. I'm 48, maybe left it a little late, but what the ###### I will have more time now to take care of the child. That is something I would not have been able to do when I was in my 20's and 30's.

Good luck for you families future.

Well done minbari. All the best to you and your family! :D

Our first is due in December. We're both 36 and had decided not to have kids. Now it's happened I'm so glad we changed our mind's. :D

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