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Thailands Place In The New World Order


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What is other peoples view on Thailands place in the coming new world order? Since Thailand will come under the asian/pacific region of the new world order it will have little infuence due to it's proximity to the economic powerhouse of china,will Thailand still have a role to play?

For you's who either don't believe or have never heard of the new world order here are some facts.

The EU was the first step in the new world order,cleverly devised many many years ago from the worlds banking and political elite. Back in the 70's-early 80's the european community was just meant to be a free trade trade agreement between european countries to make it easier for the free flow of goods throughout europe..30 years later it's a near federal superstate ruled by un-elected officials from brussels,dictating rules and regulation to all..Like the doomed euro!

Next up will be the north american union..The US-Canada-Mexico,previous US president George Dubya Bush met his canadian and mexican counterparts to discuss a 'free trade agreement'...Fancy that huh..Coincedence right?! America will eventually collapse under it's own weight and it's mammoth $14 trillion national debt..Just how can you pay that back? This is when the new north american union will come into exsistance,and the dollar will either be replaced by the amero or there will be a new world currency! The institutions and plans have been in place for decades,like the world bank-IMF-council on foreign relations-bildaberg group etc...Here is a clip of george bush senior friom the 80's or early 90's talking about the emergence of a new world order

For those of you's who think Thailand isn't really a democratic country...Neither is any country in europe or the US...Democracy is about letting the people decide the route a country should take and voting on electing governments to serve the people..American presidents have been selected and not elected for decades...The last genuine american president was John F Kennedy,he wanted to do away with the CIA..Look what happened to him for doing so,he got shot for not doing what he was told..It's the same in the UK,tony blair-gordon brown-david cameron all do what they are told and reguarly attend bildaberg meetings...How come we dont hear about this on BBC-CNN-NBC and the likes? Coz they are controlled by the same shadowy people.

Who can mind the BBC'S 'live' coverage of the events of 9/11? And the collapse of world trade centre 7..The BBC newsreader on that evening announced the collapse of the tower about 10 mins before it actually collapsed,you could even see the tower in the background still standing while he was talking to BBC reporter in NY?! All part fo the conspiracy and all to do with the new world order.

Any thoughts-opinions as this affects us all!

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Go back to school, and learn the difference btw CECA (european community of coal and steel) then CEE then EU and history of ALE (Free trade Alliance). The first had from start a political vision (Read Jean Monnet or Konrad Adenauer books) while the second was only a union of shopkeepers created by the UK to protect financial interrest.

That difference is the very reason why UK was denied twice the authorisation to join CEE (yes, they tried twice and were denied !).

IF I do agree we got a string of lackey head of state/head governement recently; there is still hope and things will certainly back down to normal (2012 for my own country). Conspiration is fun, but more accuratly the true problem lay simply in human greed. The current lad in charge in my country had a very sad familly story and simply try to over compensate his physical , intellectual and emotional challengs (he is a dwarf, somehow limitate intellectually, was abandoned by his father, was not able to build a stable relationship based on human qualities ....). SAme may be say about GW Bush; but do those personns represnetative of their countries? Or simply do they are in place because it was no one else of quality? I do confess for my own country, no one else was infact a better candidatem even if that one was the worst in a thousand year (maybe Carloman, son of Pippin the short and brother of Charlemagne was worst that Sarkozy; all others were better).

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I can't help feeling this should be linked to the other topic of 'are you wary of other foreigners'.

No not wary of other foriegners at all..i stay in the UK ;-)If im not mistaken all the EU countries have been 100% independent for a long-long time! but now? hence the post! maybe some of you guys are not aware of whats happening around the world these days,or are so wrapped up los as not to care

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Go back to school, and learn the difference btw CECA (european community of coal and steel) then CEE then EU and history of ALE (Free trade Alliance). The first had from start a political vision (Read Jean Monnet or Konrad Adenauer books) while the second was only a union of shopkeepers created by the UK to protect financial interrest.

That difference is the very reason why UK was denied twice the authorisation to join CEE (yes, they tried twice and were denied !).

IF I do agree we got a string of lackey head of state/head governement recently; there is still hope and things will certainly back down to normal (2012 for my own country). Conspiration is fun, but more accuratly the true problem lay simply in human greed. The current lad in charge in my country had a very sad familly story and simply try to over compensate his physical , intellectual and emotional challengs (he is a dwarf, somehow limitate intellectually, was abandoned by his father, was not able to build a stable relationship based on human qualities ....). SAme may be say about GW Bush; but do those personns represnetative of their countries? Or simply do they are in place because it was no one else of quality? I do confess for my own country, no one else was infact a better candidatem even if that one was the worst in a thousand year (maybe Carloman, son of Pippin the short and brother of Charlemagne was worst that Sarkozy; all others were better).

It appears you ar right about the UK being refused entry twice (shame it wasn't a permanent decision) but if you read back on my article i never mentioned or questioned this fact..And it was charles de gaulle who says the british lack the political will to join europe..such a funny statement coming from him lol.."the great french leader who abandoned his country to go across the english channel to the UK to let the nazis ravage his country" Only to return to a hero's welcome at the end of WW2?? Thanks to the sacrifice of the countless thousands of allied troops who died taking back his country!!!

A lot of french people appear to have forgotten this..Maybe they should go back and read history!

French leaders..yes sarkozy is a bit tame,he loves being on the world stage tho..Then we have jaques chirac before him,he utterly detests the british..If my memory serves me correctly,did the french people not nearly vote jean marie le pen into office a few years back? What does this say about frances view on european integration,le pen being a self confessed extreme right wing politician..on a par with the BNP'S nick griffin..It's my understanding that a lot of people in europe want out of the EU juggernaut and indeed the doomed euro! It's to late to stop it now that the new EU constitution was rushed thru the back door of the commision after france and ireland voted no to it(quite rightly so)! Now we have the self confessed european federalist hermand van rumpoy as EU president,who exactly voted for him? what country put the vote to the people? erm none...Very democratic im sure you would agree! Must be a conspiracy huh ;-)

Back to the beloved euro and they poor germans (they must really love the currency) they had to bailout greece with a 100 billion euro loan,just how did greece get into this mess? a lot of fiscal mistakes at home yes,but also coz they are part of the 1 size fits all euro,i wonder who will be next to be tapping germanys door for a big loan..spain-portugal maybes :-)

You also mentioned george bush being representing america..You are correct,he only represents big buisness,you know the same folk who put him into office and nothing to do with votes from the public (mind the voting fiasco after the election there) florida re-counts etc lol..as it so happens his brother jeb bush was govenor of florida at that time..must be another coincedence-sorry conspiracy LOL..Oh and on the subject of bush,just how much of the US constitution did he destroy? All sound democratic to you's?

As i say democracy in the west,the US in particular is dead

Read this...http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=14965

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George looks like you've lost weight since we last talked

Don't I wish.

However, Obama has completely ignored the will of the American people over and over again since taking office. If democracy is truly on the wane, he deserves much of the blame. :annoyed:

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New World <deleted>....get back on your medication.

Countless videos on google videos and all other major players on the net...even type new world order into a normal search...dig a little deeper and you will be horrified...even wilkpedia has a lot to say about it...we all must have forgot to take our medication :-)

Na seriously guys this stuff is true..nothing seems out of place on the surface unless you really know politics.

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George looks like you've lost weight since we last talked

Don't I wish.

However, Obama has completely ignored the will of the American people over and over again since taking office. If democracy is truly on the wane, he deserves much of the blame. :annoyed:

If you have a spare 30 mins or more mate watch this.

I don't believe everything i read or listen to on the net but the evidence is overwhelming now..even gordon brown has been on the record talking about "a new world order" like clinton and bush senior before him.

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I know the OP asked the question of Thailand's role, but seeing the response I dont think this thread has anything to do with Thailand

on that note, it is closed :)

have a good Friday everyone!

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However, Obama has completely ignored the will of the American people over and over again since taking office. If democracy is truly on the wane, he deserves much of the blame. :annoyed:

What partisan bunk. GW Bush didn't give a toss what the people thought, especially about the Iraq war.

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