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Swedish National Arrested By Thai Police For Drug Production

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"His wife didn't know"

Yeah right, just like Taksin's wife didn't know nothing about what he was doing...

What are you suggesting PM Thaksin was doing that was illegal? Be careful here you better have your facts straight. I would suggest in the future you don't put PM Thaksin and his family in the same company as a Swedish Ya ba dealer unless you can prove there is a connection. There are defamation laws here in Thailand in case you were unaware. Furthermore correct English would be, ...didn't know "anything" not ...didn't know "nothing".

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Yep, I hope they don't try to take him home to Sweden to sit in the prison here, and cost me tax money, sit and rot down there.

Jävla idiot, ruttna där nere pucko!

ROFL , Thank budda not many people speak Swedish here, nah kap Michael.

But I do agree with you B)

But you know, they think he belongs to Hells Angels-Sweden, so I whish all of HA would go to Thailand and do this kind of completely utterly stupid thing and get caught.

I also whish there were no wars or violence in the world.

But whishes never seems to come through?

I am Swedish so I have a national duty to be naive.


Yep, I hope they don't try to take him home to Sweden to sit in the prison here, and cost me tax money, sit and rot down there.

//profanity deleted //Admin

ROFL , Thank budda not many people speak Swedish here, nah kap Michael.

But I do agree with you B)

But you know, they think he belongs to Hells Angels-Sweden, so I whish all of HA would go to Thailand and do this kind of completely utterly stupid thing and get caught.

I also whish there were no wars or violence in the world.

But whishes never seems to come through?

I am Swedish so I have a national duty to be naive. :lol:


Did you overlook the part about alleged H-A association?

Sounds like production for export, not production for in-country distribution.

So it´s not likely he made 100,000 a month to put in his own pocket .. just an errand boy i would say , those who collect the big money here are far away from the drugs me thinks! ;)

I am interested in reading someone posting on his/her personal experience with Thai police,

corrupt in what way, not a second hand info just first hand experience please.

Police confiscating my perfectly legal motorbike while refusing to give any document or even their names, because I didn't have a license with me.

Had to pay 1000b to get it unconfiscated after 2 hours of insisting on a receipt and at least their names, which all were angrily refusing to give. They put a nice big scratch down the side with wheel clamp too.



Swedish Drug Manufacturer in Custody for 12 Days

The 29 year old Kim Roger Eriksson from Sweden was Friday shortly before noon informed of the charges against him by the criminal court in Bangkok and told that the judge had granted the police another 12 days to further investigate the charges against him. The Swedish national is accused of having set up a manufacturing laboratory to illegally produce the amphetamine drug “Ice” at his home in Rayong.

While the police investigates further, Kim Eriksson will be held in custody in Bangkok’s Klong Prem prison together with other criminal suspects. His next appearance in the court will be on the 27th of July, where the police will be granted another 12 days of custody. The maximum number of days a person can remain in custody before his case is heard in court is 84 days.

“I think we will need two months to finalize our investigations,” Police Lieutenant Colonel Wittaya Pliansamutr told ScandAsia. “After that, our material will be given to the Public Prosecutor who will write the formal indictment to be submitted to the court.”

Police Lieutenant Colonel Wittaya Pliansamutr shrugged off with a laugh the suggestion that Kim Eriksson could bribe the public prosecutor to leave out some of the evidence found by the police to make a weak case in court.

“This doesn’t happen in real life. It only happens in soap operas,” he said.

Kim Roger Eriksson arrived in a black police truck to the court chained to five other prisoners but dressed in his own civilian clothes. He was then led into the court room which was separated in two sections with a metal enforced glass wall down the middle. On the air-conditioned side of the glass wall was the judge sitting together with the policemen on benches below her. On the benches on the hot side of the wall the suspects were sitting.

When Kim Eriksson was called forward, he stepped up to a small window that was slided open and with the help of an interpreter he confirmed that he understood what he was accused of and acknowledged the twelve days additional custody.

He was then led out of the room to the public cages, where relatives can shout questions to the suspects behind bars with an open space of about three meters between them. Kim Eriksson’s wife Awatsada Sirawan had come to see him here for the first time since he was dramatically arrested on Wednesday night 14 July 2010 in the couple’s home in Klaeng around 30 km east of Rayong some 200 km south of Bangkok.

A preliminary result of the amount of “Ice” drug found under production in his lab showed according to Police Lieutenant Colonel Wittaya Pliansamutr that there was well over 1 liter of fluid "Ice" in the glass containers.

“Even if we say the drug was diluted to only 10 percent, that would still mean over 100 gram of pure ice which is quite a lot,” he added.

Source and pictures: ScandAsia




I know a couple of Thai women that travels to Gävle, Sweden to make round about between 30 000 to 100 000 SEK - 130 000 to 450 000 TBH each in 2 months picking berries in the late summe to fall.

So um, can I (EU national) get one of these jobs too?

Late summer in Sweden and coming back with the bones of 1/2 million baht sounds okay.


So um, can I (EU national) get one of these jobs too?

Sure you can , it´s called right of common access [Allemansrätt] in Sweden and every one can pick berries for free here , only problem is who will buy them and to what price?

Many things can go wrong like it did last year for most Thai´s , it was a bad year for berrie´s , buyers and people who arranged trips knew about it but didn´t tell , nice guys! ;)


I am interested in reading someone posting on his/her personal experience with Thai police,

corrupt in what way, not a second hand info just first hand experience please.

Just take a car and drive anywhere in Thailand. You will soon find a police checkpoint where you will be asked to part with some of your money based on an alledged negligance in your driving. You may be told you were at fault driving in the left lane or in the right lane. Or driving in oncoming lane on a four-lane road where the different lanes are separated by trees! Or you are told you have been speeding doing 120 kmh in a truck when you know you did not go over 85.

It happened to me.


So um, can I (EU national) get one of these jobs too?

Sure you can , it´s called right of common access [Allemansrätt] in Sweden and every one can pick berries for free here , only problem is who will buy them and to what price?

Many things can go wrong like it did last year for most Thai´s , it was a bad year for berrie´s , buyers and people who arranged trips knew about it but didn´t tell , nice guys! ;)

Finding a buyer is not a problem. Get a good price might be one.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Wittaya Pliansamutr shrugged off with a laugh the suggestion that Kim Eriksson could bribe the public prosecutor to leave out some of the evidence found by the police to make a weak case in court.

“This doesn’t happen in real life. It only happens in soap operas,” he said.

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:


"His wife didn't know"

Yeah right, just like Taksin's wife didn't know nothing about what he was doing...

What are you suggesting PM Thaksin was doing that was illegal? Be careful here you better have your facts straight. I would suggest in the future you don't put PM Thaksin and his family in the same company as a Swedish Ya ba dealer unless you can prove there is a connection. There are defamation laws here in Thailand in case you were unaware. Furthermore correct English would be, ...didn't know "anything" not ...didn't know "nothing".

The facts re. Thaksin are that he is a coward and a convicted, runaway criminal. So yes, what he did was certainly illegal. And he did much more than what he is found guilty of. And as you seem to have overlooked the past few years, he is no longer the PM of Thailand. Maybe you have your red shirt over your head? And you better strap yourself securily on your high horse. Not everyone on this forum has English as their mother tongue but they are nevertheless allowed to air their views without having nitpickers like yourself pointing out irrelevant details.


Seems the Swedes are a target over the last few news articles - one gets out after 10 years and the other looking to take his place for the balance of time. Is there something in the water in Sweden?



Guess it’s just a ‘pay back’, because the Swedes let them Thais pick their berries under incredible circumstances.

What a weird world, Iranians got busted at the airport, while he was producing it in Rayong. At least he’s not a smuggler. Smoerebroet might be gone for a while.

Swedes are really outstanding, doesn’t matter what they do…helping tourist police to arrest a guy who had 0.8.gram of Ganja.

Guess they should hide behind trees, what they’re doing in their country.

I won’t buy a Volvo now, these guys are so weird.

No probs should you for whatever weird reason want to buy a Volvo when there are decent cars around. Volvo has been sold to China.


Finding a buyer is not a problem. Get a good price might be one.

I saw some one sell blueberries from the back of a car trunk to day on a parking lot .. i dont belive that will give the same amount of money we are talking about here but i have a friend who´s "In the business" sort of! He use to have 10-12 thai ppl. working for him every sesson .. he use to sell pallets of berries to the russian mafia i belive!

That makes alot of money for all ppl. involved if the "Boss" is good and hooked on Thai .. this one is! ;)


Normally they show the face of the low life dirty sewer sucking scum drug dealers why no this vermon?

I was wondering the same thing, this after all is not Japanese porn. :)

I know a couple of Thai women that travels to Gävle, Sweden to make round about between 30 000 to 100 000 SEK - 130 000 to 450 000 TBH each in 2 months picking berries in the late summe to fall.

So um, can I (EU national) get one of these jobs too?

Late summer in Sweden and coming back with the bones of 1/2 million baht sounds okay.

Sure, just get send me a message and I will forward your name and number to a Swedish/Thai person I know handle this.

But it's not a job anyone can do, imagening being bent over to pick those berries 12-15 hours a day, for 60 days or more?

Need to practice first, go up to isaarn and plant rice :)

You could stop at reststops and sell buckets of berries but you make a whole lot more if you sell to Swedish jam factories directly.

If you can get a hold of any contact within those companies, you don't need a middleman.


"His wife didn't know"

Yeah right, just like Taksin's wife didn't know nothing about what he was doing...

What are you suggesting PM Thaksin was doing that was illegal? Be careful here you better have your facts straight. I would suggest in the future you don't put PM Thaksin and his family in the same company as a Swedish Ya ba dealer unless you can prove there is a connection. There are defamation laws here in Thailand in case you were unaware. Furthermore correct English would be, ...didn't know "anything" not ...didn't know "nothing".

The facts re. Thaksin are that he is a coward and a convicted, runaway criminal. So yes, what he did was certainly illegal. And he did much more than what he is found guilty of. And as you seem to have overlooked the past few years, he is no longer the PM of Thailand. Maybe you have your red shirt over your head? And you better strap yourself securily on your high horse. Not everyone on this forum has English as their mother tongue but they are nevertheless allowed to air their views without having nitpickers like yourself pointing out irrelevant details.

Well said.

@SanSaiExPat - I have a 'connection' for you. The 3000 [?] killed [ostensibly for drug-related offences - we'll never know....] who can no longer nitpick after they were exposed to Thaksin's extra-judicial use of the police force. I have a lot more sympathy in my cold heart for an alleged ya-baa dealer than a man who illegally kills them.


There have been more than 1 or 2 would be ice manufacturers asking for advice here on Thai Visa over the years :rolleyes:

I kid you not. You can usually recognise them by the way they ask where to buy certain chemicals for a totally implausible reason. They then go on to reveal a complete lack of chemical knowledge. Given that the items requested are intrinsic to kitchen meth recipes....go figure.

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