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Embarrassing Farangs.


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Moonrakers, have you ever tried ignoring people? Or do you secretly enjoy upsetting yourself about things, which you can't control?

And I thought the Thais had 'loss of face' problems!!! You are worse!!! You weren't directly confronted by this imbecile & yet you still chose to be 'embarrassed'.

Do I really need to use a "Tongue in cheek" emotion.

The way that this thread has evolved, my question is a rhetorical one.

Given the below info, a "Tongue in cheek" emoticon would have been very useful for you.

Feeling somehow affiliated to this tool, due to sharing the same nationality, I found myself shrinking in an attempt to distance myself from him.

It was bordering upon unbearable. The girls behind the counter were giggling, clearly out of embarrassment but this numpty is reading their giggles as an indication that he is being a fantastically cool entertainer of the random masses. Just as I thought that things could get no worse.....

He does a twirl, whilst stood at the counter.

No shit sherlock.

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Hey I am happy for the embarrassing foreigners. Make me look just a little bit better as I am a very boring person with (usually) no egg yolk stains. No dancing or jigs at the 7 for me!


It seems nowadays you have to go 7/11 to have some fun.

I had a similar encounter the other day ,about 6 am, the guy was not singing, but pissed drunk and talking nonsense to himself loudly, but, most of all, having a complete breakfast on the till board.

I have to admit that i was embarrassed for a moment, but the cashiers were giggling, so i had to laugh too.

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I know there has been a similar thread, but I can't find it.

So I am in 7-11 buying stuff, I reach the counter and what should arrive at the till next to me:

Some tall, lanky English knob. Singing "Wish you had a girlfriend who's hot like me", whilst ordering a pack of cigarettes. Feeling somehow affiliated to this tool, due to sharing the same nationality, I found myself shrinking in an attempt to distance myself from him.

It was bordering upon unbearable. The girls behind the counter were giggling, clearly out of embarrassment but this numpty is reading their giggles as an indication that he is being a fantastically cool entertainer of the random masses. Just as I thought that things could get no worse.....

He does a twirl, whilst stood at the counter.

As if my fellow countrymen haven't acquired a bad enough reputation already.

Thought scousers had a good sense of humour,but i can understand you feeling realy low if you support Liverpool,carm down,carm down lad

Spoken as a Stoke supporter......... :cheesy:

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I guess you would have to be there, but from the sounds of it I would just find it funny.

I prefer guys like that, to guys who are grumpy and rude.

The ones that make me cringe though are the pawers. What i mean are the guys who cant help wandering hands with their newly acquired rented date. You see them walking ahead and its like the guy is worried shes gonna run off or something..haha..constantly back touching/rubbing, neck/head/hair/arm touching, paw paw. Sure even a Thai bf would touch me too..but there is a difference between the kinds of touching and how much..i hope you know what im talking about. lol..

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Interesting, not so much what Moonrakers said, (sorry whack!) but more the amount of times that 7/11 keep cropping up in the posts on TV. Maybe it deserves its own topic.

As for embarrassing farang, “there but for the grace of God go I” I’m never embarrassing, too me my mates are just a lovably cheeky chaps and I find all our jokes very funny! But singing in 7/11, no way, I can’t compete, way too many nutter, sorry I mean talent in there.

The best performance I’ve seen in a 7/11 was in Pattaya, (surprised?) Around 2 am I entered the store and was immediately hit by the sound of someone singing “Angles” a Robby Williams number, not one but two performers, they were giving it some! Both at the back of the store, one by the Slushy machine the other by the yogurts, and what they lacked in; pitch, tone, harmony, tempo, remembering the words and dance moves, (Oh yes, they were dancing)they made up for in volume!! When I got there they already had a loyal following, both Thai and farang, about 15 people (IMHO the Thais were just being polite, and waiting for them to finish so they could get what they came for at the back of the shop) But a few people were holding lit “Bic” lighters in the air, and swaying, (alcohol induced me thinks)

I like most of the fans where in the “snack” section of the 7/11, I was there about 3 minutes when it all started to go a bit “Pete Tong” the guy by the Slushy machine tried to pull off a flash dance move and jammed his knee, “with some force” into the edge of the freezer, I was up to this point a little unsure as to their nationality. The knee jamming gave it all away, he was a Brit! I’m an ex Marine… and he made me blush with the language he was using. With this the manager entered stage right, (7/11’s manager, not there’s) carrying a mop, I like most people though she may be part of the act till she slapped the still singing “Robby” square in the fizog with the business end of a very wet mop, to the joy of the audience she rounded on hopping “Robby” lined him up for a broad side…… and missed, taking out the top shelf of bread, and at the same time spraying the audience with mop head water. Well! It all went downhill from there. 7/11 is great entertainment. The best time for buffoon spotting in 7/11 is from midnight on, book early to avoid disappointment.

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Actually I think this guy sort of has a better understanding of Thai people than OP. Thai people are all about sanuk and not taking things seriously. They are stuck in a boring 7-11 job and I can tell you they probably enjoyed having the guy with song and dance number more than the non-embarassing but uptight farangs that they probably usually encounter. if the guy was being obscene or abusive, then I would have been embarassed too, but it seems just like a guy having a good time, so I dont really see the problem. My wife has a shop and the girls who work there really like when the farang customers joke and kid around with them.

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I think having good senses of humor and perspective, especially using him as an affirmation of your life that you turned out better than him, would be the best way to handle it.  I keenly feel in my bones the sheer evanescence of my existence, and sometimes I whistle, and I sing for no good reason except that I feel like it.  If you feel threatened, shamed, or embarrassed, it is not my fault

Edited by hhgz
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South Pattaya road after the bars on Walking street close.

Now that’s a place.

The 7/11 is close to the middle of the action.

The ladies who have 10 baht take a bus home and the ladies who don’t have 10 baht walk. Have you ever seen a hundred Thai hookers without 10 baht coming towards you at the same time?

It is the time of night when the guys come out who mug the muggers. The fellows who rob the robbers. No one is safe. Everything is negotiable. If a cop stops you, ask him if he does drag and he might say yes. What can you buy at the 7/11 on South Pattaya road at 3 AM? The mind boggles.

As for the Farangs out on that street at that time of the morning, Glitterman seems rather normal.

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Interesting, not so much what Moonrakers said, (sorry whack!) but more the amount of times that 7/11 keep cropping up in the posts on TV. Maybe it deserves its own topic.

As for embarrassing farang, “there but for the grace of God go I” I’m never embarrassing, too me my mates are just a lovably cheeky chaps and I find all our jokes very funny! But singing in 7/11, no way, I can’t compete, way too many nutter, sorry I mean talent in there.

The best performance I’ve seen in a 7/11 was in Pattaya, (surprised?) Around 2 am I entered the store and was immediately hit by the sound of someone singing “Angles” a Robby Williams number, not one but two performers, they were giving it some! Both at the back of the store, one by the Slushy machine the other by the yogurts, and what they lacked in; pitch, tone, harmony, tempo, remembering the words and dance moves, (Oh yes, they were dancing)they made up for in volume!! When I got there they already had a loyal following, both Thai and farang, about 15 people (IMHO the Thais were just being polite, and waiting for them to finish so they could get what they came for at the back of the shop) But a few people were holding lit “Bic” lighters in the air, and swaying, (alcohol induced me thinks)

I like most of the fans where in the “snack” section of the 7/11, I was there about 3 minutes when it all started to go a bit “Pete Tong” the guy by the Slushy machine tried to pull off a flash dance move and jammed his knee, “with some force” into the edge of the freezer, I was up to this point a little unsure as to their nationality. The knee jamming gave it all away, he was a Brit! I’m an ex Marine… and he made me blush with the language he was using. With this the manager entered stage right, (7/11’s manager, not there’s) carrying a mop, I like most people though she may be part of the act till she slapped the still singing “Robby” square in the fizog with the business end of a very wet mop, to the joy of the audience she rounded on hopping “Robby” lined him up for a broad side…… and missed, taking out the top shelf of bread, and at the same time spraying the audience with mop head water. Well! It all went downhill from there. 7/11 is great entertainment. The best time for buffoon spotting in 7/11 is from midnight on, book early to avoid disappointment.

What "Angles" would that be? 180degrees on the floor or what??

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I was at the checkout in Tesco in Udon Thani when a fat, bald man, mid sixties came up behind with his trolley and decided to talk to me.

Not very embarrassing until I mention he had no shirt on.:bah:

I hope no one thought he was my dad.:ph34r:

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Actually I think this guy sort of has a better understanding of Thai people than OP. Thai people are all about sanuk and not taking things seriously. They are stuck in a boring 7-11 job and I can tell you they probably enjoyed having the guy with song and dance number more than the non-embarassing but uptight farangs that they probably usually encounter. if the guy was being obscene or abusive, then I would have been embarassed too, but it seems just like a guy having a good time, so I dont really see the problem. My wife has a shop and the girls who work there really like when the farang customers joke and kid around with them.

Moonrakers..the question has to be asked:

Was he doing this in Khatooey voice?

If so, then he is quite within his rights and you should just belt up and go about your own business, as clearly you are a homophobe of the worst calibre,

I often do this myself, but however, in consideration to good taste i would not have choosen that song.

I usually prefer the Eddie Murphy rendition of "roxanne"....aka beverly hills cop....when done in certain company it works wonders

you should try it sometime

Once i even got a sexy thai girls phone number :P

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Interesting, not so much what Moonrakers said, (sorry whack!) but more the amount of times that 7/11 keep cropping up in the posts on TV. Maybe it deserves its own topic.

As for embarrassing farang, "there but for the grace of God go I" I'm never embarrassing, too me my mates are just a lovably cheeky chaps and I find all our jokes very funny! But singing in 7/11, no way, I can't compete, way too many nutter, sorry I mean talent in there.

The best performance I've seen in a 7/11 was in Pattaya, (surprised?) Around 2 am I entered the store and was immediately hit by the sound of someone singing "Angles" a Robby Williams number, not one but two performers, they were giving it some! Both at the back of the store, one by the Slushy machine the other by the yogurts, and what they lacked in; pitch, tone, harmony, tempo, remembering the words and dance moves, (Oh yes, they were dancing)they made up for in volume!! When I got there they already had a loyal following, both Thai and farang, about 15 people (IMHO the Thais were just being polite, and waiting for them to finish so they could get what they came for at the back of the shop) But a few people were holding lit "Bic" lighters in the air, and swaying, (alcohol induced me thinks)

I like most of the fans where in the "snack" section of the 7/11, I was there about 3 minutes when it all started to go a bit "Pete Tong" the guy by the Slushy machine tried to pull off a flash dance move and jammed his knee, "with some force" into the edge of the freezer, I was up to this point a little unsure as to their nationality. The knee jamming gave it all away, he was a Brit! I'm an ex Marine… and he made me blush with the language he was using. With this the manager entered stage right, (7/11's manager, not there's) carrying a mop, I like most people though she may be part of the act till she slapped the still singing "Robby" square in the fizog with the business end of a very wet mop, to the joy of the audience she rounded on hopping "Robby" lined him up for a broad side…… and missed, taking out the top shelf of bread, and at the same time spraying the audience with mop head water. Well! It all went downhill from there. 7/11 is great entertainment. The best time for buffoon spotting in 7/11 is from midnight on, book early to avoid disappointment.

What "Angles" would that be? 180degrees on the floor or what??

Nice one Yabaaaa

There’s always one a! Angles and Angels, same same, but deferent! One sung by Robby Williams the other sung by every pisshead who thinks he can sing…….Get it? No. Same song different angle.

By the way….. Mind you don’t cut yourself! Spelling police rule….KO!

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A bit of topic here,but still kinda embarrassing for the nationality im about to mention.

When i was in koh pha ngan in march i seen this israeli guy screaming abuse at a thai street vendor,apparently over the cost of a bracelet,israeli guy wasn't happy about the price etc,the language that was coming out of the guys mouth was disgusting..how can you visit a country and be so rude to the natives,especially thais??

Edited by Mario2008
generalisation regarding etnicity removed
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If I was a bigot, I could make a list of other nationalities or ethnic groups that I have witnessed being equally abusive, but I am not. There are bad apples in every group, but some folks seem to fixate on particular ones for their own reasons. :whistling:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I guess you would have to be there, but from the sounds of it I would just find it funny.

I prefer guys like that, to guys who are grumpy and rude.

The ones that make me cringe though are the pawers. What i mean are the guys who cant help wandering hands with their newly acquired rented date. You see them walking ahead and its like the guy is worried shes gonna run off or something..haha..constantly back touching/rubbing, neck/head/hair/arm touching, paw paw. Sure even a Thai bf would touch me too..but there is a difference between the kinds of touching and how much..i hope you know what im talking about. lol..


Too much information! I feel sick now. I know the types, so give me a singer and a dancer any day.

Cheers, Rick

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I have a theory about 7/11.

As we know, 7/11s are the most intensely lighted places on the planet, the only known locations where the light level exceeds that of the sun. Light of this intensity can penetrate the skull and cause brain activity to be disturbed resulting in temporary insanity.

Side effects of this phenomenon are a sudden desire for cheesy bites, which no sane person would ever wish for.

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Missed your chance to join in on the humor.

Should've complimented him on his singing talent, told him he missed his calling.

I think more embarrassing are the farangs who throw out wais to everyone. Waiing the doormen, waiing the Myanmar laborer passing by.......ridiculous.

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