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Glitterman Speaks About Pattaya'S Sea.


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The Almighty and Powerful Wizard is Back again rather quickly with this floating piece.

I do like to swim, oh how do, i try to swim everyday. It is the best exercise one can possibly do. I use the sea as a gym for 30 mins, standing still but working out my arms.

I used to have to wade through floating plastic rubbish to get my swim, but these days the sea is much cleaner. I always swim at soi 5 Pattaya beach.

A couple of months ago while i was working out in the sea, keeping myself to myself, a Russian lady quickly waded out into the sea near me, and started nervously looking around her. I happily carried on with my stationary workout, continuing with my usual thoughts like; 'I must remember to pack lots of cheese for when i land on the moon, as i believe there are no fish in the sky', and 'Just look at this annoying pedaler here, getting men to view his rubbish that he thinks is great stuff ', When all of a sudden i felt someone gently tapping me on my shoulder, But when i turned around to see who it was i was very surprised to see nobody there, but VERY disgusted to see a human excrees.......ecreet......excresi.......poo bobbing up and down in the water. Making my swim rather unpleasurable indeed i should say what ho [upper class jargon talk], and that is the second time this year that has happened.

At low tide if you dig four inches below the surface the sand is BLACK. When you walk on this while in the sea it feels all slimy and goey.

Soon the stinging jellyfish will swarm Pattayas sea, making it impossible to get your swim without getting stung at least 3 times, as the seas currant carries everything south to north at one foot per two seconds. Jet skis are also a nuisance.

But despite all this i would much rather swim in the open sea than a swimming pool. It is much more fun, whereas a pool is like being in a four walled gym, very confined and contained. There is a lot of chlorine in swimming pools to try and counteract the HUGE amount of urine present in the water. and i doubt that the water is changed everyday or even every week.

What do you prefer, sea or a swimming pool?

The Royal Glitterman hath spoken.


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