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Can't do anything until I am in Thailand....i am being objective... Been talking to people who HAVE been rejected for tourist visa's that come from rich families... In fact talked to two people recently .. One got rejected for the USA visa dispite the fact that they had even travelled to Canada before.. She comes from a super wealthy family....She had to go to School in Sweeden instead...She got that visa in a week....The other person i know is still waiting.......

I went to school in Mahidol International school.....Everybody i met there would always ask why the ###### am i studying in Thailand when all of them want to get to america??....Heard all kinds of stories about rejection....

Maybe it will be easy?? Winging and moaning?? What about all their winging and moaning and asking for this and asking for that? And stamping this and stamping that? Photo Copy of this and a photo copy of that? Picture isn't the right size? Go get another picure... Sorry we are closed.......You put up with that? EVERY DAY.. AND THAT IS OKAY FOR YOU?????????

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So I guess that disproves your point about the rich having it all. After reviewing your posts you don't seem at all in touch with reality. I have to say thank goodness that you are not running border patrol as you don't seem to believe in documentation, etc . . . seems that if you ran INS in the US (or for any country for that matter) someone's word would be enough to let them in (a pinky swear or a cross my heart and hope to die promise and your in). I would love to see that system.

Dude, life is unfair but you just have to truck it. If you don't like the system, fight it, whining and complaining about it is not going to change the world. And marrying someone just to get them to the States, I wish you luck in your relationship.

Don't forget, you are one of the rich people that you seem to think rule the world. With your passport you can come and go as you please, and I do seem to remember that you said Mommy and Daddy had some extra loot lying around so you and your wife could crash there.

Get the paperwork done, maybe marriage is not an option. Not everyone gets turned down. I myself am in the same predicament, but I'm playing by the rules, I don't like it, but I play along and take my chances just like everyone else


Just so I follow this correctly,

She is not a tourist....

Not a fiancee of an American citizen....

Not married to a American citizen...

Not qualified to work in the USA...

Has no family to sponsor her in the USA...

Not applying for immigration to the USA...

Has no clear means of financial support...

And you are not sure why the INS will not grant her a visa?



***** Som Tam, just a rehash of some of the things you said in your post - I especially love the comments about Thais. I kinda feel sorry for her . . .*****

"You can take the thai out of the rice paddy feild but you can't take the rice paddy field out of the thai."

"I have kept her ignorant of the English language. I only speak thai with her. That will keep her in my control a little bit."

"But luckily she is Thai. You know how them thais are.....They can stare at the wall for hours and enjoy it."

I am thinking about getting married with her in order for her to get a visa and that way we can go back to America and live there

They need to keep the poor in their crap country to work the crap jobs.

And America's welfare state is for the rich not the poor.

I mean In America the rich Americans go to Mexico for cheap dental work and sun tans.

All these laws do is protect the rich

Yeah, I should be okay because my parents have a place for us to stay

But my parents are well off as they say and money will be no problem.

i am being objective

I am 29 years old

***** Are you sure about the last 2 points? *****


HA HA HA HA HA HA.........Made me laugh. That was me....Heh heh heh....Damm Yes i am 29 but still think like a 16 year old or 12 year old or whatever..But NO Seriouly here for a second. Obviously my online personality is much different than my real personality...In real life I am much cooler. I mean I am KOOL.......

KOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL! 2 Kool 4 Skoooooooooollllllll!!!!!

No but god damm it!! Isn't it scary though I have been putting my girlfriend through school so she can get her peice of paper and have a bit more freedom. Seriously i spent a year in the worse place imaginable....CHINA!!!!! I lived in this town that Dante wouldn't even consider going there......I mean if you want to imagine this place just close your eyes imagine the world was flat and this is the edge of the Earth... Constant ugliness surronding you everywhere you look...And the noise..You think bangkok is loud? You should have spent a year of your life where I was. People hacking and spitting at all hours of the day....People reving up their car engnines at 2 in the morning for no good reason....Just everywhere you look filth and black sludge........ :o ..........

Have you seen that one film where that Guy eats Mcdonalds for 30 days straight? That is nothing.. I drank the Cheapest Chinese whisky for 40 days straigt in some abandond park!!!!!.,,,,,,,,Well I had one old highschool friend to keep me company.. I think we acutally lost our minds......We would get violent and wrestle around in the bushes........Yelling at the moon....ARRRRRRHHHH!

I stayed there....................made it out.....but still I am in China.. Planing to leave this Freak show and get back to the Evil Durian Shamland...Get the booty and head back to the UNITED SNAKES OF CAPTIVITY!!!!!!!!

hehe heheehe................NO PEOPLE. I mean I guess I am a Super Hippie....I do belive that everybody should be able to have a simular life experience...I mean be able to have the freedom to do certain things....Like going from Point A to Point B........Why not? Without all these papers and stamps and rules and regulations..

I understand that it is much too late for us all. Capitalism has got it's greedy tenctacles wrapped around the earth and all of our necks and it's dragging it down to it's implacable DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are all locked up in this black machine and we don't know where it is going..Nobody aks Why? I do love my girlfriend. Sorry for the sentimental crap...but seriously I just want to be with her..That is it. Isn't tha simple? I have sacrifced my life for over a year in order to make it all possible...And I don't want it to be ruined because of THEM....Their so called "LAWS" they got from god knows where.....

Why do I have to have my entire life mapped out? That sounds boring...Isn't life about being Spontanious? (howz do you spellz that word?) Damm it!! Don't feel sorry for my Girl friend....We have lots of fun.........And we don't hurt anybody in the process. Unlike SOME.........

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