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It'S Only 10 Baht More


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Here we go again with double pricing. This time at the market.

Several times a week for the past couple of months I've been dining at the local market. The menu there is printed in both Thai and English. And I've always enjoyed a number of tasty dishes that the friendly cook had prepared. That's why I continued to return: good food, delightful cook, oh, and of course, the cost was always only 25 or 30 baht for most things, an occasional 40 baht for something nicer.

Well, yesterday after I ordered I got to browsing the menu and I noticed that one of the menus was in Thai only. Looking closer I saw that the dish I had ordered--chicken and cashews with rice--was only 30 baht. I had been paying 40, and was expecting to pay the same last evening. I picked up another menu, the one with English and Thai, and saw that, yes, the same dish was 33% higher.

I immediately asked the cook what the difference was (other than 10 baht), and she said that the higher price menu was for tourists. Grrrr. I told her that I wanted to pay the Thai price, but she continued to say that I was a tourist. After a bit more conversation she relented and said that I could pay the lower price, but this time only.

Unfortunately for her and me that was the last time I will eat there. She had always been friendly and attentive, but she'd been fleecing me all along. It's not the 10 baht or the 5 baht difference on a plate of fried rice. I just don't like the deliberate deceptiveness. Buyer beware.

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I agree with you but................. you like the place, the food and the higher price was still a good deal. By not going "you cut off your nose to spite your face". Although I dont like it I would continue going since you do like it like it is, in spite of her attempt to fleece you. At least now she knows you know.

I have been in this situation before and like you stopped going only to pay more somewhere else that wasnt as good. I went back but was just a little less friendly.

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"Unfortunately for her and me that was the last time I will eat there."

Yep, no need to make a fuss - you did the right thing by voting with your feet.

There are more than enough small Thai restaurants, that are happy to have your regular custom and won't charge you higher prices.

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I agree with you but................. you like the place, the food and the higher price was still a good deal. By not going "you cut off your nose to spite your face". Although I dont like it I would continue going since you do like it like it is, in spite of her attempt to fleece you. At least now she knows you know.

I have been in this situation before and like you stopped going only to pay more somewhere else that wasnt as good. I went back but was just a little less friendly.

I understand what you are saying, but in these situations the food tends to lose its flavour.

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I don't mean this post to be a put-down in any way, but the longer I am here in Thailand, the more I agree that this is ok. Unless you are reading from the Thai menu and asking for the food in Thai, you are asking the shop owner or worker to "translate" for you and I don't think that asking for 5-10 baht for the service is a big deal. but from your post it sounds like you can read thai. In that case, I would do as any other Thai person would. Grab the thai menu and order the cheaper dish in Thai.

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I no longer boycot the places as I used to but the food etc tastes better elswhere. I ony go to a place that overcharges if it suits me now and that is only if friends are going there. Once I would not have gone under any circumstances.

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I don't mean this post to be a put-down in any way, but the longer I am here in Thailand, the more I agree that this is ok. Unless you are reading from the Thai menu and asking for the food in Thai, you are asking the shop owner or worker to "translate" for you and I don't think that asking for 5-10 baht for the service is a big deal. but from your post it sounds like you can read thai. In that case, I would do as any other Thai person would. Grab the thai menu and order the cheaper dish in Thai.

Exactly what I would do. Pick up the Thai menu, point to the item and read it in Thai and mention the price quoted in Thai. Then ask her to confirm the price so there is no mistake.

Now, having said that, I can understand her charging a bit more for tourists - people do it the world over, not just in Thailand. She is in business to amke a profit after all and she won't be getting a fortune. Doesn't mean I condone it though.

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Good observations and comments. By the way, being able to speak and read Thai--at least to some extent--for better than 15 years now, I would always order in Thai. I will try to find another, maybe even better place to spend my money. All part of the adventure.

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Had the same then the owner pointed out I had almost twice the normal amount as I was huge foreigner to them, and although they want to keep me happy and fed they also had to charge a little extra.

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In the market yesterday, went to buy a 10bht pineapple from the male market vendor.

His wife told him to charge me 20bht as I was a foreigner ...... he got the 30bht change to my 50bht, thought about it, then gave me 40bht change. Just as well he would have lost a regular customer forever.

What always amuses me is that they never think for a moment that I understand what they are saying.

I always order from the Thai menu too, I don't want bigger portions, giving you more is bad for your health.

Eat less and get rid of the 'farang uan' image!

Edited by sarahsbloke
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I understand that it might upset you and I probably would have said something. However, I'm sort of the opposite. There are two Thai cafes that I dine at frequently. Very few farangs go there. I always have paid 40 baht for the same meal that the Thais pay 30 baht for. I also know the same meal in town costs 50 to 60 baht. But, I willingly pay more than I need to and more than the menu says. It has had an odd spin off. I get a big bowl of consume soup with my meal when others get a small bowl. And, I get a huge helping that is at least half again as much as others receive. If I order a Thai omellet I get 3 eggs instead of the usual 2.

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Good observations and comments. By the way, being able to speak and read Thai--at least to some extent--for better than 15 years now, I would always order in Thai. I will try to find another, maybe even better place to spend my money. All part of the adventure.

if youve been really here 15 years your a slow learner. you liked the food the cook and the price but now you wont go there. thats daft. fact.

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When we first came here, we rented a short term service apartment and roped my MIL to mind the kids while my wife and I went house hunting.

We bought our drinking water from a store across the street. At various times my MIL who speaks northern Thai, my wife who speaks Bangkok Thai and myself, who spoke Thai like a three-year-old bought the same six-pack of drinking water. As is their wont, daughter and mom compared prices and asked me what I'd paid. We discovered that there was a three tiered pricing: MIL paid the least while yours truly paid the most.

Par for the course. It's not discrimination against foreigners, it's charging whatever is perceived the market can pay. I'm not saying it's right, but it's business. And maybe not even good business. But it's not personal or racial.

It's your choice and right to withhold your patronage and their right to run their business the way they want. Other countries have laws against dual pricing, Thailand doesn't—yet.

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Its only 10 baht, but i get it, I totally do. I know many dont care about the principle factor, but personally I do. I wont sweat it, but i will vote with my feet and not go back to some place that would try to charge me a different rate just because of the colour of my skin. Fair enough if portions are different, but in that case people should have that option. Im taller than many Thai, but my body is smaller than many of them, so its not like i eat more! It just feels disrespectful, particularly if you are speaking Thai. Especially would feel like a slap in the face if you were a regular diner.

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Its only 10 baht, but i get it, I totally do. I know many dont care about the principle factor, but personally I do. I wont sweat it, but i will vote with my feet and not go back to some place that would try to charge me a different rate just because of the colour of my skin. Fair enough if portions are different, but in that case people should have that option. Im taller than many Thai, but my body is smaller than many of them, so its not like i eat more! It just feels disrespectful, particularly if you are speaking Thai. Especially would feel like a slap in the face if you were a regular diner.


If the portions are different (2 eggs vs 3) then a small price difference is justified. Of course the business operator should give you the option, especially for you Thai speakers.


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I am sure the portion sizes are NOT different. If you want a larger portion, you order that (sounds something like pee-set) and of course that costs more. I agree with the OP. That is 10 extra baht they would not be getting from me once I discovered their obnoxious pricing policy. If the OP was eating there every day for years, do you still think he would be considered a "tourist" for pricing purposes. Of course! I have even had places who have charged me fairly for years, decide to go rogue on me and charge the farang price. I don't credit them with the intelligence to understand why they never see me again.

The portion thing is another point. Often we do want more food and we BUY more food, either two dishes where a Thai would buy one, or specify a larger portion. That's more sales they are missing if they piss us off, serves them right.

Edited by Jingthing
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Foreigners are usually bigger people so maybe they put a little more in the dish and charge you for it. Think supersized!!

or only visit restaurants full of BIG FAT Thais..... :lol:

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I understand that it might upset you and I probably would have said something. However, I'm sort of the opposite. There are two Thai cafes that I dine at frequently. Very few farangs go there. I always have paid 40 baht for the same meal that the Thais pay 30 baht for. I also know the same meal in town costs 50 to 60 baht. But, I willingly pay more than I need to and more than the menu says. It has had an odd spin off. I get a big bowl of consume soup with my meal when others get a small bowl. And, I get a huge helping that is at least half again as much as others receive. If I order a Thai omellet I get 3 eggs instead of the usual 2.

Sorry but it is not the same meal. My math says small bowl <> large bowl or 2 eggs <> 3 eggs.

You are probably getting a bargain so do the right thing and pay even more ;) .

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Foreigners are usually bigger people so maybe they put a little more in the dish and charge you for it. Think supersized!!

or only visit restaurants full of BIG FAT Thais..... :lol:

All kidding aside, there are more and more of them around.

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Out of interest, did you pay her 30Bt for a 30Bt dish or did you tip her? Or were you paying 40Bt including tip?

I say that, because if you were actually paying 40Bt and you were both happy, then why worry? you were both happy with the arrangement.

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