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Insurance Broker In Phuket


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I was put on to him by an acquaintance when I was first here 12 years ago. I didn't drive in th uk, no need, decent public transport. He told me no problem with no licence here (sounded plausible at the time, given the state of the driving).. After handing over 6k for the policy I had a prang on Chalong Circle. The Thai insurance rep said the company would pay out, this time, and apologised for 'Mr Dohlon'. <_<

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Have to agree with the previous poster. Enquired about household insurance last year, and concluded from his response he did not listen to me or read my information properly. He only cared about the sales.

Before i came to thailand i worked as marketing manager for an insurance company, so know my insurances.

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He have helped a few of my friends big time, cant say anything bad about that guy.

I phoned and emailed Eric 2 days ago and he told me he would Email me the policy details yesterday.

I have receive no email and have lost interest in dealing with him i am sure i can get better service elsewhere.

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Bupa insurance, is it for expats only or do the insure Thai nationals, the insurance is not for me.

For anybody.


I had BUPA for 2 years did not use them, i told my friend about them, he got them and ended up waiting 8 months for his money when he used his insurance, but i guess they all try delay if they can

Forgot to tell i think he pay around 100.000 a year, him his Thai GF and their daughter

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Our company has Bupa health insurance policies for the staff, I've claimed twice and am 100% satisfied, they have paid the hospital bill directly both times, which surprised me (both times).

The company policy is good value for money.

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Thanks for the advice everybody, i checked on some and ended up purchasing from the SCB which i have an account

with and there deal was as good if not better than the other insurance providers.

Without going into details on medical insurance we both have personal accident insurance with them it costs 2400 baht

a year until the age of 65 and then goes up slightly, it covers you for up to 100000 baht each accident and 1000000 baht

in case of accidental dead, i have claimed twice and just had to show my card at the Bangkok Phuket Hospital and the

bank was happy to renew it when it was due.

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I'm sure you know, but just to be sure: there are big, big differences between accident insurance and health insurance.

Also, that seems really cheap, 2400thb a year? Does that cover the cost of the hospital room? Emergency room services?

I pay 32,000 for Bupa Platinum, that's 2mil thb Hos. Service, 10,000thb a day room & board, 15,000 ER. This will have been three years of never having used it though.......................so they are up for sure.

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I'm sure you know, but just to be sure: there are big, big differences between accident insurance and health insurance.

Yes i do know, i quoted the accident insurance to show the value for money, the health insurance was 17000 baht and

includes up to 600000 out patient cover in 1 year and up to 30 visits to the doctor in 1 year at 1500 baht each and covers

all other services and charges adequately..

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I'm sure you know, but just to be sure: there are big, big differences between accident insurance and health insurance.

Yes i do know, i quoted the accident insurance to show the value for money, the health insurance was 17000 baht and

includes up to 600000 out patient cover in 1 year and up to 30 visits to the doctor in 1 year at 1500 baht each and covers

all other services and charges adequately..

Does the accident insurance cover motor bike accidents?

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Yes i do know, i quoted the accident insurance to show the value for money, the health insurance was 17000 baht and

includes up to 600000 out patient cover in 1 year and up to 30 visits to the doctor in 1 year at 1500 baht each and covers

all other services and charges adequately..

Does the accident insurance cover motor bike accidents?


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When i say yes it did for me, i was curious about where a very steep new road led close to where i used to live.

I went up it and it got so steep i decided to turn around and go back, when i stopped the bike it started sliding

backwards, i tried to turn the bike i fell and broke my collar bone, know other vehicle was involve and i had not

been drinking alcohol.

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90% of my customers do not read the insurance policy wording, this is not a problem as long as there is no claim.

Of this 90%, a few are unfortunate to have an accident........and of the few that have an accident, an even fewer number will never be satisfied.

This tiny group of dissatisfied customers are the ones I am talking about.

In addition to not reading the policy wording, they refuse to accept any blame when there is a problem concerning an accident.

I have no pity for these type of customers, they only tell one side of the story...........so please keep an open mind when you read what they write.

Years ago, a woman purchased insurance for her very old jeep. She told me she had a license but had lost it (Key words here; she had a license). I explained that she needed to show proof of having a license (even a foreign license is okay for Thai Insurance companies) whenever there was a claim. She obviously forgot what I said when she left my office. She had an accident and could not show proof that she had a license. She blames me for the problem. Give me a break! Where in the world can you drive a car and be insured................ without a driver's license? Another customer has an automobile accident after midnight and calls me. My phone is only normally on during business hours. This customer repeatedly left messages full of curses because I didn't have my phone turned on. This customer obviously did not read the policy wording or notice the 24 hour emergency telephone number BOLDLY printed on the insurance policy envelope. Eventually, he realized that the insurance company had to be contacted. This is S.O.P. for all insurance companies. Whenever there is an accident or claim, you have to call the insurance company without delay. All insurance companies have the same procedure when it comes to automobile accidents. You have to contact them so they can send an accident surveyor to the scene of the accident. The agent or broker is not authorized to act on behalf of the insurance company when an accident occurs.

I do my best to provide accurate information on insurance matters in plain English.

In Phuket, you will be hard-pressed to find one person in the whole insurance office that speaks sufficient English to give you a detailed explanation.

I represent 8 different health insurance companies....BUPA is one of the preferred companies.

BUPA is a reputable insurance company, but many continue to complain about being cheated.

I have no record of BUPA ever cheating a customer, in fact; BUPA even paid a 170,000 Baht claim that was initially denied.

I helped the customer write a detailed letter explaining the factors surrounding the claim asking BUPA to revise their decision and they paid.

The majority of problems with BUPA claims occur because of very few reasons: The customer purchased the policy from a Thai agent that could not speak sufficient English. The customer never read the policy wording. The customer never contacted BUPA before going to the hospital (this is clearly indicated in the policy wording). The customer purchased the cheapest policy for a few thousand Baht and is surprised when they have to pay a portion of the hospital bill because the tiny insurance policy doesn't cover 100% of the bill. The customer thinks of the health insurance card as a credit card and when they present it to the hospital, all hospital bills are automatically covered. Problems like these are avoided when customers buy insurance though me. The hospitals continue to recommend me because my customers don't have any problems when they use the hospital facilities.

Keep in mind, your insurance premium can go up if you have high claims: Renewal Premium rates are not guaranteed. If you are a healthy person with no claims, you can expect to pay the same premiums as other persons in your age group. If you are sick and have claims that have cost the insurance company money, your renewal premiums will be loaded by a percentage based on the size of the claims incurred by the Insurance Company. These loadings can range anywhere from 10% to 25% and are applied each year as a factor to the basic premium you pay. In later years, these loadings are compounded for each significant claim paid by the Insurance Co. (Certain companies that I refuse to promote; shock customers with premium loadings of up to 300% on renewal)

Renewal of your Local Health Insurance is not automatic. The policy is year by year. If the Insurance Company decides not to renew your policy, they have the right to refuse renewal. This is allowed by the Thai Office of Insurance Commission.

Premium rates do not reflect the actual cost of insuring persons at each age group because premium rates are not adjusted annually to compensate for changing medical costs and inflation.

Local Health Insurance companies include a 30 day waiting period at the start of the policy for illness claims. There is no waiting period for Accident claims. There is also a 6 month waiting period for a few medical conditions listed in your policy wording.

Have a check-up atthe start of your policy, the check-up results can be worth their weight in gold: Other than Accidents, claims that occur in the first year of Insurance are always suspect. All Health Insurance companies are very cautious in paying for claims that occur in the first year because of the risk of being related to a Pre-Existing Condition. Therefore, it is in your best interests to have a Full Medical Checkup at a reputable hospital just before starting your health insurance policy. This Medical Checkup provides you with documented proof of your medical condition at the start of the Insurance Policy. It is the most important document that will help you dispute an insurance company's decision to deny paying a claim because it is related to a Pre-Existing Condition.

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Sounds to me like the insurance company's here have it all there way,If you do not make a claim they are happy to keep

you as a customer, if you do make a claim/claims they can increase the cost of the policy so its out of a normal persons

reach or just refuse to insure you, a very good high profit making business in my opinion and i am sure the agents make

very good commissions

Where i come from once you are insured the insurance company can not refuse to renew medical insurance and cannot

increase the policy cost because of claims, in my case because i have had private health insurance since before the

government allowed increases in premiums according to age (not Thailand) i will always pay the same as a 25 year old

as long as i live as long as i do not let the policy lapse..

I am sure most people know that if you drive without a valid drivers license or while under the influence of alcohol there

insurance company will not pay any claims.

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Sounds to me like the insurance company's here have it all there way,If you do not make a claim they are happy to keep

you as a customer, if you do make a claim/claims they can increase the cost of the policy so its out of a normal persons

reach or just refuse to insure you, a very good high profit making business in my opinion and i am sure the agents make

very good commissions

Where i come from once you are insured the insurance company can not refuse to renew medical insurance and cannot

increase the policy cost because of claims, in my case because i have had private health insurance since before the

government allowed increases in premiums according to age (not Thailand) i will always pay the same as a 25 year old

as long as i live as long as i do not let the policy lapse..

I am sure most people know that if you drive without a valid drivers license or while under the influence of alcohol there

insurance company will not pay any claims.


Just get over it, TIT you must have been here long enough to know it won’t work like "home" i know for sure it won’t, not only insurance, it’s everything

Forgot to say, TIT again, my friend had a bad accident smashed his car and another car, BIB had to help him out of the car (drunk) he paid a little tea money to the insurance guy and the police, police got around 9000 and insurance guy the same, everybody was happy and insurance paid for his and the other car, you know TIT it’s all about the money

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