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Thai Nuclear Power Plant Feasibility Study Ready By Year-End


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"","" fuel rods for PWR's are not drummed or buried as some of the hysterical farangs on TV seem to think.""

I know YOU wrote that and I didn't like it because I went over the thread and this bullshit only appears on YOUR com , a very lame conversation trick.

I know plants we built in China were done with a maximum of local workforce starting in 1980, and I don't think it's impossible to find engineers and highly skilled workers in LOS .

I mailed a buddy who does just what you do in France and abroad to see whether he's heard of aFrench project in T , which I doubt because it never was in the news and such deals are always publicized years before (desperate for the money) .I asked him about this " waste left 40 y in the basement scheme" and his opinion on the general situation in T as regards operation safety.

But he's on holiday just now so this'll have to wait.

don't spill over, let it cool.

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"" anyone who even thinks that Thailand alone will design and build this sort of kit has really lost their grip on reality or hasnt got a f*kcing clue how things work ""

one more example of S's blatant lack of fair play and foul language.

you're the only one to suggest T would go about it on his own.

You really look down on Thais and French, don't you ?

you may be good with the plants, but hope you read instructions manuals better than forums.

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"" anyone who even thinks that Thailand alone will design and build this sort of kit has really lost their grip on reality or hasnt got a f*kcing clue how things work ""

one more example of S's blatant lack of fair play and foul language.

you're the only one to suggest T would go about it on his own.

You really look down on Thais and French, don't you ?

you may be good with the plants, but hope you read instructions manuals better than forums.

My I humbly suggest you stay off the red wine during day time as it really doesnt help with your prose or debating skills....What are you talking about ??

Please direct me to any of my comments which suggest I look down on the Thai's or the French for that matter, in fact I have worked with the French on many occassions...ie EDF and Framatome...

Viva la France....:lol:

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talking about your own coms .

with such a short memory span, get checked foe alzheimer .

I don't drink .

end of conversation, keep on misquoting others if you feel like it, and pretending you don't know what you just wrote. Some might have patience for that.

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As for photovoltaics energy in production of cells will outway benefits of any currently produced, wrt to nuke, better off using fossil fuels as costs of building plant in terms of energy output and co2 production etc will make fossil fuel use the attractive option

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