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Sorry, sorry, wrong topic.:sorry:

You got that part right anyway.... I guess you're just not used to someone NOT kissing your arse or being your doormat so that suggests they have some sort of attitude? No need to answer it's a rhetorical question anyway...

Wait! You do understand the definition of rhetorical don't you??

Here let me help you out young man, rhetorical definition

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Ford Canceled my warranty this was about :-

Whow ! that was a goodan, that got as near as about meeting up in a car park goes, I'll be Ref !


Transam give up, they cant see it, let them go to the cheap Charlie guy and have it fixed and then complain after it goes wrong

(see aove)

Blimey warpy, l read all that and it's got sod all to do with Thailand. :crying:

You did? You must have time on your hands!


Don't know about this issue. Everybody in Sweden where I come from knows that you must make your services with an authorised garage / dealer or you loose your warranty. That's common knowledge. It's the same in the rest of Scandinavia too. People use the authorised garages / dealers until warranty expires, then they switch to a somewhat cheaper local garage. Thailand is the same. Isn't everywhere the same as Northern Europe and Thailand?

Toyota Thailand has told me openly that if I don't make service with them or if I modify their car, then I will lose my warranty. I had nothing to argue about that because I think that is normal.

What is shitty here is that the dealer guy actually said that it was OK, which is bad and dishonest of him. Still. you should have demanded in writing before you went ahead and did it, not just trust word-of-mouth. And if you travel a lot, then you should have chosen a common car brand that you know you can service where you need to use it. It's not like your travelling is a surprise or anything.

You have been wrongly treated of course, but you also made some mistakes

I wish you luck with your car

Servicing by authorised service agent/garage/dealer is a must in LOS too, and even more important than in Scandinavia

there are sold more cheap copy oils in LOS than original product. So your local garage synthetic Mobile 1 could often be cheap stuff in nice sealed bottle and the oilfilters of wrong spec. As goes for all other parts needed.

Recalls are not very common in LOS, so manufactorers agent/garage/dealer check or replace stuff without telling customer or noting on invoice

Sorry you dealer misguided you, but it should be common knowledge to service by authorised servicepartner. In addition most vehicles sold in LOS come with free service during warranty time, and at Toyota and Honda it takes 30-90 minutes depending on milage. Allways on time during my 7,5 years and 8 vehicles here.


Don't know about this issue. Everybody in Sweden where I come from knows that you must make your services with an authorised garage / dealer or you loose your warranty. That's common knowledge. It's the same in the rest of Scandinavia too. People use the authorised garages / dealers until warranty expires, then they switch to a somewhat cheaper local garage. Thailand is the same. Isn't everywhere the same as Northern Europe and Thailand?

Toyota Thailand has told me openly that if I don't make service with them or if I modify their car, then I will lose my warranty. I had nothing to argue about that because I think that is normal.

What is shitty here is that the dealer guy actually said that it was OK, which is bad and dishonest of him. Still. you should have demanded in writing before you went ahead and did it, not just trust word-of-mouth. And if you travel a lot, then you should have chosen a common car brand that you know you can service where you need to use it. It's not like your travelling is a surprise or anything.

You have been wrongly treated of course, but you also made some mistakes

I wish you luck with your car

Servicing by authorised service agent/garage/dealer is a must in LOS too, and even more important than in Scandinavia

there are sold more cheap copy oils in LOS than original product. So your local garage synthetic Mobile 1 could often be cheap stuff in nice sealed bottle and the oilfilters of wrong spec. As goes for all other parts needed.

Recalls are not very common in LOS, so manufactorers agent/garage/dealer check or replace stuff without telling customer or noting on invoice

Sorry you dealer misguided you, but it should be common knowledge to service by authorised servicepartner. In addition most vehicles sold in LOS come with free service during warranty time, and at Toyota and Honda it takes 30-90 minutes depending on milage. Allways on time during my 7,5 years and 8 vehicles here.

Is there any source to back up these claims or is it just more personal speculation and specious tripe?? Any fluids I buy are quality double sealed so how does someone repackage it without breaking that seal and more over do you honestly believe a company like Mobil1 and others that stake their reputation on the quality of their product would allow such tampering with it after they spend billions making certain of their formulas? If so that is the biggest pile of rubbish spouted on here to date and that's a large pile when compared to all the rubbish T/A has spouted.....

That's pirating like so many other products here and would not be tolerated by those manufacturers for a moment, it's like suggesting that the film and music industry turns their heads towards pirating when that also isn't true..


It's really tiring constantly needing to correct your comprehension T/A, it's a full time job so I'm not going to exert the energy anymore.. :unsure::rolleyes:


Don't know about this issue. Everybody in Sweden where I come from knows that you must make your services with an authorised garage / dealer or you loose your warranty. That's common knowledge. It's the same in the rest of Scandinavia too. People use the authorised garages / dealers until warranty expires, then they switch to a somewhat cheaper local garage. Thailand is the same. Isn't everywhere the same as Northern Europe and Thailand?

Toyota Thailand has told me openly that if I don't make service with them or if I modify their car, then I will lose my warranty. I had nothing to argue about that because I think that is normal.

What is shitty here is that the dealer guy actually said that it was OK, which is bad and dishonest of him. Still. you should have demanded in writing before you went ahead and did it, not just trust word-of-mouth. And if you travel a lot, then you should have chosen a common car brand that you know you can service where you need to use it. It's not like your travelling is a surprise or anything.

You have been wrongly treated of course, but you also made some mistakes

I wish you luck with your car

Servicing by authorised service agent/garage/dealer is a must in LOS too, and even more important than in Scandinavia

there are sold more cheap copy oils in LOS than original product. So your local garage synthetic Mobile 1 could often be cheap stuff in nice sealed bottle and the oilfilters of wrong spec. As goes for all other parts needed.

Recalls are not very common in LOS, so manufactorers agent/garage/dealer check or replace stuff without telling customer or noting on invoice

Sorry you dealer misguided you, but it should be common knowledge to service by authorised servicepartner. In addition most vehicles sold in LOS come with free service during warranty time, and at Toyota and Honda it takes 30-90 minutes depending on milage. Allways on time during my 7,5 years and 8 vehicles here.

Is there any source to back up these claims or is it just more personal speculation and specious tripe?? Any fluids I buy are quality double sealed so how does someone repackage it without breaking that seal and more over do you honestly believe a company like Mobil1 and others that stake their reputation on the quality of their product would allow such tampering with it after they spend billions making certain of their formulas? If so that is the biggest pile of rubbish spouted on here to date and that's a large pile when compared to all the rubbish T/A has spouted.....

That's pirating like so many other products here and would not be tolerated by those manufacturers for a moment, it's like suggesting that the film and music industry turns their heads towards pirating when that also isn't true..

Pirating is rather common in LOS, and copied oils are very hard to identify. They are double sealed identical bottles, but the paper box they come in often lack a productioncode. When out of box, bottle hard to separate from original. I have friends working in a supermarket, a huge one, they buy from different sources and have shown me how to separate copies from original. This supermarket is honest enough to price the products according to source. They say everone knows expensive, advanced synthetic Shell oils dont sell at 99 baht/litres, only copies

warp, believe it or not, I really couldnt care less.

Care for a Breitling copy? I have one, 7 years old, rplaced battery once, bought it in Bangla at 1500 baht, Breitling dealer back home said its very close to original. I dont see neither Breitling, Rolex or other putting much effort in to control Thai market. I dont see Mobile or Shell buying their own looking products in supermarkets or local Somchai garages either. Not yet.


Forgot, this will really make you laugh though l cried. Via the mrs l tried to explain l wanted the repaired tyre/wheel re-balanced, difficult to convey so l pointed to a balance weight on another wheel, hey presto, all understood. The guy went and found the old weight he pulled off, looked for the dirty mark on the rim where it came from and knocked it back on, l looked up to the sky and didn't bother going further with it. They had a balance machine and all the gear. When l go for next service at Toyota l will get it sorted.

That's so funny, but true, its like the thread wheer a guy put his hand on a wall and said he wanted it painted red only to come back later and find a 5 inch square hand sized part of the wall only painted red the rest of the wall as still white :lol:


Yepp, the single most important reason to use a garage authorised by manufactorer, is that some of the guys working there actually has some knowledge on what they are doing. They have been trained by the manufactorer

and they are updated on stuff needed to do on each model, in addition to change oil

and they have equipment to read OBD/diagnosis

as for the oil quality issue, some, like Toyota, must use Toyota brand oil, and since service is "free" a report is sendt to manufactorer for each service. Keeps warranty alive (every 10k km or 6 months service), and amount of oil/original filters purchased from manufactorer can be monitored to see if a garage purchases to little original spareparts/oil compared to reported services performed .

Swapping to the swimmingpoolbusiness, this is exactly how DesJouaux discovered their LOS dealer made copy pools with some original parts.


This topic has gotten so far off the OP it's almost laughable. The guy was misrepresented by the salesman, he was no where near the original dealership for service and was forced to use someone else for regular vehicle maintenance rather then let that lapse too. He has given the vehicle proper service by others with documents to prove such which is legitimate in any civilized country and an accepted practice. His warranty was voided by a spiteful, dishonest dealership for something completely unrelated to his original problem and there is no defense for the actions of a dishonest, scum bag dealership who probably misrepresented that to Ford too and now won't even back up the tactics of their salesman, end of story, TIT..

All the other discussion is basically just argumentative tripe and irrelevant to the OP as stated and his circumstances..

And just how do you know all that?

Because I can read and comprehend, how is it that you don't?? It's in the OP..

Actually its not in the OP, even if you take everything claimed at face value. He doesn't say, for example, that "He has given the vehicle proper service by others with documents to prove such" - he only says that his receipts and log book "showed my oil being changed every 5000 kms", which is anything but the same thing. While you may be able to read your imagination exceeds your comprehension.

I ....... won 3 consecutive state and regional class championships in that car as well as voted driver of the year by my peers which is by far my most humbling award of many to date

The effects of that award would appear to have long since worn off.


Don't know about this issue. Everybody in Sweden where I come from knows that you must make your services with an authorised garage / dealer or you loose your warranty. That's common knowledge. It's the same in the rest of Scandinavia too. People use the authorised garages / dealers until warranty expires, then they switch to a somewhat cheaper local garage. Thailand is the same. Isn't everywhere the same as Northern Europe and Thailand?

Toyota Thailand has told me openly that if I don't make service with them or if I modify their car, then I will lose my warranty. I had nothing to argue about that because I think that is normal.

What is shitty here is that the dealer guy actually said that it was OK, which is bad and dishonest of him. Still. you should have demanded in writing before you went ahead and did it, not just trust word-of-mouth. And if you travel a lot, then you should have chosen a common car brand that you know you can service where you need to use it. It's not like your travelling is a surprise or anything.

You have been wrongly treated of course, but you also made some mistakes

I wish you luck with your car

Servicing by authorised service agent/garage/dealer is a must in LOS too, and even more important than in Scandinavia

there are sold more cheap copy oils in LOS than original product. So your local garage synthetic Mobile 1 could often be cheap stuff in nice sealed bottle and the oilfilters of wrong spec. As goes for all other parts needed.

Recalls are not very common in LOS, so manufactorers agent/garage/dealer check or replace stuff without telling customer or noting on invoice

Sorry you dealer misguided you, but it should be common knowledge to service by authorised servicepartner. In addition most vehicles sold in LOS come with free service during warranty time, and at Toyota and Honda it takes 30-90 minutes depending on milage. Allways on time during my 7,5 years and 8 vehicles here.

Recalls is an important point that, if possible, is cleared without publicity in LOS. A good example of that are the rear brakes of the Toyota Fortuner. A friend of a friend ended up up side down in Phuket in a Fortuner because the ABS on the rear brakes didn't work and when I discussed this with a friend at the office, to my surprise, he knew very well about the issue, fabrication fault. Quiet for some time now so they are probably all fixed. Except Warpspeeds' I suppose because he thinks that it is his right to do the same as they do in his home country...


This topic has gotten so far off the OP it's almost laughable. The guy was misrepresented by the salesman, he was no where near the original dealership for service and was forced to use someone else for regular vehicle maintenance rather then let that lapse too. He has given the vehicle proper service by others with documents to prove such which is legitimate in any civilized country and an accepted practice. His warranty was voided by a spiteful, dishonest dealership for something completely unrelated to his original problem and there is no defense for the actions of a dishonest, scum bag dealership who probably misrepresented that to Ford too and now won't even back up the tactics of their salesman, end of story, TIT..

All the other discussion is basically just argumentative tripe and irrelevant to the OP as stated and his circumstances..

And just how do you know all that?

Because I can read and comprehend, how is it that you don't?? It's in the OP..

Actually its not in the OP, even if you take everything claimed at face value. He doesn't say, for example, that "He has given the vehicle proper service by others with documents to prove such" - he only says that his receipts and log book "showed my oil being changed every 5000 kms", which is anything but the same thing. While you may be able to read your imagination exceeds your comprehension.

And your pedantic nature exceeds your IQ...


Take it up to Ford management:

1) Write to Ford directly address on their website

2) Write to Bangkok Post Motoring, they publish complaint letters so long as you dont use vulgar language


I have read the responses here. Some very good and seem to know the laws. I have two new trucks in the States and a BMW motorcycle and have never had the oil changed by the dealer and always had my warrenty taken care of with no problems. If you have the records showing the oil changed and reciepts then that is enough. What really gets me is. It isnt the motor it is something totally unrelated.....

I have owned probibly 20 new vehicles in the states. I owned a small A/C service company and when the men didn't have enough to do i had them change the oil and air filters and the secretary kept track of milage and such. And i NEVER had a problem.

Now the book here says the same thing. But the Thai laws do not protect you what so ever in my opinion. I think I could get it reversed but I have 50,000 KM's on the clock and it is a 2008 model ford ranger( I bought it new in 2009 a hold over from the previous year). If I have serious problems with it i will complain or even hire a lawyer. But it is not worth it now. 1000 baht and fixed. My gripe is with the franchise people who sell ford here. It is like everything elese here. There are no rules to go by. Everyone makes up there own. I still think it is a banana republic and has a long way to go.

But it is cheap..... And I pay my trafic fines with a 100-200 baht note. I kinda like the coruption. If you have a little money the police will do just about anything for you. I am just here for the wildlife and will go back to my home in two more years. But I have to say. If the laws were better suited for farang I would buy a home here for my winters. But there is no way i will spend my money here on a bad investment. Thailand is just plain and simple bad business. My investments are in the States and will stay there.

My thoughts are to stay and do my wildlife phot shots. And at the end of the day. Go back home... I still love my home and the states.


Strange but in this tread

and also in this one

and this one

You told us that you bought a used ford ranger and now more then a year later it has changed to a new one. :o


Take it up to Ford management:

1) Write to Ford directly address on their website

2) Write to Bangkok Post Motoring, they publish complaint letters so long as you dont use vulgar language

about 5 years ago a farmer towed his Ranger around BKK to get publicity. gearbox didnt work anymore and Ford refuced warrantyclaim due to 2 services skipped. There are reasons why mazda BT 50 is considered a good truck by thais and ranger crap

Without recorded services by authoriced servicepartner at 50k km, most would refuce warranty claims. Services nowadays are recorded by Ford central in computer, not only invoices or logbook.


Take it up to Ford management:

1) Write to Ford directly address on their website

2) Write to Bangkok Post Motoring, they publish complaint letters so long as you dont use vulgar language

about 5 years ago a farmer towed his Ranger around BKK to get publicity. gearbox didnt work anymore and Ford refuced warrantyclaim due to 2 services skipped. There are reasons why mazda BT 50 is considered a good truck by thais and ranger crap

Without recorded services by authorised servicepartner at 50k km, most would refuce warranty claims. Services nowadays are recorded by Ford central in computer, not only invoices or logbook.

Think we are wasting our time trying to put this over to those who want to do things their way and when they come unstuck start screaming, bit like those bikes on the wrong side of the road eh. :rolleyes:

I thought if you bought a used car from an auction that there was no warrantee at all.


Strange but in this thread http://www.thaivisa...._1#entry3189280

and also in this one http://www.thaivisa...._1#entry3248680

and this one http://www.thaivisa...._1#entry3345059

You told us that you bought a used ford ranger and now more then a year later it has changed to a new one. :o

Thanks for that, basjke - after reading the original bleat and what some of his fellow bleaters imagined he wrote, reading the posts you linked to were some of the funniest I have read here! ... and be fair, he did say it was "nearly new"!!

I can't resist a few of his highlights:

"I get tired of going to the dealer and asking him about silly service questions.But they are always very kind and extend excellent service for me. And they know i bought the truck at an auction. They even joke about it with me.

Now that i have bought a used truck i find i do not know anything about maintence ? ... But here i know nothing about diesel pickups and the maintence. Also i cannot speak enough Thai to ask the techs about the maintence. On my other vehicles i change to synthetic and then every 5000 miles i change the filter and add another quart of oil. I usually go about 20,000 mi. between oil changes. With no problems.

I know nothing about diesels. Can someone tell me what i need to do for maintence to keep it in good order?

What filters need changing? I noticed a big one on the intake breather. And i also saw a filter i think in the fuel line. But it was like an oil filter?

Most reading this are probily laughing."


So, as stated by many here it isn't Fords fault or their warranty policy which was the OP in question, end of story..... Nor was his "service" being properly up kept so the question still stands as to whether or not under the proper maintenance and circumstances the warranty would be void..


So, as stated by many here it isn't Fords fault or their warranty policy which was the OP in question, end of story..... Nor was his "service" being properly up kept so the question still stands as to whether or not under the proper maintenance and circumstances the warranty would be void..

You still don't get it, do you? That depends on where you woke up this morning :D

Which country?


I suggest that you contact Ford headquarters in the USA and lodge as complaint against Ford Thailand with a full explanation, I have found that some multi nationals do respond and will take action to protect their reputation.


Thread name is "Ford Canseled My Warrenty".

its bought on auction probably without services being performed.

So OP never had a warranty, it was probably never activated by reporting services to Ford LOS.

and if he ever had a warranty on it, he canselled it himself by not having scheduled services done by authorised service partner


So, as stated by many here it isn't Fords fault or their warranty policy which was the OP in question, end of story..... Nor was his "service" being properly up kept so the question still stands as to whether or not under the proper maintenance and circumstances the warranty would be void..

You still don't get it, do you? That depends on where you woke up this morning :D

Which country?

No, you don't get it. Just because you woke up in Thailand doesn't mean you have to roll over and be an ignorant door mat...I've been told by ignorant farangs, Thai's a even lawyers alike of all the things that you couldn't do in Thailand and yet I've still found out that that wasn't true by taking it to the powers that be instead of the ignorant drone masses who simply follow obscure orders or take NO, mai me or mai dai for an answer..


I suggest that you contact Ford headquarters in the USA and lodge as complaint against Ford Thailand with a full explanation, I have found that some multi nationals do respond and will take action to protect their reputation.

This is someone thinking beyond borders and how I would handle it too if it had to come to that.. But sincerely in a real case scenario which this is not apparently, I doubt very much if it would come to that..


I suggest that you contact Ford headquarters in the USA and lodge as complaint against Ford Thailand with a full explanation, I have found that some multi nationals do respond and will take action to protect their reputation.

This is someone thinking beyond borders and how I would handle it too if it had to come to that.. But sincerely in a real case scenario which this is not apparently, I doubt very much if it would come to that..

you would by a truck secondhand on auction without service/warranty docs, avoid needed scheduled services reported to warranty system for 50k km and then complain to Ford USA when you find out your truck has no warranty 2 years old? I am sure you would recieve a full explanation;)


I suggest that you contact Ford headquarters in the USA and lodge as complaint against Ford Thailand with a full explanation, I have found that some multi nationals do respond and will take action to protect their reputation.

This is someone thinking beyond borders and how I would handle it too if it had to come to that.. But sincerely in a real case scenario which this is not apparently, I doubt very much if it would come to that..

you would by a truck secondhand on auction without service/warranty docs, avoid needed scheduled services reported to warranty system for 50k km and then complain to Ford USA when you find out your truck has no warranty 2 years old? I am sure you would recieve a full explanation;)

Is that what you read??? What about the highlighted portion above?? Christ! I thought English was the predominant language on this forum?

Edit: I'll concede, I guess, if one tried really hard you could twist that to mean what you posted but really it should be clear that my meaning was that if the vehicle was new as stated in the OP and properly maintained according to warranty albeit maybe another mechanic or self maintained with documents then the warranty should be unaffected. Especially something unrelated from the actual engine such as an A/C motor which in real terms should operate well past the warranty period without issue.. Is that clear enough now? And people wonder why I have to post a lengthy dissertation much of the time..


I suggest that you contact Ford headquarters in the USA and lodge as complaint against Ford Thailand with a full explanation, I have found that some multi nationals do respond and will take action to protect their reputation.

This is someone thinking beyond borders and how I would handle it too if it had to come to that.. But sincerely in a real case scenario which this is not apparently, I doubt very much if it would come to that..

you would by a truck secondhand on auction without service/warranty docs, avoid needed scheduled services reported to warranty system for 50k km and then complain to Ford USA when you find out your truck has no warranty 2 years old? I am sure you would recieve a full explanation;)

According to the original post this vehicle was bought from a dealer, no mention of auction. Please enlighten me on the details of the purchase. If this was not bought from an authorised dealer then the scenario is different.


Yes, my thoughts exactly as posted just prior, obviously we were posting at the same time.. I think he was quoting me more so though but your post is also relevant since that is what I responded to.. You're assessment is correct and the other information came out after the fact and now this entire thread seems to be a troll as the OP has not even commented since and he had to know he was misleading anyway from the get go...


I suggest that you contact Ford headquarters in the USA and lodge as complaint against Ford Thailand with a full explanation, I have found that some multi nationals do respond and will take action to protect their reputation.

This is someone thinking beyond borders and how I would handle it too if it had to come to that.. But sincerely in a real case scenario which this is not apparently, I doubt very much if it would come to that..

you would by a truck secondhand on auction without service/warranty docs, avoid needed scheduled services reported to warranty system for 50k km and then complain to Ford USA when you find out your truck has no warranty 2 years old? I am sure you would recieve a full explanation;)

According to the original post this vehicle was bought from a dealer, no mention of auction. Please enlighten me on the details of the purchase. If this was not bought from an authorised dealer then the scenario is different.

Scroll back up to post #132 and click on the links supplied in that post.


I suggest that you contact Ford headquarters in the USA and lodge as complaint against Ford Thailand with a full explanation, I have found that some multi nationals do respond and will take action to protect their reputation.

This is someone thinking beyond borders and how I would handle it too if it had to come to that.. But sincerely in a real case scenario which this is not apparently, I doubt very much if it would come to that..

you would by a truck secondhand on auction without service/warranty docs, avoid needed scheduled services reported to warranty system for 50k km and then complain to Ford USA when you find out your truck has no warranty 2 years old? I am sure you would recieve a full explanation;)

Is that what you read??? What about the highlighted portion above?? Christ! I thought English was the predominant language on this forum?

Edit: I'll concede, I guess, if one tried really hard you could twist that to mean what you posted but really it should be clear that my meaning was that if the vehicle was new as stated in the OP and properly maintained according to warranty albeit maybe another mechanic or self maintained with documents then the warranty should be unaffected. Especially something unrelated from the actual engine such as an A/C motor which in real terms should operate well past the warranty period without issue.. Is that clear enough now? And people wonder why I have to post a lengthy dissertation much of the time..

There are a lot of ifs suddenly...

And the answer is very simple; it depends on in which country you have bought this imaginary vehicle.

You are not being clear enough; state in which country you have bought the vehicle and the question can be answered


So, as stated by many here it isn't Fords fault or their warranty policy which was the OP in question, end of story..... Nor was his "service" being properly up kept so the question still stands as to whether or not under the proper maintenance and circumstances the warranty would be void..

You still don't get it, do you? That depends on where you woke up this morning :D

Which country?

No, you don't get it. Just because you woke up in Thailand doesn't mean you have to roll over and be an ignorant door mat...I've been told by ignorant farangs, Thai's a even lawyers alike of all the things that you couldn't do in Thailand and yet I've still found out that that wasn't true by taking it to the powers that be instead of the ignorant drone masses who simply follow obscure orders or take NO, mai me or mai dai for an answer..

There are simple rules for what is needed to be done to keep warranty on vehicles on Thailand, and would you believe it, there is a different set of rules for what is needed to be done in the US. And you have a problem understanding that.

There is a rule that state that we must drive on the left side of the road in Thailand, there is another rule stating that you drive on the right side of the road in the US. Do you have a problem understanding that rule too?

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