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A Dog Named Heineken


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Toong Ngern (more often referred to as uan-noi) and Yooli, cat's name is Toong Tong but I call him Jin Jah :)

They have recently decided they have joined the dog 'clan' in the soi and can be heard chipping in with the night-time chorus, helping with the 'work' of the bigger dogs as they warn everyone who is asleep of the fact that something has stirred and needs to be barked about. Yooli, the smaller one (female) has the loudest voice and just won't shut up once she has a bee in her bonnet about something and will wander around yapping and biting everyone for no apparent reason, also she will never back down from a fight, just like someone else in the house :lol:

My mate in the UK had two dogs named Steve and Dave, never was really sure why.

Another friend in Indonesia named her dog Barnsley because it made her smile when the locals tried to call him :)

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Toong Ngern (more often referred to as uan-noi) and Yooli, cat's name is Toong Tong but I call him Jin Jah :)

They have recently decided they have joined the dog 'clan' in the soi and can be heard chipping in with the night-time chorus, helping with the 'work' of the bigger dogs as they warn everyone who is asleep of the fact that something has stirred and needs to be barked about. Yooli, the smaller one (female) has the loudest voice and just won't shut up once she has a bee in her bonnet about something and will wander around yapping and biting everyone for no apparent reason, also she will never back down from a fight, just like someone else in the house :lol:

My mate in the UK had two dogs named Steve and Dave, never was really sure why.

Another friend in Indonesia named her dog Barnsley because it made her smile when the locals tried to call him :)

There NOT dogs, there turners. Turning good food into <deleted>. Seriously, how does any man walk the street with that useless thing in toe? One of those things nearly killed my dog once, got stuck in its throat. :lol:

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(True story)

At Nai Yang beach in Phuket, I recall a sweet puppy that was called Tsunami, presumably because it was born shortly after that event. However, the bar-girl owner would go running along the beach shouting 'Tsunami' at the top of her voice. You can imagine the consternation of the tourists.

The dog is still there, but it has learnt not to run along the beach


LOL Good story Simon.

Cheers, Rick

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Toong Ngern (more often referred to as uan-noi) and Yooli, cat's name is Toong Tong but I call him Jin Jah :)

They have recently decided they have joined the dog 'clan' in the soi and can be heard chipping in with the night-time chorus, helping with the 'work' of the bigger dogs as they warn everyone who is asleep of the fact that something has stirred and needs to be barked about. Yooli, the smaller one (female) has the loudest voice and just won't shut up once she has a bee in her bonnet about something and will wander around yapping and biting everyone for no apparent reason, also she will never back down from a fight, just like someone else in the house :lol:

My mate in the UK had two dogs named Steve and Dave, never was really sure why.

Another friend in Indonesia named her dog Barnsley because it made her smile when the locals tried to call him :)

There NOT dogs, there turners. Turning good food into <deleted>. Seriously, how does any man walk the street with that useless thing in toe? One of those things nearly killed my dog once, got stuck in its throat. :lol:

well you may not like to have a small dog on your toe (??)and prefer to strut around with something resembling a bear so you can feel all 'manly' about your choice of pet, indeed my brother has 2 very large Bull Mastiffs (Duke and Bodecia) which are huge, smelly and potentially dangerous but, in a house with small children, these two are just fine thanks very much.

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Hitler and Robert Mugabe are both dead now, Erich Honecker we gave away, but Deng Xioping and Flapdoodle are still going strong.

Many years ago when I lived alone my German Pinsher had his own expensive dog bed.

But he annexed a piece of my bed, muttering something about 'lebensraum'.

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My only dog was Cindy (named by my sister who quickly grew tired of her) a golden cocker spaniel with a love of running around the cliffs of north east Scotland with me in tow....a fine sprint down the left wing and a ferocious bite when riled as well.......god what a lovely dog she was!!

When I finally settle down I'm getting a dog first and then it can choose me a wife. ;)

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lilee the lhasa's thai name (the one hubby calls her) is khin kee (eat shit) because she used to eat all the pigeon shit from hte pair living over our porch shitting onthe porch; bunjee has been turned to 'baan khee' although i think that bunjee was actually benji with an israeli accent so the name got worked over twice) -- along similar lines to lilee's name; foofoo has stayed the same.... the dogs answer to any and all variations of all names

and neverdie, cars dont get second names, just in some countries they are re named differently for whatever reasons...


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You could shorten it to Heini.. no wait... nvm :P Sorry!

Why give a dog a Jewish name?

Sorry, I thought you said; Heimi.

no beetlejuice, if u really want to give jewish names, they have to be double: yossi efraim, chaimi mordecai... and its really hard to yell at a dog with a long name like that. just imagine: moshe david, off the sofa!. it just doesnt work. us jews use short names for our dogs...

either way, a name is a name, as long as the dog comes when u call him/her...



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You could shorten it to Heini.. no wait... nvm :P Sorry!

Why give a dog a Jewish name?

Sorry, I thought you said; Heimi.

no beetlejuice, if u really want to give jewish names, they have to be double: yossi efraim, chaimi mordecai... and its really hard to yell at a dog with a long name like that. just imagine: moshe david, off the sofa!. it just doesnt work. us jews use short names for our dogs...

either way, a name is a name, as long as the dog comes when u call him/her...



My late uncle had a dalmation called; Moshe Pipik.

He was a very frum dog, used to love smoke salmon with matzos.If anyone offered the dog bacon, it would attack.

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Had a beagle named Hannibal.  He would rush to the speakers and sing (OK, howl) whenever Carly Simon was played.

Other pets at the time were Marco Polo, Lucretia Borgia, Tzu Shi, and Twanti (still don't know what that last one meant.)

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:) beetlejuice, how frum was he (the dog?) : did he eat the salmon and matza with dairy or without (the morrocon jews dont mix fish with dairy on same plate... )...

the most popular dog's name among the thais here is 'black'-- as contrary to popular belief here, the thais here enjoy keeping a few pets around, usually cats but various and sundry dogs get fed and played with too, and no, not as food items, the dogs are camp followers, usually belongint to other people but the thais always have meat and scraps which they toss out the door, so lots of israeli yard dogs eating non kosher :))...



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:) beetlejuice, how frum was he (the dog?) : did he eat the salmon and matza with dairy or without (the morrocon jews dont mix fish with dairy on same plate... )...

the most popular dog's name among the thais here is 'black'-- as contrary to popular belief here, the thais here enjoy keeping a few pets around, usually cats but various and sundry dogs get fed and played with too, and no, not as food items, the dogs are camp followers, usually belongint to other people but the thais always have meat and scraps which they toss out the door, so lots of israeli yard dogs eating non kosher :))...



In fact the dog was so frum that he wouldn`t let my uncle take him out walkies on a Friday evening.

I heard that Moshi run off with Fifi, the French poodle next door, but later left him for some mongrol she met in a park.

Typical female, all the same whatever the species.

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My Thai family has a male (nuetered) cat who is called Arnold but whose name sounds like Arr-New when they say it. Turned out to be a Thai Siamese cat mixed breed. Thai wife wanted to call it Snowball because it was all white as a young kitten. Was found abandoned by it's mother and nearly dead...covered with ants and fleas. Wife took it in and kept it alive. Two or three trips in first few months to the vet, looked like he wouldn't survive each time. The youngest son called it Arnold after Arnold Schwarzenegger because it kept coming back several times from apparent death in that first year. Good thing too because Snowball would have never fit...he grew to have the black and grey markings of a typical Thai Siamese cat. Blue eyes too. Now in 3rd year and definate master and ruler of the house. When it gets dark, he makes a patrol around the outside of the house to make sure everything is ok for the night. Then takes it's place on top of a cabinet by entrance door to sleep for night and act as official watch cat for house. Knows what time grand daughter has to wake up for school, so he is always up in morning to master bedroom to wake up grand daughter and wife in time for breakfast and school. Waits at gate to welcome family members back home at end of day's work. A very smart cat.


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My wife has a dog named Big C. Her last dog was Super Black. Her friends tell her the next dog should be 7/11.

Her neighbors dog is Stamp. I met a dog the other day named Sai Krok (sausage). Of course her neighbors named their granddaughter Intel.

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