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Would You Allow You Gf/Wife To Dress Provocative Or Talk To Other Men?

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why try to control your wife. I let my wife dress how she wants, and don't give a $h!t if some guy looks at her or even tries to flirt with her. Just as my wife doesn't care if some woman flirts with me, as long as thats where it ends. It makes your wife feel pretty/good about her self when she knows men want her, just as it makes you feel special when/if women flirt with you. It should also make you feel good that you have a hot wife that other want. The only time I get involved with the flirting/starring is if my wife tell the guy to piss off (as she always does in one form or another) and he starts to harras her, then its time to handle the situation.

Men who "control" their wife's are sad individuals, if your wife is going to cheat she is going to cheat. If you believe your wife is the cheating kind why the hel_l did you marry her?

My wife has facebook, msn, and email, she also has a phone, and shoes, and is not handcuffed to the bed. My wife is a person, not a TV, she is free to do what ever the hel_l she wants, just as I am free to do what ever the hel_l I want. Now if her or my wants include cheating then its time to end and go our separate ways. But I will never try to control how she dresses, who she talks to, or what website she visits.

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Personally I let my girl wear what she wants

Hmm...selective quoting there, Dakhar.

Incidentally, I would be interested to hear some examples of the "many" prostitutes that TAWP says have gone on to become famous in Thailand. I think that might be a slight exaggeration. And, famous or not, many Thai girls will tell you that they can spot an ex-prostitute quite easily.

Why are there so many negative people posting on Thai visa. You can post

almost anything on this forum with the most laid back sincere content and

still you will find some loser quoting on your post or picking little holes in

your sentences.

To all the people who fit into the catergory stated in the paragragh above

Get a life or do everyone a favour and jump under a speeding tuk tuk.

You can also always find some poster who labels anyone that disagrees with his opinions as a loser. rolleyes.gif


Personally I let my girl wear what she wants

Hmm...selective quoting there, Dakhar.

Incidentally, I would be interested to hear some examples of the "many" prostitutes that TAWP says have gone on to become famous in Thailand. I think that might be a slight exaggeration. And, famous or not, many Thai girls will tell you that they can spot an ex-prostitute quite easily.

Why are there so many negative people posting on Thai visa. You can post

almost anything on this forum with the most laid back sincere content and

still you will find some loser quoting on your post or picking little holes in

your sentences.

To all the people who fit into the catergory stated in the paragragh above

Get a life or do everyone a favour and jump under a speeding tuk tuk.

You can also always find some poster who labels anyone that disagrees with his opinions as a loser. rolleyes.gif

Yeah. You've gotta love the irony.


^I never said I had a problem with people who disagree

with me or others posts, Just have a problem with people

like yourself who look for mistakes or a way to make a cheap

little dig at someone. Well if it makes you feel better then carry

on or alternatively there are plenty of speeding Tuk Tuks in the

Banglampoo area of Bangkok, feel free to get acquainted with

their tyres.


^I never said I had a problem with people who disagree

with me or others posts, Just have a problem with people

like yourself who look for mistakes or a way to make a cheap

little dig at someone. Well if it makes you feel better then carry

on or alternatively there are plenty of speeding Tuk Tuks in the

Banglampoo area of Bangkok, feel free to get acquainted with

their tyres.

Change the record, you're beginning to repeat yourself.

I wasn't picking on a mistake and I wasn't even answering your post. When you use a word like "let" or "allow" it implies a certain attitude towards one's partner in my opinion. It's not a cheap dig, it's just my personal understanding of the English language. We aren't having a face-to-face discussion so there is nothing else to go on apart from the words you type in here.


When I said "I would let her................" I do not mean I control her. Just

that I would not kick up a stink about such issues.

Fair enough. My apologies for misunderstanding your post


You are incorrect on many facts.

In the other thread some posted that they would not want their partner to have an online account on social networking sites.

And I have never said anything about my wife getting messages or not. I have however said that my girlfriend has a profile and that she, as many other women do as soon as they are found to be alive online, ofcourse get messages and friends-requests. Many from men probably like you. Their proposals are rejected, but it is fun reading the wordings anyway of their proposals. Or the reaction from some of the men... (a tip for many men on social networking sites: improve your ability to communicate. You would not get anywhere with most women even if they where single and desperate from the way you communicate...)

In either way, I don't see the harm, she never initiates the contact. And neither do I.

And again, this topic isn't about me or advice for me. Your constant failure to understand written English confuses me. Perhaps I need to formulate my sentences in a simpler fashion? Easier words? Please, if you still are confused, let me know.

This topic was for you and those others that was unable to follow the topic of the other thread as a place to vent your inability to understand that other people are not as insecure in their relationships as you are.

Comprende, amigo?


just for clarification: You cheat on your wife and read the messages ( mail, e- mail, sms as well? ) of your girlfriend?? You look like a very nice guy :whistling: .


Another Thai Visa General Topics classic.

You really do surprise me with this one TAWP.

Thank you - but I cannot take all the credits, it was the overly jelous old men in the other thread that inspired me to start this one.

I would never make a stink over my gf being 'too provocatively dressed' unless the social setting in itself had made a clear rule about it. Heck, if other men look it only means I have something they want...

You are incorrect on many facts.

In the other thread some posted that they would not want their partner to have an online account on social networking sites.

And I have never said anything about my wife getting messages or not. I have however said that my girlfriend has a profile and that she, as many other women do as soon as they are found to be alive online, ofcourse get messages and friends-requests. Many from men probably like you. Their proposals are rejected, but it is fun reading the wordings anyway of their proposals. Or the reaction from some of the men... (a tip for many men on social networking sites: improve your ability to communicate. You would not get anywhere with most women even if they where single and desperate from the way you communicate...)

In either way, I don't see the harm, she never initiates the contact. And neither do I.

And again, this topic isn't about me or advice for me. Your constant failure to understand written English confuses me. Perhaps I need to formulate my sentences in a simpler fashion? Easier words? Please, if you still are confused, let me know.

This topic was for you and those others that was unable to follow the topic of the other thread as a place to vent your inability to understand that other people are not as insecure in their relationships as you are.

Comprende, amigo?


just for clarification: You cheat on your wife and read the messages ( mail, e- mail, sms as well? ) of your girlfriend?? You look like a very nice guy :whistling: .

No, i don't cheat on my wife per se as we are in a divorce.

And my gf told me to answer the guys email as he was, well...and to show that she has nothing to hide she gave me full access to her accounts on her own. I didn't request it. But sometimes we take a laugh and reply to things together...she dictates and I write.

These topics would be easier if some of you people read what was written and didn't try to make up your own stories just so you could kick some dirt on others.

But then again, most of you are sad people with limited prospects in life...alas trolling on TV this is the highlight of your day perhaps.


I am pretty well acclimated to Thailand. In a lot of respects I feel like a Thai guy. Sometimes I get frustrated when people treat me like a Falang.

Pursuant to that when I lived in Pattaya I decided to have a Thai girlfriend like all the Thai guys. I am sure most of you know that dancers in Pattaya have Thai boyfriends.

I had been with my GF for three years. She was an older ex dancer in her 40’s but could still cut a rug. She was getting older in the face but she was still a great dancer.

One day she announced to me that she wanted an allowance of 30,000 baht a month. Since I wasn’t paying her any allowance the 0 to 30 grand was a surprise to me.

I went to the Wat and meditated and got the idea of being a Thai boyfriend. I came home and told her, not only was I not going to give her an allowance but I was going to be her boyfriend and I expected her to act accordingly. I explained that meant she would be taking over the rent and food payments and I wanted a new shirt, cell phone and a gold chain.

After she realized I was serious she told me she would have to get a job at a go go to pay for the rent and my shirt and gold chain. I told her, “fine.”

She got a job at the go go and I waited at the bar across the street till she got off at night where she would pay my bar tab and we would go to an Issan club to dance into the wee hours.

She dressed scantily to say the least and at the Issan club she danced scandalously. The Thai guys always looked at me funny when she picked up the bill at the Issan club.

My days became idyllic. I slept til 3 PM got up and took her to work and then hit the bars. Around 1AM I would pick her up and go clubbing. When she made a negative comment about me wanting more money I reminded her I didn’t gamble or do drugs. That seemed to calm her down.

Funny it was not a long term thing. She left after about 6 months to go to Phuket and opened up her own bar where she is today, I’m sure telling people about her experiences with a Falang gick.

To sum it up, I didn’t really mind her dressing or lack of dressing habits and her flirtatious behavior, after all she was paying the rent and buying me gold chains. I had lots of free time and started dating a nurse.

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