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Real Love In Thailand?


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:o Hi

I have had the same girlfriend for almost 2 years, she has never worked in a bar has never been married and has absolutely no children. I am very happy with her. I have lived in Thailand for 4 years and she is my 3rd live in.

I have found that the majority of farang that have problems with the girlies is because they are prostitutes or mix with prostitutes.

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Strange though, i lived in Thailand for 13 years, 99% of the guys i knew met their gf/wife in a bar
Totally agree!
Real Love in Thailand? Sure ! As long as you have Real Money
Which country are you from?

And for those saints, who think that bargirls or prostitudes(if that is what you saints like calling them) are all just bad people; I just have to pray for you guys to be lucky enough forever not to have to do anything you hate for the money to survive!

And you think they do not deserve a LTR!!?

there really are plenty of intelligent men here!

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For farang/bargirl relationships:

the farang is always the good person.

the farang never butterflies.

the farang always is a good husband/boyfriend.

the farang never cheats.

the farang never asks the girl for money.

the farang always have to use up all his hard-earned money to help the girl

(and no, for the good girls, you do not need any money!?)

the bargirl always cheats

the bargirl is always only after money

the bargirl is always the one who doesn't cherish the relation

it is always the bargirl's fault because she is a prostitude!


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I can put down my sitaution into a simple sentence.

"If my wife(Thai) is not in love with me..I am dead sure she will not even stay one more day with me, considering the extent of discrimination I face in this country."

It’s simply not worth for her considering her age and her position and the family background.

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thanks Axel for those words of human values B)

it looks like that some like to talk for talking ... moving some air around :o

sorry for the poster, but this thread stinks!

most of us are married and the reason is life itself, nothing else ...

the "else" belongs to something that is none of your business.

you may look for reasons .. look closer to your life style, then you would see some differences between some of us and your useless post :D

like it as been said, spending your spare timein bar or go-go bar won't drive you to marriage, rather to a big money loss and to some kind of conclusions you gave us.

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like it as been said, spending your spare timein bar or go-go bar won't drive you to marriage

Very happy to contradict you Francoise - met my (now) wife in a go-go bar eight years ago, been married five years, love her to bits, never been happier!!!

But I guess you're French and Axel's German (or at least Arien) - not wishing to be rascist of course! Open your eyes and you may see what you're looking for!

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But I guess you're French and Axel's German (or at least Arien) - not wishing to be rascist of course! Open your eyes and you may see what you're looking for!

you might be an exception ...

I'm married thank you .. we have a lovely little daughter ...

you don't have to guess .. I said it, I'm french and so what?

don't to open my eyes so wide, they are fully opened thanks :D

is your remark have a racist tendancy?

I would say yes!

you'll see, everybody have different life, thanks god ...

but anyway, a gogo bar is still a gogo bar, consider yourself being more than lucky!

Arien was a word too much, I guess :o

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Don't be like that, narrow minded.

There are a lot more exceptions!(if you think that is exception.I don't!)

Please don't generalise that all bargirls are bad girls and all non-bargirls are good girls!

I will bet that more bargirls look for true love than the ordinary girls!

I know a few of them and think that they(well, some of them) are really nice people.

You lucky westerners(most), borned to have every opportunity in life, might never understand why they do it.

Comment allez-vous aujourd'oui?

khor tot khrap!

j'ai oublie toute ma francais!

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Don't be like that, narrow minded.

There are a lot more exceptions!(if you think that is exception.I don't!)

Please don't generalise that all bargirls are bad girls and all non-bargirls are good girls!

I will bet that more bargirls look for true love than the ordinary girls!

I know a few of them and think that they(well, some of them) are really nice people.

You lucky westerners(most), borned to have every opportunity in life, might never understand why they do it.

Comment allez-vous aujourd'oui?

khor tot khrap!

j'ai oublie toute ma francais!

meemiathai ...

if you think that I'm narrow minded ... may be you talk to the wrong person :o

did I say anything looking like "good girls bad girls"?

I don't think so!

bet on bar girls if you want, some are as good as non bar girls ...I do think so :D

but the reality is a bit different, they are working in these bars, some don't,

where is the difference?

bar-girls always hope that they would find a good man in there ...

so, then what is a good man for them, I do think they all have their personnal reason ... cannot make a rule out of what one said, chai mai cap ?

I just said a gogo bar is still a gogo bar ...

what is the real meaning of gogo?

I just said, and it has to be understood this way, a gogo bar might not be the best place to find your wife!

would you look in some famous area "red-light" to find your life mate?

I won't B)

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you'll see, everybody have different life, thanks god ...

but anyway, a gogo bar is still a gogo bar, consider yourself being more than lucky!

Yes, everyone has a life to live . . even girls in gogo bars.

I don't think there is anything unusual or "lucky" in my circumstance - I know many western men who met their partners in a go go bar and have very happy long term relationships, marriages and children. I consider it quite normal.

A visit to a go go bar has been the turning point in many people's lives where you can, indeed, find true and enduring love.

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A visit to a go go bar has been the turning point in many people's lives where you can, indeed, find true and enduring love.

alright .. I surrender :o

it looks like that what I said doesn't apply to Thailand ...

if so, sorry to all the guys who found their happiness in ways I don't consider to be the best of them ....

but, it's just my opinion :D

and may be, this way was ok years ago ... what about now?

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Guys, I waited for some time b4 responding, just trying to find the right words.

Now, to go to a bar to find a GF or wife, I said you will hardly succeed. I do live

in Asia for 32 years, the last 12 in LoS. Part of my job is to entertain and my visitors expect me to know my way around. (What a hard job! B) )

Yes, pnustedt, I am German and btw never managed to marry a German. OK, old joke! My first wife was from a neighboring country, 2 hours away by car from my hometown. One thing we had to overcome, different nationalities.

I speak her local language and still heard all the time "She could not find a native." My second wife is from Asia and after 24 years being married, still hears "She could not find a native" this time combined with "I wonder where she worked before". (Btw: her father was a good friend of mine, albeit he died b4 I married his daughter, perhaps he would never have forgiven me)

Back to the bar-scene. If you are my friend or associate and do marry and stand behind her you have my full respect, although I would object beforehand. It is your decision and once decided, I do accept it. Any bad word from a third side finds my ferocious. Just got a verbal fight with the wife of a friend of mine. "Is n't this the guy who left his wife because of this girl from cowboy" got

my extreme response, where "none of your f....ng business" was still polite.

Believe me, in these 30 years I have been to more wedding parties of Asia/Western relation. The background latest then, is none of my business. (I don't believe in any religion, but isn't there a saying "who has objection say it now or be silent forever"?)

If it finally works out? Quite a lot of marriages, yes. Many more no, but probably for many reasons.

Many of the girls working in bars look to me as a friend (Must be my age :D ) a confidant and perhaps the guy who brings the visitors.

I know their worries, stories...

I said before: "It is a job, a job I actually do respect in a same way, as I respect any woman".

Still my saying stands, don't go to the bars to find your wife. If it happens you have my blessing.

The threat is Real Love In Thailand?, You must be joking!! and this is nonsense. Love you find all over the world but it is your job, to make it last.

Am I a racist? Who is not? Talking about single persons, no, I am not racist. Generalizing is a different story and more a banter than racism.

Sorry for the length, you hit a nerve :o

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No, francois, I am not saying that you are a narrow minded person. I just thought that

you might be an exception ...
is a bit narrow minded way of saying.
bet on bar girls if you want, some are as good as non bar girls ...I do think so 
You see! You didn't say anything like "good girls bad girls". But you subconsciously said it! "as good as"...."non bar girls"...

"True love does exist in the bar-scene!"

"Go and look for true love in the bar-scene!"

The 2 have very different meanings!I hope I don't have to explain it!

I would like to stress that I will not tell people to go and look for true love among prostitudes, but will tell them if they do meet someone special, there is nothing to be afraid of.

One thing I would like to mention, prostitudes from different regions are very different in every aspect. The ones from poorer countries were forced to do it by poverty and therefore has nothing to do with one's ethics. Whilst in the richer countries, where they have the choices to do it or not. I would say these girls are much more complicated. So one cannot compare them together!

OK! Back to the topic "Real Love In Thailand?, You must be joking!!".

rakthai(strange though, you call yourself that name), everyone has his own choice. And I see that you prefer japanese. Couldn't really tell if you are right or wrong for my wife is my only thai relationship I've ever had. But do suspect that you were just being very unfortunate to have found thai women as the way you have described, for I found most of them very "na-rak"! Anyway, forget the past and enjoy your japanese lady!

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But you subconsciously said it! "as good as"...."non bar girls"...
please don't try to look what satisfy your own mind interpreting what I said ...

I'm french (again ...S###), I may not have the same ability to write english language as you may have ...

but, again don't read between lines, no litterature, just words as they are.

no backthoughts, no hidden meanings, I write, take as it is.

never any judgement about good or bad ... just sometimes like Axel say,

this hits a nerve B)

useless to say, that I agree with what Axel say :D

cheers to all happy married people B)


No, francois, I am not saying that you are a narrow minded person. I just thought that is a bit narrow minded way of saying.

tell me where is the difference?

you are narrow minded or you express youself alike?

who's narrow minded here? :o

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Actually bar girls don't like French and German men! My research shows that they would never go with either of them if there was a Brit or American alternative.

Just mention the name "France" or "Germany" and you will be greeted with vehement mumbling of "cheap Charlies, cheap Charlies". They are even lower on the scale of things than Ozzies and Italians. There was a 5% propensity for the French but one of the girls was under the mistaken belief that if she kissed one he would turn into a prince - a misinterpreted fairy tale apparently.

I and my fellow American researcher are now saving up for our next survey on Bar Girls' Favourite Drinks which we will conduct prior to Christmas - all in the name of science.

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