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Someone is always looking for a house to rent.


Very reasonable price, as quoted. It will probably get snapped up fairly quickly

Probably. It is in a really quiet area, dead end cul-de-sac kind of deal, one way in, one way out, so there isn't any traffic other than residents or visitors. Kids play in the street because they can without worry.


Someone is always looking for a house to rent.


Very reasonable price, as quoted. It will probably get snapped up fairly quickly

Probably. It is in a really quiet area, dead end cul-de-sac kind of deal, one way in, one way out, so there isn't any traffic other than residents or visitors. Kids play in the street because they can without worry.

Nice landlord too!:)
  • 2 weeks later...

If you haven't checked it out yet, you should. Our own CR forum member "bifftastic" has a blog that is a worthy read. He doesn't post his every thought or observation; just the things that are worthy of comment. And he can write. Insomuch as blogs typically go, this one is a little less about calling attention to the author and is more about pointing out some of the things that deserve pointing out. He has a nice hand at descriptive writing and tells a good story. You can find the link to his blog on his profile page:


April 17 is the last entry and it is a nice read.


Biff actually puts much more effort into his Facebook page if we are being honest here. By simply linking his blog to Facebook more people might be able to read his work and he might be willing to write more often for his blog. Facebook, like forums, is instant gratification and can easily pull one away from a blog but there is no reason one can’t do both. I for one wish Biff would write more but I understand that early on it is difficult to maintain motivation.

Blogging can be a wonderful thing for those tackling a new phase in their lives. They can share their experiences with friends and family while sorting through their often conflicted observations of the things around them. The more you write the better you get and the more defined your voice becomes. Over time your words may attract a broader audience from around the world, if that kind of thing appeals to you.

I believe there are ways to promote friends without having a dig at the rest of the blogging community but that might be asking too much from some. Like them or not, blogger serve a purpose or they wouldn’t be so popular.


Yeah, I don't know anything about that social networking site. Nor do I wanna plug it.

As for being honest, I was just as honest as could be. I don't need to recalibrate my sense of right or wrong. I was speaking about Biff's blog and not worrying about if there were other aspects of his life that may outshine this one. I did a decent job of my task and haven't failed in any way.

The blog is a nice blog. I promoted the blog, not the person. But as for promoting his person or his style, I don't think he needs to hit his stride or spend years trying to perfect what he does. I think he writes just pretty much as who he is and isn't trying to reach a certain level. It would be a shame to see him start down that road. He won't. He isn't that kind of guy. He is pretty comfortable with who he is so the approval of others isn't something that beckons him. Some people just have it. Others spend a lot of time trying to convince others that they too have it.

I didn't see any dig against "the rest of the blogging community". But I guess there is a dig in there for part of the blogging community. Some people write "Look at that!". Some people write 'Look at me!". I'm not too much for the "Look at me!" crowd. While a lot of what the "Look at me!" wannabes write about could be very interesting, the obvious effort to attract attention to the author, embedded in every sentence, just kills the whole experience. To be reading that crap and to be able to feel the strain that the author is under is distracting. People who write about "Look at that!" understand this and I doubt they think they have been attacked.


Easy guys. It is just a BLOG.

I enjoyed Biffs as it was quite down to earth. But I enjoy some of the "other style" too.B)

Thanks for adding a more balanced perspective. :D


Just spotted this thread :)

Thanks for the nice comments about my blog.

I guess it's not really a blog in the sense that seems to have developed, in that bloggers, often, write regularly and have more of a focus than I do.

I do pay more attention to my Facebook page, but it has a more transient nature to it than my blog does. On Facebook, things disappear quite quickly, I mean they're always there but are quickly superceded by the current postings of friends from all over the world. That's one reason I pay it more mind than the blog I suppose. I keep in quick touch with what my friends are doing/thinking/joking around with etc.

I started the blog as a way of letting my thoughts pour out and having them recorded for those who are interested to read and for myself to go back and have a look at. I enjoy writing but, as I said, the muse isn't always there for me. But when it is....I'll sit and the words just flow, if I do the same on Facebook, it's like the movie...gone in sixty seconds.

As for style, well it's my own and I do it to make myself smile. It's like a diary or journal of things that make me go......mmmmm

And I'm encouraged by comments such as the ones in this thread to do more, so thank you :)

Oh and I do link my blog posts to Facebook, if by that you mean click the 'share' button after I've written it. But then my Facebook page is quite heavily limited to 'friends only' level of security.

I'm not after 'hits' although I have found it very interesting to see where my 'audience' has come from. Quite a lot comes from this site, presumably from the link on my profile page, also quite a lot from both Facebook and ordinary google searches. I wrote one piece which has something like 'perception of gender roles...' in the title, which gets a lot of hits from google, however, it's not really an in depth study into that kind of thing, which is, I suspect, what those googlers are after, so I get hits but not much is read, I'm guessing.

I prefer that people have a gentle read and enjoy what they see. I was tempted to include more phrases that would attract the google spiders, but resisted heading down that path, resistance may well be futile, we shall see!

I have a mantra...I will not monetise my blog, I will not monetise my blog...how long will I hold out? :lol:


Just spotted this thread :)

Thanks for the nice comments about my blog.

I guess it's not really a blog in the sense that seems to have developed, in that bloggers, often, write regularly and have more of a focus than I do.

I do pay more attention to my Facebook page, but it has a more transient nature to it than my blog does. On Facebook, things disappear quite quickly, I mean they're always there but are quickly superceded by the current postings of friends from all over the world. That's one reason I pay it more mind than the blog I suppose. I keep in quick touch with what my friends are doing/thinking/joking around with etc.

I started the blog as a way of letting my thoughts pour out and having them recorded for those who are interested to read and for myself to go back and have a look at. I enjoy writing but, as I said, the muse isn't always there for me. But when it is....I'll sit and the words just flow, if I do the same on Facebook, it's like the movie...gone in sixty seconds.

As for style, well it's my own and I do it to make myself smile. It's like a diary or journal of things that make me go......mmmmm

And I'm encouraged by comments such as the ones in this thread to do more, so thank you :)

Oh and I do link my blog posts to Facebook, if by that you mean click the 'share' button after I've written it. But then my Facebook page is quite heavily limited to 'friends only' level of security.

I'm not after 'hits' although I have found it very interesting to see where my 'audience' has come from. Quite a lot comes from this site, presumably from the link on my profile page, also quite a lot from both Facebook and ordinary google searches. I wrote one piece which has something like 'perception of gender roles...' in the title, which gets a lot of hits from google, however, it's not really an in depth study into that kind of thing, which is, I suspect, what those googlers are after, so I get hits but not much is read, I'm guessing.

I prefer that people have a gentle read and enjoy what they see. I was tempted to include more phrases that would attract the google spiders, but resisted heading down that path, resistance may well be futile, we shall see!

I have a mantra...I will not monetise my blog, I will not monetise my blog...how long will I hold out? :lol:

On Facebook, your Notes are more permanent, like your poignant pieces “The passing of Pi Lai” and your most recent one “Nong Laai, he loved music and dancing…” By linking your blog to this section, your Facebook friends will have easier access to your writing and you will have a backup of sorts for your blog.

I sent you a how to message for importing blog posts into Notes on Facebook.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Seems like a lot of bike for the money, even for a 1992, unless it has a lot more than 50K on it. But I am not all that up to speed with bike prices these days.


Nearly a 20 year old bike. It looks in fairly reasonable condition. Though its a 1,000cc and in the sports tourer category, I think 125K would be the absolute limit that should be paid for it. It's not exactly an exoctic and parts may be an issue.

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