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Bangkok To Stay Under Emergency Rule After Blast: PM

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Is there any point in saying there is a state of emergency in BK - when everybody is clearly going about their business in the same manner as always.... yes you can go out and have a drink etc etc!

If the government can impose a state of emergency at any time - why not lift the so called one they have now! this might encourage more to come to Thailand!!!

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I am getting REALLY fed up by the polemic nonsense that so many of you are writing since these troubles started !!

Specially the smart asses who know "everything" and give comments reaching the Nobel price of stupidity!

If you have an opinion so say it the civilized way - without insinuations like "Bravo good for them or those"

What irritates me here actually is that the US (as usual) is pointing with the finger!!

Now not you nor the US have ANY rights to tell or criticize Thailand!

DO NOT forget that The Land of Smile is experiencing the worst passage in its entire history - Scandals after scandals, gossips, corruption like never before and (saddest thing) a frail Father - venerated King.

Respect, be concerned (without inflammatory comments) and observe! Many of us have family here and the insecurity is at its highest level.

We cannot compare our so different cultures...

It is an immense task for Khun Abhisit, the parliament and all parties to solve the problem by themselves.

And, again I think that the US should better concentrate on other priorities like North Korea and Myanmar and assist if necessary instead of preaching!

Sorry I had to let it out !!!

Pesche - Living here since 18 years

If the US (or any other country for that matter) has no right to "tell or criticize Thailand" anything, why do they have the right to do so with regard to N. Korea or Myanmar, as you pointed out with such eloquence?

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Quote "14 per cent indicated they wanted no more acts of violence to injure and cause the deaths of innocent people" 14 per cent don't they mean 100 per cent? Don't tell me its Thailand something has to be wrong in this survey.


Figures lie and liars figure! so go figure!


Some interesting numbers are posted from your emergency Decree contination support. Here's a few more numbers for you. Many businesses had their web sites frozen from view within Thailand. One estimate I read was some 85,000 websites were frozen and still are frozen by this emergency decree. Many of these businesses rely directly on website for customers to find them. One such group of businesses is cooking schools in BKK. Typically their clients are taking a class on the last day of their stay in Thailand. They will Google search "cooking school in Bangkok, and if your cooking school website is blocked from being viewed in BKK well then these tourist can't see your website and you miss out on near 90% of your potential customers. I have also read that Thailands freezing of websites, in the manner it was done, is by intenational internet agreements, an illegal act as all were frozen by software robots without a human reflection of what content caused it to be frozen and without warning to the owners without a means to rectify the problem and unfreeze wrongly frozen sites. Surely Thailands IT people know the rest of the world can still see the websites so only Thailands residents can't see it. When a wbsite is in English only near 80% of the Thai population can not read it. They must also know that the frozen sites are maintainable remotely by access from outside Thailand through any number of tecky options like remote I P's or programs that allow use of another PC. Let's suppose the anti govt activist group used the internet to maintain organization and instruction then surely those in command would use remote i.p.s or remote PCs to both maintain and view any site they want. Taksin has billions of dollars and this was his anti gov't movement so what do you think, did they have access to technology or not?

Poll: Bangkok residents support extended emergency decree

BANGKOK: -- A new survey by Suan Dusit Poll indicates that nearly half of Bangkok residents support the extension of the emergency decree imposed in Bangkok, following a bomb explosion at a busy bus stop in front of Big C department store in the capital.

The survey was conducted on Monday and Tuesday by the Suan Dusit Rajabhat University Suan Dusit Poll by interviewing 1,304 Bangkok residents about the Sunday bombing near the now-closed department store in the Ratchadamri area.

Almost half of respondents -- 47 per cent -- said they wanted the emergency decree extension in Bangkok for the convenience of the authorities to monitor and prevent violent situations and ill-intentioned people from easily inciting violence, and in order that the public could feel safer.

However, 23 per cent said they oppose it, for they see the decree as being unnecessary if only more police patrols were provided, while some 32 per cent -- one in three -- said the decree would increase divisions in Thai society and promote the image of Thailand being an unsafe country.

Some 29 per cent were uncertain whether the decree should be lifted and said it depended on the government and police officials' estimation on the situation.

Meanwhile, 53 per cent of those polled believed the recent bomb blast was intentionally done to "create a situation" and incite violence, while some 21 per cent said it was outrageous and challenged the power of state.

Of the Suan Dusit respondees, 14 per cent indicated they wanted no more acts of violence to injure and cause the deaths of innocent people. Twelve per cent said the police needed to work harder and more efficiently, to be more strict regarding public safety and security.

About 85 per cent of those surveyed viewed the Sunday bombing as being politically motivated for the overall situation has not fully eased and the area of the incident, still part of Bangkok's main business district, was the UDD Red Shirts' primary protest site only two months ago.

However, one in 10 of the respondents -- 11 per cent -- said they did not know the motivation behind this violence and the public should wait for authorities to conclude their investigation.

Over half -- nearly 57 per cent of those surveyed -- said they did not think police could arrest the wrongdoers, as the authorities have usually not made arrests when such violence took place.

Some 24 per cent said they were uncertain that the police could accomplish their mission.

Concerning the prevention of further violence, about 37 per cent wanted more police and army personnel posted to Bangkok's important spots. Around one fourth asked for more public cooperation in reporting to the authorities when they encountered suspicious situations.

Nearly one in five -- about 18 per cent -- said intelligence agencies must work harder, while 11 per cent said more surveillance cameras should be installed at public areas, and 6 per cent said awards should be offered to those providing clues or information regarding troublemakers. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2010-07-27


I am getting REALLY fed up by the polemic nonsense that so many of you are writing since these troubles started !!

Specially the smart asses who know "everything" and give comments reaching the Nobel price of stupidity!

If you have an opinion so say it the civilized way - without insinuations like "Bravo good for them or those"

What irritates me here actually is that the US (as usual) is pointing with the finger!!

Now not you nor the US have ANY rights to tell or criticize Thailand!

DO NOT forget that The Land of Smile is experiencing the worst passage in its entire history - Scandals after scandals, gossips, corruption like never before and (saddest thing) a frail Father - venerated King.

Respect, be concerned (without inflammatory comments) and observe! Many of us have family here and the insecurity is at its highest level.

We cannot compare our so different cultures...

It is an immense task for Khun Abhisit, the parliament and all parties to solve the problem by themselves.

And, again I think that the US should better concentrate on other priorities like North Korea and Myanmar and assist if necessary instead of preaching!

Sorry I had to let it out !!!

Pesche - Living here since 18 years

UHH....did I miss a quote...where does the US come in:jap:

the us didn`t come in.the guys makeing up stories as he goes along I guess if thats what makes him feel better about himself.


Many thanks to Mr. Shinawatra.

You got that one wrong!

It should say: Many thanks to the traitors who staged an illegal coup against a legal government

Legal government! Isn't that an oxymoron? I mean, when one considers that the gods make their own rules, and the sheep are ignorant enough to buy the bag of goods as long as they get their grain and bed of grass. I think it is all fairly selfish. As long as peoples are getting theirs, they do not mind who is running the show. There are always a few whiners and cry babies who can not let the past go; but generally the peoples of a conquered nation (a new government or leader) by whatever device, method or means, become stagnant and apathetic ( denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance ) after the unrest fades, a new order is established and new laws settle in their minds, and a sense of normalcy or peace settles over the land. That is the way of the sheep / or the realist.

All the excitement and unrest is usually the product of the fringe groups vying to get where the successors got. Conquer and divide. Yet the people remain indifferent as long as they get theirs. And it is always the media or the town crier that stirs up trouble over events that not any one person can change.

Gangs have had to become more clever with the emergence of the Internet. If there were the Internet a 1000 years ago, I wager that today's news garbage would fade in comparison to what went on in the past; for any power struggle. Legal? <deleted>! I will go along and be a law abiding citizen (as those laws change at the whim of the gods), but please do not try to pull the wool over my eyes to a truth that will not relent.

We are just an audience, and most people just want to be left alone with their few paltry possessions and insignificant hopes and dreams, and silently hope or pray that the gods will settle down and stop their quarreling.Whether it is the US, England, Thailand, or any other country; they do what they do, and we just watch and hope we get ours, or still have ours, when the dust settles.

I enjoy reading these comments that reflect those five emotions, stated above, when the gods quarrel.


Many thanks to Mr. Shinawatra.

It should say: Many thanks to the traitors who staged an illegal coup against a legal government

I might have agreed with you before Thaksin's crew refused the peace deal that would have avoided May 19, given them mucho political points and possibly brought them back into power. They really blew any credibility IMHO. ;)


This is a simple report about a bomb blast and the governments actions regarding state of emergency. To date there is no one making any claims as to why the bomb was planted. It is very unfortunate that there are those that think this type of action will have any effect in what the government does. All a bomb blast does is kill and injure innocent people. All the posts relating to who "might" have done it are just conjecture with no basis in fact. Reds, yellows, elites, military, police: all corrupt and wanting to maintain their power for their own reasons.

Anyone who has spent any time in Thailand would know by now that the so-called democracy in Thailand is run by thugs with no other reason than for power and greed. The "elites" of all stripes and the military/police only wish to maintain the status quo to maintain their power and wealth. Thailand, for the most part, lacks any type of moral and ethical "culture" as a good number of Thais would (and do)sell their sister for gain. The fact that people can evidently be swayed at a ballot box for 100 or 200 baht is evidence of the fact that people will sell their soul for a price. Sorry to say that in general, Thai people do not share the same values as Western people. That is not necessarily a condemnation but a statement of fact. Their values differ from ours. They do not have a deep history of philosophical thought with which we in the west have been educated. Their sense of right and wrong differs from the West. Other than the teachings of Buddha by way of the local temple, the common man is poorly educated and without deep thought. The common Thai learns to survive. While I surely do not condemn all Thais for all things, many of you posters really don't see Thailand for what it is, a third world country run as a fiefdom by those in power. Until the people seek leaders who will represent their needs not just with handouts at election time, there will be no change in Thailand. Until the people demand that the police protect and serve rather than rip them off there will be no change. One of two things must happen: (1) the people really get angry and demand change, or (2) somehow/somewhere political leaders surface who want something more than to fill their pockets and will struggle to change the way things work in Thailand. Most likely Thailand will continue the coups and changes in government that have been its history since it became a constitutional monarchy. Until the economy works in a way to allow those at the bottom to achieve some sort of middle class status, Thailand will function with the "haves" trying to maintain their wealth and the "have-nots" struggling to survive. Even in so called communist states like China and Vietnam they are surpassing the Thais and are creating wealth for many of their citizens. What is wrong in Thailand: CORRUPTION at every level and a people willing to engage in it as well. Land of Smiles? I think not!


I shake my head in wonder when I read the comments of the Thailand haters on this site.

It is beyond belief that any of you can actually live in this country.

The SOE only impacts those who want to make trouble everyone else goes about their business as usual.

It is tragic that some idiots plant bonbs or throw grenades without care as to who they injure or kill.

Whatever the perceived motives in their twisted minds they must never be allowed to gain by these cowardly acts.

Lets hope they get the ones who planted the big C bomb and they receive their just deserts.


Many thanks to Mr. Shinawatra.

You got that one wrong!

It should say: Many thanks to the traitors who staged an illegal coup against a legal government

I beg to differ.

One year after the coup there were elections.

Although a lot of vote-buying was proven, the Mr T followers did not get a majority.

There followed a coalition, lead by the Mr T followers party or parties.

There only business, it seems, was whitewashing Mr T, by all means.

Because of the vote-buying the party of Mr T followers was disbanded by the courts.

What followed was that the coalition fell apart and several of the parties formed a coalition with the party of Abhisit.

I have no idea what you mean by a coup.

Coalitions can be formed and disappear.

That is called politics.

If you call that a coup.welcome to it.

You got it right. I am glad to see someone on this forum has some brains. The anti government posts show complete ignorance of the political system. This government is a 100% legitimate. Formed in the same way as many previous ones in Thailand! The coup was a long time ago and has nothing to do with the present government coming to power.

Sure, the Army supports Abhisit because he is honest and dedicated to the country.


Meanwhile, as sit infront of my computer here in the States, planning my next trip back to Thailand this September.....THE COST OF AIRFARE IS RIDICULOUS ! It should be going down, not up. I can not imagine the tourist areas and businesses not serverly impacted by the past fiasco ( I was in Bangkok, stuck for a couple days in a hotel by the airport ).


Yadda Yadda Ya,

the constant war of Terror, welcome to the G20 / NWO / <deleted> Agenda. Of course you always get another tingling feeling and a bomb goes off somewhere just when it's getting calmer and would be time to ask the right questions. Like, did the government use agent provocateurs aka blue shirts or whatever underground commando to inflict damage and keep the public paralyzed and pointing the finger towards Thaksin, especially during the Red's camping in the shopping district.

He is being fashioned Thailands Osama bin Laden, get it, the phantom on which you can blame everything. So they keep on going getting more and more British with all them jaywalking, feeding the elephant B$ fines and on the other hand play the emergency rule, so they can detain people or keep them arrested on suspicion, soon the cameras et.al. will follow. It is like America's "Patriot act" and the fallout of it, which is less freedumb and more control / suspicion / fear-mongering.

And this is how the polarization game works. No matter what you vote in, the army and the rich elite stay the same. The smokescreen out there is the pseudo fight of Democrat vs. Republican or whatever they call themselves in a little house they call parliament. Democracy is the most vulnerable system out there and perfect for the Oligarchs which do not fear the guillotine anymore since they have those puppets dancing in front of them, distracting the public from who holds all the strings. At the end of the day they all go to the same casino and fat banksters. Hope some more people wake up to this worldwide con, and I really don't like it being perpetrated in Thailand since the last couple of years full forward.




This is a simple report about a bomb blast and the governments actions regarding state of emergency. To date there is no one making any claims as to why the bomb was planted. It is very unfortunate that there are those that think this type of action will have any effect in what the government does. All a bomb blast does is kill and injure innocent people. All the posts relating to who "might" have done it are just conjecture with no basis in fact. Reds, yellows, elites, military, police: all corrupt and wanting to maintain their power for their own reasons.

Anyone who has spent any time in Thailand would know by now that the so-called democracy in Thailand is run by thugs with no other reason than for power and greed. The "elites" of all stripes and the military/police only wish to maintain the status quo to maintain their power and wealth. Thailand, for the most part, lacks any type of moral and ethical "culture" as a good number of Thais would (and do)sell their sister for gain. The fact that people can evidently be swayed at a ballot box for 100 or 200 baht is evidence of the fact that people will sell their soul for a price. Sorry to say that in general, Thai people do not share the same values as Western people. That is not necessarily a condemnation but a statement of fact. Their values differ from ours. They do not have a deep history of philosophical thought with which we in the west have been educated. Their sense of right and wrong differs from the West. Other than the teachings of Buddha by way of the local temple, the common man is poorly educated and without deep thought. The common Thai learns to survive. While I surely do not condemn all Thais for all things, many of you posters really don't see Thailand for what it is, a third world country run as a fiefdom by those in power. Until the people seek leaders who will represent their needs not just with handouts at election time, there will be no change in Thailand. Until the people demand that the police protect and serve rather than rip them off there will be no change. One of two things must happen: (1) the people really get angry and demand change, or (2) somehow/somewhere political leaders surface who want something more than to fill their pockets and will struggle to change the way things work in Thailand. Most likely Thailand will continue the coups and changes in government that have been its history since it became a constitutional monarchy. Until the economy works in a way to allow those at the bottom to achieve some sort of middle class status, Thailand will function with the "haves" trying to maintain their wealth and the "have-nots" struggling to survive. Even in so called communist states like China and Vietnam they are surpassing the Thais and are creating wealth for many of their citizens. What is wrong in Thailand: CORRUPTION at every level and a people willing to engage in it as well. Land of Smiles? I think not!

And you site China and Vietnam as examples of a "working" model?

Pick another poison, dude. :bah:


I wait with baited breath the CCTV pictures of the perps at Sunday's atrocity. I passed by some 15 minutes or so after the event on foot.

The Bangkok mayor he wants to install 100000 cameras I believe.

All the bombings during the redshirt protests no witnesses, no cctv, no real damage except to a security guard outside the ministerial "spa". Check out Poseidon on interweb.

Sondhi's car being shot up. No witnesses, no CCTV (camera's not working). Someone knew that. Closed off a street, Shot up his car. No witnesses.

I agree with Kuzon

Bank accounts. Commercial websites. They're being interfered with. Sometimes blocked. Are they freelancing at the DSI?


"The government has come under pressure from the United States and rights groups to end a state of emergency still in place across one-fifth of the country".

Where the US Goverment takes their rights, to control the whole world?


"The government has come under pressure from the United States and rights groups to end a state of emergency still in place across one-fifth of the country".

Where the US Goverment takes their rights, to control the whole world?

So you're happy with the SOE then?


I shake my head in wonder when I read the comments of the Thailand haters on this site.

It is beyond belief that any of you can actually live in this country.

The SOE only impacts those who want to make trouble everyone else goes about their business as usual.

It is tragic that some idiots plant bonbs or throw grenades without care as to who they injure or kill.

Whatever the perceived motives in their twisted minds they must never be allowed to gain by these cowardly acts.

Lets hope they get the ones who planted the big C bomb and they receive their just deserts.

I think the same way. If some of these people are in Thailand why are they here? I have not been impacted at all by the SoE, other than minor inconvenience when there was a curfew (necessary at the time and now long gone). And I was happy to accept that inconvenience for order to be restored. I'm happy in Thailand, no other country would have put up with the the redshirt shenanigans the way Thailand did. As long as there is a need for the SoE, it should be maintained - and used to prevent the redshirts from engaging in more violence...


What else was Oboist and his Government supposed to do?lift the State of Emergency and congratulate the Bombers?

That's ridiculous. At times PM Abhisit seems to be power crazy. He is inclined to control by issuing threats to the people. With his 300 man Internet police force and his 200 man personal body guard he feels powerful. He's made no progress in finding the killers of the 90 lost Innocent souls of the protest. Why? does he want the World to believe that the Red Shirts did it all so that the World will accept his allegation that Thailand's political left are all 'Terrorists'? For a premiers true greatness to be found we have to look to his love of the people. Just about ever one in Thailand that is not a elite or hi-so seems to be a terrorist suspect. This seems to be so whether they're Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Sikh or atheist. It is not a politically sustainable situation. All of the disparate peoples of Thailand must be brought to peaceful co-existence through compassionate policies.

Mr Abhisit appears to have set out to intimidate everybody. He tells the colleges not to allow female students to wear short skirts. His Internet directive has no specificity, that's why its intimidating. Can we be arrested for writing something like this for example. If someone sends one an email with porn photos attached do I get arrested for that. If a Thai or Falang happens upon one of the thousands of Thai prostitution sites for women & girls, Men & boys, katoeys or she males, will that make them a criminal by association? How can people report digression if it would make then a criminal by association?

Mr Abhisit often speaks with a forked tongue. Is that why he couldn't reach a peaceful settlement with the demonstrators? Those demonstrators are his people. He is supposed to protect them and their human rights. Intimidation makes our PM sound more like Mafioso. Thailand is supposed to be a free country. God! we don't even have free speech. Next we'll be having professors chop the hair of students just because it reaches below the ears. (both of my Thai daughters had the hair chopped) I wanted to go to the school and chop the hair of the teacher that did it.

Rationally though; Thailand has a sound Civil Service, with experienced legislators in each of the main Ministries. Abhisit can use his ministries to rule like a powerful leader would. Then he can concentrate on how Thailand is going to keep up with the repayments on Thailand Sovereign debt. That'll give our kids a chance of a debt-free future. This will serve our PM better than the issue frivolous edicts that are frankly far below his station. It is said that our PM was born and educated in England, Did he not learn anything about protecting the people there?


"The government has come under pressure from the United States and rights groups to end a state of emergency still in place across one-fifth of the country".

Where the US Goverment takes their rights, to control the whole world?

So you're happy with the SOE then?

I can only speak for myself, but I have absolutely no issues with it. This is one bomb blast, how many have been prevented though? And if they lift it in response to this act to intimidate what sort of precedent does it set? The SoE is one tool among many that the government has in order to maintain order and at the present it serves a purpose. I am from the US but I agree with the poster, the US should mind its own business and let Thailand do what is necessary. In the main, the SoE doesn't hinder anyone who is not engaged in activities counter to the good of the country. The only loss for me, I couldn't watch a video of the leader of a US communist group speaking. Not a big loss for me, I can certainly live without seeing that.

Can I ask, how is anyone on this forum hindered by the SoE. It doesn't change anything for most people. I still eat, sleep, drink, hang out with my friends, download television programs from the US (maybe Canada when Little Mosque starts back), go to my Thai language class... My friends still do the same and go to their jobs... I often see the word "draconian" used in the media to describe the SoE. How is it draconian at all?


I shake my head in wonder when I read the comments of the Thailand haters on this site.

It is beyond belief that any of you can actually live in this country.

The SOE only impacts those who want to make trouble everyone else goes about their business as usual.

It is tragic that some idiots plant bonbs or throw grenades without care as to who they injure or kill.

Whatever the perceived motives in their twisted minds they must never be allowed to gain by these cowardly acts.

Lets hope they get the ones who planted the big C bomb and they receive their just deserts.

I think the same way. If some of these people are in Thailand why are they here? I have not been impacted at all by the SoE, other than minor inconvenience when there was a curfew (necessary at the time and now long gone). And I was happy to accept that inconvenience for order to be restored. I'm happy in Thailand, no other country would have put up with the the redshirt shenanigans the way Thailand did. As long as there is a need for the SoE, it should be maintained - and used to prevent the redshirts from engaging in more violence...

you don't even know why they were demonstrating do you?

Oh and if you think Thaksin was corrupt. Get this. They're all at it. Get your head around the idea that the wealthy just get wealthier. 1 billion dollars. What's the interest?

They had to invent a new law called "Policy corruption."

This only applied to the prime minister. In other words should the PM get wealthier whilst in office he is guilty.

How the money is used is another matter. I believe we will see a lot more Mercedes cars on our streets as this is how the democrats will use Thaksin's money, heaven forbid they try to buy votes. It didn't work before.



If Thaksin was truly corrupt he would have left office with not 1 billion but 20 billion. He would have milked the system.

Since leaving office UK former premier Blair has amassed a 20 million pound property empire and still refuses all interviews unlike Thaksin.

So all you Thaksin haters I defy you. He didn't screw you but you all have a screw loose.

Fix it!

for Jim


Unnecessary IMO. You don't need an emergency decree to fight the threat of terrorism. We managed without one through years of IRA bombing campaigns.

Harms the country's rep too; loads of cars/taxis with farangs in getting stopped around Asok after 6pm.



If Thaksin was truly corrupt he would have left office with not 1 billion but 20 billion. He would have milked the system.

Since leaving office UK former premier Blair has amassed a 20 million pound property empire and still refuses all interviews unlike Thaksin.

So all you Thaksin haters I defy you. He didn't screw you but you all have a screw loose.

Fix it!

for Jim

I remember reading a report on Thaksin's worth today as being in the 400 billion baht range, this is not counting what was frozen here, nor what he spent on his travels, entertainment, baddies wants/needs, and other failed ventures, including the reported 4 million pound seizure in the UK. The groups that track questionable deposits, money laundering,etc are pretty efficient in today's age of electronic monitoring, as are those who dig this info out for the public. Playing doctor may reflect self diagnosis which can be as dangerous as self medication without proper learning/education.


I shake my head in wonder when I read the comments of the Thailand haters on this site.

It is beyond belief that any of you can actually live in this country.

The SOE only impacts those who want to make trouble everyone else goes about their business as usual.

It is tragic that some idiots plant bonbs or throw grenades without care as to who they injure or kill.

Whatever the perceived motives in their twisted minds they must never be allowed to gain by these cowardly acts.

Lets hope they get the ones who planted the big C bomb and they receive their just deserts.

I think the same way. If some of these people are in Thailand why are they here? I have not been impacted at all by the SoE, other than minor inconvenience when there was a curfew (necessary at the time and now long gone). And I was happy to accept that inconvenience for order to be restored. I'm happy in Thailand, no other country would have put up with the the redshirt shenanigans the way Thailand did. As long as there is a need for the SoE, it should be maintained - and used to prevent the redshirts from engaging in more violence...

you don't even know why they were demonstrating do you?

Oh and if you think Thaksin was corrupt. Get this. They're all at it. Get your head around the idea that the wealthy just get wealthier. 1 billion dollars. What's the interest?

They had to invent a new law called "Policy corruption."

This only applied to the prime minister. In other words should the PM get wealthier whilst in office he is guilty.

How the money is used is another matter. I believe we will see a lot more Mercedes cars on our streets as this is how the democrats will use Thaksin's money, heaven forbid they try to buy votes. It didn't work before.

Yes I know why they were demonstrating and they had some legitimate issues, but not justification for economic blackmail, extortion from residents of the area they seized, beating people who refused to copperate with them, firing grenades not only at military and government targets but counter-demonstrators. And I know that the reason the bulk of them were there was Thaksin and money. One lady standing next to me as they marched one day kept telling me she loved Thaksin, and Thaksin's image was everywhere in t their encampments and marches. A redshirt friend of mine told me they were paid, she said cut off the money and shoot some of them and the rally would be over. And she was a redshirt supporter. In the end they were a private army engaging in terrorist activities against the government of the Kingdom of Thailand, essentially paid mercenaries, the committed murder of counter demonstrators, police, and soldiers... And despite the nice rhetoric there was always really only one issue: Thaksin! No matter how many flowers you cover the crap with it still stinks.

Frankly I don't care if the SoE continues indefinitely as long as it keeps Thaksin's stormtroopers reined in.


Unnecessary IMO. You don't need an emergency decree to fight the threat of terrorism. We managed without one through years of IRA bombing campaigns.

Harms the country's rep too; loads of cars/taxis with farangs in getting stopped around Asok after 6pm.

I see, I go to Asok for my Thai class often hang around afterwards to meet my friend in Ploenchit when she gets off work, sometimes if we hang out light or the weather is really nasty we take a taxi back often between 7 and 10, or if she has to work very late and she comes here she will get a taxi. You know that has never happened to me (farang) or her (Thai).... Hmmm are you here right now... Of course tons of farang disregarding the law there may be stopped... U seem to be in a Bangkok that is in another dimension than the one I am... Never been stopped anywhere for any reason.... Maybe because I obey the law... (I admit though I am generally an MRT/BTS and bus person)


It would have been advantageous for the government if there was no bomb. With no bomb the government could have eventually lifted the emergency decree. This would show how well they are doing and prove PT wrong. Now that the bombing has happened people are once again pointing the finger at the government, red shirts, Mr T, or any other mysterious group which suits their agenda. Society and the web are again divided, blaming each other.

This bombing in no way is beneficial to the government, but is a great help to PT and Mr T. Anything that is bad for the government is good for PT and Mr T.

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