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Location: Phuket, Provider: 3BB, Package: 3BB Premier 4 Mb

3BB Speed Test

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Go to Speedtest.net, direct or via 3BB Speed test, made a Test to San Francisco (result below)


Distance San Francisco 12’700km.

Ping Distance: 25’400km

Light speed: ~ 299’792 km/s (Fiber Optic cable ~ 200’000 km/s)

Distance/Light speed = 0.085 sec = 85ms (theoretically), without additional delay time from Amplifiers, Multiplexers, Nodes.

Conclusion: 55ms impossible, Speedtest wrong, Server local, just around the corner.

Real Ping Test:

San Francisco= www.unwiredltd.com , IP=, Ping = 269ms (avg)

(Unwired, 7125 Westmoorland Drive, Berkeley CA 94705, US.

Left redirected fake targets, right real links of neighboring target locations.

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In Speedtest.net this Destinations are redirected to a local Server (3BB?): USA SF: 55ms, London: 51ms, Paris: 53ms

Taiwan Tunghai: 53 ms, USA WDC: 65 ms, UK London: 54 ms, Paris F: 53 ms, Los Angeles: 51 ms, may be more.


Good post...reinterates how certain speed test programs can give high or low false results for some customers on different ISPs.


Correct me if I am wrong.

If TOT or 3BB talks about 3 / 8 or 16 MB ADSL line they ONLY talk about the speed from your house to the ISP not to the rest of this planet.


Correct me if I am wrong.

If TOT or 3BB talks about 3 / 8 or 16 MB ADSL line they ONLY talk about the speed from your house to the ISP not to the rest of this planet.

Correct and that is usually the best case as the ISP's know the physical line quality from the residence to DSLAM/ISP may not allow full advertised speed. There is also the confusion between Sync speed and IP speed...where the sync speed is suppose to be the 3 / 8 /16 / Etc Mb ADSL speed (i.e, the advertised speed) and the IP speed which subtracts out the DSL control bits and leaves you with the data speed. And of course there are differences between ADSL, ADSL2, and ADSL2+. Each ISP seems to have a different smoke and mirrors guarantee on achievable speeds...and usually the international speed is specified subjectively versus a specific minimum speed.


Correct me if I am wrong.

If TOT or 3BB talks about 3 / 8 or 16 MB ADSL line they ONLY talk about the speed from your house to the ISP not to the rest of this planet.

That's correct, but that doesn't mean they need to cheat on speed tests! Different topic altogether.

I think it's stupid that they cheat on the speed tests. But, there's probably nothing we can do about it. Just note that speedtest.net is pretty much useless. I guess we can report them to speedtest.net, and I will do that.


I seem to be the only one happy with 3BB!

In-Thailand speeds are very close to advertised speed.

USA traffic at quick speeds too, generally 13Meg +

I can stream on-demand media (BBC iPlayer etc) no problems.


Fascinating ping result! It appears as if 3BB has built a Potemkin Village - not unexpected; we've been talking about it for years.

Folks in Thailand shouldn't expect to see all of the advertised speed. The numbers are inflated all over the world. There are plenty of technical reasons why, but from a consumer's point of view, the "5 Mbps" or "10 Mbps" doesn't mean much. In UK, for example, the average delivered ADSL speed is 45% of the advertised rate. So an 8 Mbps package delivers 3.3 Mbps. http://bit.ly/a9od58

That said, I've never seen ANY genuine speed tests to the US that consistently deliver 13 Mbps download speeds, except for the new CAT fiber optic line in Phuket.


Now back to normal...

They stopped the cheating? Need to check that when I'm back home.

I did report them to speedtest.net, BTW. I figured cheating is probably not in the interest of speedtest.net. But I never heard back from them.

BTW I'm not complaining about my 3BB package in any way. Most times day or night, I get a full 10 Mbit international.


just tested, SF got a ping of 28 ms... Palo Alto a more realistic 254. So still cheating....

@trogers, trying that, looks very bare bones ;)


just tested, SF got a ping of 28 ms... Palo Alto a more realistic 254. So still cheating....

@trogers, trying that, looks very bare bones ;)

:lol: Not bare bones at all

When testing is completed, click on the 'Statistics' button.

Will tell you

upload and download speeds

ping (round trip) time

MTU = packet size + 40

Duplex = full or half (should be full)

Retransmissions if any - if yes, means packet losses in the signals


your firewall status

your WAN IP address and LAN IP address


I figured I'd put in a few things as well on top of somethings already mention

1. Everything on the internet relates to packets, Time To Live, DNS Servers and various other protocol's

2. Along with packets you need to remember that http needs to be redesigned. here's my understanding, please correct me if i'm wrong. http was conceived to request and transmit one file person session this was ok when websites where less complex but now http has to download many things including music, images, videos, CSS, cookies, javascripts and flash. ( i'm aware that internet browsers, firefox, chrome, and trying to help things go faster but http itself needs to be redesigned

3. On top of number 2 look how bloated many websites have gotten

4. A lot of people tend to forget that as we are all clients and we are always connecting to websites ( aka servers ) certain websites and their servers may or may not be well equipment to handle lots of incoming traffic although this is not normally the case.

5. Thailand's internet, most people dislike this answer but its the truth, if the majority of the ISP customers are thai, and most of the thai users only view websites based in thailand do you really believe ISP are going to invest more in international gateways to please a small minority.

6. Internet advertised speeds do not believe them, this is true everywhere in the world.

Also just because you see download 3MB - 10MB on speedtest your actually download speed is broken into bytes or bits, can't remember so 3MB = 3,000 bits and since bits are 8 bit numbers your actually download speed is 375 kbps. If you were somehow to get actual 3MB download then your download speed tested on speedtest would be 24MB. I can tell you how nice this actual speed because i had it when i was in singapore. If you don't believe me about your numbers get a download manager and download a big file you'll see even in your download manager not 3Mbps but 375kbps thats 375 kilobytes per second

Most of all most of us should be grateful that we are not stuck on dial up. A lot of people in thailand are still stuck using dial up internet. or no internet at all.


I figured I'd put in a few things as well on top of somethings already mention

1. Everything on the internet relates to packets, Time To Live, DNS Servers and various other protocol's

2. Along with packets you need to remember that http needs to be redesigned. here's my understanding, please correct me if i'm wrong. http was conceived to request and transmit one file person session this was ok when websites where less complex but now http has to download many things including music, images, videos, CSS, cookies, javascripts and flash. ( i'm aware that internet browsers, firefox, chrome, and trying to help things go faster but http itself needs to be redesigned

3. On top of number 2 look how bloated many websites have gotten

4. A lot of people tend to forget that as we are all clients and we are always connecting to websites ( aka servers ) certain websites and their servers may or may not be well equipment to handle lots of incoming traffic although this is not normally the case.

5. Thailand's internet, most people dislike this answer but its the truth, if the majority of the ISP customers are thai, and most of the thai users only view websites based in thailand do you really believe ISP are going to invest more in international gateways to please a small minority.

6. Internet advertised speeds do not believe them, this is true everywhere in the world.

Also just because you see download 3MB - 10MB on speedtest your actually download speed is broken into bytes or bits, can't remember so 3MB = 3,000 bits and since bits are 8 bit numbers your actually download speed is 375 kbps. If you were somehow to get actual 3MB download then your download speed tested on speedtest would be 24MB. I can tell you how nice this actual speed because i had it when i was in singapore. If you don't believe me about your numbers get a download manager and download a big file you'll see even in your download manager not 3Mbps but 375kbps thats 375 kilobytes per second

Most of all most of us should be grateful that we are not stuck on dial up. A lot of people in thailand are still stuck using dial up internet. or no internet at all.

There are 8 bits to a byte. Your download manager or browser will show Kbytes/Mbytes a second since this is more familiar at filesystem level. The rate advertised for network connectivity including broadband is bits. There is no cover up or misleading information there, these just standard way of representing speeds since dinosaur time. Nothing is broken down per se.

Along with packets you need to remember that http needs to be redesigned. here's my understanding, please correct me if i'm wrong. http was conceived to request and transmit one file person session this was ok when websites where less complex but now http has to download many things including music, images, videos, CSS, cookies, javascripts and flash. ( i'm aware that internet browsers, firefox, chrome, and trying to help things go faster but http itself needs to be redesigned

Incorrect. There are soft limits for number of concurrent requests per hostname on most systems. But in theory on IPv4 stack other things will bottle out before you exhaust all available incoming ports to receive a tcp/ip response.


so 3MB = 3,000 bits

No, 3MB = 3 million bytes = 24 million bits


and since bits are 8 bit numbers

No, 1 byte = 8 bits

your actually download speed is 375 kbps.

No, 3 Mbps = 375 kBps (375 thousand Bytes per second)

If you were somehow to get actual 3MB download then your download speed tested on speedtest would be 24MB.

No, 3 MBps = 24 Mbps.


Package: 3BB Premier 4 Mb

Hi' date='

This package does not exist any more. You should have 5 Mb very soon ;)

Lot of change in 3BB game :


&lt;deleted&gt;? The only Premier package now is 5Mb for B2,500? What happens to me on 3Mb Premier for B1050?

Package: 3BB Premier 4 Mb

Hi' date='

This package does not exist any more. You should have 5 Mb very soon ;)

Lot of change in 3BB game :


&lt;deleted&gt;? The only Premier package now is 5Mb for B2,500? What happens to me on 3Mb Premier for B1050?

Good question,

I also have 3BB 3MB Premier for 1050 Baht which is prepaid until September.

I'm very happy with my 3MB connection and I’m not really interested in 5Mb and especially not for 2500 Baht.

So what happens with the people who have 3MB Premier and don't want to change. ( read pay more )


&lt;deleted&gt;? The only Premier package now is 5Mb for B2,500? What happens to me on 3Mb Premier for B1050?

That's my fault. I finally got fed up with TOT and went to 3BB to ask for the 3Mb @ B1050 service and apparently they knew I was coming.

"That promotion finish.For new customer (I gather existing customers are OK) only premier service now 5Mb at B2500. "

B2500 is a bit stiff for my needs, so I declined.

Out of curiosity, what's the Not Premier 12M/1M @ B1490 like? In their advert they say it's good for "foreign medium ... including VDO Live Streaming."

I don't really care if the 12M/1M is a fantasy. I would be in heaven if the connection didn't drop, I could access email and pretty basic websites in the US and I could manage to download small iTunes podcasts in less than 6 hours. Anyone, especially in Pattaya, use this service?

Since this appears to be my "15 minute TOT is actually working opportunity," I better post the message quickly.


3BB currently terrible - look at my 10Mbit connection to the USA...


Did some cable go down? Or just lots of downloading at this time?


3BB currently terrible - look at my 10Mbit connection to the USA...


Did some cable go down? Or just lots of downloading at this time?

Wow lol, you might actually do better using your mobile phone as a modem and run on gprs


3BB currently terrible - look at my 10Mbit connection to the USA...


Did some cable go down? Or just lots of downloading at this time?

Wow lol, you might actually do better using your mobile phone as a modem and run on gprs

Well I actually tried both True 3G and CAT CDMA at the same time, and both were marginally worse. Still I might need to upgrade to premium. Right now it's back to 3Mbit.

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