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Levitra In Thailand?


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Mmmmm - you can get it, but what's in it, well, organised crime makes

10 times the profit on fake medicines compared to simple street narcotics -

fake meds have even been prescribed through the Brit NHS.

Serious suggestion: this is fairly well known...for health reasons I started

taking high doses of Vitman C - 1,000mg + a day. It can be taken in increasing

amounts basically until you get the runs - so 3,000 a day is not unusual.

But unexpectedly, it had a dramatic effect on my libido - it increases the blood-flow

to the penis significantly, and I got so fed up with feeling turned on(couldnt bloody sleep!)

that I stopped taking it. I want to see if the effect returns when I start taking it again.

I googled "Sex and Vitamin C" and found it was a generally recognised effect for

generally healthy people.


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It is available in thailand but:

1. requires a doctor's prescription

2. is imported from abroad so will not be less expensive than in Europe, Canada or Australia, in fact likely will be a bit more. . Will be a little less costly than in the US.

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"Don't know why he does not just use viagra as that is easy enough to get here..."

The restrictions for Levitra and Viagra are identical. Too, many TVers believe, as you do, that all ED drugs are identical. They are not.

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Levitra...the real genuine stuff is available in Thailand. 4 tabs in a Pfizer sealed tab...along with the english writing on it ..in its box...with the "instructions" also in english enclosed. It does and does not require a prescription to obtain. It depends on which pharmacy you go to.

I have been to several pharmacies to ask for it and been refused as I did not have a prescription.

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