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Questions Regarding Windows Xp Media Center Editio

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hey all...

soon gonna get a new home....with a large enough hall to accomodate a projector....

now the thing is im considerin usin a windows xp media center edition for my media controler and tv tuner(as projectors dont have one)

some questions...

1) i have a copy of windows xp media center.....can i buy the remote seperately (note to mods: no comment abt my source or gunuinity of the copy)

2) can i buy the windows xp media center edition (with remote) anywhere in thailand?

3) can i install the windows XP media center myself or do i need to buy those pricey desktops which come bundled with one?

looking for some help here....would really appreciate if someone who has used media center/gone thru the process could enlighten us....

as for me im comfortable with installing os(not linux) and a bit of programing......and am not too comfortable using branded/ready to use pc.....assembling my own pc gives me some sort of pleasure....i dunno why....


devil_dog - Windows Media Center Edition (2002, 2004, 2005) are shell programs (similar to what Windows3.x was to DOS) which overlays WindowsXP Professional to provide various audio/video capabilities.

To my knowledge, Media Center Edition (MCE) is not available at the retail level and only comes as an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) installed product. Each MCE (like Windows itself) is usually modified to a particular OEM's hardware requirements.

With the above in mind:

1. Yes, but probably only as a "replacement part" from the OEM who's MCE version you "acquired". In addition to the remote, you will also need a TV tuner an infrared receiver module(s), misc circuitry for the remote to work properly, and an audio/video card. (As your probably aware, there's also the question of hard drive (HDD) space. Video requires a lot of storage space. Newer computers incorporating MCE now have HDD's of 350-400gigs. Future High Definition (HDTV) will need 4-5x that amount.)

2. I'm sure, regardless of whether its Thailand or any other city in the world, where there's a demand, you can buy just about anything, if your willing to pay the going price.

3. If you have the same brand computer as the MCE-CD you say you have, it might install provided, during installation it sees you also have all the required elements. Remember, you'll probably need the same make/model video card used by that OEM, and that may be a non-standard card.

Cost wise, you'd be much better off buying the computer (desktop or laptop) with MCE factory installed. The cost difference between a non-MCE computer and one with MCE is only about 150 ($US). Considering the fact MCE is basically WindowsXP Pro, you usually get a larger HDD, a better sound/video card, and TV/VCR capability, the cost difference is actually quite a bargin.

As a test, I suppose you could try installing MCE using the disk you have (after doing a complete system backup) to see potential compatability problems. (Personally I doubt it will install until your systems configuration meets that particular OEM's requirements.)

Also keep in mind, buying replacement parts from an OEM are much more expensive than their counterpart which came with the machine itself. Contact the OEM and get a price on the remote and a replacement video card. That should give you a rough idea of where your headed.

On the plus side, this "little" project will keep you out of the pubs for a quite some time. :o

good luck :D

[PS - If your only trying to project TV or DVD/VHS movies, an inexpensive DVD/VCR combo machine with its built-in TV tuner would probably be the least expensive way to go. Some of these combos sell for a low as 50 ($US).]


i just saw on ebay...

the OEM CD of winxp media center edition with remote is on sale at ebay....

lemme check with my copied version whats the result...

the thing is i already have a pc which is my test server as of now....

it would be free in some days time.....i want to use that....the only thing to buy would be good tv tuners and network attached storage. - already have 3 hard disks + CD rom....



The TV tuner will have to be one that Media Center specifically supports, or else you won't be able to use TV capabilities. The list is fairly short, AFAIK.

You can also just buy something like an ATI all-in-wonder, and use its own bundled programs (instead of installing media center).

i just saw on ebay...

the OEM CD of winxp media center edition with remote is on sale at ebay....

devil_dog - I don't see any reference to a remote control unit, unless you think the "untested, as-is, no warranty piece of applicable hardware" is a remote. :o ???

Just remember, buyer beware! Email seller for details.

cheers :D


Though its very very easy to use a Video or your UBC box to pipe into the video grab card... using either MCE's capabilities or a program like dscaler (I hold the domains) which is an open source deinterlacer and scaler of high quality...

MCE does many other things that people are generally not aware of.. It will adjust the greyscale to being 16 - 235 (for absolute black and peak white) instead of PC levels of 0 - 255 which is according to SMTPE standards to allow below black and above white headroom and avoid clipping in the signal chain..

For a HUGE wealth of info using media PCs to do what you are thinking (and much much more.. DVR.. Whole house audio distribution.. PDA remote control and browsing of your audio.. etc etc etc) go to www.avsforum.com and look at the HTPC section (where I moderate) its the nets largest Home Theater PC forum and has been pushing the envelope of this area for years..

Its a very good way to do what you are doing and creates very high quality results..

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