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Bernard Trink


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since first coming to thailand i have been reading the weekly trink column in the bangkok post.it has become almost a ritual. but not for much longer.

on fridays i would go straight to the trink page, or these days, the trink half page or quarter page.

i would skip the front page with all the interesting stuff about the seedy behaviour of thai politicians, the radioactive waste spillage next to the local school and the 50 killed in tuk-tuk collision stories.

i would ignore the inside pages with the stories about unemployment in germany, football violence in england,strikes in france, snowdrifts in belgium and mass murderers in the usa.

i would have no interest in the sports stories or editorials or even that page near the back with all the ads for escort agencies and massage parlours.

fridays morning coffee and papaya slices would be incomplete without some of trinks salacious gossip and hot tips as to where to spend saturday night. it was a guaranteed good read. there even used to be photographs of some of the available delights on offer to the footloose and fancy free. it was the gossip column that made lots of falangs feel at home.

that was then.

these days i find his ramblings to be irrelevant. his second hand jokes, self congratulatory e-mails, cliche ridden stories and proverbs and repetitive comments that do no more than to state the obvious are just a waste of space and boring to read.

the small and cosy bar scene that existed when he started out "doing his rounds"

has expanded into something that he has not been able to keep up with and his column has suffered as a result. added to his pomposity and his boastful stinginess,it all makes for a depressing read penned by someone who should know that his time has passed.

is it not time to gracefully pension the old fella off before he sinks without trace into those trousers of his and becomes a pathetic parody of himself.

anybody got any thoughts on this?

if so... post 'em here why dont you.

you'll be glad you did.

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I first read his column doing research for my husband as we thought we may have to move to Thailand then. That was how I find this site as well! heheh I read these sort of things as I want to have some idea of how an expat lives in Thailand and what sort of views foreigners have of Thai people. Also, I was trying to find out how my husband could have a social life if we move.

At first, he was interesting. I read his achieve and stuff as well as new articles on the BKKpost internet site. Sometimes, he was pretty amusing looking at Thai society in different ways from what I see (as a Thai).

One thing I notice from the start is that he seems to concentrate quite a bit on the bar scene. But I didn't find that unusual.

After a few months reading his stuff though... I find that he is pretty repetitive and it started to get a bit boring. Perhaps there's only so much gossips that I could bear, especially not being there to see what he was talking about myself. Also, I get a bit sick of all the talks about the bar scene and how he is such a self style expert on Thailand.

In my opinion, many things he said about Thai culture is very superficial and sometimes even inaccurate. For example, his very well quoted dowry 'table'. Perhaps it depends on where he has done his research but I find that table particularly inaccurate. But hey, who's gonna doubt his authority anyway... I don't think many would....

I don't think much of him... His column is an entertaining read but I would take it with a pinch of salt - no, make that a HANDFUL of salt heheheheh (if I ever get back to reading them!). Last time I went to BKKpost website, it seemed that there had been quite a few complaints launched against him, as well as encouraging messages from supporters for him to keep on writing.

Do I give a hoot?! Hmmm.... nahh.... :o:D

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Trink's column is little more than a novelty now, but it doesn't take up much space and there's no reason to cut it. As his sun sets, he deserves that.

Stickman was once making a power-play for this duty, (check out his regular Trink-whinges on his site). Yet I fear he is no longer a potentially useful correspondent given that he now appears to be happily married and taking a grating, 'born again' stance on the issue of Bangkok night-life.

Stickman on the pulpit and Trink's star waning. There is a gap for someone to provide a useful diary function on upcoming Farang-oriented nightlife.

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He used to be the only source of news from the bar areas, unless you visited regularly, and for this reason was a must read for many. It was also one of the few sources of community information prior to the internet. And in the old days was about the only reason to buy afternoon Bangkok World.

For myself his belief that there was/is no such thing as AIDS is his opinion; but his frequent use of his position to promote this view among the very people most at risk turned me off and he lost any respect he may be due.

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Glad somebody has brought up the subject of Roger Irrelevant aka Bernie Trink. I too will confess to having avidly read his column before all else on a Fri/Sat, but don't go as far back as Lopburi and Bangkok World. But back in the early/mid 90s he was a good read away from the other depressing news or banal stories/columns elsewhere. However, he has been a on a long, slow ride to irrelevance and being out of touch with the subject he puports to cover. The only other regular contributor from those days, t'other Roger (the Bassethound) has also gone the way of Trink and endlessly regurgitates similar material week in, week out. Embedded unemployables, I guess is the politest way of putting it.

But I wouldn't go so far as to recommend their early/over-due retirements or god-forbid, sacking. After all this is the all-tolerant LOS we're talking about, and I think the Post's gradual squeezing down of Trink's column inches is the right and just one, as his abilities wither too. But I do wish he would stop printing letters written by himself in his favour. They stick out like sore thumbs. And who is standing in line to replace the old, grey men of yore? After all, the subject matter is as plentiful as ever, witnessed by this Forum.

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Seems the everybody agrees, he is no more what he used to be.

The Nite Owl by now is nothing but a sparrow.

For me it was the same, reading Fridays first his page since '92. I even got a bit upset, when they cut him down to half a page. Nowadays Trink by himself does not get together even that. Nothing to write home about.

Worse, in one or two occasions he became extremely and unnecessarily agressive. Oh well...

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well if that is the case then i think its not before time.

i dont think anyone will really miss his column as it has been so poor for the past few years. i have read stickmans efforts but find them much the same as trinks,

far too orientated towards the bar scene.

as for trink,well,it seems that not many people give a hoot anymore but i thank him for all those years he penned a "must read" column

and wish him well in his retirement.

at least he will have plenty of free time to ride the bus routes in search of that decent tailor shop that seems to have eluded him for so many years.

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I do not all the talk about the bar scene i never go to the bar and must he write about TONIGHT free bar fine. And please Maltese JOHN what ever his name is stop feeding him with free drinks. Your bar is in the column every bloody weeek. See now i talked about him one more time.

Otherwise i think he should keep on going to he drop and i wish good luck as long as he can keep it up.

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I guess Bangkok Phil sums it all up.

Bernard Trink (The Night Owl)

Bernard Trink is a Bangkok Post newspaper columnist who has been reporting on mainly the Bangkok and Pattaya nightlife scene for many a long year. His Friday ‘Night Owl’ column is very widely read by both expats and tourists alike, but for differing reasons. Some people actually read it in order to get knowledge on where to go, and what do at night, while others like me, wonder how the ###### he gets paid for writing such drivel, and read it purely for a good laugh.

Ten years ago, I remember the column taking up a full page, and being mildly entertaining. Nowadays, it’s down to barely half a sheet, and despite what old Bernard might tell you, it’s probably not because of shortage of space, but more because people just aren’t interested in what he’s got to say anymore. In addition, Trink’s column these days has very little on the actual night-life scene, but is littered with crappy jokes, and recommendations where you can buy tins of Dinty Moore beef stew and disposable umbrellas. It really is that sad.

You get the distinct impression that the BP staff would like to get shut of him, but he keeps turning up for work.

He’s certainly a very distinctive character. I’ve seen him quite a few times doing his nightly rounds in soi Cowboy, or getting on the bus on Petchburi Road (where he obviously lives). He’s one of the few humans on the planet who still wears a medallion on the outside of his shirt.

Bernard not only reports on the after dark activities, but writes movie reviews and book reviews for the Post outlook section. He’s particularly hard to impress with movies, because he’s always harping back to the golden age of cinema, and any role that’s played nowadays was done better by Erroll Flynn, Buster Keaton or Lassie (at least in his opinion). It all gets rather tiresome. I also can’t help but notice that he only reviews movies at cinemas that are reasonably close to his house. If it’s not showing at Lido, Siam Square or the Emporium, that’s it, he doesn’t even bother getting out of bed.

BT has invented a language all of his own, and I swear he does it just to annoy people. Prostitutes are demimondaines, nice meals are tasty viands, and bars are caravansaries and constellations.

So the next time you want to know who’s running the Spider’s Web in Nana Plaza, or which hotel is having a Halloween buffet with prizes for the kiddies, or why Dinty Moore beef stew has gone up 5 baht at Foodland, Bernard’s yer man. My own favorite Trinkism is “would the powers that be please do something about the night market in Patpong, because if there were a fire break out, the chaos would be difficult to imagine”.

He usually puts this little space-filler in about 6 times a year, and has been doing so for as long as I can remember. You would think by now, he’d got the message that the powers that be in Patpong really couldn’t give a hoot.

Update 28/12  My good friend and fellow discussion board member, Markle, has the following points to make about Bernard Trink, and I think you'll agree - his opinion is food for thought.

First I should clarify that I have never met the man, in fact I only have a vague idea what he looks like. So can't say I dislike him based on any personal level. However I have a great deal of contempt for Trink the 'reviewer' and for Trink the Niteowl 'columnist' (I use the term loosely).

Trink inadvertently represents one of the classic weaknesses of Thai society, - stick round long enough and you will gain status. Not because of any talent, hard work or depth of knowledge you might have, but simply by knowing the right people, doing the bare minimum to get by and not rocking the boat. This is the reason he still has a 'column' in the Post, not because he's indispensable but because he has ensured his position by having a very good relationship with the top dogs at the Post. The rest of the staff barely tolerate him. If they finally bit the bullet and got rid of him I'm sure the Post would lose some readership but I doubt they would lose any ad revenue which is what pays the bills.

I have to laugh at the fact that he regularly plugs his email address when for the longest time he insisted that someone download his mail because he couldn't be bothered learning how to use a computer. He reserves snide comments for the incompetence of others but himself throws a hissy fit when told by his editor that the girl who typed up his weekly column onto the computer system had quit and he'd have to do it himself.

I would criticise his reviewing but it's too much like shooting fish in a barrel, suffice to say that whenever he is faced with a book or film that challenges him to think (rarely) he is so obviously lost that he retreats to pointless comparisons with the classics and irrelevant anecdotes.

But probably the one thing that gets my goat more than anything, (I mean incompetence is forgivable), is that for someone who has been in here for so long and styles himself as an 'expert' on Thailand he has such a narrow and superficial understanding of the country. Easily seen in his term  "T.I.T". He couldn't be bothered trying to understand the reasons and motivations behind Thai people's actions so he puts on this dismissive attitude to cover his ignorance. The worse thing about this is not that he is content in his ignorance, but that he is suggesting that Thailand and Thai people are beyond comprehension, that they are not governed by any rational or logical rules of behaviuor. And his devotees just gobble it up. Here lies Trink's biggest sin, his lack of responsibility. He is in a position to help improve the understanding and perception of a significant section of the expat community, instead he reinforces stereotypes, and simplifies complex problems with off-the-cuff dismissives. Then again maybe less people would read him if he didn't. In the end Bernard is a constant embarrassment to the expat establishment here, and represents a mindset that is hopefully dying out. Am I jealous? You bet, I would love to be paid good money for being an ignorant, incompetent old fool.

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Sensorship and old school do not mix. If he use to be a must read then why the bashing, for nothing is what it use to be. Write on Trink, enjoy your days to the end. Do not get stuck on the 2am bar closings and no showing we realize the fact that more than that is a no no. It still beats 30 day visa runs.

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I agree that Trink is not what he used to be (who is!!). But his column was watered down a while ago by the powers that be, who felt his content was out of place in a family newspaper. He was not happy about it, or his space reduction, or the fact that when his desk was moved he had to take down his large collection of 'night-life' photos. But he stayed on, no doubt because having been around so long he was reluctant to gracefully walk off into the sunset.

As for the comment made about Roger, I still find his stuff amusing and worth buying the paper for. But that's me. I believe he is also Nobby Stiles on the sports pages, and all are Roger Crutchley, the sports editor.

But yes, there is a place for someone to chronicle Bangkok's nightlife scene. For those who don't like it, they don't have to read it.

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Maybe Trink should do one more like it use to be. Any offers to help him pick his

stuff up off the street when he does. And where can he find what he use to write about. When you get to his age just doing anything can be enjoyable ( sorry trink) and I still find it a bit useful considering the present conditions. Wouldn't just a bit of the how it use to be, be wonderful.

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i remember the place,but dont know what happened to them.

i lived in that area 1984-6, they were happy carefree times, those few streets were bustling with all sorts of characters,locals and foriegners,it was a mini sodom and gommorrah.

when i pass through that area these days, it looks empty and awful.

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I have not been in the area since 95 I believe it was. I just happen by the night

they were leaving to Phuket. I had the last drink in the place with them and heard

the new plans of a bar on Karon beach and another bungalo place in Patong.

Always wondered if it worked out for them as he had left communist Checz 20 years before and took up being a gemoligist and travel agent / bar owner in Bkk.

I hope bhuda blessed them as it was real rough through the mid 90's for most.

I may soon have time to travel and look them up.

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I figure that The Bangkok Post neutered his column long ago due to political correctness and the drastic changes in Thailand's nightlife over the past 10 years (Remember when absolutely stunning 15 year old girls dancing in the bars was fairly common and bars use to give away girls as door prizes?).

My guess is that Trink did what they asked concerning toning down his column and just kept hanging on as long as possible to collect that pay check.

Who wouldn't? :o

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I think Bernard has done a great job in all his years at the Bangkok Post. The new social order, of the last two years, has made it hard for him to write about the bars. Especially with the police having used his writings in the past to shut down bars. It's little wonder many bar owners have little to to tell him these days. The internet and email are replacing newspapers.

Thailand is also changing, in many ways for the better. I'll be sad to see him go.

Maybe he'll finally get around to my place for the free feed I've been offering him for years.

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