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Crackdown On Foreign Criminals In Pattaya

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Crack down on guesthouse and hotel registration is nation wide and comes from the still missing and nameless farangs during the tsunamie. Many not reported to immigration by their hotel or guesthouse so no record.

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The thing about the hotel/guesthouse checking is it can all be faked. Somebody could rent their room through a Thai person and there would be no way to track them. Some guys have fake passports too.


I hope they get them all and send them back where they come from. I really don't think that will hurt Pattaya's main business that much. It is already taking a beating.

They are going to be hanging pictures of wanted Criminals all around there office I wonder if they will have Mr. Thaksin up there?:jap:

They are talking about..... FOREIGNERS !

he's from Montenegro isn't he?


So if I go stay with my GF for a couple of months, fill in the TM card at the airport correctly, who has to inform the Police? My GF, or the apartment owner (who doesn't know I'm there even)?

Noone. It is only when you rent somewhere for a night or longer, that they take a copy of your passport, and must report to the immigration, I think.

I have not been asked for my passport during my stay when my GF is renting the place (with my money). Maybe the landlord is supposed to do so, however, that I do not know. Anyone?

Monty Posted that answer, it is YOU who has to report. #24 > http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/387778-thai-immigration-to-keep-close-track-of-all-tourists/

2. Shall stay at the place as indicated to the competent official.

Where there is proper reason that he cannot stay at the place as indicated

competent official, he shall notify the competent official of the change

residence , within 24 hours from the time of removing to said place.

3. Shall notify the police official of the local police station

alien resides, within twenty – four hours from the time of arrival. In the

change in residence in which new residence is not located the same area

former police stations , such alien must notify the police official of the

station for that area within twenty – four hours from the time of arrival.

4. If the alien travels to any province and will stay there longer

twenty – four hours , such alien must notify the police official of the police

for that area within forty – eight hours from the time of arrival.


Can I ask a straight forward question? If you weren't a criminal, fat old balding desparate bastard, sex tourist or a pedophile why would you even be in Pattaya? Simple question needs simple answer.

Is this a rhetorical question?

Are you suggesting that I go live in the back of beyond in a wooden house on stilts, without aircon or a mains sewage system, without a splendid choice of several first class golf courses nearby, where the nearest supermarket selling food that I like to eat is at least 30 miles away, that I sail my boat on a rice paddy, be constantly pestered by creepy crawlies and other fauna, and not have a wide selection of other farangs whose company I can enjoy ? Should I live in BKK and choke myself to death?

The majority of my friends and associates have put on a few extra pounds. Is this supposed to be reason enough to ridicule them? Shall we see what sort of figure you cut in your later years? Most civilisations revere their elders and acknowledge that they are a source of experience and garnered wisdom. Presumably that has passed you by. Loss of hair as one ages is a natural phenomenon. Most intelligent people do not consider that to be a subject for risible comment or barely veiled insult. I know of nobody in LoS a state of desperation; I knew quite a few inthe UK though. Illegitimacy is commonplace these days in the UK.. There are single parent families wall to wall and whether one was born in or out of wedlock ceased to be of interest to anybody several decades ago. Thus your second sentence may well give rise to the sentient here thinking what a total pompous ass you are. I do hope that this simple answer is simple enough for you to understand.

What is it about your type who constantly denigrate Pattaya? Have you ever been outside of the area bounded by the beach and 3rd Road? Why not pay a visit and ask one or more of the many farang residents to be found shopping with their ladies in one of the supermarkets or malls and ask them which of the four categories that you have decided to put them in applies to them? I trust that you will enjoy the knuckle sandwich.

Hum, seems as though his question has hit a nerve with you. Another Pattaya defender. As well as a basher of your native country... Amazing how some Brits always look for a fight (knuckle sandwich) as you put it. If you are so wise to the world, by your vast experience, why would you be sucked into responding to such a "rhetorical question," by personal insults? Where you live is up to you and I hope you are happy there. But I will refrain from name calling, as it is quite childish. Whoops, I almost slipped down the slimey slope...rolleyes.gif


Police get tough on Pattaya's criminal migrants

Wolfgang Uelrich,

Rene Larsen, >>>Both men were known to have close connections with the Pattaya police force.<<<

this the wheels that keeps it rolling. In huayin they are land develpers, not bar owners.

Some of the worst ones have changed names.

If credit checks were done it would point who to flag. 50 year old with 2 year credit history. In modern age the inbound flight have data base hook up for credit check and criminal record check. Credit check says way more than what tatoos are on face.

Rewards are another good idea, a lot of Thais and expats know who is who.


One post deleted, please see the following rule:

30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

Sorry Rimmer.

What I meant to say was, I don't think the police are scared of black people as was suggested by another, possibly more imaginative member.

I've have various dealings with the police ranging from being stopped in the car or on the bike, to playing local league basket ball against them. And Golf with them. Generally I find them to be like most other Thais. No surprise there really.

Hope this crack down works. Whenever I see crack down and pattaya in the same sentence I can't help but envisage a descending camel toe...


Can I ask a straight forward question? If you weren't a criminal, fat old balding desparate bastard, sex tourist or a pedophile why would you even be in Pattaya? Simple question needs simple answer.

No, a simple answer is not what your loaded post needs. Here is a more complicated, but more apt response.

Inspired by your absurd question, I hereby propose to coin a new phrase to describe your condition and those similarly afflicted.

Pattaya Derangement Syndrome (PDS)

The acute onset of hostility and spewing forth of stereotypically outdated, overblown sexually oriented innuendo (usually combined with declarations actual or implied of moral superiority for not living or visiting Pattaya) in otherwise normal people in reaction to any news or mention about Asia's most popular beach resort city Pattaya, Thailand -- nay -- the very existence of Pattaya, Thailand.

Credit to Charles Krauthammer (paraphrased), inspired by the President Bush Derangement Syndrome (which I know all about as I still suffer from it)

Will this new phrase stick?

Pattaya Derangement Syndrome (PDS)


Can I ask a straight forward question? If you weren't a criminal, fat old balding desparate bastard, sex tourist or a pedophile why would you even be in Pattaya? Simple question needs simple answer.

No, a simple answer is not what your loaded post needs. Here is a more complicated, but more apt response.

Inspired by your absurd question, I hereby propose to coin a new phrase to describe your condition and those similarly afflicted.

Pattaya Derangement Syndrome (PDS)

The acute onset of hostility and spewing forth of stereotypically outdated, overblown sexually oriented innuendo (usually combined with declarations actual or implied of moral superiority for not living or visiting Pattaya) in otherwise normal people in reaction to to any news about Pattaya, Thailand -- nay -- the very existence of Pattaya, Thailand.

Credit to Charles Krauthammer (paraphrased), inspired by the President Bush Derangement Syndrome (which I know all about as I still suffer from it)

Will this new phrase stick?

Pattaya Derangement Syndrome (PDS)

Maybe it should be: Pattaya Defender Syndrome?unsure.gif Couldn't resist...biggrin.gif


Why exactly do they need a 6 Million baht computer system to do this?

And what about the tips, bribes, tea money, etc. Can't you see what kind of big business this is for the Pattaya police department who sees this expensive computer system "incentive" as compensation for the loss of all the other bribes they monthly received for protecting or not reporting criminals and wanted guys... :blink::ermm:


All bad people should be arrested & put in jail. regardless if he/she is Thai or Farangs.

I am so happy to read your opinion. All people who break the law, regardless or nationality, should be apprehended and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

That xenophobic idea repeated time and again by officials and the population casts a shadow on the mentality of the country: Thai good, Farang bad.

There are bad people everywhere, including Thailand and Farangland.

I congratulate you on your clear thinking.

Pisico :jap:


Just words........

Looks good in the press, but little else.

I have yet to see the Thai police catch anyone, without being lead by the nose

and told, "that is a criminal".

What about the Thai criminals????????????????????????



This makes me wonder............does this mean that the Thai authorities, whether in Pattaya or Bangkok, will arrest and extradite US citizens living in Thailand that fled the USA and are not paying their court ordered child support?


This makes me wonder............does this mean that the Thai authorities, whether in Pattaya or Bangkok, will arrest and extradite US citizens living in Thailand that fled the USA and are not paying their court ordered child support?

I seriously doubt that. However, when they have to go in for passport business at the embassy, their passport will be seized.


Why exactly do they need a 6 Million baht computer system to do this?

Haha yes, 12 people.......everyone a work station @ THB 30,000 makes THB 360,000

a heavy server of THB 100,000

You clearly have no idea about computers.

A decent Server to search a large database with in a few seconds will cost US$1 million and more.

A PC server is way out of it depth here.

From my professional experience I doubt that the immigration mainframe in Bangkok is capable of the job..............


I have already heard criminals come to hide in Thailand etc, where do they hide? Pattaya? Chiang Mai? and why do they all come to Thailand ? Law here is less harsh or they can pay them off or what? I plan to retire in Thailand maybe in Bangkok or Chiang Mai, and this doesn't sound too safe for me!


Maybe it should be: Pattaya Defender Syndrome?

Pattaya is a city. It's a piece of real estate. Defending what? The right of a city, home to many thousands of diverse people, a piece of real estate to exist? I guess if you believe in fairy tales like the story that "God" smote Sodom and Gomorrah you might think that way, but we are modern people here, yes?


I have already heard criminals come to hide in Thailand etc, where do they hide? Pattaya? Chiang Mai? and why do they all come to Thailand ? Law here is less harsh or they can pay them off or what? I plan to retire in Thailand maybe in Bangkok or Chiang Mai, and this doesn't sound too safe for me!

If you are seriously fearful over this, I humbly suggest you aren't Thai expat material. Your chances of falling victim to foreign criminals here is miniscule compared to the real dangers of

-- being run over by a car/bus

-- being in a fatal motorcycle accident

-- jumping off a balcony

-- becoming obese (its hot here and the food is good) and dying of heart attack, cancer, stroke etc.

-- exposing yourself to the horrible environment here which causes very high cancer rates, lung disease rates, etc.

Welcome to Thailand!


I have already heard criminals come to hide in Thailand etc, where do they hide? Pattaya? Chiang Mai? and why do they all come to Thailand ? Law here is less harsh or they can pay them off or what? I plan to retire in Thailand maybe in Bangkok or Chiang Mai, and this doesn't sound too safe for me!

If you are seriously fearful over this, I humbly suggest you aren't Thai expat material. Your chances of falling victim to foreign criminals here is miniscule compared to the real dangers of

-- being run over by a car/bus

-- being in a fatal motorcycle accident

-- jumping off a balcony

-- becoming obese (its hot here and the food is good) and dying of heart attack, cancer, stroke etc.

-- exposing yourself to the horrible environment here which causes very high cancer rates, lung disease rates, etc.

Welcome to Thailand!

nicely put, I guess just be yourself and dont' piss off the wrong people. Could you elaborate on the last one? the horrible environment part? specifically on Chiang Mai, Pattaya and Phuket, I think those area ain't bad?


what about the Thai criminals ? Streetrobbery, gold stealing, mobile and money stealing ? When does police do something about them ?

The locals call the POLICE , big Mafia.

The big Police revel in being called this as it endorses there power.

Yawn about the topic.

I've lived here 15 years and its only getting worse.

Maybe if it was reported poor criminals!


i wonder how many games are going to be played on the computer system when they are all sat around - call me old fashioned!!!

I agree with the other posts - this so called system should be at all entry points around the country and in all immirgration offices - when you check in they can check up!


I have already heard criminals come to hide in Thailand etc, where do they hide? Pattaya? Chiang Mai? and why do they all come to Thailand ? Law here is less harsh or they can pay them off or what? I plan to retire in Thailand maybe in Bangkok or Chiang Mai, and this doesn't sound too safe for me!

If you are seriously fearful over this, I humbly suggest you aren't Thai expat material. Your chances of falling victim to foreign criminals here is miniscule compared to the real dangers of

-- being run over by a car/bus

-- being in a fatal motorcycle accident

-- jumping off a balcony

-- becoming obese (its hot here and the food is good) and dying of heart attack, cancer, stroke etc.

-- exposing yourself to the horrible environment here which causes very high cancer rates, lung disease rates, etc.

Welcome to Thailand!

nicely put, I guess just be yourself and dont' piss off the wrong people. Could you elaborate on the last one? the horrible environment part? specifically on Chiang Mai, Pattaya and Phuket, I think those area ain't bad?

Chiang Mai in a valley and the pollution collects there also more autos more trucks. During the dry season especially around Feb. Mar. and April the farmers burn their fields to prepare for planting. The hill tribe folk burn the leaves from the forest even if they cannot plant. All this bad for lungs.

I spent the month of mar outside of Mae Hong Son and when I arrived back in Chiang Mai I could smell my clothes which smelled as if I had been around a campfire for the past month.


Very good this crackdown, I hope they will spread it all over this beatifull country.

Please do not stop.

And stop those who give us (the NON offenders) a bad bad name all over the world.

Yes it is good, but bearing in mind that perhaps 99% of the pedos/druggies/bad eggs in this "beatifull country" are Thai so a concerted effort to acknowledge this and clean up their own would be a real step forward.


Now if they would only get as tough with the local element  :lol:

Exactly. When I read the headline, my first thought was, why are they only going to crackdown on foreign criminals? Reserving all the action for the local criminals? I'm sure that's not the intent, but this is another example of the joy the Thais seem to have in arresting foreign wrong-doers, while practically ignoring Thai wrong-doers.


I am afraid this is nothing more than media lip service, mandated by the Thai government, as a direct result of the recent public announcement that Thailand would like to host World Expo 2020 and of all places in Pattaya. I am also afraid 10 years is not nearly long enough to clean up Pattaya. "Farang" organized crime cannot be eliminated in this country as has been proven in so many other countries. Reduced but never eliminated. Unorganized "farang" criminal elements in Pattaya could be drastically reduced as well as those "farang" who are here barely surviving day to day who have chosen Pattaya Thailand as their home base for obvious reasons. It is not local crime or criminals that is creating the negative reputation that Pattaya is living with, it is the non-desirable farang.

I think a clean-up should start with:

- no more every three month visa runs for farang residing long term. Contrary to their belief they are not keeping the visa run services in business.

- eliminate the low rent beer bars owned/managed by farangs. Move all beer bars to Walking Street only and rent these low rent spaces to locals for setting up businesses (zoning the city). Local karaokes/beer bars will not replace them since they are always located on the outskirts of the city.

Pattaya and Thailand have been successful at making small changes to improve their appearance and reputation with the public but have gloated more about the improvement than continue to improve.

World Expo 2020 will never happen for Thailand or Pattaya nor will any other world event as long as they continue to welcome farang, who are barely welcome in their own country, into this country as model citizens without following up on what they do and how they survive once they get here.


I think you will find this is not limited to Pattaya, but a nation wide action and it will be proactive. Meaning you can expect more people being denied entry into Thailand because of (suspected) links to crime, being a pedophile etc. Next to looking for persons with an outstanding warrant for their arrest in another country.


This makes me wonder............does this mean that the Thai authorities, whether in Pattaya or Bangkok, will arrest and extradite US citizens living in Thailand that fled the USA and are not paying their court ordered child support?

Yeah, such a hardened criminal... :whistling:

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