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Am I In Trouble?


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If that is the case, why do you advice him that he should make up stories about fake services? Why shouldn't he just inform the police that the money she sent him might have come from her paycheck and not her embezzlement?

You still don't get it, ' WHAT fake services '. Come on wake up, your not that thick are you, well, thats another topic eh.

I put forward words of possible help, plant a seed, NOT shout like some, negatives all the time.

Me, trying to help the guy. :bah:

Lets face it the BIB will only follow up on this if they think money can be made, if they do approach you do not give them money , they may try threats but give them nothing as you have not commited a crime.

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Strange i would think that American law and English law are the same. Also Dutch law states that you dont get your stuff back if the person buying it bought it in good faith. (not sure about a car because its a registered good) Im talking about stuff like video recorders or whatever. Also the money stuff i posted should be the same in the UK. I could be wrong but mostly the law is similar all over the world.

Now that i think about it more i think that the reason is that a car is a registered good and the goods i mentioned are not. Then its all about possession that is why someone in good faith does not have to return those. A car can't come into someone else his possession without the right papers.

Someone with more knowledge as me might correct me but i think im right i had normal law next to tax law when i studied for accountant.

None of this sounds right at all. I have never heard that someone purchasing stolen goods gets to keep the goods if they bought them in good faith. A quick search online turned up this page, Consumer Affairs regarding stolen goods, which states the rightful owner gets the goods back or compensation.

What i found in American law contradicts this and Dutch law also contradicts this. That is strange because normally laws are similar. Also it seems that the English law puts all risk at the buyer and tells him to get money from the thief instead of putting the blame at the thief right away. I cant say what is more fair.

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Perhaps one day your home will be robbed and your possessions will be redistributed to people who did not know that they were stolen. Perhaps then my point will be a bit clearer.

If the guys who took the stuff knew it was stolen yes.. then it should be returned.. if they bought it but did not know or could not know it was stolen (think not a ridiculous low price) then they can keep it. That is the law in my country and i think in many other civilized countries.

So if I steal 100,000 out of your bank account and give it to my girl friend as a gift and she does not know it is stolen, in your opinion, she owes you nothing? :whistling:

exactly, you are the one in the wrong. i would want my money back from you. if you paid out of pocket or got the money back from her would not be my concern.

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Some thai women that have money love to trow them around. I had a gf that was always wanting to give me millions in loans, but that was about the time I was trying to dump her without offending her pride.

She was hopeless alcoholic, and if you are not close to her , you would never know. She appear normal during the day and does her work effortlessly while still acting hiso, but it only takes her 30 minutes whenever there is an opportunity to become a huge embarrassment.

And OP, I do not see you being in any trouble, women give me stuff all the time, but I normally give them first.

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Perhaps one day your home will be robbed and your possessions will be redistributed to people who did not know that they were stolen. Perhaps then my point will be a bit clearer.

If the guys who took the stuff knew it was stolen yes.. then it should be returned.. if they bought it but did not know or could not know it was stolen (think not a ridiculous low price) then they can keep it. That is the law in my country and i think in many other civilized countries.

So if I steal 100,000 out of your bank account and give it to my girl friend as a gift and she does not know it is stolen, in your opinion, she owes you nothing? :whistling:

exactly, you are the one in the wrong. i would want my money back from you. if you paid out of pocket or got the money back from her would not be my concern.

You sound like the guy in the other thread claiming that the chanote to his wife's home was meaningless because he kept the bricks and plaster receipts.

Hey, if I ever get terminal cancer I can knock over as many banks in Bangkok as I can, at which point, I will simply "gift" this money to my friends and family at which point the banks will just throw up their hands and go "Oops, he gifted that 200,000,000 baht. Nothing we can do about it. That is their money now because it was a gift!".

Kinda funny that the same people spouting off on the ethics and morals of double parking in a different thread are back slapping the OP because he got a taste of the embezzlement of a Thai company. :whistling:

Edited by Chunky1
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Kinda funny that the same people spouting off on the ethics and morals of double parking in a different thread are back slapping the OP because he got a taste of the embezzlement of a Thai company. :whistling:

That's purely an assumption on your part, with no actual facts to back it up.

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This has happened to me before. I some expensive work equipment stolen from my car one night. I found it all on display in a large local secondhand goods shop about 3 days later. Luckily I had proof of ownership (receipts, work photos of actual usage, etc). I called my Thai manager to get the cops around and they arrived in good time, and after a bit of dialogue with the shop owner, we got it all back. These larger used goods shops may or may not have people thieving to order for them.... :o Beware.

:whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:

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2 years she had you on salary and giving you gifts and you never had sex with her? You are like the worst gigolo EVAH! For shame..... Or you are a genius...

nar , the ops a furr king joker ..

jakanory . :whistling:

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In post #18.

Anyway, I feel there is just a lot of arguing in this thread right now so I leave. Again, thank you all who helped :jap:.

on that note and seeing the mostly unrelated bordering on personal attack/flaming comments on this thread...its about time I close it.

and I suggest those that are bickering at each other - stop. any more of that on other threads and there will be warnings issued, very likely accompanied with posting rights suspension if you need help refraining :)

cheers, and good luck OP.

(personally I dont think it should be an issue. I assume you do not work at where she does?)

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