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Al Qaeda To Blame For London's Explosions?


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Murdering scum like Al Qaeda need to be expedited straight off the planet earth. There is no room on earth for them and us.

"Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan."

These people are that stupid, that they actually believe that.

Muslims everywhere, this is what your religion has brought to this world: murder, torture, honor killings, kidnappings, bombings, rape, medievalism and mayhem.

You must be so proud of your crusade to bring mankind back to your century, the 7th.

You are scum, or else you are condoning scum, or else you will stand up against this evil. The time has come, make a decision now. If this is what you want, war until every last Muslim "freedom fighter" is dead, that is exactly what you will get.

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"Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan."

These people are that stupid, that they actually believe that.

Remember these are the same people that said the Sunami was sent by God to attack us for being evil; even though it hit Indonesia - the biggest Muslim community in the world - and Southern Thailand - Muslim area. Maybe God was talking, but they just weren't listening to the right channel!

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Boon, hate won't get us anywhere though we can't help but feel it.

What I want to know is if their afterlife is so good, why don't they just kill themselves without ionvolving us sane people?

In fact they could do some good and walk the untrampled paths of Cambodia and remove all those landmines in the process, then they would be helping people who are not their enemy and they would still be fed figs by fifty virgins or whatever they believe.

What sort of paradise is that anyway, eternal diarroeah and surrounded by women who don't know what they are doing?

Not that of a normal person.

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i have two people to mention here for you to think about especially about what they managed to achieve

Martin luther king

and Mahmit Ghandi

...and both were assinated for their efforts - Its not violence that begets violence, its hate!

Bin Laden was educated in Britain, he comes from a super rich family that makes billions from America and Europe. He doesn't fund and orchestrate this crap because the west has been so bad to him, he does it because he has been warped by other fundermentalist who in-turn were twisted by fundermentalists etc going back.

They twist and rewrite history like the best of us; they convince their people that it is God's wish for them to remove the 'unbeliever' - they do this by breaking God's rules to them (in their Holy Book) and try and hide it through Mohamid's statements about war. So they call it war. They ignore the thousands of references to peace, love and understanding and concentrate on the one or teo phrases that can be twisted out of context to fullfill their twisted ethos'.

They ignore the fact that the middlwe east was taken by the British and allies after the fall of the Ottaman Empire and was given back to them. They ignore the fact that the lands were conquered by them during the Moorish invasions that swept Africa, the Middle East and Southern Europe. The cruisades was dispicable, but it was no more than a re-enactment that cost the people of those lands their land, freedom, religions and even languages when the Moors swallowed them up and made them slaves.

Isreal offered the very lands that the Palestinians fight for today - it was thrown back at them with words that promised the Jews would be driven into the sea to the man and erradicated from the earth. These people want no peace - they want the world.

History repeats itself - we all have our own version of the 'truth'.#

PS: I'm in London at the moment. I was on a bus this morning. I often ride the tube past Algate East. I passed the scene at Edware Road this morning. I am fuming :o

indeed they were assinated but they achievments must be recognised ...

I do believe that a tough stance needs to be taken, however history shows that the tough stance is often mis-directed causing violence to escalate .. just watch on where you see mindless idiots attack muslims who were not even invloved causing an escalation of the problem ...

i mean mr bush picked a fight with iraq .. i cant see how that has made the world a safer place despite his claims .. action needs to be taken , but thought and peaceful debate must come first, a time of reflection is called upon

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Well, check this out...


Of course, the nauseating MP George Galloway already has a statement out that calls for Britain to respond to the London attacks by fleeing Iraq:

"We extend our condolences to those who have lost their lives today and our heartfelt sympathy to all those who have been injured by the bombs in London.

No one can condone acts of violence aimed at working people going about their daily lives. They have not been a party to, nor are they responsible for, the decisions of their government. They are entirely innocent and we condemn those who have killed or injured them.

The loss of innocent lives, whether in this country or Iraq, is precisely the result of a world that has become a less safe and peaceful place in recent years.

We have worked without rest to remove the causes of such violence from our world. We argued, as did the Security Services in this country, that the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq would increase the threat of terrorist attack in Britain. Tragically Londoners have now paid the price of the government ignoring such warnings.

We urge the government to remove people in this country from harms way, as the Spanish government acted to remove its people from harm, by ending the occupation of Iraq and by turning its full attention to the development of a real solution to the wider conflicts in the Middle East.

Only then will the innocents here and abroad be able to enjoy a life free of the threat of needless violence."

What an idiot... :o

Edited by Boon Mee
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This is the <deleted> that stood before Sadam's governemnt on international TV and told the world how wonderful Sadam is. He has many links both business and personal to Iraq and Palestine - talk about a plant, Galloway is a frikkin Geranium!

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There are over 250,000 kiwi passport holders in the UK, probably double that for Aussies,South Africans and many, many other nations. One report said that one of the bombs went off near a language school. These guys responsible will get a ground swell like never before.Do they really understand how many nations that will be seriously f*cked off. :o

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There are over 250,000 kiwi passport holders in the UK, probably double that for Aussies,South Africans and many, many other nations. One report said that one of the bombs went off near a language school. These guys responsible will get a ground swell like never before.Do they really understand how many nations that will be seriously f*cked off. 

They didn't seem to care much when hitting the World Trade Center!

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The British Police force will turn a blind eye.

I think not.

To anyone who has not yet realised it - we in London were bombed by the IRA for over 30 years, our city has been used by extremist groups from around the world to commit their dreadful crimes against their opponents, and we haven't been running in terror or panic so far. It ain't happening now.

But let us remember that the vast majority of Muslims in the UK are peaceable people. Just because they are nervous about standing up and condemning these atrocious acts doesn't mean they condone them - many are scared of the backlash from the fanatics of their religion.

There is more danger from scum like the BNP garnering votes from this kind of act, which then fuels the self-fulfilling prophecy of anti-Muslim/anti-British fighting.

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This is the best one I've seen today:


I'm writing this sitting in my office in London working as normal.

As I look out the window I see no buses, very few cars but lots of people walking on the streets; however, these are not the images of Sept 11 - people walking in one direction out of the city. These are Londoners walking left, right, up the street, down the street, going about their normal lunchtime business.

We have faced terror before - Nazi terror, Irish Republican terror - and have not been beaten. This will not beat us either.

The overwhelming feeling round our office is "Is this best they can do?" - it looks and sounds much worse on 24hr news channels than in person.

Exactly right... :o

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Galloway's statement is plain sick This cretin will use anything for his own agenda. What a vile man and a sorry excuse for a human being.

He also received oil shares/tokens etc from Saddam Hussein and his cronies, but at least he speaks for just about no-one except himself. The election that returned him to power was shown (in his constituency) to have been dishonest and is still subject of legal investigation.

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(syd barrett @ 2005-07-07 20:20:36)

The British Police force will turn a blind eye.

I think not.

To anyone who has not yet realised it - we in London were bombed by the IRA for over 30 years, our city has been used by extremist groups from around the world to commit their dreadful crimes against their opponents, and we haven't been running in terror or panic so far. It ain't happening now.

But let us remember that the vast majority of Muslims in the UK are peaceable people. Just because they are nervous about standing up and condemning these atrocious acts doesn't mean they condone them - many are scared of the backlash from the fanatics of their religion.

There is more danger from scum like the BNP garnering votes from this kind of act, which then fuels the self-fulfilling prophecy of anti-Muslim/anti-British fighting.

Well said sadman

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A sad sad sad day indeed.

Be it the French :-) but more likely the Al Qaeda its very sad for London.

It is only a few that can make a whole religion seem farked up.

I do worry about the Muslims in England who will feel the backlash of these attack from these cowards. Same as in Iraq the prob. is not from Iraqs but others coming to their country to do want they think Iraq people should be doing.

My condolences to all people affected.

Me thinks this will only get worse.

My two 2bht worth.


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This is the best one I've seen today:


I'm writing this sitting in my office in London working as normal.

As I look out the window I see no buses, very few cars but lots of people walking on the streets; however, these are not the images of Sept 11 - people walking in one direction out of the city. These are Londoners walking left, right, up the street, down the street, going about their normal lunchtime business.

We have faced terror before - Nazi terror, Irish Republican terror - and have not been beaten. This will not beat us either.

The overwhelming feeling round our office is "Is this best they can do?" - it looks and sounds much worse on 24hr news channels than in person.

Exactly right...  :o


Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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What I want to know is if their afterlife is so good, why don't they just kill themselves without ionvolving us sane people?

Um.. one little problem: killing yourself is forbidden according to the Koran. Getting killed in a Holy War isn't, though. In fact, you only get the 72 virgins if you die a martyr. So the name of the game is trying to justify suicide as martyrdom. This is where these extremists deviate from the beliefs of most Muslims.

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A statment from the perpetrators from Fox News Website.

A statement from the group was published on a Web site popular with Islamic militants.

"Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan," said the statement, which was translated by The Associated Press in Cairo. "The heroic mujahedeen carried out a blessed attack in London, and now Britain is burning with fear and terror, from north to south, east to west."

Just a message to them. No we ain't!!

If this is legitimate, I will change my thoughts on many topics to do with Islam. I am one who stands up for them in all posts on this forum, but its starting to get harder to keep that thought process. :o

Likewise, Tornado. Likewise.

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No body knows exactly who is to blame for these terrible atrocities in my beloved East End and in other parts of London. But we can speculate. I don't think it was anything to do with the Olympics, more to do with the G8 meeting.

But I think that we knew tht something like this would happen at some time. Although it's none the less sickening when it does.

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Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. When the British people let their soldiers go to Iraq (and Afghanistan, also?), the UK started killing innocent victims, and - if we are to believe this alleged communication from Al-Qaeda - innocent victims in London get killed because of that.

Violence begets violence. Violence never creates peace, NEVER. As an RAF active duty member reminded me lately, you can't achieve sobriety by drinking. Also, you can't achieve virginity by raping, and you can't make peace by war.

I condemn ALL violence, all violence by all people everywhere. Violence against Jews during the Holocaust; violence against Palestinians yesterday, today, and tomorrow; violence by Christians during the Crusades; and of course all violence by all Muslims everywhere and always; and of course all violence by all Buddhists everywhere and always, including THAILAND.

Surely this series of bomb blasts in London is wrong, wrong, wrong. So, is the indiscriminate, stupid, immoral, inhumn, inhumane, unjust bombing of Iraqis not wrong, wrong, wrong?

If you believe in some use of violence, you are a person who believes in violence, trusts in violence, places your greatest faith in violence. And that's heresy even if you're an atheist.

Our hearts go out to the innocent victims in London. And to all innocent victims everywhere. let us not kill more innocents.

Didn't we learn on 9/11 that three thousand wrongs don't make a right? You cannot avenge the innocent victims of 7 July by more violence.

Let him without sin cast the first stone; let the rest of us pick up the pieces and start doing the things that make for PEACE, non-violently, loving our enemies.

There is only one way you can recognize a believer of truth or peace: they love their enemies. No other characteristic; just love.

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Who said it was AQ? I have not seen any announcement regarding their vindication of the attacks.................I have seen the BBC website talking about that muslim website (but thei didn't publish the address) and secret services in Italy said that that message has not been verified as real (same as the BBC though)

Maybe we are all too fast to point our fingers to muslim ppl? What about all those good muslim living in London considering all the hate that is generating from the varius speculations?

Just my opinion and I am not muslim neither practice the religion but I knoe many good muslim ppl that are really frightened

Still I am upset for the attacks though :o

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