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London in chaos after terrorist blasts; 45+ killed

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I agree with this line of thinking but let us also turn it around and tell all Christians and Hebrews to stay out of the Islamic world.

The problem with this line of thinking is that the Jihadis claim the whole world for Islam, and at the very least they claim any place where there are (or were) a significant number of Muslims. We can't exactly tell Jews to stay out of Israel, Christians to stay out of Lebanon and the southern Philippines, and Buddhists to stay out of the former "Malay Kingdom of Pattani" (annexed by Thailand in 1902).

I think this kind of frontline between Islam and the infidels is exactly what Osama and his buddies want. Anything that promotes an "us and them" mentality serves their twisted cause.

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Muslims are not responsible for this attack, terrorists are try to keep it in perspective please.

Surely, the FIRST victim of the Muslim Terrorists is the Muslim religion itself.

Worldwide, there are millions and millions of perfectly innocent Muslims who are, in all likelihood, just as repulsed by this ghastly violence as you and I. Yet guilt by association reigns.

In truth, the 'Islamic terrorist' is a dangerous, vile murderous madman. The fact that he (or she) is Muslim is probably incidental. I don't think that violence is a hallmark of the religion at all.

Catch the murderers and let them face the worst punishment possible. But lets not be too quick to condemn millions and millions for the acts of a few nutcases.


I agree 100% with the last 2 posts. But I fear too many reactionaries have already condemned the whole Muslim population ( over 1.4 billion people )

Exactly what the trash resonsible for this carnage wanted.

I fear the next few years.



I'll have to admit that I'm not at all surprised by what seems an increase in terrorist activity.

I remember thinking during Geo Bush's "Shock and Awe" campaign - when bombs were flying everywhere and CNN was almost wetting their pants with excitement - that new terrorists were being created at that very minute.

When you kill a man, his mother and father, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters all get sorta ticked off. And when you kill 10,000 well -- viola! 50,000 new potential terrorists are born.

War is not the answer to anything. When will people ever learn?


One theory I have heard is that the terrorists knew that a large amount of Police would be in Edinburgh for the G8 , also the trial of Abu Hamza started yesterday.

It's possible that this was a group that supported that scumbag , not the Al-Quaida , but another independant piece of sh1t fundamentalist group looking for attention.


I would like to see Regents Park Mosque bulldozed.

Why do we keep having to be 'tolerant' ? What nincompoop was the one who said we had to 'turn the other cheek'. I think it was George Formby.

Islam respects force - The 'sword of Islam' - so thats what we should demonstrate back to them.


Although Muslim people are not generally evil, the religion was conceived in violence and spreads through violence.

It will not rest until everyone converts or dies. That is the code. It is no secret. The Islamic world is in a constant Jihad against the evil nonbelievers.

Strangely enough people who worship the same Allah under different names (Christians, Jews, etc) are still under this death sentence for not recognising Mohammed as a prophet.

The problem is not in the God they worship, it is in the supposed prophet who taught violence as the answer. Even peaceful muslims (if they really exist) know that they must destroy the opponents of Islam. It is part of the teachings. There are no truly peaceful Muslims.

When Muslims pray to a kind and merciful Allah, they are praying that he might be merciful to their people by eliminating the non-believers. They ask for mercy by praying for violence.

The oil in this world will someday run out (maybe sooner than everyone thinks). Some predictions have serious shortages within a decade. When this happens, war will certainly break out (if it hasn't already). The world leaders know that there is an upcoming oil drought in the world. Civilized society (or at least technologically advanced society as we have never truly become civilized) will grind to a halt when the oil runs out. Cities depend on oil for light, transportation, and all manufcaturing.

China, Japan, USA, and Europe are already beginning to get desperate for oil. It will only be a matter of time before they start carving up the middle east in an effort to preserve their need for growth. Muslim society will perish at that time although it will probably go out with alot of bloodshed.

First of all my sincere condolences to those affected by the London tragedy.  I hope that God will punish those responsible.
In my opinion ban all muslims from coming to the west angry.gif

I agree with this line of thinking but let us also turn it around and tell all Christians and Hebrews to stay out of the Islamic world.

Next, let us wait and see who did this. An unknown group???? I doubt it. Who has the most to gain from such an act right now?. Thinks about it. The coalition is failing, people are demonstarting against our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, the other side (Islam) was actually gaining the moral high ground. Why would they do this and cause their enemy to be bolstered and encourage the western world to wipe them off the face of the earth.

"Mark my words - The truth is never what it seems!"

If we separate ourselves our subsequent ignorance and suspicions of one another could lead to even greater problems.

Moral highground? Please remember they war with civilians by beheading, suicide car bombing and using women and children as human shields. I can't discount their actions nor can I see how they warrent enough sympathy to grant them moral highground when they commit these acts. I don't see them as fighting to alleviate the Iraqi people's suffering. If they stopped fighting the coalition would fix the infrastructure and leave. The jihadists do not wish for democracy to take hold in the arab states.

I wasn't for the war nor am I for nation building with a small unpolular coalition, but we are in it now. If we can help the Iraqis to build a democracy and a viable economy it will set an example. The people of other arab states we will see democracy as a way for justice and prosperity, and they will turn away from the jihadists as a means for reconciling their grievences with their own government leaders.


Terrible news.

Whom ever is too blame, these ######ing cowards have no care for human life no matter where you are from, many of the people caught up in these blasts were from different religons and countries?

Will this war on Terror ever end?

RIP for the unfortunate whom died yesterday



Only just had time to post due to a pretty hetic day in the City yesterday. My London office is at Liverpool Street and I left the underground at 8.40. The blast then went off at 8.49, so I missed the explosion by 9 minutes which is pretty ###### lucky.

We were initially told it was a power surge and I just thought that I'd just missed an accicent. Only when reports started to come in did I realise the magnitude of the situation. My commute from Paddington station takes in Edgware Road, Kings Cross, Liverpool Street and our office is stones through away from Aldgate.

On my way back home via overland train I was sat opposite somebody who was actually on one of the trains. She was still shaken up clutching her space blanket but thankfully OK. Unfortunately she said she was sitting next to people on the underground who were now dead. A sobering thought


What is with all this talk about "western" culture being imposed on countries.

If you want to live in a cave then live in a cave and don't drink coca cola.

Im sick of all these asians who come to the UK and complain about British culture , call us infidels, non-believers. The truth is most of the asian countries they come from are bloody awful.

Likewise I am sick of falangs in Thailand who come here and complain about Thai culture.

If you don't like it go home.


I can sympathise with this to some extent. Bush and Blair have shown poor judgement and appalling leadership skills over their unpopular and damaging invasion of Iraq. But let's face it - that particular action was all about the US getting revenge and saving face, not about preventing terrorism. I also agree that the muslim world, and in fact the world in general, have a lot to dislike about America and Britain and theie relentless imposition of their culture (movies, coca-cola, economic bullying) on many other countries. And I say this as a British non-Muslim.

HOWEVER, THIS DOES NOT EXCUSE TERRORISM IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM. It wasn't Blair or Bush who suffered today, or on 9/11. It was a lot of innocent people, including the children whose mum or dad didn't come home tonight. Every decent person in the world, Muslim or not, should be devestated and disgusted at so-called political violence directed against innocents. If people like Al-Quaeda have something to say, then they should say it in the proper forums - the UN for example - not with bombs, bullets and death. Do they really think Allah - the wise, the merciful, the compassionate - will reward them for these actions?

My heart goes out to all those poor people whose loved ones were killed or injured today.  :o

I was actually off to London at 7am tmrw (arriving 7am London) morning for a meeting, which would of taken me in the same area as the bombs. That would of meant I probably would have been close to that area around tne 9pm time when the bombs went off.

Makes you wonder, christ!.

Above from a mate living in Holland.

Well that makes two of us having a near miss with death. I too was traveling with my parents and a Uncle and was on way to London from Paris back around the late 60's. Anyway, the hotel that we were supposed to check in was bombed and the entire lobby was blown apart from the IRA faction. Simply put we just missed that by a mere half hour!!!!!!!!

Had to find another hotel to stay via the taxi cab driver who kindly did help us out. Kuddos to him.




Hm, if the arabs allowed democracy to set into their territories, to them that is suicide cause they are believers in Islamic religion. Heck they even gang rape their own daughter or cousin or mother just because they don't like the suitor dating the girl.

Come on, these people are totally frickin nuts. Trust me, if one of those bastards came near me, order the body bag.

I have a feeling something bigger is about to happen and when it does it won't be just like the 9/11 or this incident in London.

Sooner or later some large mega city is going to get wiped out from the map on this planet. When that happens, then I believe many will finally wake up and take note of the BS going on around them.

We are going to have a Nuclear Blast sooner or later, like it or not. It is heading right smack down that pipe, unless people wake up and come to their senses.

Hmmmm, not to be religious but I remember some prophecy about this in the book of Revelation. Is this a coincidence or what???????????



hello administrator, again! please check my account and make it work ! arthschi am not satu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

I agree with this line of thinking but let us also turn it around and tell all Christians and Hebrews to stay out of the Islamic world.

The problem with this line of thinking is that the Jihadis claim the whole world for Islam, and at the very least they claim any place where there are (or were) a significant number of Muslims. We can't exactly tell Jews to stay out of Israel, Christians to stay out of Lebanon and the southern Philippines, and Buddhists to stay out of the former "Malay Kingdom of Pattani" (annexed by Thailand in 1902).

I think this kind of frontline between Islam and the infidels is exactly what Osama and his buddies want. Anything that promotes an "us and them" mentality serves their twisted cause.

and what are the mullahs are doing against the murderers? nothing!


I strongly support what quiddity and those of like mind have said here.

As usual, the news managers have shifted the focus of blame from Bush and poodle Blair. These two are good at managing news. However, from a purely management point of view, their "leadership" is not working, to say the least. They claimed that their illegal war in Iraq, on a pretext of lies, would make the world a safer place. Even a child would know that would not work.

Blair made an outrageous statement about "Islamic terrorists". The Commissioner of Police (or someone of similar standing) answered a question about "Islamic terrorists" to the effect that "Islamic terrorists" is not a collocation. The politicians stoke the fire and the professional police have to dowse it.

It is quite obvious that bomb attacks such as the London ones can never be stopped through war. They can be stopped only through subtler means. It is the job of political "leaders" to understand and employ those means. But to do that, they would actually have to think.

The same old idiotic nonsense expounded time after time... Banging on about Muslims....

Their ignorance and bigotry is more than a little irritating.

Maybe you have missed the news in the last 24 hrs Val - it is the worlds leading ignorant bigots who have just let off four bangs in London.

If Moderate Muslims are really against these fanatics why don't they come openly against them? everytime there response is like they are just trying to save there back. I think its time for them to really think where exactly this attitude will take the world.

That is why they are called the silent majority. Why did the civilized world not come out against Idi Amin, Pol Pot or Germany until it was later in the game and millions had been brutally killed........ because it did not serve our interest. They will speak up eventually... hopefully it will not be too late!!

And that is precisely why Bush was correct in going after Saddam. Whether or not he currently had WMD is not the point. The man was no different from Idi Amin, Pol Pot, and Hitler. Such men, left alone, will not stop their genocidal campaigns. They will continue the abuse and the killing, unless they are removed from power.


The people in these Cells define themselves .....as human beings by their stance on anti-western issues.

They may not start off that way, but it gets hammered into them. Its almost tattooed into their DNA by the time they go off on a mission.

Such self-definition - its indivisible from the person. You've seen people who are wedded to their companies - defined by their work status, they'd fall apart if they lost their jobs. Same with sexuality, a gay person couldn't not be gay.

I can be a nice as pie to an Islamic terrorist, everything hunky dory - but then he'd still want to nail me a day later. They are incorrigible.

A lot of people seem to be responding to this with the expected gut reaction, anger, outrage etc. Understandable of course. Terror comes in many forms be it a suicide bomber or a B52 bomber both bring terror to thoes effected. Terror throughout the world has increased for many reasons,  the majority of terrorists don't just wake up and decide that today they will go down the job center and see if there are any terror jobs on the board. They are normally forced into it by beliving they have a just cause. How many years has the middle east been the playground of western politics? How many years have certain countrys fu3ked around with this part of the world to their own ends. We reap what we have sown. I do not agree with any form of terror at all. I am still waiting to hear from friends in London, but for christ sake lets not start shouting crusade again like the muppet bush did b4. The gap between people of different faiths is already to wide, crusade ( religious fanatics just as bad as any musslim fanatic) can only widen the gap. Muslims are not responsible for this attack, terrorists are try to keep it in perspective please.

Your Bush bashing is way out of place here, Boatabike. Your last sentence is precisely the theme emphasized by the leaders, Bush and Blair, who are dedicated to elimination of these insane terrorists. Both have called loudly and clearly for restraint in the treatment of Muslims worldwide.

You have every right to disagree with Bush's politics. But do so with accurate presentations of his positions, not twisted references attempting to make him appear to be a ranting religious crusader bent on the destruction of all Muslims.


I see American politics has once again found it's way into a discussion which is not about America...

What a bore.... :o

totster :D

I'll have to admit that I'm not at all surprised by what seems an increase in terrorist activity.

I remember thinking during Geo Bush's "Shock and Awe" campaign - when bombs were flying everywhere and CNN was almost wetting their pants with excitement - that new terrorists were being created at that very minute.

When you kill a man, his mother and father, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters all get sorta ticked off.  And when you kill 10,000 well -- viola!  50,000 new potential terrorists are born. 

War is not the answer to anything.  When will people ever learn?

Tell it to the Jews of Hitler's Europe. Tell it to Kuwait. Tell it to the Kurds. Tell it to the countless millions who were killed by despots throughout history. Men who are driven to take over the land of others by force, and/or to destroy a race of people must be stopped. Words will not stop such men. Unprovoked violence is wrong. Violence, however, is most often the only way to stop those who use initiate it for the purpose of expanding their own power and influence. It takes two to make a fight. It also takes two to make a peace.

Most certainly the first attempt to stop violence should be to extend a peaceful hand, and seek discussion to eliminate the cause. But, when that cause is a passion for power within one man or group of men that will not be quieted, there is no alternative but to stop it with force. Appeasement is not, and never was an answer. Who was right in the 1930's, Chamberlain or Churchill?

If Moderate Muslims are really against these fanatics why don't they come openly against them? everytime there response is like they are just trying to save there back. I think its time for them to really think where exactly this attitude will take the world.

That is why they are called the silent majority. Why did the civilized world not come out against Idi Amin, Pol Pot or Germany until it was later in the game and millions had been brutally killed........ because it did not serve our interest. They will speak up eventually... hopefully it will not be too late!!

And that is precisely why Bush was correct in going after Saddam. Whether or not he currently had WMD is not the point. The man was no different from Idi Amin, Pol Pot, and Hitler. Such men, left alone, will not stop their genocidal campaigns. They will continue the abuse and the killing, unless they are removed from power.

Then he may as well go after the Burmese Junta as well........and then move right in on China and then he can go after Mugabee.... :o


Thai PM condemns serial bombing in London

BANGKOK: -- Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra Friday condemned the string of bomb attacks in London on Thursday, assuring the security in Bangkok.

"We share the sense of outrage and strongly condemn such acts of terrorism," Thaksin said in the broadcast of Traffic Radio Station FM 100.

He asked the international community to stand united and fight terrorism anywhere in the world.

The prime minister also assured the security of the kingdom's capital of Bangkok.

He said police has beef up security measures around the city, especially around districts where embassies of the United States and Britain are located.

--Agencies 2005-07-08

I would like to see Regents Park Mosque bulldozed.

Why do we keep having to be 'tolerant' ? What nincompoop was the one who said we had to 'turn the other cheek'. I think it was George Formby.

Islam respects force - The 'sword of Islam' - so thats what we should demonstrate back to them.

The guy who bombed the Federal Building in Oklahoma City proclaimed himself to be a Christian. KILL ALL CHRISTIANS!

Use your head, man. There is one element of the Islamic world that is bent on the destruction of all people of other religions. Your rant is merely a demonstration of the fact that there are they are not alone.

In my country, there are white men who believe that all people of color should be exterminated. There are groups of black men who believe that all white men will forever oppress black men, and should, therefore, be killed. All of these people are ignorant and unstable. It is the individuals with such beliefs who should be eliminated, not entire races, religions, or cultures to which they may belong.

Thai PM condemns serial bombing in London

BANGKOK: -- Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra Friday condemned the string of bomb attacks in London on Thursday, assuring the security in Bangkok.

    "We share the sense of outrage and strongly condemn such acts of terrorism," Thaksin said in the broadcast of Traffic Radio Station FM 100.

    He asked the international community to stand united and fight terrorism anywhere in the world.

    The prime minister also assured the security of the kingdom's capital of Bangkok.

    He said police has beef up security measures around the city, especially around districts where embassies of the United States and Britain are located.

--Agencies 2005-07-08

One would think that someone who has his own problems with radical Muslims would have security beefed up to maximum throughout Bangkok anyway... and not just especially near US and UK embassies... :o

totster :D


I've just this minute gone on my balcony and there's nothing on patrol in front of the UK Embassy.

In the past they've occasionally had a car there with officer (asleep) but nothing presently.

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