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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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I was watching a concert from Manhattan the other night with the most unlikely duo, Tony Bennet 88 and Lady Gaga. They were singing classics, Cole Porter type stuff, and Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra. I found a new respect for Lady Gaga, she was absolutely wonderful, such a terrific voice and pulled off some of the slow jazz songs with great aplomb. Very, very talented young lady !great voice, great style.

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While searching for a lost Waterboys CD today I happened to stumble across this long lost classic.

Cant think of too many bass axe slingers who were front men, Lemmy when he joined HW and Steve Kilbey is about it, then we have of of the Emarald Isles finest RIP.

Edited by rgs2001uk
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Actually saw this tour, awesome, before Bill dumped the geetarz and went onto poxy synth music a la Red Noise.

Saw them in North Ferriby near Hull in 72, upstairs in a pub, he is a talented guitarist,of that there is no doubt, but as to the path he trod musically, let's just say he went and indeed still does, go his own way.

Henry Priestman was a good friend at school, he wrote some excellent songs back in the 80s.

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Just listened to a Warren Zevon live bootleg followed by Peter Gabriel SO. Then a Mick Taylor bootleg and now a souped up newly remastered version of Wish you Were Here which has excellent sound quality.

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BN, post # 3957, I have a lot of time for Bill Nelson, he ploughed his own furrow, best of luck to him, personally I have no time for synths or keyboards, probably explains why I dont like prog rock a la ELP, Yes or Genesis.

Read his story, shafted by record companies, hence why i support bootlegs and file sharing, they told me in the '80s home taping was killing music, and they spout the same crap today.

Bill what happened, from chiseled good looks to Mr Pork Pie hat?

A stonking version of a BBD classic.

Keep on rawking Bill, we support you.

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