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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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Sad, sad news, I just found out Andy Fraser died 10 days ago, missed any news about it, I knew he's been battling Aids and cancer but he looked well in an interview not long ago.

What an inspiring bass player, and at the age of 15 !.... That band in the sky beyond must be getting red hot by now.

RIP Andy.


A good interview.

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Sad, sad news, I just found out Andy Fraser died 10 days ago, missed any news about it, I knew he's been battling Aids and cancer but he looked well in an interview not long ago.

What an inspiring bass player, and at the age of 15 !.... That band in the sky beyond must be getting red hot by now.

RIP Andy.


A good interview.

What a legend!! Saw Free in 1970, what a bass player and songwriter. All Right Now!!!!!!!!!!

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The incessant rhythm makes this a great track for driving through the Thai countryside at dusk, though sadly the missus doesn't appreciate it, and as she refuses to sit in the open back of the pick-up ( i don't know why, I prefer it there to inside) i'm reduced to playing it when alone.

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Thinking of guitars led to me watching this... Cozy Powell - Dance with the Devil.

One fantastic drummer. Maybe not quite on a par with Ginger Baker or Keith Moon, but definitely a great drummer.

Gets the juices flowing w00t.gifblink.png

Reminded me of:


- who I saw at the Isle of Wight pop festival, 1970. (So I was told afterwards. whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1SW1 )

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