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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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The early 70s- what a great time to be young in the UK, student grants were just that- grants not loans.

And Bristol was a fine town to live in, plenty of diverse, scenic and interesting areas.

And there was plenty of great music:

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Ah, if only I had 1% of Branson's wealth I'd be richer than now. Back in the early days of Virgin you could get LPs cheaper by ordering mail order from them. I remember posting off 30 bob ( 1 pound 50 pence) in a postal order for More or Umagumma by Floyd but nothing arrived. At school in Rutland, a year above the well known shirt lifter, Stephen Fry, self and friend went down to London to Virgin's tiny office with 2 hippies at the counter.

''Hi man,I sent off for the new Floyd album but like it never arrived''

''Oh that's a bummer man, never mind, here's another copy''

Free wheeling stuff, no need for receipts then!

Here's a song by Kevin Coyne taking the mick out of Richard,

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I think the Rappers put me off music for life. I survived modern jazz. Now im 1812 Overture and Whitesnake type stuff. If you want music to hang yourself by, listen to Fado,no wonder I ran away from Portugal.

Hang yourself in Portugal

or get shot playing Greek music

best to move to Thailand

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I think the Rappers put me off music for life. I survived modern jazz. Now im 1812 Overture and Whitesnake type stuff. If you want music to hang yourself by, listen to Fado,no wonder I ran away from Portugal.

Hang yourself in Portugal

or get shot playing Greek music

best to move to Thailand

What a senseless waste of human life..

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I think the Rappers put me off music for life. I survived modern jazz. Now im 1812 Overture and Whitesnake type stuff. If you want music to hang yourself by, listen to Fado,no wonder I ran away from Portugal.

Hang yourself in Portugal

or get shot playing Greek music

best to move to Thailand

. That Fado isn't the Fado from my Childhood. Old Folks sang it in the Harbour when drunk and I worried Granmar would drown herself
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Ace of Pop, I'm baffled, is this the music you meant?

It's beautiful,evocative and melodic. Why on earth did it make you want to hang yourself? And more importantly, why did it make Grandma want to drown herself?

Or do you mean sometimes it led her to drink, too much in fact, so she was at risk of drowning due to falling in the sea?

It sounds like a very dangerous type of music from what you say, far more dangerous than punk, the perils of which were described so vividly by England's greatest living DJ, Sir Bob Harris.

It's wonderful music AoP ( it's correct etiquette on this forum to use acronyms),and certainly a glass or two of wine will enhance its pleasure.

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