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Se Asia Getting Closer To Usa In Response To Chinese Rising Power


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This is interesting, as many have predicted SE Asia would simply cave in to Chinese power and indeed bullying in the region. On the contrary, the trend now is to ally more with the USA to balance out some of that power. To my view, this is encouraging news. Not sure how Thailand fits in with this trend yet, do you?


The nations of Southeast Asia are building up their militaries, buying submarines and jet fighters at a record pace and edging closer strategically to the United States as a hedge against China's rise and its claims to all of the South China Sea.
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I really have my doubts about this being all that realistic. As to the topical matter, I would consider the source, cultural-centred intention, and agenda as to how this sort of info is derived.

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I really have my doubts about this being all that realistic. As to the topical matter, I would consider the source, cultural-centred intention, and agenda as to how this sort of info is derived.

The Washington Post is one of the best news sources on the planet. Compare to the communist party controlled Chinese press, and then see which you prefer. This story has been building for a long time now, China is the new BIG BULLY on the block, and ignore her at your peril. What will Thailand do?

That is very weak indeed questioning the source here ---

Washington Post wins four Pulitzer Prize awards

NEW YORK, N.Y.β€”The Washington Post has won four prestigious Pulitzer Prizes, for international reporting, feature writing, commentary and criticism.

http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/793851--washington-post-wins-four-pulitzer-prize-awards Edited by Jingthing
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They are being a bully and aren't taking opportunities to be a force for good (North Korea for example). Why our governments do so much to hand wealth and power to their unworthy regime eludes me. All we get back is cynicism and veiled threats.

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One of the big regional issues is sovereignity over the Paracels and Spratly islands that is claimed by several ASEAN members in addition to China. Viet Nam has just had a visit from Uncle Sam in the shape of a nuclear submarine, just another sign of closer cooperation and an anti China alliance.

It's a fact, but whether Thailand has enough at stake to join the party beyond the Cobra Gold exercises is a good question. Same with Laos, and Burma ain't gonna p1ss on it's chips with their sponsors. So there's China's little lap dogs and Malaysia and Singapore aren't going to get involved.

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They are being a bully and aren't taking opportunities to be a force for good (North Korea for example). Why our governments do so much to hand wealth and power to their unworthy regime eludes me. All we get back is cynicism and veiled threats.

They've got the cash, they've got the population, and they're drunk now with power. They are babies at having this amount of global power and like the USA's early days of power (OK, even recently -- Iraq), nasty mistakes will be made. Personal note -- I don't blame them, they have worked hard for this, but that still doesn't mean they won't be potentially dangerous.

Edited by Jingthing
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I really have my doubts about this being all that realistic. As to the topical matter, I would consider the source, cultural-centred intention, and agenda as to how this sort of info is derived.

The Washington Post is one of the best news sources on the planet. Compare to the communist party controlled Chinese press, and then see which you prefer. This story has been building for a long time now, China is the new BIG BULLY on the block, and ignore her at your peril. What will Thailand do?

That is very weak indeed questioning the source here ---

Washington Post wins four Pulitzer Prize awards

NEW YORK, N.Y.β€”The Washington Post has won four prestigious Pulitzer Prizes, for international reporting, feature writing, commentary and criticism.


Your praise and admiration for such esteemed publications as the Wash. Post & NY Times leaves me bewildered, as they are nothing but extensions of the suppressive establishment. Nothing terribly extraordinary nor exceptional about these fine journals of manipulation and propaganda. Sorted. Awards? Consider the source of the awards.....JT, you need to get out more - expand your absorbtion properties.

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They are being a bully and aren't taking opportunities to be a force for good (North Korea for example). Why our governments do so much to hand wealth and power to their unworthy regime eludes me. All we get back is cynicism and veiled threats.

For an alternative view of China being a "bully" I suggest reading Joshua Kurlantzick's "Charm Offensive: How China's Soft Power is Transforming the World". There is no question that China is becoming increasingly influential and increasing its influence outside its borders, but I don't see too many Chinese troops stationed outside of China other than in Tibet. And nobody in the west cares about Tibet and even otherwise enlightened and educated Chinese are blind to the injustice there. So yes, China has the potential to be a bully, but for the most part is acting rather circumspectly rather than as a outright bully.

Thailand has long been the most southern monthol of the PRC. How else do you explain that a Buddhist nation would refuse a visa to the Dalai Lama. Thailand, having little power in the bigger game and courting both the US and the PRC, is like your typical bar girl with one husband in England and another in Germany, and as long as they don't visit during the same time week all is well

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I really have my doubts about this being all that realistic. As to the topical matter, I would consider the source, cultural-centred intention, and agenda as to how this sort of info is derived.

The Washington Post is one of the best news sources on the planet. Compare to the communist party controlled Chinese press, and then see which you prefer. This story has been building for a long time now, China is the new BIG BULLY on the block, and ignore her at your peril. What will Thailand do?

That is very weak indeed questioning the source here ---

Washington Post wins four Pulitzer Prize awards

NEW YORK, N.Y.β€”The Washington Post has won four prestigious Pulitzer Prizes, for international reporting, feature writing, commentary and criticism.


Your praise and admiration for such esteemed publications as the Wash. Post & NY Times leaves me bewildered, as they are nothing but extensions of the suppressive establishment. Nothing terribly extraordinary nor exceptional about these fine journals of manipulation and propaganda. Sorted. Awards? Consider the source of the awards.....JT, you need to get out more - expand your absorbtion properties.

Many westerners seeking sanctuary in thailand don't appear to understand the concept of 'least worst option'.

Your enemy's enemy is rarely your friend, chummy.

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They are being a bully and aren't taking opportunities to be a force for good (North Korea for example). Why our governments do so much to hand wealth and power to their unworthy regime eludes me. All we get back is cynicism and veiled threats.

For an alternative view of China being a "bully" I suggest reading Joshua Kurlantzick's "Charm Offensive: How China's Soft Power is Transforming the World". There is no question that China is becoming increasingly influential and increasing its influence outside its borders, but I don't see too many Chinese troops stationed outside of China other than in Tibet. And nobody in the west cares about Tibet and even otherwise enlightened and educated Chinese are blind to the injustice there. So yes, China has the potential to be a bully, but for the most part is acting rather circumspectly rather than as a outright bully.

Thailand has long been the most southern monthol of the PRC. How else do you explain that a Buddhist nation would refuse a visa to the Dalai Lama. Thailand, having little power in the bigger game and courting both the US and the PRC, is like your typical bar girl with one husband in England and another in Germany, and as long as they don't visit during the same time week all is well

Just tibet then? That's alright, although my Taiwanese pool buddy wouldn't agree - not surprising really as he's off for a year's national service shortly.

As the west continues to rely on the east for cheap labour, china's influence will grow.

As hundreds of millions continue to leave the countryside for the industrialised cities, china's influence will grow.

As pressure is put on the chinese government to provide better living standards for its people, china's influence will grow.

China will rape the world of its natural resources. Whether it does so fairly and responsibly, we shall see. But it is decadent negligence to think 1.3 billion people don't want our lifestyles, because they will.

And enough with the 'PRC'. It's China. It's Vietnam. It's Congo. It's North Korea. Enough with dignifying oppressive, crackpot regimes and the whims of their tyrant leaders.

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They are being a bully and aren't taking opportunities to be a force for good (North Korea for example). Why our governments do so much to hand wealth and power to their unworthy regime eludes me. All we get back is cynicism and veiled threats.

Management of change costs a lot of money. It used to cost a lot of blood. Best stick to the money whilst we can afford it.

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China will rape the world of its natural resources. Whether it does so fairly and responsibly, we shall see. But it is decadent negligence to think 1.3 billion people don't want our lifestyles, because they will.

And enough with the 'PRC'. It's China. It's Vietnam. It's Congo. It's North Korea. Enough with dignifying oppressive, crackpot regimes and the whims of their tyrant leaders.

Odd that business reports coming out of the Shanghai Expo 2010 are highlighting China's lead in "green" technology. You won't meet too many global warming denialists in Beijing.

And is there anything left to rape after the previous rapacious century led by the US based corporations? Not to mention that combining the PRC and Vietnam into the same grouping as North Vietnam is simply ludicrous.

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China will rape the world of its natural resources. Whether it does so fairly and responsibly, we shall see. But it is decadent negligence to think 1.3 billion people don't want our lifestyles, because they will.

And enough with the 'PRC'. It's China. It's Vietnam. It's Congo. It's North Korea. Enough with dignifying oppressive, crackpot regimes and the whims of their tyrant leaders.

Odd that business reports coming out of the Shanghai Expo 2010 are highlighting China's lead in "green" technology. You won't meet too many global warming denialists in Beijing.

And is there anything left to rape after the previous rapacious century led by the US based corporations? Not to mention that combining the PRC and Vietnam into the same grouping as North Vietnam is simply ludicrous.

Presumably you mean Korea? Either way, meh.

Do you SERIOUSLY think China will be better than the US? Dream on, bub. China as 'green'. My god I've heard it all! :lol:

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Vietnam seems to have already forgotten that tiny blip on their long history, the American War. They will never forget the threat and reality of CHINESE domination.

Vietnam kicked China's butt in their 1979 war. A war that China concludes was an utter failure. They have kind of an attitude to China that they don't have to the US.

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Jingthing, I wish you'd stop changing your picture so much, It confuses me, and I like to read your posts.

I still am amazed that Thailand stopped that plane loaded with arms. It was, apparently, from N. Korea, and headed who knows where. It seems that they have allied themselves pretty much with the US. N. Korea is, I believe, closely associated with China. I would think that most of S. E. Asia is wary of China. World politics is not one of my strong suits, but I would have to say that Thailand goes with which way the wind blows.

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China 2010 is at the point where Japan was in 1931 and Germany in 1937.

It wishes to be a world power. It has first strike capadbility. They are Communist. They do not believe in democracy as practiced in the West. They support North Korea, they want the US out S Korea. They want resources ie minerals and food and they will stop at nothing to get it.

China does not have to concern itself with such matters as "human rights" to a Communist the end justifies the means.

Want some schools, hospitals, roads and electricity? China will supply the funds all they will ask for is your mineral and food resources and they will control your goverment indirectly, money will buy influence anywhere and that includes the West.

And yes they do seem to have the best economic system but how long will it last?

Afganistan may form part of a long term (in the future) strategic plan for the West.

One only has to look at the investments in Australia by China.

Edited by electau
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China will rape the world of its natural resources. Whether it does so fairly and responsibly, we shall see. But it is decadent negligence to think 1.3 billion people don't want our lifestyles, because they will.

And enough with the 'PRC'. It's China. It's Vietnam. It's Congo. It's North Korea. Enough with dignifying oppressive, crackpot regimes and the whims of their tyrant leaders.

Odd that business reports coming out of the Shanghai Expo 2010 are highlighting China's lead in "green" technology. You won't meet too many global warming denialists in Beijing.

And is there anything left to rape after the previous rapacious century led by the US based corporations? .

Whoops! He must have forgotten about convenient history...:rolleyes:

Edited by zzaa09
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Odd that business reports coming out of the Shanghai Expo 2010 are highlighting China's lead in "green" technology. You won't meet too many global warming denialists in Beijing.

Interesting that the real denial {and fear} appears to be that China is fast becoming the world's leader towards green development and unconventional technology models. Most will be following them before long......

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Odd that business reports coming out of the Shanghai Expo 2010 are highlighting China's lead in "green" technology. You won't meet too many global warming denialists in Beijing.

. China as 'green'. My god I've heard it all!

Actually, both perceptions are close to the truth.

China is becoming the world leader in green technology. THey have transformed several cities, including one of over 2,000,000 people, into green laboratories, and they are pushing more and more into being able to export that technology. THey will certainly be the leader in green technology in the near future if current trends hold.

However, that does not mean they practice green technology to any great extent. In many areas of China, business come first, environment not even being an afterthought.

It could very well end up with China as the world's number one exporter of green technology but not being a very robust user of that same technology.

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Odd that business reports coming out of the Shanghai Expo 2010 are highlighting China's lead in "green" technology. You won't meet too many global warming denialists in Beijing.

. China as 'green'. My god I've heard it all!

Actually, both perceptions are close to the truth.

China is becoming the world leader in green technology. THey have transformed several cities, including one of over 2,000,000 people, into green laboratories, and they are pushing more and more into being able to export that technology. THey will certainly be the leader in green technology in the near future if current trends hold.

However, that does not mean they practice green technology to any great extent. In many areas of China, business come first, environment not even being an afterthought.

It could very well end up with China as the world's number one exporter of green technology but not being a very robust user of that same technology.

My brother's an eco nut. He spends a fortune on trimming his (relatively small) carbon footprint. I tell him to calculate how much he spends on this pointless exercise, and use the money to send low energy lightbulbs to china instead.

Like many, he doesn't understand.

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Odd that business reports coming out of the Shanghai Expo 2010 are highlighting China's lead in "green" technology. You won't meet too many global warming denialists in Beijing.

Interesting that the real denial {and fear} appears to be that China is fast becoming the world's leader towards green development and unconventional technology models. Most will be following them before long......

Yeah, in chains, speaking mandarin.


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China will rape the world of its natural resources. Whether it does so fairly and responsibly, we shall see. But it is decadent negligence to think 1.3 billion people don't want our lifestyles, because they will.

And enough with the 'PRC'. It's China. It's Vietnam. It's Congo. It's North Korea. Enough with dignifying oppressive, crackpot regimes and the whims of their tyrant leaders.

Odd that business reports coming out of the Shanghai Expo 2010 are highlighting China's lead in "green" technology. You won't meet too many global warming denialists in Beijing.

And is there anything left to rape after the previous rapacious century led by the US based corporations? .

Whoops! He must have forgotten about convenient history...:rolleyes:

Did you forget about little old 'in'?


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I notice that the anti-China propaganda machine is still functioning...:rolleyes:

If this article would be exactly the same but anti-USA, the topic would have been closed already.

We better get used to it that Asia has the largest population on this small planet; more than 60% (out of a 6.8 Billion estimate) and it's absurd that one country -the USA- with some 4,6% of that world population, with 310 million people, wishes to tell the other 95% what's good and what's bad for them, acting as a policeman, far away from his own territory.

And, if I read bullsh_t like this I have to laugh:

"The U.S. and Southeast Asian push on China came in part because, U.S. and Asian officials said, China's behavior has turned more aggressive in the region."

Yeah right and what authority do these "officials" have.....who are they....any names ? Of course not since it's suggestive propaganda.

Asian people, including 1,3 Billion Chinese, have the same rights to try and live the same comfortable lives as their American/Western counterparts have already for decades.

800 cars on every 1.000 people in the US versus 10 on every 1.000 Chinese but still China is behaving more aggressive; what a bull.

The constant stream of bull-stories about the aggression of China should stop because there isn't any aggression.

Conflicts ? Yes, sure, but give me a country which doesn't have conflicts (and/or wars with their neighbors)

You want a timeline of US Military Operations since WWII ?


The same for China ? - here you go:


America should mind their own business and the (weapon industry) hawks and their articles about aggression by other nations should stop. It's just another excuse, trying to find reasons for another war.

I think the Obama Administration has enough problems to solve in their own back yard rather than to withdraw the attention from it by publishing anti-China articles..


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The SE Asian countries want the balance from the USA. They feel threatened. Especially Vietnam. Thank you for the voice of Beijing but sorry China is NOT a free country. We do know what modern China is capable of in the region and it is not pretty. TIBET. BURMA. I trust the FREE PRESS from the USA from a paper like the Washington Post about a million times more than any controlled Chinese media, and don't call me a right wing American either (Fox News sucks).

Edited by Jingthing
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The SE Asian countries want the balance from the USA. They feel threatened. Especially Vietnam. Thank you for the voice of Beijing but sorry China is NOT a free country. We do know what modern China is capable of in the region and it is not pretty. TIBET. BURMA. I trust the FREE PRESS from the USA from a paper like the Washington Post about a million times more than any controlled Chinese media, and don't call me a right wing American either (Fox News sucks).

I have a voice of my own, nobody else's.

:blink: Vietnam feels threatened by China and seeks the lap of America for comfort....??....after what was done to her, first by the French and later Americans?

Yeah right.

You're talking suggestive if you write "...what modern China is capable of in the region and it is not pretty"

The US didn't act in Vietnam very pretty indeed but now they seek the lap of the US; after they threw out the Americans in 1975 ? Yeah, right, The American Dream, asking for forgiveness ?

Tibet History is a whole different story which goes back thousands of years and China didn't occupy nor invade Burma like the French and Americans did in Vietnam (plus the actions in Laos and Cambodia); speaking about: ....."it is not pretty" <_<

If China would want to occupy Burma they could do so within the blink of an eye; yet they didn't, but you still accuse China of aggression; tell me Jingthing, where is the aggression? Be specific please if you write something like that.

Your kind of posting and the article by your beloved Washington Post is exactly what's provoking a non-existing situation since there isn't any aggression by China.

You guys invent it.

China has EVERYTHING to lose when they would start a war, nothing to gain. You underestimate the intelligence of China and overestimate that of the USA.

China is no policeman in Asia but the US is the world's policeman and the world doesn't like that (anymore) ;)

You better get used to that idea.


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LP, you are out of date. Things have changed. The Post has got the current reality correct since China has grown into a big clumsy BULLY. The American war is ancient history compared to current realpolitik. I know you are totally biased towards China but don't expect others to buy the Beijing line. Cheers.

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