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Do Thai Girls Normally Let Their Mobile Battery Go Empty?


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It's also a common excuse when they are with another man, "battery died sorry couldn't call or answer any calls."

for some reason my gf does not believe it when i say my battery died.. (probably because it almost never happens) But I do believe her because i know how much she uses her phone. So its possible even though all those others say it cant be real.

There is however just as big a chance they are right. No way to know, that is why its a good excuse.

Maybe she doesn't believe you because she's lying when SHE says it.

Good one.. but i almost never talk on my mobile so it running dry does not happen much. She has 2 phones and uses them for work.. one her iphone runs dry often then she got her cheap nokia for backup.

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She may well have just used up her battery, I know my GF is a traditional country thai in a respected job and even when I am with her her phone always goes flat from over use. study, school as science teacher, family all over southern thailand and a huge circle of friends which is typical of most thai girls, aussie girls, all girls.

People tend to refer to the reputation of the bar girl which is NOT the typical thai girl. you know your girl, up to you if you can trust her and her background. I trust and respect my GF, but we have been together for 8 years.

oh come on ! I know non bar girls with great regular jobs paying over 75 000 baht a month and from "good" families that are far more cheating and deceiving than bar girls .... and even more gold digging, lazy biatches and looking for the farang catch than the average bar girl .... take a look on facebook, thailandfriends or craigslist and you will see.

a friend of my gf is getting fuc_ked crazy by anything that has a dick, farang or thai, while being a good housewife, driving her camry to villa market to buy her farang hubby the best imported foods but nevertheless she has fire in her panties and her rich hubby has such big horns that he cant pass a double sliding door.

actually i dont even understand how bargirls still have a trade when you can get so many free NSA sex just by dining and whining a nurse or a bank employee.

i know it in bangkok but i guess its not a matter of place or nationality ...... its just women ..... ;-)

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My gf won't let me charge my battery until it is almost completely spent.......thinks damage occures to battery life if "not do this". I showed her in the phone manual that stated clear as crystal that this is just not the case but...........what can I say.

Oh so true. If a Thai girl gets something stuck in her head then that's it! End story. Doesn't matter what any book or scientific evidence states. They will NOT listen. Get the same thing here. Why I charge my phone, must let run out then charge! Gosh this all stems from old mobiles from years ago where this was the recommended procedure. Doesn't matter that major advances in technology has occurred; they learn something first time and that's that. Everyone else is wrong.:unsure:

As for some "ex"-bar girls unfortunately that is true they are "busy" and the low-battery idea is a classic. Luckily the reality is that in most cases is that they simply talk too much on the phone. Understandably if you have ever tried to text in Thai it is a nightmare. Filipinos by comparsion are the world's biggest texters and I'm sure Thais would be too but their complex writing structure makes it a lot easier to call than just ring. Plus it takes 10 mins for them to explain to each other what most of us could say in a single sentence and then they often still misinterpret what the other person's central message! Mainly because they talked too much and never really got to the point. Too much waffle!:lol:

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"I would have thought with Thais' addiction to the mobile phone, that they wouldn't normally be caught with an empty battery. My (new) girl sent me an sms at 6:55pm indicating her battery was 'very low' and she was looking for a place to charge it. Now three hours have passed. Is this normal"

My guess is that she's with someone else.

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Hmm, maybe she just popped into boyfriend number 2 apartment to 'charge' her battery :whistling: Simon

I fear as such, yes.

Some Thai girls are honest, some are not.

There are ways to find out which your gf is - for example:

1. Check her phone messages when she's asleep.

2. If you ever get a suspect's name, get a second SIM for your phone & use that to send her a sweet message in that name. (See what comes back.)

And so on.

I never thought of doing anything like this before coming to Asia. Now it's routine.

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Could be low. Could be she is lying to you. You are the only one who can tell us which of these is more likely. Which ever is more likely is probably the case.

Just wait and see, if she's running around she is running around and this type of thing will happen often.

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My gf won't let me charge my battery until it is almost completely spent.......thinks damage occures to battery life if "not do this". I showed her in the phone manual that stated clear as crystal that this is just not the case but...........what can I say.

That used to be the case with old nickel batteries that required you to use it up before recharging. With Lithium batteries however that'll ruin the life of the batteries. So it's more a case of your girlfriend having out of date info then just being flat out wrong.

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My phone get wet , battrey no good battery low , needs charging , I lose my phone then find it again, No have credit, all bargirls ways of saying I am at work , sorry but We all know this .

Yes sure, I've heard them all before. But I didn't expect it from this girl - she isn't from a bar. At least I hope not.

By far the most dishonest, deceiptfull girls I have met were not from bars or whores in any way shape or form, as such they have a lot more to lose. And also lot more to gain by keeping their farang guy happy in his opinion of them.

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My wife lets her phone battery run our often.

Then she leaves her phone on charge and forgets it when she goes shopping.

Some girls are daft, some are dishonest, it takes all sorts.

Some girls like to phone their other bfs while having sex, now that's just weird.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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My wife lets her phone battery run our often.

Then she leaves her phone on charge and forgets it when she goes shopping.

Some girls are daft, some are dishonest, it takes all sorts.

Some girls like to phone their other bfs while having sex, now that's just weird.


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Hmm, maybe she just popped into boyfriend number 2 apartment to 'charge' her battery :whistling:


phone,, no have signal in the bedroom ..????

it,s all to do with frequency , on up and down mode.

50 cycles / norm

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