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Special Broadband deals

For those of us living in the provinces, it is very annoying to be bombarded with CSLox material offering 599 Baht + free ADSL modem offers, only to find they only apply to Bangkok, and then to find the local offer is no free modem and costing 999 Baht per month for the (shared) bandwidth service.

TOT offers upcountry users a direct connection service at 699 Baht per month, but you have to buy your own modem (averaging 1500 Baht or thereabouts) which I know many people prefer to take up rather than pay CSLox 999 per month for the same deal.

As an EXPAT card, surely one ISP or another would be interested in creating a similar service+free modem deal along the lines of CSLox's Bangkok deal? After all, most genuine expats intend to be here for the long haul and are too lazy to jump from supplier to supplier chasing the latest special offer. Therefore, they'd likely make a one-time switch provided the service was reliable enough.

There are a lot of options available to a smart ISP marketing exec in offering exclusive service deals like this, especially if they tie-in with Microsoft or similar - in the SME arena, offering the required special connectivity for full functionality of Microsoft's Small Business Server (SBS) package is one such deal - integrated fixed IP address, unlimited email addresses and web domain name + hosting etc. Demon Internet signed 1 million customers in the UK in the first 6 months of SBS being launched back in '98. Back then the monthly cost from Demon was about 1,000 Baht equivalent, and that was using dial-up modems.

Another option would be to have the ISP issue 3rd level domain names for unlimited email addresses - eg - [email protected] where [email protected] is the primary email account and accepts email, but the account can have local level multiple email addresses by moving the gazchiangmai to after the @ and adding individual names before the @

It is how all the UK ISP's do it (and have dome since about '97) but here in Thailand they continue to screw us for additional paid accounts to get additional email addresses - and the problem is that it costs them nothing extra (in money, hardware, software, or bandwidth) to allow the function - they normally only have to tick a box in the server set-up. It is only greed that stops them from doing it. And that's why all surveys in the last 5 years say that telecoms and internet use in Thailand is the most expensive anywhere in Asia where there is a "developed" infrastructure.

Partnering with a good ISP on something like this would also have the additional "benefit" of nibbling away at Toxin's income and making him start to note just how p'd off he has made many of us. As with anything here, it's only when it hit's someone's pocket that they take notice and action to rectify issues.

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As an EXPAT card, surely one ISP or another would be interested in creating a similar service+free modem deal along the lines of CSLox's Bangkok deal?

Great idea Gaz Chiangmai, but include the provinces as well hey George?


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


As I understand it, it will be more like a club where the gold card is only one advantage offered. The others being help with visas, Thai laws etc... most of which already exist with Thaivisa but maybe in a different way!

The main difference with what I read in this forum is that the "club", not the bank, make deals to offer discount to golf clubs, restaurants, airlines and the like to members. Proof of membership as well as payment to be the ThaiVisa card.

When I retire in Thailand with my Thai wife in a few years time, it would be nice to have such a card as the one proposed - with amendments of course.

Good luck with your project, more especially for the users (that's me among many others, I'm sure)!


PS. Would this card be offered to people living outside LOS?


I think it's a great idea in theory. but as one member said, the majority of us who use this forum are tourists, ie we don't have a work permit, and hence, are not eligible to all these goodies you are offering.

keep up the great work. falangrukfalang


Sounds a very good idea. I'd be very interested. I would also add tourist attractions as expats do travel arund Thailand on holidays. Discounts at attractions such as Phuket Fantasea, Safari World, etc. maybe variable depending on the low or high season. Booking directly in advance through a hotline number means that the substantial tour agency commission need not be paid, and this saving could be passed onto the member.

Problems aquiring a drivers license? What are you on about? Just go there with your work permit and passport and a photo. Take a test and your done! No work permit? Sorry - no license. That's the law and no-one can help you circumvent the law - not even the mighty Thai Visa operation!

You are wrong...........the law does not insist that you have a work permit to obtain a Thai driving licence.


we could have blue cards for tourists, silver for 90 dayers, gold for retiree/marriage, platnium for workpermits and diamond for bt.25m+ net worths together with a 50% discount for the thai elite card :o



I live up country.

TT&T Broadband 590 baht per month

Free modem

Free installation

Sign up for 12 months, get one extra month free

Always better to get your own deals.

Any "special offers" to ThaiVisa will always be available elsewhere


Would any expat be able to apply for it? Or do you have to have the same criteria before you can get it like the Thai credit cards (e.g. have constant cash flow in your Thai bank account for 6 months...basically i don't want to wait 6 months before I can get a Thai credit card).


Incidentally, I just had a look at the Thaivisa Travel page to see what the options were for a flight for 3 people to London, in august.

The fare quoted was US$5,536.....

First, why was it in US$ and not Baht?? Secondly, if this is an example of the 'great offers and discounts' that Thaivisa can arrange then I don't think you'll be getting my business for the card either (the flight goes without saying)

There is nothing worse than something pretending to give special discounts when in actual fact ripping the customer off. Relationships are built on trust, my latest experience with Thaivisa just abused mine.

Make sure whoever you are dealing with on the Gold Card is someone who is not going to rip off your members! (and ditch the travel people!)

I agree that it is stretching things and it's not going to happen, but...

If an appropriate degree of 'profit sharing' was set up with an appropriately highly placed official in the Thai government, I would not be so sure that it was unrealistic.

The amounts of money and general bad taste of it all would be the main 'barrier to entry', but this is Thailand...anything's possible if you sink low enough!

:D  :o


Incidentally, I just had a look at the Thaivisa Travel page to see what the options were for a flight for 3 people to London, in august.

The fare quoted was US$5,536.....

First, why was it in US$ and not Baht??


There is nothing worse than something pretending to give special discounts when in actual fact ripping the customer off. Relationships are built on trust, my latest experience with Thaivisa just abused mine.

Make sure whoever you are dealing with on the Gold Card is someone who is not going to rip off your members!  (and ditch the travel people!)

I am sure this is not George's intention.


Sounds too good, ther are many if"s, for certain. I would like to "count the chickens when they are hatched". Nothing is for sure and as another email said..what about credit without a job or work permit in Thailand. Normal banking controls ristrict credit cards to job holders or they may require a FD [fixed deposit]as security and limit your credit to the FD level.


Dear Valued Thaivisa Members,

How's about roadside assistance or vehicle recovery for those who have their own vehicles here?


If the qualfications for membership do not include some kind of non-Imm visa (or residency), it means you have potential 6 billion members. :o

If the qualfications for membership do not include some kind of non-Imm visa (or residency), it means you have potential 6 billion members.

Standard Credit Card Terms and Conditions will apply.

Eg: Those not on the Electoral Roll in the UK cannot get a Credit Card at the High Street Banks. Some similar benchmarking will apply here.

Dose of reality - they're not going to be giving Credit Limits of THB 2m to English teachers - so that one can buy a plasma television, then default.

If the qualfications for membership do not include some kind of non-Imm visa (or residency), it means you have potential 6 billion members.

Standard Credit Card Terms and Conditions will apply.

Eg: Those not on the Electoral Roll in the UK cannot get a Credit Card at the High Street Banks. Some similar benchmarking will apply here.

Do you mean Thai standards? Those do not allow foreigners without WP (or otherwise harsher requirements) to get a credit card. International standards? It differs in each and every country. If you make your standards strict it means those who do qualify, probably already have one.

If the qualfications for membership do not include some kind of non-Imm visa (or residency), it means you have potential 6 billion members.
..what about credit without a job or work permit in Thailand.

This a superb idea George, however this can only work (in my opinion) if those applying have a WP, non-imm visa, tax number and all relevant documentation proving legal work in Thailand.

If those who are officially here on tourist visas they can run up huge bills and then leave the country, the costs of which would be passed on to those of us genuinely making a living here. We need to make sure this is not open to abuse.

With this in mind, I am in 100%. If by getting various "influential" sponsors expats here can enjoy the benefits of a Visa card then thathas to be a good thing, presuming interest rates would be cheaper than European rates.

No problem with Thaivisa or any external parties making a few baht on charges and fees, nothing worthwhile is free in this world.

You should be applauded George, where do I sign up...?

Do you mean Thai standards? Those do not allow foreigners without WP (or otherwise harsher requirements) to get a credit card. International standards? It differs in each and every country. If you make your standards strict it means those who do qualify, probably already have one

Yes, correct.

Credit Card like this, that bear a partner's name, are still under the credit control authority of the Credit Card Company and bound by local Consumer Credit legislation.

For example: the best known card issuer MBNA, which was acquired last week by Bank of America. (and I think they own the 'Visa' brand)


Great idea george!!!

Can I back up the UBC discount idea aswell.

Also for those who don't have work permits, then might I suggest that a current visa card from back home(if you have a visa card back home) be used as a guarantor against anybody wishing to abuse the card?

Also a few less negative comments guys?

Do you mean Thai standards? Those do not allow foreigners without WP (or otherwise harsher requirements) to get a credit card. International standards? It differs in each and every country. If you make your standards strict it means those who do qualify, probably already have one

Yes, correct.

Credit Card like this, that bear a partner's name, are still under the credit control authority of the Credit Card Company and bound by local Consumer Credit legislation.

OK, so in this case the card has to compete with other cards offered in Thai banks for foreigners who qualify.

Discount on sunbelt's services? For those who already qualify? hmm... Most of these services are aimed at those who do not qualify...


Hello from Austria!

The idea is good! I would not mind such card even if I still live in Austria. I will live here with my Thai wife at least for some years. We are however planning to stay in Thailand in a later chapter of our lives.

Best Regards



:o I think it is a good idea , but needs more thought.

Expats living here and expats in and out. Look at the mistakes of the marketing of Elite Card. are Other points International Schools, maid services, reduced enterance fees at Thai tourist sites, sport events , concerts, parties and launch invitations etc...


Many Visa, Amex and MC (no-annual-fee cards) also provide:

. Collision Damage Waver (CDW) insurance on most car rentals

. Warranty period extension up to one year on most purchases (e.g. TV's, computers, appliances, etc.)

Re: item 16, (Internet access (Dial up/ADSL/Satellite) <added>) don't see how this can be provided free or even as part of "low annual card fee cost". Amex tried this (free dialup) with the introduction of their "Blue" no-fee card several years ago. Lasted about 6 months. ISP was costing them 2-3 ($US) per holder, per month.

cheers :D

(Oh yes.....almost forgot.........Free massages? :o )

- Will it only be available to permanent expats - It's an expat card

Will that then be judged by visa status? Why not make it availble to tourists? I know most people on thaivisa.com would class themselves as expats but in reality the majority or at least a large percentage of this board (which is where I expect you will get most of your buyers) are classed as tourists.

Do you think that any bank is gonna give out a Visa (or other credit card) to a bunch of tourists so that they can run up a big debt and say "see ya later" and do a runner.

It needs to be for people who have a little (or a lot of ) bit of collateral in the realm. :o

:D Hope it works. The concept is great , but I have had lots of great projects turn sour on me in Thailand as well as other places :D . Lived here 25 yrs and tourist have more rights than legal expatsat te moment. The program will need even more support then the PM to be successful as we see how his program worked out. It will soon be a mandatory medicine for all of us in the future if the admin remains the same. :o ThaiVisa good luck and write me when you have an offer. :D
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