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Being With Someone Underage


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30 and 17?

Did I understand it correct?

What does a 30 and a 17 year old talk about?

I normally have no problem with age differences.

Even 80/25 is much much better than 30/17.

I think either the OP must be extremely naive/immature, or he is trolling.

I bet it is the latter.

Even more, what does any basically educated Westerner talk about with a foreign bargirl?

Rubbish. That's the general topic of conversation. The guy lowers his IQ to meet hers

Yep, EXACTLY what I did with my two Western wives.

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Why would anyone want to be with a child when they could be with a woman ?

17 isn't exactly a baby. I think many men and some women are simply attracted to youthful flesh and spirit. If the younger one is of legal age and acting in free will, it really isn't anyone's business other than the couple in question. (Of course, in Thailand, under 18 has legal implications.)

BTW, with men, if you study anthropology and related sciences, you will find theories that men are hard wired towards attraction towards young and healthy looking females, for child bearing reasons.

Edited by Jingthing
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I am not sure about UK law, but US law makes it illegal for an adult to have sex with anyone under 18 regardless of the local laws.

UK age of consent is 16.

Unfortunatly that is no consolation in Thailand,when the legal age of consent is 18.

So the OP needs to get out quick before the Yabba mother realises her meal ticket is escaping!

Edited by MAJIC
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Actually 18yrs is only the age of consent in regards to prostitution.. The real age of consent amongst the general population not involved in selling sex is 15yrs with parental consent. So as long as her Mother is okay with you sleeping with her daughter there really isn't a problem. She isn't working at a bar or a brothel, you aren't 'paying' for sex any more that any other guy that has a live-in girlfriend.

No different to plenty of Thai guys doing the same thing.. So I'd get something in writing from the Mother saying she's happy with the relationship and don't stress about it.. If she looks older and doesn't wear high school uniforms etc who's to know ?

This is not a good reply. Her mother can easily get the OP locked up. I have seen it happen to 2 farangs here in consensual long-term relationships with 16 and 17 year-olds.

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Actually 18yrs is only the age of consent in regards to prostitution.. The real age of consent amongst the general population not involved in selling sex is 15yrs with parental consent. So as long as her Mother is okay with you sleeping with her daughter there really isn't a problem. She isn't working at a bar or a brothel, you aren't 'paying' for sex any more that any other guy that has a live-in girlfriend.

No different to plenty of Thai guys doing the same thing.. So I'd get something in writing from the Mother saying she's happy with the relationship and don't stress about it.. If she looks older and doesn't wear high school uniforms etc who's to know ?

This is not a good reply. Her mother can easily get the OP locked up. I have seen it happen to 2 farangs here in consensual long-term relationships with 16 and 17 year-olds.

This sensible part of Thai law allowing consenting teenagers to have fun was not aimed at helping 30 year old blokes have underage sex.

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30 and 17?

Did I understand it correct?

What does a 30 and a 17 year old talk about?

I normally have no problem with age differences.

Even 80/25 is much much better than 30/17.

I think either the OP must be extremely naive/immature, or he is trolling.

I bet it is the latter.

Even more, what does any basically educated Westerner talk about with a foreign bargirl?

Rubbish. That's the general topic of conversation. The guy lowers his IQ to meet hers, whilst she at first might be bothered to fake higher IQ to meet in the middle. Alright for a beer and a dirty joke or two ok.....but after a month or two of that?! OP is going to be an English teacher. OP will have opportunites abound for girls on a similar IQ level but a few years younger than him. But they might not be so dirty. Will he take them?

Good morning, Kuhn Mark what would you like for breakfast? Bananas in strawberry yogurt and French toast.

She cooks

Would you write this for me in Thai? OK. (I speak but don’t write Thai). She types out what I say on the computer.

She does morning cleaning and makes bed while she sings songs.

Where do you want to eat lunch? We go to MK and then shopping.

She says, Dr. House is on TV do you want to watch? OK.

I am reading Thai Visa. What you read? I explain a couple of news stories to her.

She showers and comes dancing out of the shower. Smell me she says.

Two hours later. She says, you want grilled cheese sandwich? OK. She cooks and we watch a movie on TV with Thai subtitles.

She helps me with my Thai alphabet writing practice. I can write only a few words but I practice every day. Today I learned how to write I love you in Issan dialect.

She says, Khun Mark I am sleepy. We go to bed. She asks if I am asleep. I say yes dear that is why I go to bed. She laughs and we end up going to sleep in an hour or so. She says, non lop fun dee (good night sweet dreams).

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Actually 18yrs is only the age of consent in regards to prostitution.. The real age of consent amongst the general population not involved in selling sex is 15yrs with parental consent. So as long as her Mother is okay with you sleeping with her daughter there really isn't a problem. She isn't working at a bar or a brothel, you aren't 'paying' for sex any more that any other guy that has a live-in girlfriend.

No different to plenty of Thai guys doing the same thing.. So I'd get something in writing from the Mother saying she's happy with the relationship and don't stress about it.. If she looks older and doesn't wear high school uniforms etc who's to know ?

This is not a good reply. Her mother can easily get the OP locked up. I have seen it happen to 2 farangs here in consensual long-term relationships with 16 and 17 year-olds.

The real age of consent for non prostitutes without parental consent is 20 years of age.

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A 17 year old female working as a hooker in a bar is hardy a child. I'll tell you what a child molester is... he's a 16 year old boy having sex with a 13 or 14 year old girl and getting her pregnant because her mother was too stupid to teach her daughter the facts of life. You have absolutely no idea what happens every day within the Thai community. Go preach your self righteous.

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I am not sure about UK law, but US law makes it illegal for an adult to have sex with anyone under 18 regardless of the local laws.

In the UK the age of consent (for all forms of sex) is 16.

Point of information. In the US, the age of consent is determined by each state. There is no federal law covering the entire US. However, there is a federal law covering US people internationally and for that the age of consent is indeed 18. It creates a bit of a bizarre situation for Americans. For example, a US national from a state with an age of consent of 15 who has sex in with a 17 year old in a country with a 16 year age of consent has committed a very serious crime under USA law. I think that is wrong actually, the age of consent should be the law in effect for the country you are in, but I don't make the laws.

Edited by Jingthing
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Whether she's 19 or 17, why on Earth would you move in with a Bird who you've only known for 5 mins, yet alone are 10 Years plus older than ??

Are you really that desperate & insecure that you need a little Thai Girl to tell you how great you are & give you a cuddle ??

Honestly, it's pathetic Fella, sort yourself out..

You said flames were ok AND what i am saying is the truth too so it's not really flaming anyway...;)

Great answer Singhy, its just pathetic, he needs to forget about the girl and get a grip literally :jerk: . At least that way he's not breaking any laws.

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I am not sure about UK law, but US law makes it illegal for an adult to have sex with anyone under 18 regardless of the local laws.

Could you please give proof of this federal law?

United States

The United States of America is a federation of states where the age of consent laws are made at the state level. There exist several federal statutes related to protecting children from sexual predators, but none of them imposes an age limit on sexual acts. On 26 June 2003, both heterosexual and homosexual sodomy became legal in all US states and territories under a US Supreme Court decision called Lawrence v. Texas [16] (between non-commercial, consenting adults in a private bedroom). In Limon v. Kansas (2005), the Kansas Supreme Court used Lawrence as a precedent to overturn the state's "Romeo and Juliet" law, which proscribed lesser penalties for heterosexuals than homosexuals convicted of similar age of consent related offenses.[17] There is ongoing advocacy for a uniform age of consent. One proposal would make the national age of consent 18. If a state has an age of consent below the federal limit, 10% of federal education funds would be withheld. Thus far, Congress has not considered this or any other proposal to change the status quo. However there is a common misconception among many Americans that there is a federal limit at 18, but that is false, as the age limit in most states is in fact below 18. Some speculate that this is due to the production of most American television media being in southern California, so writers, and thus viewers, would be primarily familiar with only southern California's penal code.[18]

Federal laws

I find no such law only states.

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It's not a myth about US laws for Americans abroad. It is 18 for all Americans abroad, no matter the laws of their home state. Yes, enforcement of this DOES occur.

I'm not arguing the fact that it should be. All I'm asking is show use the federal act on this. Simple.

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It's not a myth about US laws for Americans abroad. It is 18 for all Americans abroad, no matter the laws of their home state. Yes, enforcement of this DOES occur.

I'm not arguing the fact that it should be. All I'm asking is show use the federal act on this. Simple.

You can't google yourself? Oy.

Title 18, Part I, Chapter 117, Section 2423, Subsection C of US federal law states:

"© Engaging in Illicit Sexual Conduct in Foreign Places.— Any United States citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence who travels in foreign commerce, and engages in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both."

(f) Definition.— As used in this section, the term “illicit sexual conduct” means

"(1) a sexual act (as defined in section 2246) with a person under 18 years of age that would be in violation of chapter 109A if the sexual act occurred in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States; or

(2) any commercial sex act (as defined in section 1591) with a person under 18 years of age."

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It's not a myth about US laws for Americans abroad. It is 18 for all Americans abroad, no matter the laws of their home state. Yes, enforcement of this DOES occur.

I'm not arguing the fact that it should be. All I'm asking is show use the federal act on this. Simple.

You can't google yourself? Oy.

Title 18, Part I, Chapter 117, Section 2423, Subsection C of US federal law states:

"© Engaging in Illicit Sexual Conduct in Foreign Places.— Any United States citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence who travels in foreign commerce, and engages in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both."

(f) Definition.— As used in this section, the term "illicit sexual conduct" means

"(1) a sexual act (as defined in section 2246) with a person under 18 years of age that would be in violation of chapter 109A if the sexual act occurred in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States; or

(2) any commercial sex act (as defined in section 1591) with a person under 18 years of age."


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I am not sure about UK law, but US law makes it illegal for an adult to have sex with anyone under 18 regardless of the local laws.

In the UK the age of consent (for all forms of sex) is 16.

Point of information. In the US, the age of consent is determined by each state. There is no federal law covering the entire US. However, there is a federal law covering US people internationally and for that the age of consent is indeed 18. It creates a bit of a bizarre situation for Americans. For example, a US national from a state with an age of consent of 15 who has sex in with a 17 year old in a country with a 16 year age of consent has committed a very serious crime under USA law. I think that is wrong actually, the age of consent should be the law in effect for the country you are in, but I don't make the laws.

In the UK it's ok to have sex if you're over 16 but if you take a photo or make a movie of yourself doing it you have committed an offence. You're not allowed to photograph the act until both participants are at least 18.

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The various answers to this important topic is why I learned a long time ago to GO SLOW with any female. find out ALL the facts before any intimacy occurs. That is true whether you are 16 or 60. A few years ago I was on Patong beach (Phuket) in the evening and there were a number of vendors selling drinks out of ice coolers. I sat and had a beer with a few young ladies because it was far more pleasant on the beach than in one of the bars in town. Everything was relaxed and nobody was pushing anything at you. One of the gals on the beach was quite pretty and I asked her why she wasn't working the bars. She told me she was 19 and had to be 20 to work in the Phuket bars. I thought the age for working in bars was 18, and only because I knew several 18 year olds who worked bars in Chiang Mai. I'm not going to doubt the beach gals answer because there was nothing to gain by lying. It made me realize that it is easy to be fooled if you don't know all the laws. Everywhere seems to be different.

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The various answers to this important topic is why I learned a long time ago to GO SLOW with any female.

One of the gals on the beach was quite pretty and I asked her why she wasn't working the bars.

Great way to pull a bird Ian :D

Have to remember this next time I’ll see a beautiful girl walking in Emporium or Paragon.

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