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Completing A Tourist Visa ( Uk)

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hi, just a couple of questions pls. i think i am allowed to complete for VAF1A on behalf of my girlfriend. If i do so, do i just need to say i did so, but not why i did so?

my gf has a criminal conviction for drink driving ( lol - i just found this out ) - it was 3 years ago. obviously i must include this - but do you think it might be a problem?

also, the question ''If someone other than yourself is paying for all or any part of this visit, how much money will they give you? Please also explain why they are paying for all or part of your visit ''

i dont think i should put an amount in here, just say, i will pay for the holiday, and provide money if and when is necessary? and why am i paying? because she cannot afford it - is that ok

''and finally - What is the cost to you personally of your stay in the UK?''

it will cost her nothing - the visa guy will be ok with this yes?

the form looks quite straightforward though, so no problem there

thanks for answers

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also , one more question, in the future, once we are married and she has been given a settlement visa, can she then apply for her 2 children to come to the uk, on a permanent basis. ( 8 and 5 ). are the applications for children normally accepted, as long as you meet the criteria, or can there be problems with trying to get visas for children?

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  • 1 month later...

also , one more question, in the future, once we are married and she has been given a settlement visa, can she then apply for her 2 children to come to the uk, on a permanent basis. ( 8 and 5 ). are the applications for children normally accepted, as long as you meet the criteria, or can there be problems with trying to get visas for children?

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Yes, you can complete the form for her and simply say it is because she cannot read or write English; not a problem.

Criminal convictions are only a problem if had the offence been committed in the UK it would have attracted a prison sentence of 12 months or more. See RFL10.1 When can I refuse under 320 (18)?.

Monies; yes, put what you have suggested.

Settlement for her children may be a problem if they are not living with her. The biggest obstacle is showing that she has been exercising sole responsibility over them; which is easy if parent and child have constantly lived together but may be harder if they have lived apart. If at all possible I would recommend that they apply for settlement at the same time as their mother; though this will mean paying three fees all at the same time. See Settlement; Children; especially Para SET7.8 What is sole responsibility?

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