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Tourism Authority Of Thailand (TAT) Seeks Help From Overseas Thais


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Has it ever crossed the minds of the cretins at TAT to ask themselves why so many millions of Thais choose to live in another country?

Promote Thailand? 55555555555555555555 Not even to Lance Corporal, Somjai.

I think I can honestly presume people emmigrate to a different country for various , differing reasons , not least of all , a better standard of living and life-style . Why on earth would you ask them to try to encourage neighbours , friends etc to visit thier old country when they have most likely already related the downside of said country ?

For example : how many brits that post on this forum could convince anyone to visit "Jolly-Old-England' , when all they have to offer in a steady stream , is vitriolic clap-trap .

The most logical idea as posted earlier in this thread , invite the expats in THIS COUNTRY to do the advertising in the country they left , who else could extol the virtues of change so eloquently in a video ?

How about , people who make a decition on the streng of an expat video to visit Thailand , be met at the airport by the expat and taken to thier accomodation , no hastles either end .

PROMOTION not blither and blather !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I only knew one Thai where I came from 6 years ago. She told me as soon as their son graduated they were moving to Thailand. She also said that the other Thai's she knew were not overly excited about living in Canada. May be have a look at why they left Thailand and did they get what they expected after being there for a while?

Yes get ex pats who have chosen to live here to try to get people to come over and visit. Good idea.

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In July, Thailand welcomed 1.2 million tourists, a year-on-year increase of 14 per cent. The biggest number of visitors came from China, with 90,172 arrivals in July compared to 47,990 in the same month last year, |or 87.8-per-cent growth. It is hoped the number of visitors from China will reach 15 million this year.


555555555555555 Ha Ha 90,000 x 12= 15 million he he he he

promote eh! how many ex pat Chinese are doing visa runs?? How many of them support a G/F=B/F + family ????. how long do they holiday for ?? 1 week quick package. these figures are stupid, its how much dosh they put into Thailand over 1 year, they are cheap charlies. It's us that have been here supporting the Thai's for years on end through thick and thin. They treat us like silly sods, rob us whenever they can( if they can) but were here doing visa runs etc, filling our 10 year passports in 3 years through a page a visa, plus the arrive/dep stamps.

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