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Heads Up Atm Scam


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I went to the ATM at the corner of soi Lenki and soi Buhkao out side of the 7/11 to withdraw some more cash last night about 1930 and after i put in my pin (which I always keep hiden) had a arab man lean over me and start punching in numbers and saying in my ear in a loud intimatating voice you can not undersatnd I understand thai I help, now change your pin number, I straight away hit cancel and my card did not come out so I snatched the card he was holding and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him in the air and started yelling what have you done with my card his strangled reply was just put your number back in which I did without letting go and still nothing happened so I sqeezed his neck tighter and he then hit another key and bingo my card came out.

By this time people were standing around so I threw his card in the street and went back to where my friends and I were enjoying a quiet beer after golf and told them they only laughed and said why did he pick on you (I am 5/11 and very solid ) I can only assume he saw me bent over hiding my pin number and thought I was an easy mark. So everyone beware when you are withdrawing money from ATMs no matter what time as upon reflection if I had of been drunk I would have been a lot more confused and not been able to react as quickly

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I had only had four beers as I had not long returned from playing golf and no I was not at Nikom I never drink there and why mystical arab?? this is not a racist rant just a heads up and yes I do know what an arab looks like he was in his twenties and well dressed

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I had only had four beers as I had not long returned from playing golf and no I was not at Nikom I never drink there and why mystical arab?? this is not a racist rant just a heads up and yes I do know what an arab looks like he was in his twenties and well dressed

what sort of beer and what was the cost

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I had only had four beers as I had not long returned from playing golf and no I was not at Nikom I never drink there and why mystical arab?? this is not a racist rant just a heads up and yes I do know what an arab looks like he was in his twenties and well dressed

what sort of beer and what was the cost

Think he could have been drinking that new beer

Red Whoop Ass, 9.5% Alcohol by volume.

This stuff gets you the respect you deserve. :ph34r:

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so are you saying that while you where at the machine this guy leaned over and started hitting the keypad ?

can I ask where you having difficulty at the time, did you hit a wrong button and ended up with Thai and not English, where you stuck at one point and obviously needing assistance, and finally could this guy have been genuinely trying to help if any of the above is correct ??? sounds to me like you where hitting buttons and getting knowhere fast, remember unless this guy gets your card and your pin he's hardly going to do a big pile.


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so are you saying that while you where at the machine this guy leaned over and started hitting the keypad ?

can I ask where you having difficulty at the time, did you hit a wrong button and ended up with Thai and not English, where you stuck at one point and obviously needing assistance, and finally could this guy have been genuinely trying to help if any of the above is correct ??? sounds to me like you where hitting buttons and getting knowhere fast, remember unless this guy gets your card and your pin he's hardly going to do a big pile.


Unless he has skimmed your card. But it is a strange story.

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The mystical evil Arab strikes again .

Thank the good Lord he was not wearing a suicide vest. :o

Maybe he was but he couldnt hit the red button because somebody had him by the throat. :ermm:

Mental note to self, don't help any solid dudes about 5'11 at the ATM.

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I was not having any trouble using the ATM I had put in my pin and had keyed in the english language then this guy leant over me and pushed the buttons to change pin numbers he had a card in his hand the scam would be to pretend to help telling me to change my pin while he was watching then take out my card switch it with the one in his hand and then empty my account.

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I was not having any trouble using the ATM I had put in my pin and had keyed in the english language then this guy leant over me and pushed the buttons to change pin numbers he had a card in his hand the scam would be to pretend to help telling me to change my pin while he was watching then take out my card switch it with the one in his hand and then empty my account.

i understand what you mean mate happened to me at the same place last xmas

man leaned over me and put his hand on the key board

i just looked at him and nutted him

then went back in witherspoons to finish me drink

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guy leant over me and pushed the buttons to change pin numbers he had a card in his hand the scam would be to pretend to help telling me to change my pin while he was watching then take out my card switch it with the one in his hand and then empty my account.

Bwahahahahahahahahahaha, holy shit bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Its gotta be true, that shit just cant be made up.

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I was not having any trouble using the ATM I had put in my pin and had keyed in the english language then this guy leant over me and pushed the buttons to change pin numbers he had a card in his hand the scam would be to pretend to help telling me to change my pin while he was watching then take out my card switch it with the one in his hand and then empty my account.

i understand what you mean mate happened to me at the same place last xmas

man leaned over me and put his hand on the key board

i just looked at him and nutted him

then went back in witherspoons to finish me drink

Have to agree with this protocol.

Would seem to be effective.

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I had only had four beers as I had not long returned from playing golf and no I was not at Nikom I never drink there and why mystical arab?? this is not a racist rant just a heads up and yes I do know what an arab looks like he was in his twenties and well dressed

what sort of beer and what was the cost

Think he could have been drinking that new beer

Red Whoop Ass, 9.5% Alcohol by volume.

This stuff gets you the respect you deserve. :ph34r:

" grabbed him by the throat and lifted him in the air "

sounds like count dracula to me --------------and the beer is red well that confirms it then

vampires loose in pattaya quick we need dr. ian van helsing

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Ron must be incredible strong to hold the arab dude up by the throat by one hand whilst calm keying in numbers using the other. :ph34r:

Hopefully this has resulted in some throat damage for this @hole and he will think twice about messing with people at the atm again.

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Ron must be incredible strong to hold the arab dude up by the throat by one hand whilst calm keying in numbers using the other. :ph34r:

Hopefully this has resulted in some throat damage for this @hole and he will think twice about messing with people at the atm again.

told you its count roncula

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Ron must be incredible strong to hold the arab dude up by the throat by one hand whilst calm keying in numbers using the other. :ph34r:

Hopefully this has resulted in some throat damage for this @hole and he will think twice about messing with people at the atm again.

I always thought these secret service guys carried concealed weapons for this kind of thing? :unsure::ph34r:

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Ron must be incredible strong to hold the arab dude up by the throat by one hand whilst calm keying in numbers using the other. :ph34r:

Hopefully this has resulted in some throat damage for this @hole and he will think twice about messing with people at the atm again.

told you its count roncula

I'm glad you got all ur letters in the right order :lol:

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Ron must be incredible strong to hold the arab dude up by the throat by one hand whilst calm keying in numbers using the other. :ph34r:

Hopefully this has resulted in some throat damage for this @hole and he will think twice about messing with people at the atm again.

I always thought these secret service guys carried concealed weapons for this kind of thing? :unsure::ph34r:

After seeing all the SAS kick arse moves in the middle east in the last decade, you think the arab dude would of known better.

Id like to see the atm security footage of this incident. Then again, maybe ron ate the camera :ph34r:

Edited by neverdie
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Maybe the OP should go to France.

Thieves use breasts to distract victim

Police in France are looking for two attractive female thieves who bared their breasts at a man at a cashpoint to distract him before stealing his money.

The women in their 20s exposed themselves to the victim as he punched his pin code into an ATM machine in Paris.

As he stared at one, the other then withdrew 300 euros from his account before the pair fled with the money.

The incident was captured on CCTV at the cash machine on Paris’s Left Bank, but the women could not be identified, a French police spokesman said.

“We would advise anyone withdrawing cash from a machine to focus on what they are doing and not allow themselves to be distracted, however attractive the view,” the spokesman added.

Must have been one hel_l of a pair of bazumbas to distract him long enough to get 300 Euros.

And, before you ask, no the CCTV footage has not been made available but keep an eye on You Tube.

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Ron must be incredible strong to hold the arab dude up by the throat by one hand whilst calm keying in numbers using the other. :ph34r:

Hopefully this has resulted in some throat damage for this @hole and he will think twice about messing with people at the atm again.

Not to mention tall... oh.. he admitted he was not tall and the guy was towering over him. Wonder how that works out :D

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