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2 Questions : Motorcycle Theory Test


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Hello all,

As stated above, i got 2 questions which both i googled for but found nothing.

I bought a suzuki Skydrive a few days ago, wonderful machine, but it has no english manual. Asking my TGF to translate it is one way, but still, i wouldnt mind to have an English one.

Does anyone know, by any chance, where to get this?

Next to that, i am going to get a licence for driving the machine as i dont feel like bribing police. I live in Phuket and often have to go to Patong, the place where police like to cash in on foreigners without a licence. After reading i found that managing a licence ain't much of a hassle, it just requires some time which i have. Still, i wouldnt mind to go a bit prepared regarding the Theory Test, therefore i kindly would like to know if there is a document available somewere where i can read about the possible questions that might be asked.

Thanks in advance :)

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If you know at least a bit of the theory from back home then you will have no problem at all, if you don't then just browse for online resources as there are millions of them and start learning, the material you get from the driving school consist in a booklet of about 10 pages which you have to learn the same day of the exams, compared to the 300+ pages for the test at home, at least this was my experience in Chonburi, i did the car + moto at the same time, some of the traffic signs descriptions on the booklet were clearly wrong but easy to spot....TIT :lol:

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Thx for the reply.

I know there is loads of material on theory out there on the web, but i was just wondering if there is anything available for specifically Thailand].

Gonna have that test this thursday and i dont feel like going back IF i fail. Has to be correct the first time :P

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the test is the same foe cars as it is for bikes. normally they have the road signs up in the hall or you can ask to see the book. study that for 10 - 15 minutes then take ya test. It is usually easier if you leave your brain at home. it helps to understand the Thai mentality in the questions. you have 1 hour and 3 goes. you only have to get 23 out of 50 to pass. then the practical is riding a straight line on a wooden board. going around a corner and stopping.

I still wonder how people fail this test but they do. its mind boggling.blink.gif

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hmm... found some test also posted on this forum, but i guess it was mainly for car. what kind of questions can i expect/are weird? just wondering :P


There straight forward and basically common sense!!!!!! Just make sure that you study the parking rules at the kerb, you know the different colored stripes, can be a bit confusing?

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If you have a foreign driver's license, you could be able to use that and simply "convert" it into a Thai licence.

I managed to use my Canadian car driver's licence and it was accepted and I was given a Thai motorbike licence. No theory test, no practical test - just the eye and reactions.

I've discussed it somewhere in this forum, so you could find the threads about it by doing some kind of search, maybe on my nick.

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If you have a foreign driver's license, you could be able to use that and simply "convert" it into a Thai licence.

I managed to use my Canadian car driver's licence and it was accepted and I was given a Thai motorbike licence. No theory test, no practical test - just the eye and reactions.

I've discussed it somewhere in this forum, so you could find the threads about it by doing some kind of search, maybe on my nick.

But it hit and miss.. Back when I did it they refused to accept non IDP's / just homke country licenses..

Also even with an IDP they made me do the theory..

Same someone just got his 5 year and they made him redo the tests.. Same office same month, I didnt have to do mine !!

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OP, I just took the motorbike test 2 months ago. As stated, it is the same as for the car. But, here is a trick. Tell the person administering the test that you know that some of the questions are misleading (they truly are), and she will help you with your test. I can speak Thai, but can't read it. If you use the Thai mentality as stated earlier, you will be fine. I used a little more logic and had some problems. The admin lady told me that I missed the same questions that everyone misses, so she gave me another go and gave me the answers to ALL the questions! Mind you, I took the test having only ridden my first motorbike a week earlier, so I am not a motorcycling expert, nor have I ever ridden one before. I came up one question short. But passed the second go.

As for the driving portion, I had to ride a slalom with orange cones in addition to the common narrow strip that you must not fall off. What the instructor informed me that they really or looking for is the following:

1. Don't fall off the concrete strip, or put your foot down.

2. Use your turn signals if you must turn.

3. After completion, when you come to a stop, make sure that you park withing 1/2 a meter from the curb, or they will fail you.

The lady before me failed immediately because she didn't raise her kickstand. Nervousness makes carelessness.

Hope this helps, and happy motoring.

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Thx for the replies, the one above here is usefull regarding the logic questions, driving a bike itself is not that hard, it is indeed the nervousness that could kick in. Guess the practical part is not the thing i 'fear', it are the tricky questions in theory.

I was going to have the test tomorrow but had to postpone as i have some difficulties with the required 'proof of residence' documents. Seems that my TG need to come along for the necessary signature and rent docs, which is a bit hard as she is working 8 to 4 and cant take a day off. Need to check whether its possible to take the documents home and have it signed there. Litte task for tomorrow.

regaring the test, my thai teacher is also going for the same, her licence expired and need to get it again, guess she can push for the understanding that i am a farang, lets see :)

Now, about my 2nd question..... :D anyone has a Skydrive and an english manual?

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