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Pattaya Cantina Mexican Food?


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Decided to try Sam's the other night, so I ordered things I was familiar with: 2 (ground) Beef Taco's (100 baht) and 1 Pork Burrito (Special of the Day/ 179 baht). Staff were friendly, welcoming and helpful. Boss was seated at a table nearby. Food was priced right and pretty good, too. Much more U.S. style Tex Mex than authentic Mexican (if you close your eyes while you're eating, you definitely won't dream of being in Guadalajara... maybe Oxnard?).

I liked the taco's (even though they reminded me a bit of Taco Bell; that's not so bad, I guess). They were fresh and pretty tasty... especially after having had a few Sangsom's. The burrito was big and heavy- a good size portion for the money. It also had good stuff inside (i.e. guacamole, sauce, cheese, sour cream, etc.), although I found the pork tasty, but kinda chewy.

Sam's, at Jomtien Plaza: 85 (out of 100)

Fresh ingredients, tasty food and fair prices... give 'em a try!


Edited by Michaelaway
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I also tried Sam's, and my review is going to be quite different. In fact, a big fat THUMBS DOWN!

Sam's, at Jomtien Plaza: 25 (out of 100)

Tired, strange, leathery ingredients, sub-par Mexican food served with inadequate portions ... AVOID!


I had tried it before a long time ago, once for "Mexican" food which I found fabulously sub-mediocre and one time for a hamburger (which was more like a hamburger tapa than a real American hamburger).

Based on a few more positive comments recently, I decided to revisit. I am sorry I did.

Ambiance -- pleasant enough, the new location is better than the old location, better feng shui being on the corner and it looks bigger

Food -- also had a "special" the "California" style carne asada (beef steak) burrito

My impression. It was way too small. Served on a tapas style small plate, which is a good idea because if it had been served on a normal plate, it would have looked ridiculous. In my experience and EXPECTATION, a California style burrito should be a real meal that will fill up a grown man with a normal appetite. It didn't come close. I was still hungry after eating it so I went out for some Thai food right afterwards. I don't recall ever in my life not being filled up a California burrito meal (often overstuffed, actually).

The beef. As expected in Thailand, very low quality, tough, leathery, no taste at all, with that quality of beef they might have improved it by not cooking it to death, but rare for that beef wouldn't have been good either.

Supposedly, it had rice/beans/cheese/guac in there. The ingredients such as they were was more of an experience of MUSH than noticeable ingredients, except for the leather beef. The cheese was very strange runny stuff I can't really identify but it wasn't good. The guac, frankly I didn't really see any or taste any, but I must admit I didn't bring my microscope.

Plus side -- they do offer Tapatio hot sauce on request which is a good thing because the so called "salsa" on offer, a tiny portion and basically tasteless with no heat at all. I mean NONE.

Another plus side, yes the "Mexican" food there is better than Tequila Reef but that's kind of like saying poodle poo tastes better than rat poo.

The food is what I might expect in a small town in Arkansas with one Mexican restaurant and very few Mexicans, 20 years ago. But at least they would have better meat and cheese.

I don't accept excuses anymore, such as Mexican food can't be done in Thailand, because we have proof now in Bangkok and CM that isn't true. I won't be supporting this restaurant because I feel if people accept that kind of standard and make places selling that successful, there is little incentive to do it better. That said, I predict this new location will be good for business, and there are enough desperate for something Mexican-ish gringos in town to keep this place afloat. So good luck to them.

Caveat -- I have very high standards for Mexican food, especially California style burritos. The one at Sam's ranked among the worst I have ever had, and I have had plenty. I realize perhaps most people aren't as "jaded" on this food segment as I am, which is why I predict they will succeed.

Here is the portion size for a real California style burrito. My estimate of Sam's burrito, 1/4 or at most 1/3 of this --


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There were some other positive things about Sams place that I failed to mention, so here goes. The service was very polite, pleasant, and competent. Also, there were some potatoes in the burrito. That was actually the best part about the burrito. No, that isn't what people usually expect in a burrito but it was a nice touch. I should also add I noticed no visible roaches or as they say in Mexicanish, cucarachas, and the place seemed clean enough. Also note I don't really think the food at either the Reef or Sams actually tastes like any kind of poo (no comments please on how I would know what poo tastes like, hehehe).

Edited by Jingthing
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I also tried Sam's, and my review is going to be quite different. In fact, a big fat THUMBS DOWN!

Sam's, at Jomtien Plaza: 25 (out of 100)

Tired, strange, leathery ingredients, sub-par Mexican food served with inadequate portions ... AVOID!


I had tried it before a long time ago, once for "Mexican" food which I found fabulously sub-mediocre and one time for a hamburger (which was more like a hamburger tapa than a real American hamburger).

Based on a few more positive comments recently, I decided to revisit. I am sorry I did.

Ambiance -- pleasant enough, the new location is better than the old location, better feng shui being on the corner and it looks bigger

Food -- also had a "special" the "California" style carne asada (beef steak) burrito

My impression. It was way too small. Served on a tapas style small plate, which is a good idea because if it had been served on a normal plate, it would have looked ridiculous. In my experience and EXPECTATION, a California style burrito should be a real meal that will fill up a grown man with a normal appetite. It didn't come close. I was still hungry after eating it so I went out for some Thai food right afterwards. I don't recall ever in my life not being filled up a California burrito meal (often overstuffed, actually).

The beef. As expected in Thailand, very low quality, tough, leathery, no taste at all, with that quality of beef they might have improved it by not cooking it to death, but rare for that beef wouldn't have been good either.

Supposedly, it had rice/beans/cheese/guac in there. The ingredients such as they were was more of an experience of MUSH than noticeable ingredients, except for the leather beef. The cheese was very strange runny stuff I can't really identify but it wasn't good. The guac, frankly I didn't really see any or taste any, but I must admit I didn't bring my microscope.

Plus side -- they do offer Tapatio hot sauce on request which is a good thing because the so called "salsa" on offer, a tiny portion and basically tasteless with no heat at all. I mean NONE.

Another plus side, yes the "Mexican" food there is better than Tequila Reef but that's kind of like saying poodle poo tastes better than rat poo.

The food is what I might expect in a small town in Arkansas with one Mexican restaurant and very few Mexicans, 20 years ago. But at least they would have better meat and cheese.

I don't accept excuses anymore, such as Mexican food can't be done in Thailand, because we have proof now in Bangkok and CM that isn't true. I won't be supporting this restaurant because I feel if people accept that kind of standard and make places selling that successful, there is little incentive to do it better. That said, I predict this new location will be good for business, and there are enough desperate for something Mexican-ish gringos in town to keep this place afloat. So good luck to them.

Caveat -- I have very high standards for Mexican food, especially California style burritos. The one at Sam's ranked among the worst I have ever had, and I have had plenty. I realize perhaps most people aren't as "jaded" on this food segment as I am, which is why I predict they will succeed.

Here is the portion size for a real California style burrito. My estimate of Sam's burrito, 1/4 or at most 1/3 of this --


i have to agree Jing

i have been to Sams twice now

the first time was ok, Sam seemed to be overseeing things and it deserved a second trip to explore a wider range of choices

the second time last week was not so good, poor service from a dour waitress, mushy overseasoned food and small portions

the only positives this and my previous visit were, great frozen strawberry dacquiri's, the best i have had in Thailand

the waiter/manager who works his butt off

i would like to be able to say i will go again but frankly i doubt it

its just not good enough to warrant the drive from Mabrachan....

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I beg to differ. Rat poo is much more pleasant than poodle poo. Especially with Tapatio hot sauce.

Come to think of it, you're probably right as I imagine rat diet is better than dog food, also I imagine more pellet like, like Grape Nuts cereal perhaps?

In any case, it is kind of amusing to see such major disagreement about the Mexican food at Sams. I won't go so far as to say try it for yourself and see what you think, but I guess people will. I really wanted to like it, but I just didn't.

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Gave Bob's another try tonite. Had my usual 3 chicken tacos,hard corn shell dinner. 165b with rice and frijoles,2 red salsa and sour creme in shot glass sized containers. It arrived in less than 5 minutes. No discernable difference other than smaller portions of sides than when Bob owned it. The lunch specials looked intriguing untill I read that a one drink minimum is required. Considering they charge 75b for Chang, I will have to pass....

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