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Thailand Blocks Access To WikiLeaks Website

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i cant belive i spent 2 hrs downloading that boring crap!

glad i took the dogs out while it was d/ling tho.

whats with all the pigs ballons & pig statues on a dogs birthday?

i appreciate both HRHs dinner attire,

but was that 9 YEARS ago????


edit 2 add - decadant? hardly :jap:

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Same file that was doing the rounds at least 3 years ago..

I remember some TG's watching at at my villa looking around over their shoulders as they watched it.. One said "whoever make this video.. He die now".. Funny seeing how freaked out by it they were.

Thailand never claimed to have real freedom of speech or any other freedom for that matter. People forget that this is essentially a feudal country with traditions and laws that are feudal. I'm not criticizing it because the people seemed satisfied to live under such circumstances.

Satisfied or afraid?

The two are not necessarily mutually exclusive. They feel the individual can't affect change so they are satisfied with what they have now. I'd say the cultural indoctrination that goes on in Thailand works pretty well for this.

This is why the rich and powerful are in some ways respected even when they trample over the rights of the people. A lot of Thais think that these things are being done for society's "own" good.


I'd say 95% of Thais know about "the dog thing". There's more than just that. I've seen photos sold in Pantip on VCDs a few years ago that make "the dog thing" seem harmless. Most Thais know about that too, probably. Ask some Thai friends about it, or your Thai wife or husband ..but I'm not going to write more than this.

I know what you mean...that's some hardcore sh!t.

It makes you think, though, that if security is so lax with some people that stuff like this can come out, then surely we would already have found out about any other nefarious activities some people are variously accused of. I mean, if disrobed adventures can surface then surely so could just about anything else....

Almost comforting, in a weird way.


I saw the video. However I don't believe that it is real. They are professional actors to make the future King & Queen looks bad. BAN BAN BAN, BAN ALL THIS STUPID WEBSITE THAT SPREAD FAKE VIDEO. Works of CIA / MI5 / KGB?


How sad, to use censorship to hide the true facts.

Here in Britain we know our Crown Prince and the Duchess are adulterers,we can speak and debate about it freely.


How sad, to use censorship to hide the true facts.

Here in Britain we know our Crown Prince and the Duchess are adulterers,we can speak and debate about it freely.

and what about old Fergie???


From what I understood on MCT radio this morning Wikileaks was blocked - in the interest of National Security in light of the threat posed by elements in the North etc - in short they were blaming the Redshirts and using them as an excuse to continue their clampdown - presumably until they think they can win a general election.

I amazes me that time and again people point out that Abhisit went to Eton and "Oxbridge" as if that guarantees some kind of democratic leanings - the truth is that hundreds of hideous dictators and megalomaniacs trod the path he has trodden.....Fascists, Communists, dictators or simply ineffective puppets, just being educated in the west is no guarantee.....and here we see yet another example of Thailand's authoritarian approach to government.

BTW - the same newscast stated the govt had blocked tens of thousands o fweb sites

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From what I understood on MCT radio this morning Wikileaks was blocked - in the interest of National Security in light of the threat posed by elements in the North etc - in short they were blaming the Redshirts and using them as an excuse to continue their clampdown - presumably until they think they can win a general election.

I amazes me that time and again people point out that Abhisit went to Eton and "Oxbridge" as if that guarantees some kind of democratic leanings - the truth is that hundreds of hideous dictators and megalomaniacs trod the path he has trodden.....Fascists, Communists, dictators or simply ineffective puppets, just being educated in the west is no guarantee.....and here we see yet another example of Thailand's authoritarian approach to government.

BTW - the same newscast stated the govt had blocked tens of thousands o fweb sites

I'm sure nobody is saying that "Abhisit" is the best man for the job solely based on the fact that he is educated. However it can't hurt that he probably earned his qualifications instead of buying them. Which has got to count for something.

Thailand's authoritarian approach to government - I find Thailand a very free country. I've lived here for 8 years full time.

Examples - yesterday i withdraw more than 5000GBP (in Thai baht) and I was not asked to fill out a money laundering form as I would be in my native England. yes becuase drug dealers would use the UK banks. I think not. Its to do with taxes. They control our every move.

The government in England has cameras on just about every street that record people and number plates. This they can use to tell when and where people are at all times.

If you say anything people say "well if you've nothing to hide"

Where is the land to build homes in England? That is totally Mafia-up and has been since the doomsday book was written circa 1066. "Aww we wouldn't want to spoil the green acres view from lord snooties castle". You go and live in that shoe box for 250,000 it cost 30 grand to build but its the land you see. Testicles its corruption on a higher level. Keeping people slaves to the Zionist financial services.

What little is left you can go and spend the food Monopoly Tesco. Or fuel at double the price.

Corruption in UK Europe and US is much more than it is in Thailand. Our governments are just better at hiding it.


From what I understood on MCT radio this morning Wikileaks was blocked - in the interest of National Security in light of the threat posed by elements in the North etc - in short they were blaming the Redshirts and using them as an excuse to continue their clampdown - presumably until they think they can win a general election.

I amazes me that time and again people point out that Abhisit went to Eton and "Oxbridge" as if that guarantees some kind of democratic leanings - the truth is that hundreds of hideous dictators and megalomaniacs trod the path he has trodden.....Fascists, Communists, dictators or simply ineffective puppets, just being educated in the west is no guarantee.....and here we see yet another example of Thailand's authoritarian approach to government.

BTW - the same newscast stated the govt had blocked tens of thousands o fweb sites

Did they happen to say which ones they were? I saw mentioned today on another thread a claim that the prachatai website was also supposedly blocked, but, as seems to be the custom with these "blocked" sites, when I tried to access it, I had no difficulties whatsoever.

Did they also happen to talk about the specifics of the Red Shirts on the blocked-for-some wikileaks? What is on wikileaks that is connected to the Red Shirts? Was it that video everyone is talking about? Are they the ones responsible for redistributing it years later? Given their proclivity to denigrate the institution, I can't say I'd be surprised if they were.

btw, most times I see Abhisit's Oxford background mentioned, it is in reference to his intelligence and not necessarily his political persuasions. In that regard, I'd have to agree as that fellow that was PM here before from Eastern Kentucky University doesn't seem to be able to hold a candle to him in that area.


I saw the video. However I don't believe that it is real. They are professional actors to make the future King & Queen looks bad. BAN BAN BAN, BAN ALL THIS STUPID WEBSITE THAT SPREAD FAKE VIDEO. Works of CIA / MI5 / KGB?

I have some doubts about the authenticity of the Video too. But I rather not ban the Video, instead make a public research. If it turns out to be faked without doubt (and this would surely be possible with the technology we possess today) then crack down on the culprits with all might of the law.

In case it ain't fake, well, the public will make up their minds.


I saw the video. However I don't believe that it is real. They are professional actors to make the future King & Queen looks bad. BAN BAN BAN, BAN ALL THIS STUPID WEBSITE THAT SPREAD FAKE VIDEO. Works of CIA / MI5 / KGB?


And the winner of the..




What I don't understand is that the boys from ICT are blocking Google Translate webpage, this was handy to convert Thai into English, what threat is this.

I have tried to access it from my home and office both blocked by ICT


*in regards to being able to access wikileaks with no blocking*

all these frequent proclamations from either users or the government that something is "blocked" and invariably it seems when I try to access the claimed site, it opens without difficulty.

I saw mentioned today on another thread a claim that the prachatai website was also supposedly blocked, but, as seems to be the custom with these "blocked" sites, when I tried to access it, I had no difficulties whatsoever.

What I don't understand is that the boys from ICT are blocking Google Translate webpage, this was handy to convert Thai into English, what threat is this.

I have tried to access it from my home and office both blocked by ICT

Another proclaimed blocked site and yet another one that I can access quickly and without any problem when I try.

With wikileaks, prachatai, and now google translate, it's 3 for 3 now with these supposedly blocked websites.

Beginning to feel like I got some sort of super-duper, special-access internet connection, but wait a sec... 3BB has got thousands and thousands of customers just like me.


SJ>> You are trolling again? Your defense for censorship is known as is your undying support for anyone that is doing it. But it is almost ironic when you proclaim that since you say that you can access a site that in effect other posters are lying about reaching the sites and that there is no block - a figment of our imagination if you so will.

You are right SJ, we are imagining it.

Now please leave us to have our fantasy-session in this thread, thank you.


What I don't understand is that the boys from ICT are blocking Google Translate webpage, this was handy to convert Thai into English, what threat is this.

I have tried to access it from my home and office both blocked by ICT

Seems ok to me. Just accessed it without any problems using True.


Just for the record so there are no misinterpretations of my posts.

I'm not accusing anyone that reports a website as blocked of lying.

I am saying that for me (and presumably most, if not all, 3BB customers), of the sites reported, I've not had any difficulty accessing them.

By the other respondents on this thread, I can see I am far from being alone in that ability and I presume they, likewise, are also not accusing people of lying that do have blockages.

I am attempting to try and ascertain where those blockages are coming from. If they are the "government blocks", I would think they would apply to all ISP's that are located in the country that that government rules. Otherwise, why block 20% of users or even 70% of users. If it's a blanket government block, would it not be inaccessible to all users in that country? Maybe I'm wrong in that regard.

In Thailand, I've encountered blockages, but far more frequently encounter outages in dealing with different websites. This seems to happen for any number of reasons, but probably mostly due to just crappy connections.

Any number of times, for example, this forum's website isn't accessible, but I don't jump and assume it's "blocked." It's timing out or whatever, but I don't think it's ever blocked.


From what I understood on MCT radio this morning Wikileaks was blocked - in the interest of National Security in light of the threat posed by elements in the North etc - in short they were blaming the Redshirts and using them as an excuse to continue their clampdown - presumably until they think they can win a general election.

I amazes me that time and again people point out that Abhisit went to Eton and "Oxbridge" as if that guarantees some kind of democratic leanings - the truth is that hundreds of hideous dictators and megalomaniacs trod the path he has trodden.....Fascists, Communists, dictators or simply ineffective puppets, just being educated in the west is no guarantee.....and here we see yet another example of Thailand's authoritarian approach to government.

BTW - the same newscast stated the govt had blocked tens of thousands o fweb sites

Did they happen to say which ones they were? I saw mentioned today on another thread a claim that the prachatai website was also supposedly blocked, but, as seems to be the custom with these "blocked" sites, when I tried to access it, I had no difficulties whatsoever.

Did they also happen to talk about the specifics of the Red Shirts on the blocked-for-some wikileaks? What is on wikileaks that is connected to the Red Shirts? Was it that video everyone is talking about? Are they the ones responsible for redistributing it years later? Given their proclivity to denigrate the institution, I can't say I'd be surprised if they were.

btw, most times I see Abhisit's Oxford background mentioned, it is in reference to his intelligence and not necessarily his political persuasions. In that regard, I'd have to agree as that fellow that was PM here before from Eastern Kentucky University doesn't seem to be able to hold a candle to him in that area.

I'll repeat...

" that guarantees some kind of democratic leanings "


In Thailand, I've encountered blockages, but far more frequently encounter outages in dealing with different websites. This seems to happen for any number of reasons, but probably mostly due to just crappy connections.

Any number of times, for example, this forum's website isn't accessible, but I don't jump and assume it's "blocked." It's timing out or whatever, but I don't think it's ever blocked.

So there is no misunderstanding; this is not network outages we are reporting.

Trying to reach a site by typing an address and being re-direction to: is clearly NOT an outage.

การเข้าถึงข้อมูลดังกล่าวนี้ ถูกระงับเป็นการชั่วคราว

โดยอาศัยอำนาจตามพระราชกำหนดการบริหารราชการ ในสถานการณ์ฉุกเฉิน พ.ศ. ๒๕๔๘


An access to such information has been temporarily ceased

due to the order of the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES)

under the authority of emergency decree B.E 2548 (A.D. 2005).



In Thailand, I've encountered blockages, but far more frequently encounter outages in dealing with different websites. This seems to happen for any number of reasons, but probably mostly due to just crappy connections.

Any number of times, for example, this forum's website isn't accessible, but I don't jump and assume it's "blocked." It's timing out or whatever, but I don't think it's ever blocked.

So there is no misunderstanding; this is not network outages we are reporting.

Trying to reach a site by typing an address and being re-direction to: is clearly NOT an outage.

การเข้าถึงข้อมูลดังกล่าวนี้ ถูกระงับเป็นการชั่วคราว

โดยอาศัยอำนาจตามพระราชกำหนดการบริหารราชการ ในสถานการณ์ฉุกเฉิน พ.ศ. ๒๕๔๘


An access to such information has been temporarily ceased

due to the order of the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES)

under the authority of emergency decree B.E 2548 (A.D. 2005).



inetnum: -

netname: TRUE-Corporate

descr: Fix ip for coporate customer

country: TH

admin-c: TIA6-AP

tech-c: TIA6-AP


changed: [email protected] 20070419


Looks like being blocked by the ISP, not MICT.

Maybe on legal grounds, maybe not. Who knows?

source: APNIC


AGAIN: The IMPLEMENTATION is done at every ISP.

They receive a LIST and are DEMANDED to IMPLEMENT this block list.

MICT can NOT themselves block any pages as there is no longer one single firewall-choke hold via CAT for all traffic into the country.



Looks like whoever ordered this ban (And my money is still on the ISP's self-censoring, but I would not hedge other's bets) has now to live with retaliation from the real pro's.

Knock out in round one I'd say.


"(And my money is still on the ISP's self-censoring" - then why would MCOT say it was ordered by some minister in view of the "emergency situation"?


"(And my money is still on the ISP's self-censoring" - then why would MCOT say it was ordered by some minister in view of the "emergency situation"?

We still have nothing first-hand but a quote from AFP citing a spokesperson.


In Thailand, I've encountered blockages, but far more frequently encounter outages in dealing with different websites. This seems to happen for any number of reasons, but probably mostly due to just crappy connections.

Any number of times, for example, this forum's website isn't accessible, but I don't jump and assume it's "blocked." It's timing out or whatever, but I don't think it's ever blocked.

So there is no misunderstanding; this is not network outages we are reporting.

Trying to reach a site by typing an address and being re-direction to: is clearly NOT an outage.

การเข้าถึงข้อมูลดังกล่าวนี้ ถูกระงับเป็นการชั่วคราว

โดยอาศัยอำนาจตามพระราชกำหนดการบริหารราชการ ในสถานการณ์ฉุกเฉิน พ.ศ. ๒๕๔๘


An access to such information has been temporarily ceased

due to the order of the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES)

under the authority of emergency decree B.E 2548 (A.D. 2005).


I do understand that, but I wonder if others do when they are reporting "blocks" on various sites. Several times in conversations with people and also reading other posts here and elsewhere, people aren't necessarily reporting having the above message, but get error 500 messages or just simply white screens or timed out messages.

There's precious little uniformity in what is occurring and many times it seems to be essentially, "I couldn't access so and so, it's blocked".


AGAIN: The IMPLEMENTATION is done at every ISP.

They receive a LIST and are DEMANDED to IMPLEMENT this block list.

MICT can NOT themselves block any pages as there is no longer one single firewall-choke hold via CAT for all traffic into the country.


I hate to be a bother and hopefully it's not too irritating to ask if the MICT are demanding ISP's to implement these websites to be blocked, what happens when they don't comply, as is apparently the case with 3BB on this particular blockage.

Is 3BB just blowing off MICT's demand in this situation?

What's your take on their not blocking wikileaks?


A couple of days ago I tried to access the Wikipedia page of HMK from my mobile phone (AIS GSM Advance) and they'd blocked it.

I only wanted to get some info to help my daughter with her homework!


A couple of days ago I tried to access the Wikipedia page of HMK from my mobile phone (AIS GSM Advance) and they'd blocked it.

I only wanted to get some info to help my daughter with her homework!

That's been blocked for a long time.

There is some questionable (from a Thai point of view - some people don't like questions) information on there.

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