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Advice On Suit Material


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A Tailor will charge approx 1500bt to make a jacket, 500bt for trousers and same again for waistcoat.

You need about 2.2 metres for a jacket, 1.5 metres for trousers and .8 metres for waistcoat (depends on your size)

So heres the maths for ya.

Best material 100% (chinese/korean ) wool (605bt/metre x 4.5 = 2722bt)

3 piece suit price of tailoring = 2500bt

Therefore the mutts nutts suit (3 piece) here in BKK if you know what you are doing comes in at approx 5222bt

100 quid for a pure wool bespoke suit......not too bad eh? biggrin.gif

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Not bad at all. Good idea and info thanks.

Might go that way when getting my next suit.

Where can you buy this 100% chinese/korean wool at 605b per metre?

Some place like pratunam? And again, how would one know that it's genuine and not crap.


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Go to Sampeng (in china town)

Many shops there.

circa 600bt is the price the importers charge (Ask them for Tailor price) for 100% wool.

Look for a busy shop - always a sign of good proprietors.

Oh ok then i'll give you a starter to help...... :)

Wooltex - 02 221 2061

This is a good shop, but there are many within spitting distance to choose from.

Happy hunting! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quick update

I had the suit and shirt made and the shoulders are massive and look awful on the blazer and the shirt button holes are not in a straight line. To be honest the whole thing is badly finished, loose material everywhere.

I padi 7000 baht for a supposed 100 per cent egypt cotton shirt and a wool, cotoon, natural fabric sort of made up mix for the suit. Ive taken the shirt to a tailor in Malaysia, Spain and now Gibralter and they all say Ive been conned, its mostly polyester, definately not egypt cotton. The suit I cant even be bothered with.

What makes it worse is that Ive just been into Marks and Spencer and Next and seen suits that are linen and silk mix for cheaper (only a little cheaper but still!!) Plus they are finished a hel_l of a lot nicer. And the italian wools ones are cheaper too.

The guy seems really nice and I thought I could trust him. Perhaps I could have bargained more and because Im alot younger than him maybe he took adavntage. Im not gonna go on about Thailand but it really is making me think who the (f..k ) can you trust here. After two years I thought my judge of character was better than that.

This is only my experience, perhaps yours will/may have been better but unless you know your materials I wouldnt go here.

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