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Why Farang Think Thai Cant Speak Eng ?


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well , obviously i read some comment about me in bedlam thread,,(good one babe..the OP )

and for direct experience that i met a french guy at Koh Samui..

BB : blah blah ..(english)

french : wow ... u speak english

BB : oui,,, why not ...

french : thai people dont speak eng ... just only whore at Nana speak ..your english is good..i went to Nana be4

BB : what?..ok, my eng is not pigeon, obviously its not perfect as native ..well my eng is better than u ma puce ... next time if your mom speak eng with u ..dont forget to give her compliment ..."wow mom , u speak eng really good as a skanky ho in thai"

well ... why farang think thai cant speak eng?...funny thing , many farang in aboard think , Th people dont have pc, net ,car..and ride elephant..etc... :D

or u guys just think people who speak diff from your language is stupid?

(on argue) .. just curious

ps .. in bedlam , somebody thought im farang who pretend to be thai ..hahah ...i wish i can speak Eng as good as farang ...that's advantage

besame mucho ,all :o

bambi :D

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girls in TV who can speak eng(better than me) are siamesekitty ,LC..etc (u do good job bebe)

and obviously u know how smart they are ..

bambi ...

ps... just dont think as stereotype ... thai girls re ho...not fair..

ps2..i believe that education can improve people


ps3 .. this thread is troll? .. sorry i m just curious ...and i think many thai people want to know how about farang think about us too.. :D:D

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Agree with Tots.

I think i know more Thais with a good command of the English language then i do French people who can speak English well. As far as the forang being surprised Thailand having Comps i have had exactly the same comment from Americans online, being surprised that England had comps and internet. Not recently but only a couple of years ago, had that wow shocked The Uk has comps several times, and not joking either, Bamb there are some very, very narrow minded people in the world living in a land of there own making. Ignore them, find the ones that are worth talking to, then you can share a great conversation with someone who can appreciate your language abilities, not be surprised by them. :o

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more experience i want to share

i went to patthaya 7 yrs ago , i heard bar girl talk with african american

bargirl ..hey i wan eat a chog ga lat man (i want to eat a chocolate man)

hehehe ..sound funny ..but its life .. its their job that they have to do

but ..please just dont think people in LOS are un-educated .. we study with same book with u do



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Bamb there are some very, very narrow minded people in the world living in a land of there own making. Ignore them, find the ones that are worth talking to, then you can share a great conversation with someone who can appreciate your language abilities, not be surprised by them. :o

grazie molto ..babe :D


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Bamb. What ever you do don't go worrying about narrow minded idiots with a superiority complex. Anyone looking down at anyone is normally suffering from many mental difficulties and need to lower others to a level beneath them just so they can feel good about themselves, you should feel pity for these sad individuals not take offence at there pathetic and sad attempts to boost their low self esteem.

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Bamb. What ever you do don't go worrying about narrow minded idiots with a superiority complex. Anyone looking down at anyone is normally suffering from many mental difficulties and need to lower others to a level beneath them just so they can feel good about themselves, you should feel pity for these sad individuals not take offence at there pathetic and sad attempts to boost their low self esteem.

good comment mate :o

im really hate racist..we re human,,,hellllllo...


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anyhow..all farangs...if u have any prob about thai stuff , u can ask me ,siamesekitty,LC,yoot...etc etc

we, thai people re really happy to please you guys..just ask us ,dont hestitate

please dont judge us be4 u know and keep in touch


Bambi :o

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sometime we ,TH people  upset that , we re the  third world..developing country ..and  white  people look down us coz we are  yellow

come on.. dont see skin .. see our brian please..



By calling people "white people" you are looking at their skin. If you want peole to not see skin then you should stop just seeing skin and calling some people "white people". When you do this you are helping to make the problem, not solve the problem.

Also, have you ever seen a brain?....I have and I much prefer looking at skin!!!

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sometime we ,TH people  upset that , we re the  third world..developing country ..and  white  people look down us coz we are  yellow

come on.. dont see skin .. see our brian please..



Bambin, r u a Thai national? :D if yes, I can tell u lot about how Thais look down on other Asians...wanna hear more.. :D

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I wud like to say its abt skin, its abt native language. When u start reffering people by the skin color it gets all messed up and u end up having arguments.

Also i think french people dont speak good english, i think its their accent that makes them sound good. No way they speak good english. I know i will be getting a lotta replies on this....but its ok thats the truth.

Yeh less no. of thai speak english...agreed. But bambi when we say thailand as in whole, ur just a small part of it.....so we say it in general. Nothing else....no hard feelings.


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There are many, many educated Thais speaking english. And in places like Bangkok, Pattaya etc the younger Thai generation speaks english well.

But just outside these cities hardly anyone masters this language. Of course English becomes a subject in almost all the schools, but the children have no chance to practice it. So, if foreigners visit places outside the big cities the younger Thai generation can understand the foreigner but can in most cases just speak a few words. This is fact. But this is the same in many other countries, no practice of foreign languages outside the big cities.

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Pretty simple actually:

There certainly are many Thai’s who have a decent command of the English language. But also the majority of Thai’s do not have a decent command of the English language. When people make general statements such as “Thai’s don’t speak English very well.” They are talking about the majority and not the minority. So as a general statement it can be considered correct as most Thai’s do not have a decent command of the English language.

Of course most westerns don’t speak Thai very well either. :o

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sometime we ,TH people  upset that , we re the  third world..developing country ..and  white  people look down us coz we are  yellow

come on.. dont see skin .. see our brian please..



Bambin, r u a Thai national? :D if yes, I can tell u lot about how Thais look down on other Asians...wanna hear more.. :D

Have to agree.Many thais I know don't like their neighbours in Myanmar and Cambodia, although without them opening their mouths they look exactly the same race. :o My mother in law didn't speak to her son's girlfriend for 5 years because her parents were originally from Cambodia, although she was born in Thailand. :D

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well , obviously i  read some  comment about me  in bedlam thread,,(good one babe..the OP )

Only 77 more posts to go BambinA. Go girl, go. :D

I hope she's not too disappointed when she gets there though. :o

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sometime we ,TH people  upset that , we re the  third world..developing country ..and  white  people look down us coz we are  yellow

come on.. dont see skin .. see our brian please..



Bambin, r u a Thai national? :D if yes, I can tell u lot about how Thais look down on other Asians...wanna hear more.. :D

Have to agree.Many thais I know don't like their neighbours in Myanmar and Cambodia, although without them opening their mouths they look exactly the same race. :o My mother in law didn't speak to her son's girlfriend for 5 years because her parents were originally from Cambodia, although she was born in Thailand. :D

Agreed with that too. Thais are very senstive to people of more developed nations than theirs looking down on them but they themselves can be very cruel in how they treat people of countries that are worse off than Thailand, and often in a very blatant manner (Burmese, Khmer, Laotian or even Isarn people and Chinese and Japanese when those countries were much poorer than Thailand). There are people who make deregatory remarks toward certain race/national in my country too, but not to the point a Thai magazine with an article like one mentioned in this thread is allowed to go into print (infringement of press code).


Anyway it's fair to say that just because some of the Thai posters here speak/write excellent English doesn't mean majority of Thais do as well, and there's nothing wrong about that. Many farangs in faranglands (part of Europe) don't speak English either.

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i should speak but some vocab have problem i dont know slave in the use

Good point impossible_me and a situation that my missus is facing right now too... :D

She can read and write English fairly well, but her "accent" or grammar is not so good... sometimes she is misunderstood by native English speakers... and it's frustrating for her.

She and I communicate fairly well, in our own "home-grown" mix of Thai and English... I am accustomed to her grammar, and she is accustomed to mine, so rarely do we have a misunderstanding.


But, short of sending her to live with my family back in Australia to speak nothing but English for a couple of months, what can I do to help her improve her pronunciation?


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I really don't give a crap if someone (anyone) speaks/writes in any level of english, as long as one gets the jist (basic meaning) that's most important.

I just shake my head when someone takes time to pedanticly point out a spelling or grammer error. Eg here; this IS primarily an english language forum, made up of Thai's, Brits, Scots, Yanks, Canucks, Swedes, Danes, Malays and on an on and on. (left some bait there, let's see who takes it;)

Same-same in 'real' life. Interacting with a myriad of ppl and nationalities every day, as long as I get the jist, I could care less if it's expressed in pidgin english or half thai, or bloody sign language.

Anyone who makes an assumption a person isn't intelligent because they don't speak English, is a horses arse.

Have a nice day :o

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Anyone who makes an assumption a person isn't intelligent because they don't speak English, is a horses arse.

I agree wholeheartedly.

But sometimes we have to deal with horses <deleted>... :o

particularly in a one-on-one scenario...

but sometimes Thais are invited into a social scene where English is the only language spoken, it can be difficult for them to express themselves succinctly and maintain a fluid conversation flow... which is why my missus wants to improve her language skills.

/Edit - I'm not biting... :D


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sometime we ,TH people  upset that , we re the  third world..developing country ..and  white  people look down us coz we are  yellow

come on.. dont see skin .. see our brian please..



Bambin, r u a Thai national? :D if yes, I can tell u lot about how Thais look down on other Asians...wanna hear more.. :D

Have to agree.Many thais I know don't like their neighbours in Myanmar and Cambodia, although without them opening their mouths they look exactly the same race. :o My mother in law didn't speak to her son's girlfriend for 5 years because her parents were originally from Cambodia, although she was born in Thailand. :D

"how Thais look down on other Asians" ..its fact ..some thais look down other asian .. maybe they think other are more poor,less educate..etc ...(but not everybody in Thai look down those) ..and somebody who lookdown other with no reasonable reason,are narrow minded ..anyhow its human natural isn't it

..and thais are looked down by other too..

my point , i dont mean to talk about racist ,..white,yellow or black..all are the same..

Regards :D


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Why do ALL Thais call everyone else Farang? To generalise about British, Germans, Aussies, Yanks etc. is hard enough but to generalise about the rest of the planet is impossible. :D It does my head in when my Mrs says Farang this, farang that. Who's she talking about, Arabs, Chinese, Brits? It's like Brits saying, why do foreigners eat pasta? Oh, are you talking about Italians? Or, why do foreigners bow to each other? Oh, are you talking about Japanese? etc. Never, in any other country that i have visited, do they label the rest of the planet quite like the Thais. Just my farangs worth. :o

Mr BoJ

P.S. What currency do farangs use? :D

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Why do ALL Thais call everyone else Farang? To generalise about British, Germans, Aussies, Yanks etc. is hard enough but to generalise about the rest of the planet is impossible.  :D  It does my head in when my Mrs says Farang this, farang that. Who's she talking about, Arabs, Chinese, Brits? It's like Brits saying, why do foreigners eat pasta? Oh, are you talking about Italians? Or, why do foreigners bow to each other? Oh, are you talking about Japanese? etc. Never, in any other country that i have visited, do they label the rest of the planet quite like the Thais. Just my farangs worth.  :o

Mr BoJ

P.S. What currency do farangs use?  :D

interestingly i was talking to a thai woman who has lived in germany for 15 years and her explanation of falang was quite complimentary ..

apparently the origin of the word falang refers to the colour of the inside of a fruit (i think avocado) which is a creamy white colour seen as very beautiful and desirable by thais. Falangs are generally refereed to as caucasion people or people from a european/american or australasian background ...

now obviously the evolution of langauge has meant words can be used and interpretated in different manners. now i don't doubt that some thais will use the term in a derogatory manner , but for the majority of thais it is not viewed that way it is merely a way of classifying a segemnt of society ...

id be intereted in the feedback from any thai members about this thread ...

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Why do ALL Thais call everyone else Farang? To generalise about British, Germans, Aussies, Yanks etc. is hard enough but to generalise about the rest of the planet is impossible.  :D  It does my head in when my Mrs says Farang this, farang that. Who's she talking about, Arabs, Chinese, Brits? It's like Brits saying, why do foreigners eat pasta? Oh, are you talking about Italians? Or, why do foreigners bow to each other? Oh, are you talking about Japanese? etc. Never, in any other country that i have visited, do they label the rest of the planet quite like the Thais. Just my farangs worth.  :o

Mr BoJ

P.S. What currency do farangs use?  :D

apparently the origin of the word falang refers to the colour of the inside of a fruit (i think avocado) which is a creamy white colour seen as very beautiful and desirable by thais. Falangs are generally refereed to as caucasion people or people from a european/american or australasian background ...

well , IMHO , it 's not about gauva (farang)

but word "farang" it has long long time ago (Aythataya Period) .. its about Protuguese word ,

European nations first presented themselves as diplomatic envoys and then as merchants. The Portuguese were the first European group to arrive in Thailand during the reign of King Ramathipbodi II

anyhow, "farang" word in Thai , its not insult or look down , we call caucasian =farang

Bambi :D

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