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Greetings, I have seen more and more avatars with Star Trek connections, the time has now come when fans of Star Trek should own up and I would like to be the first to say in the forum that I am a TREKKIE !! (there I have said it).

So come on fans stand up and be counted!! :o

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I'm not a fanatic, but I thought the whole of Voyager was brilliant and the later seasons of TNG and DS9 were excellent. I watched the first few of the new series and found it really boring. The wussy captain even had a pet dog.

Bring back Seven of Nine! :o

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Quoted from getalife.com...

"When Bill Shatner hosted Saturday Night Live back in 1987, he participated in what has now become the most celebrated Star Trek parody sketch of all time: the "Get A Life" sketch. In this sketch, William Shatner is the guest of Honor at a Star Trek convention".

"After being asked several questions about safe combinations (by episode number, not title) by people with pointed ears, Bill tells these people to "get a life", citing the need to "move out of your mother's basement" and experience the real world. Trekkers, not realizing that Bill was being serious, thought that this skit was hilarious..."


I always felt sorry for the unknown guy who got transported to the new planet along with Kirk & co- you just knew he was toast- geez, didn't he watch the previous shows :o

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Jeri Ryan in a skin tight uniform..nothing else to say  :o

How about " Rrrrrrip! Pleeeaaase rip!"

:D :D

Wolf359... I can´t believe I never saw the connection between your name and ST.

I LOVE THE SHOW... (have been without tv since enterprise started though)

All of ´em prior to enterprise then, DS9 Voyager especially, just really <deleted> COOL!!!

Lets do it boys... Bring on the ST thread...


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I admit it. Am also a Star Trek fan. Loved the original series, also liked Next Generation and Voyager, didn't think much of the others though.

Geri Ryan in that silver uniform! Phew!

Live long and prosper.

Nanoo Nanoo!

Edited by Sir Burr
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I admit it. Am also a Star Trek fan. Loved the original series, also liked Next Generation and Voyager, didn't think much of the others though.

Geri Ryan in that silver uniform! Phew!

Live long and prosper.

Nanoo Nanoo!


An interesting side note (link)

her x senator wannabe husband actually told her to eat less and exercise more :o

She looks fine to me :D - the guy is probably staggering around nana nowadays looking for a 'replacement' that will take orders, or so he thinks... :D

Edited by bahtandsold
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I admit it. Am also a Star Trek fan. Loved the original series, also liked Next Generation and Voyager, didn't think much of the others though.

Geri Ryan in that silver uniform! Phew!

Live long and prosper.

Nanoo Nanoo!


An interesting side note (link)

her x senator wannabe husband actually told her to eat less and exercise more :D

She looks fine to me :D - the guy is probably staggering around nana nowadays looking for a 'replacement' that will take orders, or so he thinks... :D

I prefer her in pink (skin, that is :D ):


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I am a trekkie. I used to tape every single episode from Sky TV in the UK. The best time for me was when they showed a new episode of New Generation every weekday, twice a day. I'd get in from work, watch the episode at 5pm, then watch it - or was it the next episode - at 11 pm. Every day a new episode - Brilliant.

The original series was excellent for it's time, but now looks really dated. I didn't think I'd like The Next Generation, but the stories were so much better. Stories about time travel, time loops and weird stuff like that were my favourite. One episode, about Tasha Yar, was called "Yesterday's Enterprise". She had already died months earlier when an "evil black slime" killed her. But then she appeared on the command deck in her old post and the Federation was at war with the Klingons - so Warf wasn't there - Tasha was doing his job. Only Gynan knew something had changed. At the end of the story she goes into a time rift to help an older class Enterprise fight the Romulan's and save some Klingons. Brilliant story line and from that came another story with her daughter.

So, like I said, I'm a Trekkie! :D

P.S. Voyager was excellent - especially near the end of the series when then they got home and had to fight species 3472 (or whatever it was).

DS9 was very, very disappointing - all that religious mumbo jumbo, prophets and stuff. :o Let's face it - Star Trek is about going out and exploring strange new worlds. What was DS9? A frigging stationary space station! Didn't go anywhere! I think the writers lost the plot.

As for the series "Enterprise", utter garbage. Pathetic stories, characters based on fragments of all the other series' characters and bad acting. It couldn't get any worse.

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Ok, I admit I'm a Trekkie and a Dr Who Fan :o

I used to be scared of the Daleks :D . But then I realised all you had to do was get off the metal floor and they couldn't follow you. :D

Anyone remember the original Quatermass series? "Quatermass and the Pit" was terrifying - those horrible triangular headed Martians leaping all over the screen and the gravel drive outside the church rippling when the guy falls down... I was too scared to go the loo when that was on. (I was only ..er.. I don't know 8, 10 ?).

I've just done a Google and see that it's just out on DVD now! Brilliant! Where the h3ll can I get it in Thailand? :D



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While Enterprise disappears into a black hole I do like the new Battlestar Galactica. The 2nd series was starting tonight (15 July) in the States.

I must admit that I be quite happy becoming a Borg if it meant being assimilated by Geri Ryan.

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The original series was excellent for it's time, but now looks really dated. I didn't think I'd like The Next Generation, but the stories were so much better. Stories about time travel, time loops and weird stuff like that were my favourite. One episode, about Tasha Yar, was called "Yesterday's Enterprise". She had already died months earlier when an "evil black slime" killed her. But then she appeared on the command deck in her old post and the Federation was at war with the Klingons - so Warf wasn't there - Tasha was doing his job. Only Gynan knew something had changed. At the end of the story she goes into a time rift to help an older class Enterprise fight the Romulan's and save some Klingons. Brilliant story line and from that came another story with her daughter.

Does anybody remember the episode of Voyager when they encounter a bizarre ship in space that does strange things to the crew, and the whole episode you're hooked to the screen, and then at the end the only way out (if I remember correctly) is to crash voyager against the ship and that promptly brings them back to the moment before they actually met the ship, hence cancelling out the memories of all that had happend during that episode.

I can't remember much of the episode, so fill me in if you think you know which I mean, but I remember thinking how strange (and well written) it was for none of the crew members to remember as there is usually one who remembers something.

Er.. Help!

The real question is

Geri Ryan or Jolene Blalock

Why restrict your options...

I'll take the double for nothing! :o

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