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Fitness First..


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I rarely have need to whinge about the usual day to day things that can test you in LOS, but thought id make an exception after visiting a Fitness first gym here in Bangkok. I wont name the particular branch,suffice to say it is was in suburban BK, in a large mall.

I havent even looked at joining a gym here so i thought i would just go along and check out whats on offer and what the facilities were like.

I talked with a very nice polite (thai) girl, not great English but easy enough to understand. She showed me around and I was quite impressed by the new looking gear,cleanliness of of locker rooms, nice lounge ect ect..even had a wall of DVD's you can borrow for two days..give you a few (supposedly) freebies if signing up for a year..all good

So the girl takes me back to a cubicle and talks about the latest promotion and what the possible options were.

I was quite happy at this point and was pondering the five month plan as opposed to the yearly one, as not sure of how long i would be staying in Thailand. I can say i am quite used to usual sales pitch...quote a larger price+ multiple joining fees ect, then scratch out one fee to make you believe you are getting something for nothing..all the usual BS.

At this point the girl asks for my credit card, stating that she will check whether she can offer a special deal for using this particular card.

She wonders off for a little while and returns with another girl. I was not quite sure of her nationality, at first glance she looked like a typical thai but when she spoke it sounded as if she had an American accent, so maybe grew up or uni educated in the US..

I suspect she was wearing those queer contact lenses that makes one look a bit like a cat..quite offputting to me and i dont know why they do that or how they can think its appealing, but each to their own.

Anyway, she goes over all the same details as the other girl has already said, which was a bit tedious. She asks for my passport which i dont have on me. Not sure why she would ask for this but anyway.

Then she says "OK, which deal will you be signing up for today?"

I explain for the second time i am just looking for now, i will not be signing up for anything today. This seems to go way over her head again however, as she goes on about what a great deal it was,how she could only offer this today..ect ect

"SO, supposing you were to sign up today, which option would you take?"

me:..well i guess if were to consider anything, it would be the 5 month plan as i am not yet sure how long i will be staying

"Ok you can sign up today..your credit card please.."

me..well,...err..again.... i am not signing up for anything today

This banter goes on for another 10 minutes with me having to repeat the last line at least another three times.

At this stage ive had enough and just remember they still have my credit card, so it was a strange this girl would ask for it. I tell her they already have my card and id like it back thanks.

She says " but you wait, i will give you a free fitness test for today"

I tell her im not waiting, i dont want any test, and i want my card back.

She goes on to tell me that i am quite stupid for not wanting the free test, it only takes a few minutes...<deleted>!!!

Give me back my card..NOW

The thai girl is watching all this and is clearly quite uncomfortable with it. She nods and hurries of to get my card. Meanwhile the other one practically takes my hand an forces me over to another room with a few scales and stuff..OK whatever.

They note hieght and age and i get on what looks like a typical scale..

Low and behold a spectacular printout is produced... Apart from all the jargon of percentages of body fat and this and that, it tells me that i need to loose 9 kgs...

funny that, as the last time i checked 78kgs for a guy of 180cms was pretty good...perfect in fact.

I dont know how they could claim this machine can tell you all these details, and i may well be stupid as she says, but i am definately stupified as to how anyone, thai or otherwise, could believe the validity of this crap.

The thai girls returns with my card, and asks if she can give me a follow up phone call..I say ok but i wont be talking to the other pushy one. She doesnt understand what ive said but im sure the other one does and she pretends not to hear it and storms off.

With this, the thai girl whais and offers multiple apologies and says i can call her and she will give me one day trial for free ok?

Its a shame as the place had great facilities at not to bad a price, but the behaviour of that lady ruled it out for me and id sooner join up with the local no frills joint nearby at the same price than support the wages of this person.

I wont even be taking up the free day offer,although they reckon its worth 535 baht to go for one day.

If this person or anyone else that works for FF should ever happen to read this i hope they will realise that this sort of crap will turn away many more potential customers than any harrasment or bullying will ever produce..

The thai girl was quite nice and i suspect doing a good job..to bad she has to put up with this other ***** daily.

FF..i can think of a few prime words for those letters

:realangry: :realangry: :realangry:

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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hehe ya surprised they do this, it must work here because its not the first time I've heard complaints, but then again you did let her put you on that contraption lol, I think most people must be easily bullied into buying things in Asia. In Western culture it just makes us angry, but no one seems to tell them that.

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Same thing happened with me a while back at California WoW in Ekkamai, i went in with a free 7 day pass with the intention of joining the week later, as id be living just round the corner and would join once id signed a contract of employment i was waiting for .

The first girl was nice and polite like what youd get back home and expect in a more civilised society, then along came the pug faced senior sales girl and was rude as you can be as i didnt jump at signing a years contract after her dreadful sales pitch ... Her final thing she said was so why did you come here then?

I got up walked out wrote an email to California WoW explaining id have joined in 1 week and there was no need for a sales pitch, they got the decent girl to call me to apologise for her friend offering the free trial ... i wouldnt have gone back if it were a free lifetime membership.

Go to the gym on Soi 31/1 on the 10th floor of Waterford Tower, its1500bht a month and quiet and no sales pitch whatsoever.

For me in 10 years Thailand has gone from having as good, polite and the most helpful service/sales staff as can be hence one reason why id kept returning and recommending the place to others, to now having a noticeable section of service/sales personnel who are rude and obnoxious as a desperate money obsessed vile person can be, whether theyre like this to Thais i dont know i suspect not.

Hence i'll be one of the high earners they were so desperate to attract that will be leaving shortly and not returning for a long long time.

Edited by NamF0n
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hehe ya surprised they do this, it must work here because its not the first time I've heard complaints, but then again you did let her put you on that contraption lol, I think most people must be easily bullied into buying things in Asia. In Western culture it just makes us angry, but no one seems to tell them that.

Its like Thailand's own unique version of the American style hard sales pitch and its as insulting as can be.

Maybe Thai culture will evolve to a stage where it socially acceptable to give these terrible sales people a slap.

Edited by NamF0n
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hehe ya surprised they do this, it must work here because its not the first time I've heard complaints, but then again you did let her put you on that contraption lol, I think most people must be easily bullied into buying things in Asia. In Western culture it just makes us angry, but no one seems to tell them that.

Its like Thailand's own unique version of the American style hard sales pitch and its as insulting as can be.

Maybe Thai culture will evolve to a stage where it socially acceptable to give these terrible sales people a slap.

I've seen this happen and it's really sad. The BTS fitness hard-sellers (to Thais only) and the "charity" hard-sellers just like back home. And they're getting tougher to avoid. The way they hassle Thais who mostly remain polite is terrible. However, it seems the hard-selling at fitness centres where they've got them sitting down and trapped works...and so it continues. Thai customers are still a bit too polite and even embarrassed to back out of it in any assertive manner.

For the OP, ozzieoverseas, I'd definitely recommend contacting FF about that girl. We don't need Senior Sales Managers like this anywhere.

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haha, this girl also asked the question why did i come here today then :o

Maybe all these same responses are in the training manual, god forbid anyone should think for themselves...

No doubt they think they are quite smart and witty but even a fool knows the obvious answer is to check out the facilities?

I guess the training theory is that EVERYONE who walks in the door MUST sign up otherwise they've failed in their duties.. i guess it probably does work on the Thais, given the face thing

Sheez, next they'll be saying "why you not sign up, you not afford it?" :rolleyes:

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hehe ya surprised they do this, it must work here because its not the first time I've heard complaints, but then again you did let her put you on that contraption lol, I think most people must be easily bullied into buying things in Asia. In Western culture it just makes us angry, but no one seems to tell them that.

Its like Thailand's own unique version of the American style hard sales pitch and its as insulting as can be.

Maybe Thai culture will evolve to a stage where it socially acceptable to give these terrible sales people a slap.

I've seen this happen and it's really sad. The BTS fitness hard-sellers (to Thais only) and the "charity" hard-sellers just like back home. And they're getting tougher to avoid. The way they hassle Thais who mostly remain polite is terrible. However, it seems the hard-selling at fitness centres where they've got them sitting down and trapped works...and so it continues. Thai customers are still a bit too polite and even embarrassed to back out of it in any assertive manner.

For the OP, ozzieoverseas, I'd definitely recommend contacting FF about that girl. We don't need Senior Sales Managers like this anywhere.

Will do!

as DP25 said, no doubt the aggressive one would blame the quiter girl for loosing the sale, so an email will set that straight if nothing else

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haha, this girl also asked the question why did i come here today then :o

It was her twisted sarcasm, but she is probably getting a bollocking from upstairs if someone walks out with out signing on the dotted line, its those we'll never see that are the biggest cun_ts, she was just vile.

But why have a free 7 day trial if youre not really offering it ... if you read their website and read comments at recent AGM's youll see theyre in the sh7t and will sooner or later be going out of business, showing this business model doesnt work..

You reap what you sew.

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Same thing happened with me a while back at California WoW in Ekkamai, i went in with a free 7 day pass with the intention of joining the week later, as id be living just round the corner and would join once id signed a contract of employment i was waiting for .

The first girl was nice and polite like what youd get back home and expect in a more civilised society, then along came the pug faced senior sales girl and was rude as you can be as i didnt jump at signing a years contract after her dreadful sales pitch ... Her final thing she said was so why did you come here then?

I got up walked out wrote an email to California WoW explaining id have joined in 1 week and there was no need for a sales pitch, they got the decent girl to call me to apologise for her friend offering the free trial ... i wouldnt have gone back if it were a free lifetime membership.

Go to the gym on Soi 31/1 on the 10th floor of Waterford Tower, its1500bht a month and quiet and no sales pitch whatsoever.

For me in 10 years Thailand has gone from having as good, polite and the most helpful service/sales staff as can be hence one reason why id kept returning and recommending the place to others, to now having a noticeable section of service/sales personnel who are rude and obnoxious as a desperate money obsessed vile person can be, whether theyre like this to Thais i dont know i suspect not.

Hence i'll be one of the high earners they were so desperate to attract that will be leaving shortly and not returning for a long long time.

I should also correct myself in saying: i have never looked into joining a gym as far as a longer term sign up contract..I have often visited others in the past, but just paid per day.

Yes namFON, i also went to the waterford one in years passed. I also reccomend it as a great place,however i am staying a little further from the city this time.

Interesting to note the waterford also has one squash court, although i never asked about using it or the conditions therin..Is the Italian guy that mans the gym still there?

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haha, this girl also asked the question why did i come here today then :o

It was her twisted sarcasm, but she is probably getting a bollocking from upstairs if someone walks out with out signing on the dotted line, its those we'll never see that are the biggest cun_ts, she was just vile.

But why have a free 7 day trial if youre not really offering it ... if you read their website and read comments at recent AGM's youll see theyre in the sh7t and will sooner or later be going out of business, showing this business model doesnt work..

You reap what you sew.

I just had a peek at the website, it seems they are offering a 3 day free trial, but yeah, if the management is as pushy as the staff i surmize there'd be conditions.

the three days are probably only free IF you sign up afterwards :rolleyes:

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What amazes me is when I have been subjected to this type of intimidation and insuting behaviour ...........sorry............ "sales tactics" and I eventually can take no more and i tell them to Firetruck Off........................ well it seems that I become the totally Evil one snorting sulphur and fire whilst chewing on the bones of unborn children .

Yes i know it is not cool to be blunt and honest least somebody looses face but..............................after being polite and being taken advantage off because of my politeness and they continually fail to understand no matter how much i am lied to or insulted i will not buy , the last resort is be blunt and bad mouthed. This is indeed a sore point and i won't even bring up the subject of Indian Tailers in Pattaya.

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Sounds like variation of the old good cop - bad cop routine.

They have your credit card info though - better confirm with the bank that they havent billed you for a fitness test. ;)

Yes, dont worry, that was the first thing i did when on the net this morning. Checked the credit card account and found nothing as yet.

just to add, i did make a comment on the website feedback as suggested by CarlBKK.i hope it doesnt get the nice girl in the poo poo though. The enquiries tab only allowed for a certain number of characters but i think i got the message accross..

I would like to make comment and inform the management of the aggressive and down right rude sales approach of (some) of the staff in a particular branch in Bangkok.

The issue has been the topic of some debate in an internet forum concerning expats in Thailand. Just about every poster has commented on how the behaviour of these employees is way over the top.

If you are at all interested in what has been said i can forward you the address of the forum, however i would suggest it might be within the interests of the company to train these people in being a little more people friendly, and maybe afford some basic common courtesy instead of being so rude,pushy and arrogant.

I could'nt believe my ears when this is sales person had the nerve to call me stupid for not wanting to take a free fitness test.

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I had a comical experience at Fitness First on Soi 39. Omg, they even tried to box me in. I made the lady leading the charge lose a massive amount of face since I basically just turned around and pushed my way out right in the middle of her routine. I could see her henchmen trying to hold back laughter. I guess some people get intimidated and hand over their wallet. It was really mind boggling. They could catch so many more flies by having the hot looking girls doing the signing up as opposed to the overbearing 35 year old "boss".

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Its like Thailand's own unique version of the American style hard sales pitch and its as insulting as can be.

Maybe Thai culture will evolve to a stage where it socially acceptable to give these terrible sales people a slap.

I've seen this happen and it's really sad. The BTS fitness hard-sellers (to Thais only) and the "charity" hard-sellers just like back home. And they're getting tougher to avoid. The way they hassle Thais who mostly remain polite is terrible. However, it seems the hard-selling at fitness centres where they've got them sitting down and trapped works...and so it continues. Thai customers are still a bit too polite and even embarrassed to back out of it in any assertive manner.

For the OP, ozzieoverseas, I'd definitely recommend contacting FF about that girl. We don't need Senior Sales Managers like this anywhere.

Sounds like they've gone to the same training school as the time share sellers and scientologists.

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Bad Tempered old Bastard that I am !!!!

This is the problem. No need to lose your temper.

I once made an enquiry with a gym and health club in Bangkok. All I wanted was the basics and details. The lady began all the sales patter, then she asked do I have a credit card, no I replied. What is my mobile phone number? Do not have one I said. This was my way of cutting out the do you want to join now part. The girl took me round on a mini tour of the place and wrote down the details, I said thank you and went my merry way. No problems, no stress, no hassles.

We should keep in mind that these girls are under intense pressure from owners to gain customers. Many are given target numbers for recruitment of new members and told to advise on what services are on offer.

If you don`t want to play the game, it is easy to say; thank you very much I will think about it and simply walk out.

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Bad Tempered old Bastard that I am !!!!

This is the problem. No need to lose your temper.

If you don`t want to play the game, it is easy to say; thank you very much I will think about it and simply walk out.

If all of us lost our temper with them for being blatantly rude and offensive theyd soon learn.

But we do want to play the game of joining the gym why would we have gone their otherwise just in our own time and without being mocked. By simply walking out youve hardly done anything magical.

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I had a comical experience at Fitness First on Soi 39. Omg, they even tried to box me in. I made the lady leading the charge lose a massive amount of face since I basically just turned around and pushed my way out right in the middle of her routine. I could see her henchmen trying to hold back laughter. I guess some people get intimidated and hand over their wallet. It was really mind boggling. They could catch so many more flies by having the hot looking girls doing the signing up as opposed to the overbearing 35 year old "boss".

Yah, im not a fan of the boxing in thing...there was only the two in this case, but yeh, seems to happen a lot, although im not sure if its always intended to be used in an intimidating way.

It might often be a case that other employees are curious as to whats going on and want a piece of the action, or even bored, but yes, i do find the hovering a little annoying.

Ive found places like carefour and big c are notorious for it if you happen to be looking at televisions or music systems..you no sooner look around and 5 or 6 young guys will be milling around mumbling to each other .

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I do wonder how places like Cal Wow can stay in business with their cashflow. A few years ago they offered lifetime memberships (maybe they still do) and since then the number of "users" has gone up significantly while the cashflow has slowed to a crawl. I'm sure the rent in places like Paragon, Esplanade and other malls must be quite hefty given the large square footage these places take up.

So how can this company stay in business?

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Sounds like variation of the old good cop - bad cop routine.

They have your credit card info though - better confirm with the bank that they havent billed you for a fitness test. ;)

Yes, dont worry, that was the first thing i did when on the net this morning. Checked the credit card account and found nothing as yet.

just to add, i did make a comment on the website feedback as suggested by CarlBKK.i hope it doesnt get the nice girl in the poo poo though. The enquiries tab only allowed for a certain number of characters but i think i got the message accross..

I would like to make comment and inform the management of the aggressive and down right rude sales approach of (some) of the staff in a particular branch in Bangkok.

The issue has been the topic of some debate in an internet forum concerning expats in Thailand. Just about every poster has commented on how the behaviour of these employees is way over the top.

If you are at all interested in what has been said i can forward you the address of the forum, however i would suggest it might be within the interests of the company to train these people in being a little more people friendly, and maybe afford some basic common courtesy instead of being so rude,pushy and arrogant.

I could'nt believe my ears when this is sales person had the nerve to call me stupid for not wanting to take a free fitness test.

Well written - hope you get a response from their management.

I wouldnt bet against the "nice" girl being a part of the bait and trap routine though. :)

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Same thing happened with me a while back at California WoW in Ekkamai, i went in with a free 7 day pass with the intention of joining the week later, as id be living just round the corner and would join once id signed a contract of employment i was waiting for .

The first girl was nice and polite like what youd get back home and expect in a more civilised society, then along came the pug faced senior sales girl and was rude as you can be as i didnt jump at signing a years contract after her dreadful sales pitch ... Her final thing she said was so why did you come here then?

They are definitely up for the hard sell which I guess they don't understand will put a lot of farangs off as we know it's just a sign of things to come if we were to enter into a contract wth these people.

I also popped into the Ekamai WOW gym just to get a leaflet and find out about pricing and if there were any promotions that would suit me. The girl on the front desk had no clue what I was trying to get and told me that I would have to talk to another guy who was currently unavailable. I left my number and walked to the BTS outside. Before I even got there the guy called me and insisted I came back in for a presentation but I told him I was already on my way and only wanted to briefly find out what kind of packages they had.

I then got called at least twice a day starting at 9am everyday until I left Thailand. I explained every time that I would come back into their branch the next time I passed by and it was convenient for me but they kept making appoitments for me and then calling me when that time passed. I just thought it was funny and slightly annoying but their desperation definitely put me off.

How do members of the WOW gym in Thailand rate it and would you recommend it? I joined one in Singapore before and it was great, the staff were also very keen but not pushy.

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What amazes me is when I have been subjected to this type of intimidation and insuting behaviour ...........sorry............ "sales tactics" and I eventually can take no more and i tell them to Firetruck Off........................ well it seems that I become the totally Evil one snorting sulphur and fire whilst chewing on the bones of unborn children .

Yes i know it is not cool to be blunt and honest least somebody looses face but..............................after being polite and being taken advantage off because of my politeness and they continually fail to understand no matter how much i am lied to or insulted i will not buy , the last resort is be blunt and bad mouthed. This is indeed a sore point and i won't even bring up the subject of Indian Tailers in Pattaya.

Ha-ha, I hear you xen! Indian tailors and all.

At least the gym sales staff don’t try and “win you over” with their East London accent!

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I do wonder how places like Cal Wow can stay in business with their cashflow. A few years ago they offered lifetime memberships (maybe they still do) and since then the number of "users" has gone up significantly while the cashflow has slowed to a crawl. I'm sure the rent in places like Paragon, Esplanade and other malls must be quite hefty given the large square footage these places take up.

So how can this company stay in business?

If you look at a chart of the shares it looks like many believe their prospects have declined over the last few years, it now trades at 49 satangs when it used to trade over 5 bt per share. The value of the whole company is now less than 270 mil bt with debt of 400+ mil bt. They may not be with us much longer!

Edited by wordchild
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I do wonder how places like Cal Wow can stay in business with their cashflow. A few years ago they offered lifetime memberships (maybe they still do) and since then the number of "users" has gone up significantly while the cashflow has slowed to a crawl. I'm sure the rent in places like Paragon, Esplanade and other malls must be quite hefty given the large square footage these places take up.

So how can this company stay in business?

If you look at a chart of the shares it looks like many believe their prospects have declined over the last few years, it now trades at 49 satangs when it used to trade over 5 bt per share. The value of the whole company is now less than 270 mil bt with debt of 400+ mil bt. They may not be with us much longer!

I know of 4 or 5 students at the university on soi 23 who pay 2000 baht a month for 2 years to use Cal. Wow and only at the Soi 23 branch. They are committed for the 2 years as they submitted their credit cards (or parents' cards).

So if this the new sales method then I'm sure cash flow won't be a problem. Just walk by any branch especially in the evenings and see how many people are being "captured".

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I don't mean to be funny but have you checked your card...? They walked off with it for a while, i would defo check it

Yes mate, a valid point that i have already considered. Checked my card with online banking and no shennanigans as yet.

Seriously though, i doubt whether anything dodgy could be done from their end. Everyone visiting gets logged in the book and id suspect the employess are all accounted for in a similiar way. Anything would be to easily traced back to them, but yes, always better to check and be safe rather than sorry.

Just to update..after sending the letter through the enquiries on their website i was sent what was obviously an automated response with a code to redeem the free three day trial...no text or words from anyone so id assume it hasnt been read by a human..typical!!

I guess if i was really serious i would have to mail something to a persons address but i really dont think i can be bothered.

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